If a measure only affects land owners taxes, then only the land owners affected should get to vote on it.

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Just in. Those who will be paying will be paying $250,000,000, not the $145,000,000 the School District is getting! Vig?

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Thank you, Jeff and Eric!! This bond is another burden that property owning taxpayers will be enslaved to pay. There are many counter points to this bond issue, but I think Eric found the main point - THE REAL COST. How many times have voters been told, "It's only going to cost...." and then, "Oops. We miscalculated. We need more money." We need schools that teach STEM, reading, writing, p.e., art, music, and financial responsibility. Yes, buildings need to be safe, clean, and functional. But I want to see an improved academic report card from the School Board before they can ever propose another bond.

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Eric is THE BOMB!!!

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Good catch Eric!

The tribes aren't paying. The brick and mortar (local business) has died and they pay jack. Amazon pays nothing.

Somebody has to pay for the brontosaurus sized local government bone that would crush the Flintstones car not just tip it over.

Clallam County property owner for $500 Alex...

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Taxing us out of our homes. Bought my first home ever in December of 2024, property taxes doubled from time of purchase, and went up again after new assessment from the county. Definitely a no vote from my household.

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Congratulations on your first home!

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Thank you!

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Welcome to CCWatchdog Jeneva. You are coming in now with eyes wide open! Clallam County is absolutely magical and and I love it! That is why we are on this site to save it from a tribal monopoly and keep it for all of us to work, use and enjoy.

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There's no doubt many of the Sequim school district facilities are out of date and crumbling. But I feel as though the millions of dollars funneled to this district over the years could have addressed this issue many times over. Want to know where the money goes? I'll just leave this here for everyone to bone up on how much your Sequim school teachers and administrators are pocketing.


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Brilliant TJ! Gradual, gradual, gradual...DOUBLE! And that's just the superintendents!

We need to defund the government and privatize EVERYTHING With Oversight that includes Morals and Ethics that tries people for TREASON if/when they try to corrupt the system.

No system of governance is stable or safe without TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY.

Let us not forget that the entire educational system is wholly designed and controlled by the Rockefeller family who took it over in the early 1900's and made it into a system of mind control to make obedient workers, not free-thinking creative individuals.

While we are at it the entire Medical system is also designed and controlled by the Rockefeller legacy.

Before any of you cry in my beer do some research of your own (speaking to the unenlightened)...it's the Information Age and almost everything you could desire to know is available...some stuff is still hidden but that is changing.

Many don't Want to Know and that's too bad...it's hard to see a problem when your Paycheck depends on you Not seeing the problem!

The Problem is an empire-in-collapse which our new federal administration may or may not be able to stop or even slow...I'm cautiously optimistic...wavering on despair.

It is CERTAIN many of us cannot sustain the costs of our government, local or otherwise without being impoverished ourselves...but that is the nature of Communism...to lower the quality of life to the lowest common denominator while enriching the ruling class.

BTW...Everyone who is financially well off within the current corrupt system...you'll go down too in the end...there is only so much milk in the cow...and the cow is old and sick, so buckle up!


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How much have YOUR salary/wages gone up in the past 4 years? Many of these have gone up 25% or more....

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With massive inflation mine is upside down.🙃

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Scrolling that list just sent me over the edge.

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I went to a elementary school that was built in 1955. It is still in continuous use -- and is a 'school of excellence'. The school has not changed AT ALL in the last 70 years. The school I went to kindergarten at was built in 1949 -- that historic building is still in use as an elementary school. I don't see why our schools on the Peninsula are suddenly OLD and useless, and needing replacement.

Meanwhile, we have historically had some of the highest cohort-dropout rate of any county in Washington. (although these stats aren't reported, and how they're derived have been changed). What is clear is that we are in an economically depressed area -- and sucking more money from everyone is not going to fix that. (for some interesting statistics, and a bunch of meaningless nonsense: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/sites/default/files/rda/riskprofiles/research-4.47-clallam.pdf) One meaningful graph to look at is on page 29 School: Academic Achievement High School Cohort (cumulative) dropouts. It shows that there is a.) a downward number of children counted since 2011, and b.) that Clallam County still has a higher drop-out rate compared "counties like us" .

