Pizzagate, Watergate, Gategate!

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That's the winner! Hope that isn't ever on Wheel of Fortune... you'd spend it all on buying vowels.

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I was right, I can’t comment what I really want to say because I’m so disgusted we have a ringleader for a Commissioner. All the time & money spent way beyond what should have been spent on a completed project for a road is unacceptable. All county taxpayers should be outraged our tax dollars are being wasted & misused! All taxpayers can see clearly our Commissioner isn’t committed to do the job for County taxpayers, he’s committed to his campaign donors period……Jeff Tozzer is a taxpayer hero for stepping up and bringing this particular corruption within our County government to light, thank you. How much else is happening, we are going to be determined to find out. Ozias can’t communicate with his peers about business unless it’s in a Commissioners meeting but he can offline share his personal cell to communicate with private citizens regarding County business, what a crook! Ozias should pay out of his pocket all the misused County tax dollars he has misused, out of his pocket!

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Ordering my "Pepai for Commissioner 2027" bumper stickers today!

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AND - how much time/effort/energy Ozias sucked up from the public!!!

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I recently asked the Commissioners' Administrator if Ozias could meet with the public and answer any questions... He said that Ozias is very busy with the legislative session right now and doesn't have the time.

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Wow! A government official too busy to spend time with his constituents. The people he draws his paycheck from.

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I see the beginning of a public comment here. You could say that and still have 2 minutes and 50 seconds remaining to finish your coffee and Baileys.

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Have you people been reading the bills passing thru the legislature this year? Gazillions of dollars wasted and our rights removed one by one.

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Your emails keep me in the loop, Gayle.

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For my health I try not to but my adult children send me things I can try to take action on and have good bang for the buck of our efforts. It is this chaotic or more countrywide. Is hard to believe. I wish I had more to offer. Regular people raising families cannot keep up with the dishonesty and back door dealings everywhere. This blog is helping Clallam County regular people stay informed. And it may yet force transparency in government that has obviously been absent here for a long time.

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Deborah, when I was on nextdoor "timeout", I credit you with driving a big surge of subscribers to this website. You are doing plenty, and I appreciate it.

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You are such a great leader. You inspire people to want to help this cause. If it weren’t against every thing I’ve come to believe I would urge you to run against this clown and set things right in this beautiful place. I probably should only say these things privately because you have many people out here no doubt having the same thoughts. Every place needs honest leaders. You obviously love this place and its people. Maybe someone who abhors the stench we all loathe will come forward and take this crap on. One can hope. Thank you for setting such a great example of how to live for people looking for direction, and hope.

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I remember the "old days" when we could meet with our commissioners at the bar at the Three Crabs. As a charter member of the Dungeness Yacht Club, I was forced to share with one our "charter member chant" - he wanted to make sure that in using his words (a beautiful string of swear words) that it was accurate with the proper intonation (IT WAS! - I had heard him so many times when his cattle got out of the leased property behind my first jamestown house!!)

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Careful Bonnie, mentioning the "3 Crabs" has a habit of people doing the math and figuring out how old we really are.

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"forever young"!!!!!!!!!!

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THAT should be the ROYAL DUNGENESS YACHT CLUB - just to be accurate!

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You could not hear our testimony on the recording. I was disappointed at the quality of the recording. I was testifying at the legislature.

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I told them a few months ago and they put in a request to I.T. I think I read the minutes where new money for a microphone got reallocated to some "automatic gate fund" or something :)

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Thanks for this public service

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You're welcome, Jettwomen! Just trying to keep up with so many other people who care deeply about their community.

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"We're inconvenienced daily" = on some weekends, holidays and some summertime weeks. Otherwise it's all Tacoma all the time. This gentleman's LinkedIn profile still shows him actively running his business out of Tacoma, as does his business website (I'd post it here but then I'd be accused of stalking and it's easy enough to find).

Anyone walking on the levee on a DAILY basis (as in the good old fashioned seven days a week daily) can clearly tell that these people are not living here full time. The public commenter from a few weeks ago from Tacoma is either a friend or employee.

Why is Ozias so intent on friviously spending our tax dollars (county revenue) instead of investing it in opening the road which would support commerce and future revenue?

