"We're inconvenienced daily"
Stunning cost of taxpayer-funded gates for one landowner
Clallam County came close to installing the taxpayer-funded, electronic, automatic gates that one commissioner had promised to a landowner off Towne Road. At least three gates, one near East Anderson Road, another near the Dungeness Valley Creamery, and a third (presumably at the landowners’ driveway) were estimated to have cost $125,550. Despite the commissioner telling the landowner that those gates were going out to bid in late August of 2023, it appears they did not.
Emails acknowledge that automatic gates were first discussed in March of 2023 during an in-person meeting between the landowner and county staff. A month before that meeting, two commissioners had halted the completion of Towne Road. While the public patiently waited for their road to reopen, the county outwardly communicated that progress was being made and vehicle traffic would resume that fall. However, a frenzy of emails planning for the installation of electric gates now reveal that the road's progress had been halted and plans were underway to block the public road, effectively making it an access for a handful of exclusive residents and a private driveway for one.
In September of last year, while county staff solicited public feedback on how to proceed with Towne Road, county leaders were scheming how to block the public from using the road. Despite announcing that Towne Road's completion was delayed by years due to financial insecurity (which was inaccurate), there had been no hesitation in spending over $125,000 of Taxpayer dollars to satisfy one family's wishes. As the landowner reminded the commissioner in a July 19th email regarding manually operated gates, "We're inconvenienced daily."
A recent Clallam County Economic Development Council "Coffee with Colleen" meeting featured a PowerPoint presentation from the Department of Community Development (DCD). The DCD, led by elected Director Bruce Emery, was championing the department's approach which embraces public input on county projects. One slide showed an arrow tracing a trajectory through the words, "inform, consult, involve, and collaborate." The arrow arced and swelled before finally ending on the word, "empower."
Compare that slide advocating for public participation to a June 6th email among DCD employees that asked a question about the installation of electric gates: "Expensive and maintenance requirements unknown... Is the County asking what the public wants? Or is the County telling the public what will happen?"
Three and a half months after that email, we now know which approach the county chose. Elected DCD Director Bruce Emery, alongside Commissioner Mark Ozias, stood before a packed community informational meeting at Carrie Blake Park and gave the appearance of asking the public what they wanted. What the public didn’t know was that county leaders had already decided what was going to happen.
A few of the following emails were originally published last November but they reappear in this article for context. One of the most stunning emails, in which Commissioner Ozias suggested to the landowner that the conversation be conducted "NOT on county time or my county device", raises a persistent question: Why would Commissioner Ozias use his elected position to promise so much to just one landowner in a county of over 75,000 Taxpayers? What could he receive in return that would be worth spending over $125,000 taxpayer dollars? Perhaps it was to negotiate. A recent post on nextdoor.com, and a photo taken this fall from Sequim-Dungeness Way, may answer that question:
The below photo was taken from Sequim-Dungeness Way. This field belongs to the landowner that Commissioner Ozias had promised the automatic, electric, taxpayer-funded gates to.
The following email chain is provided as a reference to support a theory that Clallam County's elected leaders have embraced a culture that has tossed aside transparency and ethical behavior in favor of satisfying private interests.
As a reminder, the courthouse is closed this coming Monday, February 19th in honor of President’s Day. The Commissioners will conduct a joint work session and meeting on Tuesday, February 20th at 9:00 am.
From: ODell, Jason
To: Ozias, Mark; Emery, Bruce
Cc: pat.mcelroy@clallamcountywa.gov; Lear, Cathy; Donisi, Joe
Subject: Dungeness Levee Calls
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023 11:54:55 AM
Hello All,
Heads up, we may be getting phone calls from citizens wanting to alter the function of the Dungeness Levee. The attached note was on the gate. It may be worth a little time to first correct the language for people when the calls start coming. The note describes the project as the levee being a trail that will be converted into a road instead of the reality that the levee was constructed as a road and only closed to traffic at the moment because it isn’t paved yet.
Jason O’Dell, P.E. Engineer Clallam County Public Works
From: Ozias, Mark
To: ODell, Jason
Subject: RE: Dungeness Levee Calls
Date: Thursday, January 19, 2023 12:00:19
PM I was wondering why so many people were emailing me! Thank you for the heads-up Jason. Perhaps motivation to erect our own signage.