It paints a really BAD picture of the state of education in Clallam County. So, why the focus on buildings????

The more that landholders are charged taxes, the higher rents go up. blah blah blah. The poorer our communities become.

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Good grief! We are about three times the state average and double the "counties like us." Thanks for sending this information, I hope everyone looks at it.

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Mike French has a degree in Music.

Make music Mike, not policy!

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Have you been wondering what a passing grade in high school is? Maybe you need to work out whether you have a passing grade or not? We’ve created a little table for you, so you can see from lowest to highest grades and their relevant GPAs.

Grade Percentage GPA

F 0-59% 0.0

D 60-69% 1.0

C 70-79% 2.0

B 80-89% 3.0

A 90-100% 4.0

It appears that D’s and C’s are not going to get you into many colleges. I agree that school structures are in bad shape, however, shouldn’t we prioritize our students skills before new buildings.

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I was A/B student through the 6th grade. After, the system was so stultifying

(see, a big word, good boy😊) that I rapidly dropped to C/D. The system was brain-dead and I felt like a nothing-burger in that environment. Started skipping in 10th grade and no one noticed. What a cluster-fish! Thankfully went back to Community College at 32 and really enjoyed that experience...some good teachers and 1 or 2 great ones who loved their subjects. 2 Trades Certifications and an AA-Water Resources in four years and I still use a lot of that learning to this day...also $0 debt. THE GAME IS RIGGED!!!!!!!!

There is a better way 'cause I experienced some of it! TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY and TOUGH LOVE!😎

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Randy Johnson has a Masters in Business Administration.

Administer common sense, common law policy Randy.

Ask the people what They want...not what you Want them to want!

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I still waiting to hear a “NAY”……anyone? Has anyone heard the word “NAY” spoken in this boardroom? Anyone?

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Ozais on Towne Road for 300 Alex.

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So, so true!!

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If 1200 new homes are being built to lure seniors who can buy them, (not middle-income families with kids in school), how is this tax for a new school, improved facilities, cafeteria, bus garages etc, are the new homes going to help with that, or are the higher taxes going to keep the families further from buying a home, as in "affordable home" or will it increase the gap in available sheltering for the middle to lower families that would be using these improvements. In short, higher taxes in this magnitude would create fewer homes for families. Kids who live in their cars with their parents will now have a cafeteria. neato!

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No room for common sense in these exchanges...it goes against the grain of the NWO.

Good One, Jean!😁

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The entire concept of increasing taxes for anyone during what is already a long and terrible recession is beyond insane, but anyone who trusts the people in the government in our community is obviously beyond common sense reasoning or help~! Why on earth would anyone trust people in government who have continually failed to responsibly handle the generous money that they have been allotted, refused to answer ALL of the reasonable questions from the taxpayers, and who have also been caught red handed making a great MANY shady secret deals in closed door meetings that have clearly violated the public trust behind the backs of the good folks in our community??? Does anyone doubt that these "new taxes" will be stolen and used for things that have not even been disclosed? Does anyone actually believe that these same dubious actors in government will not once again come back to raise taxes for even more money as soon as they possibly can? There will never be an end to this madness unless we stop these incompetent people in government, remove them, criminally prosecute them where appropriate, and replace them with folks of honor and goodwill. Yes, by federal law all consumers of commercial institutional real estate mortgages on their real estate MUST absolutely also receive a full amortization schedule that fully discloses the principle and interest payments that they are expected to pay, so if anyone in government says otherwise or fails to honestly answer the question regarding public monies that are to be borrowed, they are lying or COMPLETELY incompetent and should therefore be immediately removed from office~! Also, continuing to pay more & more for educating our students, especially since most people understand that the current educational system model has failed repeatedly for many decades (in spite of the government that always gives itself "A's"), is obviously NOT the solution to better educate our most precious resource~!!! Furthermore, the damage done to our young students through this atrocious intentional COVID "plandemic" has devastated many of our young students where everyone is going to experience that damage for many decades to come~! I ask that ALL folks in our community do their own intelligent research and come together to find the solutions that rid us of the shady characters that have infiltrated our local government and community before they further destroy our economic and social well-being~!!! M