What happens when landowner Eberle sells off additional land (like Grandma Eberle did) for development and they need better egress/ingress? What happens when he restarts his barn party hosting business or another business?

It's unfortunate that Mr. Nash is fully supporting this. I haven't been to his Farm Stand since the road closed.

It's nice to see some of the county employees asking the right questions, pushing the right tax payer represented initiatives.

I wonder if Ozias will be at the DLTA "community meeting" today. Anyone else curious?

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Supersleuth! Are you Frank or Joe? I always get you Hardy Boys mixed up. Soooo interesting about voter registration.

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Apologies. I stand corrected on the voter registration information. The voter registration info came from an unreliable source (lesson: check twice and verify again from another reliable source). It appears that Mr. Eberle's voting registeration information was changed longer ago to Clallam County BUT he kept his Tacoma mailing address for all his voting needs and his Tacoma address is his voting mailing address even today. For someone that lives here full time, I'm not sure why you'd have to get your ballots mailed to Tacoma.

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Don't be too hard on yourself A.J., I'll let you know the first time I ever get something wrong. For me, the piece that makes me question whether the landowners are Clallam County residents is the last line of a June 15th, 2023, email from Ozias to the landowner: "Please let me know the next time you plan to be in town and I will make sure to carve out some time to catch up."

I would never say, "the next time you plan to be in town" to someone who lives in Sequim.

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I was going to try to go but health issues forces me to stay home. However, they made it clear no one who has any questions that don’t fully agree with their position is not welcome; over on ND. One lady got the smack down, pretty hard, for asking a question. I think someone raised the issue of “safety”, which was odd. I doubt our very busy Commissioner will be there. I was hoping to see a few friends from the Tribe. In my little circle Nashes have lost customers. And I personally am not referring to them or the gate people, which would amount to a little chunk of change. I will crawl, however, to the Dairy, if need be.

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Sounds like no commissioner, no Tribe either (at least, in a speaking capacity).

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Hope you're feeling better. It's so telling that it was billed as a "community meeting" yet they only wanted people attending who already agreed with them and/or who didn't make waves.

Therein is why I don't visit ND much anymore. What an open and welcoming approach to community. Let's not entertain ideas that might not align with our own. "Diversity of opnion and differeing views are NOT welcome here." That could be the DLTA's new motto.

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I'd put that motto on a bumper sticker for DLTA but I wouldn't want it to cover the sensor that opens up the automatic gate. I hate inconveniencing people.

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Thank you for your well wishes.I doubt I could feel good enough to be able to go to such a gathering but I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall.

What I don’t understand is that some of these business people seemingly have no idea of what they look like to the greater community. I could never afford to alienate potential customers. I have had some customers for decades and it would be hard to estimate how much money I’d have lost if I had not had their business. I have referred potential customers to several folks on ND and facebook that I will never again refer, because of their on line behavior.

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I feel the same, Deborah. This whole thing got REAL personal when I had to start driving an additional 5 miles to get my ice cream at the Dairy. NO ONE gets between me and my ice cream.

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Here’s a quote from Eberly: “Joe. It's a time expenditure we encounter daily to pass through them, and the openers would really help.”

WOW! They really do expect us poor people to pay for a gate so they aren’t inconvenienced. AND they expect the county to hand over a road and all the money put into the levy project so they aren’t inconvenienced with vehicle traffic.

Jeff, if it weren’t for you none of this would be in the open--it would be county business as usual: secretive, expensive and catered to special interests.

This fight for the road is not over. All three commissioners and the DCD have shown what and who they are. Thank you for keeping the pressure on.

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You are so welcome. I don't get what the big deal is about having automatic gates. My chauffeur, Niles, gets out of my Rolls and opens the gate. Not a day goes by that I don't thank the county for hiring Niles.

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hee hee hee! Snork Snork!

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Here's a solution to the Eberle's "inconvenience"...open the road and then no one is "inconvenienced" by gates. Speaking of - if anyone happened to drive by when the "community" meeting was happening, conveniently, the gate on Eberle's side was standing open. Seemed to have been opened for the duration of the meeting. How very....convenient.