Mark O
From: Derrick Eberle
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 2:35 AM
To: Lear, Cathy ; Lear, Cathy
Subject: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Hi Cathy,
Just wanted to let you know that on Friday the 28th, I observed damage on the gate at the levee end by Sequim Dungeness Way. It was bent outward, as if someone tried to drive through it from the levee side (toward the road). It was not broken and still functional, just bent. Just wanted to let you know.
We've had a few issues with people other locks locking us out of the daisy chain a few times, and occasionally parking in front of the gate, but those instances have been minor and we've found a way to overcome them each time.
Moving forward, should I still keep you as the point of contact for most things like this project related? If not, please let me know whom to contact. For the future improvements on the levee (ie gate openers, pedestrian delineation) we've been in correspondence with Joe and Linda. Please advise.
From: Lear, Cathy
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:04 PM
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: RE: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Hi, Derek,
Thanks for the photos. Interesting. I’ll pass this along to Joe, Pat, and Linda and learn what they do in this circumstance. For gates/access etc., Joe, Pat McElroy, and Linda are your best points of contact. I would just be asking them anyway The daisy chain/lock situation seems to crop up whenever people use that method - the coded gates will hopefully eliminate that issue!
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Lear, Cathy
To: Donisi, Joe; McElroy, Patrick; Capps, Linda
Cc: Emery, Bruce
Subject: FW: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:08:45 PM
Here are a couple of photos Derrick took of the gate at S-D/Anderson Road entrance to the levee, from the levee side. Somehow it is bent. I would love to know the story behind that. Do we replace this, or wait for the coded gates?
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Lear, Cathy
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:13 PM
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: FW: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Oops, apologies for misspelling your name. A couple of our consultants spell their name slightly differently than you do.
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Derrick Eberle
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:25 PM
To: Lear, Cathy
Subject: Levee - Effect of High Water Surface Elevations
No problem, the shortened version of "Derrick" was always more popular.
Thanks for the reply. Sounds good.
That made me think of one more inquiry I've been meaning to ask you: You'll recall that one of the first weekends after Scarsella demobilized last year, we had that huge event which flooded the whole site on the riverside the levee. The levee did its job of course, but we were curious if there was any concern about the WSE observed? In the weeks leading up to the demobilization, I had casually spoken with Shannon & Wilson engineers on-site, and they told me that water was very rarely anticipated to reach the toe of the levee in the area of our driveway, or eastward of that. Something like a once in a hundred years event. Naturally you can understand why I was surprised to see so much water right away. If the engineers did not anticipate it, is there any concern about erosion on the riverside of the levee as water continues to work against it without armoring? I haven't seen an event like that again, but nonetheless thought I'd at ask your thoughts since the levee is the only structure preventing flooding on our property.
From: Lear, Cathy
To: gus.kays@shanwil.com; Jessica Randolph
Subject: FW: Levee - Effect of High Water Surface Elevations
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 12:32:31 PM
Derrick has a question about inundation. My understanding is that we expected full floodplain inundation at a 2-year event, but he heard something different - ?
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Gus Kays
From: Capps, Linda
To: Lear, Cathy; Donisi, Joe; McElroy, Patrick
Cc: Emery, Bruce
Subject: RE: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 1:01:18 PM
I say leave the bent gate. It still closes. But that’s just my vote.
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 2:02 PM
To: Lear, Cathy ; Jessica Randolph
Subject: RE: Levee - Effect of High Water Surface Elevations
Hi Cathy,
From the H&H report it looks like most of the site is/was expected to be inundated (sadly the figures don’t show the levee for reference) at the 2yr. Note this is steady state conditions (running the model at the 2yr peak flow for a awhile until everything fills up, which is conservative, 2year peak flows that are flashy probably wouldn’t inundate quite this much etc).
Hope this helps,
From: Lear, Cathy
To: Gus Kays
Subject: RE: Levee - Effect of High Water Surface Elevations
Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023 3:49:19 P
The water went a little closer to the levee toe at Eberle than modeled. I think the model assumed an excavated channel, which did not happen.