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15 to 20 years ago I had a relative who was a bond trader from California who traveled here to do business with government entities.They would work with Port Angeles and the P. A. Port. County was not following the state financial guidelines.They backed off .Would not deal with them,in the event things blew up.I wonder if things have changed?

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Holy smokes! That sounds like a real scoop.

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It is all because of your personal efforts and excellent Internet platform here Jeff~!

I LOVE it when someone responds to my humble input with a GREAT insight from their personal experiences, which in turn opens the door for me and others to add another "little cherry" of truth~! The cumulative effect of Goodness is really quite devastating to those who work SO hard to deceive us to be able to rob us blind~! The less "blinded" we are, the more inhospitable the environment is for the criminals ;-)



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Greetings JJW~! Thank you for your great comment~! I have to laugh because I also have a DEEP background dealing with the stock brokerage and related banking Industrial complex~! In fact, it is possible that your relative would know of the company I worked for because it is a small world, and "we" were well known especially in Southern California but all across the US. I have worked with many bond traders, corporate finance, and the all-powerful "Investment Banking" of the uber elite. What has changed over the past several decades is that America continued to "swirl down the toilet" of rampant criminal activity in and outside of government. You may want to look into the unlawful unconstitutional "corporate US" government that has used Admiralty law/maritime law instead of common law ever since 1871~! That evil corrupt system is now dead, and the original America & Constitution has been reinhabited FYI~! This is precisely what President Trump, and the white hats are now doing BTW :) The "deregulation" of the banking industry that started to pick up steam in the 1970's and was in full swing by the 1980's has obviously taken its toll. My sincerest appreciation to your honorable relative for his excellent judgement, however there are always the criminals who will do anything for fortune and power. Ha! I knew someone who worked for Haliburton years ago selling Industrial computer programs for manufacturing purposes, so they needed to be easily accessible to be able to stop the "process" to make changes and alterations along the way. A government contacted this individual to buy this Industrial computer program many years ago to be able to alter its intended and approved use, to tabulate votes in their elections~! HA~! The criminals in that government made no secret that they wanted to be able to corrupt their election upon demand, to defraud the voters! The Individual that I knew refused to sign off on the sale of that program and I think that most Americans now understand just how corrupt the American election system has become over the years ;-) I believe that the last election in 2024 was substantially accurate as far as the Executive Office is concerned, much like the 2016 election was, but the down ballot voting is an absolute horror story in quite a few states (like Washington state where there is the criminal "vote by mail" only option ;-) Thanks again for your most welcomed input and may you have a great 2025 because it appears that "we" (America) is off to a jolly good start~! Sincerely, Mike

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The government failures all around us can only be attributed to one of two things. Incompetence or Corruption. In the private business world both have severe consequences. In the Gov world there are no consequences, in fact the more incompetent or corrupt you are the higher you climb and wealthier you get. Nothing will change until consequences are dealt to for incompetence and corruption.

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Your conclusion here is absolutely 100% accurate TJ~!