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I promised myself today that nothing would surprise me, and then there you go doing it again. Maybe tomorrow.

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Dammit, I want the road that our taxes paid for! A road that gets emergency traffic through quickly. Screw the gates! We paid for a road, we want the road!

Trump got blamed for raping a woman in a dressing room 20 years ago, but WE are getting screwed daily!

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Sometimes I feel like Clallam County took me into the dressing room.

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Oh dear ! Growing up in Sequim - the only place to buy a bra was Thurstons - and Mrs Thurston would pull back the curtain mid-trying on - exposing us all !! She contributed to the bra burning feminist movement through this trauma ! Dressing room is a trigger for so many of us ! 😎😎😎

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You aren't the only one I've heard that story from!

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Just some things noticed in the emails with regard to time. Looks like there were lots of issues with the locks long before it became obvious they were not re-opening the road and Jeff became involved. Based on the smirk and laughter of the landowner a couple of weeks ago (can be seen on their video) when Jeff went before the commissioners to say he had not done anything noted in the letter, I'd say it was an intentional swatting effort by the landowner and his wife, aided by Oz. Might be worth asking the sheriff about the legality of intentional swatting. They are understaffed as is and to waste their time on following a swatting attempt is ridiculous.

Also noted this email sent

From: St. John, Christina

Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:55 AM

regarding the Fire Department's inability to access the gate. The timing is particularly disturbing in that the date of the total destruction of the house on Towne across from the Schoolhouse was on August 30. With all the emails on gate access and the reassurance that emergency services will be able to use the road, may I say I'm NOT reassured?

One last thing not related to the road, only to the honesty of someone living on the road. I'm not on ND anymore. Got fed up with it, but while on there the landowner once claimed he didn't do the wedding venues for the last 5 years. Which is very interesting, because in Google reviews there are reviews for their wedding venues that occurred in the middle of the Covid epidemic BEFORE vaxes were available and large venues like weddings were at least discouraged by the health department and possibly not allowed within health department policies. One of the reviews even mentions the issues of finding a place for their wedding due to the Covid issue. Hope they didn't kill anyone.

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Mary, this is exactly why I read every comment -- you've managed to pick up things I've missed. Thank you!

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If anyone has time today for some covert opposition research, this landed in my inbox as 12:24am this morning (I don't think I can upload a screenshot so you just get the main verbiage):


Save the Levee Trail Community Meeting

Nash’s Barn, 1888 Towne Road, Sequim

Monday February 19, 1-3pm

An informational gathering to garner support for the Dungeness Levee Trail

Sponsored by Dungeness Levee Trail Advocates: www.savetheleveetrail.org

Come to the community meeting today @ 1pm! See flyer attached and info below.

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Because of this notice from you, I went to Walmart and Costco today (figuring they have the most security cameras). I even stripped off my clothes in the produce section just to make sure the police knew I wasn't damaging anyone's mailbox or gate at that time.

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If it happens again, I'm thinking a sandwich board (is that what those old wearable advertising signs are called that have messages on both sides?) with "Who's paying for the gate? You are!" on one side and "Who gets to use it? Not you!" on the other side would cover up any, ahem, descrepancies.

It does make me think that I should get to work in the shop and build a few picket signs for future use.

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This is a good idea, until we get a budget for the Goodyear blimp to advertise for us.

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I read this with my coffee; no Bailey’s. Now I understand!

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I choked on my coffee...no Bailey's either. Did you have thoughts of a Bloody Mary after reading like I did? 🤣😂😁

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No! What is WRONG with me?

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I'm in!!!

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My favorite college professor (Art Feiro) had a wonderful comment when he was "struck by" something.......GASP.......SLOBBER....DROOL

(I did not add Bailey's to my coffee but now need a straight shot)

THANK you Jeff Tozzer for staying pesky with all of this - old Eberle seems to have been "running the show" on the "Gate/noGate gate" - (think WaterGate) - maybe should be EberleGate!!!!!

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Just a quick question.....When was the picture taken of OZ's campaign sign taken?

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Setember 26, 2023 on the way to the "community informational meeting" at Carrie Blake Park. I did not take it, but it was sent to me.

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