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Lear, Cathy
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: FW: Levee - Effect of High Water Surface Elevations
Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023 3:58:47 PM
Hi, Derrick,
I am not sure how the wires got crossed, but we’ve expected and designed for floodplain inundation at the 2-year event, as shown in the figure below. We’ll definitely keep an eye on the levee as part of monitoring/maintenance.
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
Cathy Lear, 22 May 2023 11:26:51 Message: I got a phone call from Tony our neighbor. He called Friday at 5. He had spoken with Rebecca and me for a few minutes then walked the levee. When he came back the chain/locks were gone and gate open. When Rebecca and I left at 4:30 we had locked the gate.
Helle Andersen, 22 May 2023 12:32:10 Message: Wow! Sounds like communications with lock holders needs to happen. We know it wasn't the County or Tribe. Cathy and I discussed game cameras but there didn't seem to be a good place to put them where they wouldn't be vandalized.
From: Gus Kays
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 4:16 PM
To: Lear, Cathy
Cc: Donisi, Joe ; Emery, Bruce ; Andrew Piccini ; Jessica Randolph
Subject: Gates
Hi Cathy, quick search and I found some options.
Most of the solar options I found were for swing gates (About $1000 for the actuators, solar panels, controls etc. They are on amazon as well). Putting the panels on poles (out of reach of all but the more determined vandals) has been successful on WSDOT projects (not gates but other solar powered equipment I have worked on).
At the bottom I have a couple “Commercial” options that would use PUD power. I would need to call them to find out how to get a meter/panel etc installed from the PUD line. We can discuss if that sounds like a good option to look into. The gate with the red diamonds has a panel that looks like a meter could be added to. The PUD would likely need to add a pull box at each gate location too.
For all the options, having some kind of Emergency Services controller would seem prudent (required?). The residential systems look like they are supposed to just push them open (break them) in an emergency. Likely there are some more sophisticated options but I didn’t see one for the residential versions from the quick search. Commercial gates have options after a quick search. Let us know if something catches you eye, we will keep looking as well.
From: Lear, Cathy
To: Gus Kays
Cc: Donisi, Joe; Emery, Bruce; Andrew Piccini; Jessica Randolph
Subject: RE: Gates
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 4:30:25 PM
If something works for WSDOT it might work for the levee.
It also seems like we could have a code for first responders, rather than have them break the gate.
I was reading up on manual overrides, since at some point the power supply will be disrupted. It seems like every gate has a manual override, and some way (typically a key) of getting to the motor to disengage it from the opening mechanism.
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Gus Kays
To: Lear, Cathy
Cc: Donisi, Joe; Emery, Bruce; Andrew Piccini; Jessica Randolph
Subject: RE: Gates
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 4:35:35 PM
I found a more local options and left a message. The “forestry access gate” looks promising. I’m not sure if its solar or not (likely not but usually there isn’t power available at forestry entrances so maybe?). They have a gallery of other gates you can peruse as well. https://www.aegates.com/product/automated-forestry-double-swing-gate/#
From: Derrick Eberle
To: Lear, Cathy
Subject: Re: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 3:52:37 PM
Hi Cathy,
I didn't see this email for some reason, but did receive other messages from you. For some reason this only came up when I searched your name. Must be an issue on my end.
No that was the first time I ever noticed the gate bent. I occasionally see another vehicle on the levee, but presume they are with the county or tribe, or Nash's crew.
I'll keep you posted if I see something further.
Thank you,
From: Derrick Eberle
To: jdonisi@co.clallam.wa.us; Capps, Linda
Cc: Lear, Cathy
Subject: Dungeness Levee Trail & Gates
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 4:56:52 PM
Hi Joe and Linda,
Bri and I called and left a couple messages over the past week checking in on the status of the of the levee trail and automated gate installation that you mentioned, Joe. It's a time expenditure we encounter daily to pass through them, and the openers would really help.