"Nothing will change until consequences are dealt to for incompetence and corruption"~! I come from the "corporate/business world" and I can assure you that there are a great many incompetent and/or corrupt people at all levels of business because of a great many reasons involving "special interests", such as nepotism, sexual and/or financial "perks", favoritism, and of course "equal opportunity" regulations that result in MANY people getting jobs who do not deserve them and are not qualified for them as much as others. There are always MANY "consequences" for these "substandard hires" but I can assure you as an ex-personnel executive that every single time someone is hired who is not the best Individual for the specific job, America suffers a tremendous loss, and "we" are that much less as a country~! The longer the incompetent and/or criminal Individuals remain in the jobs that they didn't earn honestly, the worse off everyone is. The cumulative effect of these incompetent and/or criminals in the public sector is absolutely devastating beyond what most Americans could possibly imagine. You are 100% correct that incompetents and/or criminals in government can more times than not actually be rewarded for their failures, which if folks really consider that, it is easy to understand that it could only be intentional especially at the grotesque levels that we know it to be today~! Yes, there are times when Individuals are hired who, for one reason or another, do not fit the job requirements and that happens because the Individual or Individuals doing the hiring are not qualified for that serious role themselves~! Too many believe that being an employer in a hiring function is "easy" however that could not be further from the truth. It is actually a hard-earned skill that few possess these days, but everyone and their pet monkeys believe that they are capable of doing~! ;-) What could go wrong there? Ha! The solution as you suggested is VERY clear. Individuals who are incompetent and/or criminal need to be removed from their jobs and the Individuals who are in charge of the hiring process need to be trained for that critical role and held to be personally responsible for their failures whether they be in the private or public sector~! It is a matter of Individual responsibility and fair consequences as you have so well identified. You are absolutely correct about INTENTIONAL government hiring and rewarding of incompetents and/or criminals, because people who do not deserve their jobs, who also know that they could not possibly find a legitimate job elsewhere that paid as much or better, are easy to control to do anything that their superiors want~! A great example of this is the fact that many 3rd rate colleges currently pay their "Presidents" well in excess of 1 million dollars a year! Ha! The President of the US does not even make one half of that~! Paying people more that they are worth, especially for jobs that they are not qualified for, is a recipe for complete corruption and disaster~! I find it sadly amusing that most Americans are STILL confused as to how the educational system could have been turned into a criminal socialist indoctrination system, but as usual the truth is always right in people's faces, and they are being brainwashed and "gaslit" so they can't see it~! For years I also believed that the government was just making poor hiring decisions that amounted to "incompetence", however I am a very good analyst and soon I started to be able to absolutely prove that the government was very intentionally hiring incompetents and/or criminals all across the board, but especially in management roles, because the less functional the government is, the more problems arise for the entire country. The bigger and bigger the government can grow~! It just like the obviously corrupt Western Medical system that "we" are currently witnessing destroy itself, there is FAR less "profit" in actually curing patients of their medical health issues, but there is enormous profit in keeping the patients sick and unwell~! Thank you for the great comment and your Patriotic vigilance & care for our community and country~! Things are already improving, and this should be a GREAT year for Americans who love their freedom~! Sincerely, Mike

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Can it be any more CLEAR?

Kudos Michael.

Funny how the most common sense things seem the most outrageous to people and they get the fewest likes!

Lotta Sleepers out there!😴😴😴

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Thank you my good fellow American Patriot Robert~!

I really can't easily explain how so many are currently STILL so blind to simple common-sense reasoning these days! After several decades of trying to get folks to wake up to the most serious threats that America and the world has ever faced, I often find myself becoming frustrated and less patient because being "too nice" is so often not taken seriously enough. I know that the governments (CIA) MK Ultra brainwashing program has been very effective since way before I was born, so most Americans are actually victims of something that they don't have any clue about. We here swore our oaths to the original American Constitution many decades ago now, so it never matters to us just how many "likes" we receive, as we are simply doing our jobs, even though we deeply appreciate the ones we do get from good folks like you who are also doing your duty as Americans. We know that President Trump and the white hats have been working hard behind the scenes for many years now and their task is enormous, however, they have shown very little concern or care for the American Patriots who have been sacrificing SO much for the country and the world on the civilian front lines. After well over 50 years, I no longer care if I get any help from President Trump and the white hats because I will continue to do my duty even if I am the last American Patriot left standing, and I am well accustomed to being "abandoned on the battlefield" these days. HA~! You never like it, but you do get used to it BTW... The good news is that President Trump and the white hats are off to a very good start this week and "we" should give them some time, be grateful things are not worse, and remain cautiously optimistic. Keep your eyes on EVERYONE, especially in government, my friend and together we will make a positive difference if we can keep the "blind sheep' from continuing to destroy America, the world, and themselves along with everyone else like they always have~! Have a great day and Godspeed~! Sincerely, Mike