Here's a recap of the last time we corresponded (phone call early April between you and Bri):
You mentioned the county was working on finding a contractor to install the gates & openers
A wider gate opening for equip access than what is out there currently is desired
Some sort of physical demarcation was discussed to identify vehicular and pedestrian travel routes
Identification of who would maintain the levee surface long term
Determination if any further grading will occur on the levee
Sloping of stormwater - which direction?
Update on any of the items above would be appreciated.
From: Lear, Cathy
Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 3:08 PM
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: RE: Levee - Sequim Dungeness Gate Vandalism
Hi, Derrick,
We’re piecing together the sequence of events that led to the gate-bending situation. Did you notice the gate being bent earlier, or notice anyone driving around on the levee?
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Capps, Linda
To: Derrick Eberle; Donisi, Joe
Cc: Lear, Cathy
Subject: RE: Dungeness Levee Trail & Gates
Date: Thursday, June 1, 2023 10:34:13 AM
We have received your messages but we have nothing to report. These decisions are made by the Commissioners, not us. We probably need a public meeting before any decisions are made.
From: Doug
Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2023 10:09 AM
To: Gus Kays
Subject: Gates proposal
Hi Gus,
Attached you will find the tow automated vehicle gates proposal packet for the Lower Dungeness Levee project. Please reply back to let me know that you have received the proposal in your inbox.
If everything looks good and you want to move forward:
1. Please sign and return the proposal.
2. After we receive the signed proposal, our Accounting Department will invoice for the down payment.
3. I will then reach out to schedule a preconstruction/site meeting with our Production Manager to go over the details of the project.
While every project is unique and custom, our current backlog/lead time to complete the gate installation is approximately 10-11 months. This timeline begins when a signed proposal has been received.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need clarification.
Doug Rich, Automated Gates & Equipment Co Inc
From: Gus Kays
To: Lear, Cathy; Donisi, Joe; Emery, Bruce
Cc: Jessica Randolph; Matthew Phillips
Subject: Dungeness Gates
Date: Monday, June 5, 2023 7:24:49 AM
Good Morning,
I have a quote from a gate manufacturer for two gates. We would need to coordinate power from the PUD and an electrician to provide 120v panel (add $10k for coordination, PUD, Electrician, panel/box/materials). So $67k for the two gates plus tax?
1. Let us know if you want to pursue this approach.
2. Can we use these specs in the contract as “or equal” or does the county want to contract directly with the provider.
I asked them for a cost for solar panel version. I also noticed he didn’t include tax so likely there will be another %10 tacked on after I confirm he needs to include sales tax.
From: Lear, Cathy
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 8:58 AM
To: Emery, Bruce ; Donisi, Joe ; Capps, Linda ; Mahan, Rebecca ; Green, Joel
Subject: Levee surface
Hi, All,
Here are some of the issues I’m aware of that are floating around about the levee surface. We need to figure out a path forward. The ‘driveway’ plans are almost ready to go to bid.
Public process
Conflicting uses – driveway/trail/farm equipment/farm customers
Maintenance – if a trail, there is no clear maintenance plan or funding
Cost of gates $67,000 + $3,000 if solar-powered; plus temporary gates due to the 1-year wait for electric gates – expensive and maintenance requirements unknown
Public process
Meeting logistics
How to capture public sentiment
Is the County asking what the public wants? Or Is the County telling the public what will happen?
Uses – potential
1st responders
Farm equipment
Levee maintenance
Through traffic, either sporadic or regular
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Capps, Linda
Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:44 AM
To: Lear, Cathy ; Emery, Bruce ; Donisi, Joe ; Mahan, Rebecca ; Green, Joel
Subject: RE: Levee surface
Personally, I feel the levee should be one thing or the other. Either it is a levee with public walking area on top similar to the old levee with no vehicle traffic or it should be a road which allows the Eberles access as well as farm equipment, etc. But that’s just me.
If it is not a road, then it is not the road departments maintenance issue. It would be a private road on county property and maintenance (or lack of) reverts to the users of the road.
From: Mahan, Rebecca
To: Capps, Linda; Lear, Cathy; Emery, Bruce; Donisi, Joe; Green, Joel
Subject: RE: Levee surface
Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:56:45 AM
Is there an MOU with the Eberle’s or agreement about what the County would provide with this project? If there is one then is should be updated to reflect a trail and not a road and work out with them the O&M for the gates etc. If there isn’t any vehicle traffic we could save some funds on stormwater requirements. Would it be cheaper to put in another driveway for the Eberle’s? I know they wanted to retain their historic access but maybe if they would reconsider?
Is the gate cost for all 3 gates or just one? I don’t think solar gates are a good option due to vandalism. Gates like DNR’s are functional and I bet less expensive.
Just thinking off the top of my head
Rebecca Mahan, Clallam County DCD, Habitat Biologist
From: Ozias, Mark
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2023 1:13 PM
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: follow up
Hello Derrick,
Great to see you last week – thank you for the time. I checked in on the automatic gate and it sounds like that is on-track. We are researching options and I think this fall is probably a realistic expectation on timing.
I am working on addressing some of the other things we discussed but wanted you to have this update in the meantime.
Lastly, would you mind sharing your mobile? I’d like to connect with you NOT on county time or my county device to follow up.
Much thanks,
Mark O
From: Mahan, Rebecca
To: St. John, Christina
Subject: RE: Poison hemlock along old levee footprint
Date: Friday, July 14, 2023 11:53:23 AM
That is a great picture!!! I have also had the same problem with the gate. Open when I get there I close it and lock it and its open again when we leave. I have never seen any one doing it either!!!
From: Derrick Eberle
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 3:23 PM
To: Ozias, Mark
Subject: Re: follow up
Great to see you as well, Mark.
Sorry for the slow reply, we were out of town.
Sure thing, my cell is (360) 461-XXXX. Call or text anytime is ok!
Thanks for the update on the gate. On-track.... Nice pun!
I think the only (slight) reservation I have about the Fall timeframe is that it will have been a year since we started using this locked gate system. And fall can stretch till late December, and I wonder if by that time people in Public Works might be questioning if we really "need" this since we've been living so long without it, etc.. and then decide not to do it. We're inconvenienced daily, and that is a lot more days to keep dealing with things. If it is actually in by Fall we can live with that, we just don't want people to lose site that it is something we need. We know you understand that.
Thanks a lot for all your help with this, sincerely.
From: Ozias, Mark
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2023 3:45 PM
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: RE: follow up
I spoke with Joe about the gate again yesterday. We have been researching options and the most likely scenario is that we will be adding this item to the other work we plan to get done on the levy in September. I promise I will stay on top of it and make sure we get the gate done.
Much thanks for your patience and your understanding!
Mark Ozias, Clallam County Commissioner
From: Mahan, Rebecca
To: Emery, Bruce; Lear, Cathy
Subject: Dungeness levee gates
Date: Thursday, August 10, 2023 1:17:04 PM
Hi Bruce and Cathy,
Yesterday when I met Judy ( Dungeness Schoolhouse caretaker) she told me that there has been cars on the levee and she saw one drive up the bank near the Schoolhouse to get on the levee. She also said that she wants the County to provide a Sanikan. She said people are consistently pounding on the her door to use the bathroom. She asked if she should call Mark Ozias and I told her I would relay the message to both of you and someone would get back to her. She is a very sweet lady who seemed super frustrated.
On another note the gate on Sequim Dungeness way was open when I arrived and by the time we walked the levee to the gate it was closed. Joel said that the County lock was gone when he tried to close it. I am guessing that maybe someone is taking the lock with them when they unlock it?
Rebecca Mahan, Clallam County DCD, Habitat Biologist, MRC Coordinator
From: Derrick Eberle
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2023 10:32 AM
To: Ozias, Mark
Subject: Re: follow up - automated gates on Levee
Hi Mark,
Checking in to see if there is anything the team needs before the automated gates are installed next month. September is just 10 days out - is there a date set for the work that we could plan to be available for in case questions / issues come up?
Am curious about the planned layout & signage? I mentioned this to Cathy long ago that I think the "road closed" sign should be installed next to instead of on the gate. The current issue is that Nash leaves the gate open during the day as he travels past with his tractors. Someone wandered in with their car the other day and didn't see the road closed sign. They ended up getting locked in when the other side was closed and the side they entered was closed behind them.
Size of the opening is also important. I think I mentioned this in person. I think 16' or as large as reasonable would be great.
From: Ozias, Mark
To: Donisi, Joe
Subject: FW: follow up - automated gates on Levee
Date: Monday, August 21, 2023 8:30:51 AM
Joe, can you provide any update?
Mark Ozias, Clallam County Commissioner
From: Ozias, Mark
To: Derrick Eberle
Subject: RE: follow up - automated gates on Levee
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 5:05:24 PM
Hi Derrick,
We just opened bids today and will be awarding them next week. The plan is still to tag this item on as an additional work item for the winning bidder.
Mark Ozias, Clallam County Commissioner
From: Ozias, Mark
To: Donisi, Joe
Subject: FW: follow up - automated gates on Levee
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 11:46:57 AM
Joe, any help you can provide addressing Derrick’s questions regarding timing and signage would be much appreciated. Please include me in your communication so I remain up-to-date.
Mark Ozias, Clallam County Commissioner
From: St. John, Christina
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 11:55 AM
To: Lear, Cathy
Cc: Emery, Bruce ; Donisi, Joe ; Mahan, Rebecca
Subject: Issue with Fire Dept lock on Levee gate
I was out on the Dungeness levee this morning and at the gate off Anderson Rd, someone incorrectly locked the gate so that the Fire Department’s lock will no longer open the gate. They may be interested in fixing that.
Christina St John Coordinator, Clallam County Noxious Weed Control Program
From: Lear, Cathy
To: Donisi, Joe; McElroy, Patrick
Subject: FW: Issue with Fire Dept lock on Levee gate
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2023 12:52:28 PM
Who do we talk to about the fire department lock?
Thank you,
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
From: Mahan, Rebecca
Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 2:22 PM
To: Amy Summe ; Green, Joel ; Lear, Cathy ; Kennedy, Lori
Cc: Jessica Randolph ; Gus Kays ; Merci Clinton ; St. John, Christina
Subject: RE: Scarsella monitoring - Year 1
I am not available on the 21st. I have included Christina in the email so she can let you know about the weed control she has done. Based on the live/dead counts that Dave Allen and I did he came up with the planting plan for January 2024(WCC is scheduled already). The order for the plants has been placed and will arrive in December 2023. I have included Lori on this email because she keeps the invoices. The invoice has the plant species (I think).
I also used our GPS and got area of all our planting areas. I haven’t downloaded it yet but Dave has a written record. Our plantings have done well with the exception of the schoolhouse area. Those plants have taken a beating from people recreating there. We really need some signs so folks are aware that this is a restoration area.
Cathy Lear, 03 Oct 2023 12:57:53 Message: Hi, Pat I am at the levee with Gus and Jessica. What day do you plan to defuse the levee ditch?
Cathy Lear, 03 Oct 2023 13:56:40 Message: It’s maybe 4 inches deep There is a flow Files attached: vmacocss05_1439398141661-1-IMG_0003.jpg
Cathy Lear, 03 Oct 2023 14:11:29 Message: Gate tied open at south end Lock and chain nowhere to be seen.
Cathy Lear, 03 Oct 2023 14:15:16 Files attached: vmatxsls06_1437618311212-1-IMG_0006.jpg
From: annsoule@xxxxxxxx.net
To: "Ozias, Mark"
Subject: RE: Dungeness Levee Project
Date: Thursday, October 12, 2023 10:00:01 PM
Hi again Mark,
I realize the comment period is over but yet another angle is to accommodate different users at different times of the day or week. Likely quite impractical if a gate needs to be closed, then opened, etc. But the idea seems like it could come in handy so I wanted to pass it along.
Thanks for all you do!!!
From: McElroy, Patrick
To: Johnson, Randy
Subject: locks on gate
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023 9:08:19 AM
Good morning Randy,
We are removing the combination locks on the levy gates. We are still having problems with the gates being left open. We are installing a separate lock for your folks. All in holders will have individual locks. We will see how well this works. We will drop several keys off at the tribal center for you this morning. We will have them hold them for you. Have a great day,
From: Green, Joel
To: Lear, Cathy; Mahan, Rebecca
Subject: RE: locks at the levee
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2023 12:44:29 PM
Good. Yesterday the north lock was keyed, the middle lock was combination but and the south gate was wide open.
From: Bundy, Amy
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2023 3:37 PM
To: @Sheriff - Operations
Cc: McElroy, Patrick
Subject: Town Rd. Levee Project - Frequent Patrol Request
Importance: High
Good afternoon,
Most of us are familiar with the Town Rd. levee project at the Dungeness River on Sequim Dungeness just east of Anderson Rd. This project has been years in the making and is currently unfinished and unpaved. Local traffic has been prohibited rom accessing Town Rd. from the Dungeness Creamery north to Sequim Dungeness Way for some time, but there are some families that live on that road that do have access to the County gates installed for ingress/egress.
There has been an uptick in malicious mischief at the north gate. The county has had to replace multiple cut locks (costing several hundred dollars). This week someone spent a considerable amount of time digging out the post that secures the gate (picture attached). We are requesting frequent patrol of this location, especially at night. Please, as often as you can, check on this area. This is also a good spot for speed emphasis at all hours because it is a thoroughfare.
Chief Criminal Deputy Amy Bundy Clallam County Sheriff’s Office
From: Cortani, Bill
To: Bundy, Amy; @Sheriff - Operations
Cc: McElroy, Patrick
Subject: RE: Town Rd. Levee Project - Frequent Patrol Request
Date: Friday, December 1, 2023 11:49:15 AM
Good morning all. This morning at about 0550 hrs I checked the Levee Rd gates and found both were open (Both Ends). I drove the road and found no one on it. I was not sure if this was set that way for maintenance work or not but no one was on road at that time. I found no indication of any fresh damage and the other gates on the levee road seemed as they should, closed and locked.
From: Hansi Hals
To: Lear, Cathy
Subject: Jamestown hosted field trip on Dec 11 to River"s Edge
Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023 10:33:42 AM
Hi Cathy,
I am supporting Vice-Chair Loni Greninger in hosting a riparian tour on Dec 11. We expect up to 35 guests and will transport participants via shuttles (by JST drivers). Randy Johnson supplied me with the newly installed County gate key. I expect we’ll be on site from ~1:30-3pm. We anticipate driving the County levee surface and parking briefly at the junction with the north levee (walk toward schoolhouse to avoid challenge of turning around).
Do you have any concerns or thoughts?
The group is the WA Riparian Roundtable. This is selected group of representatives from around WA State as part of a facilitated process for state legislature. On Tuesday, they’ll have a daylong meeting. Monday we have the greenlight to host a tour ---- which I’m looking forward to. Thanks, Hansi
Hansi Hals
Natural Resources Director
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
From: Lear, Cathy
To: hhals@jamestowntribe.org
Subject: RE: Jamestown hosted field trip on Dec 11 to River"s Edge
Date: Thursday, December 7, 2023 5:35:22 PM
Hi, Hansi,
I hope you have great weather for the Roundtable tour. I think all should be fine for Monday. Please let me know if I can help in any way. I’m out of the office Friday but will have email. Ps The River of Wood (recently installed log jam complexes) and the floodplain in general looked amazing on Tuesday.
Thank you
Cathy Lear, Habitat Biologist
Pizzagate, Watergate, Gategate!
I was right, I can’t comment what I really want to say because I’m so disgusted we have a ringleader for a Commissioner. All the time & money spent way beyond what should have been spent on a completed project for a road is unacceptable. All county taxpayers should be outraged our tax dollars are being wasted & misused! All taxpayers can see clearly our Commissioner isn’t committed to do the job for County taxpayers, he’s committed to his campaign donors period……Jeff Tozzer is a taxpayer hero for stepping up and bringing this particular corruption within our County government to light, thank you. How much else is happening, we are going to be determined to find out. Ozias can’t communicate with his peers about business unless it’s in a Commissioners meeting but he can offline share his personal cell to communicate with private citizens regarding County business, what a crook! Ozias should pay out of his pocket all the misused County tax dollars he has misused, out of his pocket!