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Why does Sequim Middle School's roof have a thick layer of moss? So does the High School cafeteria. My roof has 25-year shingles, and it's on its 32nd year and looking good, but I'm up there sprinkling baking soda twice a year to keep the moss at bay. Seeing moss on school roofs makes me question whether the facilities we've already paid for are being maintained properly.

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If property owners are paying the requisite expenses, where and why are there any interest charges ? Am I to believe the County borrows the money first then pays the cost and also pays interest ? If that is the case, put the brakes on the projects for one year, forego interest fees and fund those project the following year. It makes no sense to borrow from our future. Who benefits from those interest payments ? What percentage of all property taxes goes to what expense ? The answer to these school district needs may be to simply reallocate expenses WITHIN THE EXISTING BUDGET. How easy or difficult would it be to get a property taxes pie chart of expenditures. I find the taxes I am paying for a 1,500 s/f home on a small lot excessively burdensome. Second to working within the budget our best defense is to simply not vote. The required 60% is easily made when there is no question that all school age parents, school district employees and politicians are an automatic yes vote. I already gave my entire adult life. Please do not make me another public burden by taxing away my retirement.

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Hear, 'HERE', HEAR!!!🤓

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After 50 years of experiencing our education system and what it has done to our children/students….they have brainwashed them with confusion and unrealistic promises while stealing their educations. 100 years ago children used outhouses, all grades were taught in one room schoolhouses, they fended they managed they supported each other and got a decent education. Our schools have driven away so many families because of their greed, policies that do not support all students instead catering to special interests and have subjected our students to liberal philosophies which have left us with very damaged people who are struggling and many unable to be productive adults in society. Until we get back to common sense education there will continue to be no more $$ for schools from this household. It’s past time for educators to be held accountable period!

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ROLLING, ROLLING, ROLLING...keep those fact streams FLOWING.

Tsunami of Truth, cleanse this world...starting with Clallam County...of all lies, deceit, collusion, corruption, fraud, graft, evil, etc., 200,000 years is enough, already!😀

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Where are the initiatives for creation of actual living wage jobs?

Why are the commie-issioners just taxing and spending without ANY significant moves to improve the situation.

Oh, yeah, because they are commie-controlled mind puppets who are carrying out the NWO agenda because they are trained to. Ozias studied Poli-Sci at Berkeley...you know the most Marxist school in America...but I'm sure he passed through unscathed from the propaganda and mind-control.

He has had his fingers and toes and tongue in so many pies in his career...he kind of looks like another Obama in that way...such a plethora of do-gooder positions all the while carrying out the agenda of destruction that is communism.

And French is just as bad...both are pathological liars...they are caught in lies every time someone bothers to look and see what's really going on.

The Will of the People is the only thing that can change any of this. We are trying to alert folks here at this forum but the local media will not run any oppositional viewpoints to the communist agenda.

Every single level of government agency has within it corruption and by the laws of nature it contains the seeds of its own destruction. We the People have to be the agents of those natural laws...Spirit works through Avatars...it's the only way for it to have Physical expression.

So the dark ones are the Avatars for the darkness.

We need to be willing Avatars for the LIGHT... TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY and LOVE.

We need to arrange our minds to be Warriors for Truth in the most LOVING way possible...LOVE must be TOUGH LOVE as well as Kind and Gentle LOVE.

We need to speak our TRUTH as if it is already REALITY!

We will not fail when our Collective Will is focused and persistent. It' up to US!🥸

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Robert, did you not read in the local newspaper that the Field Arts Center would create 300 full time jobs and the grant money for forestry would support 1000 new jobs.Best I can do for sarcasm.Sorry Jeff, no competition here.

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If you have links to those stories, I would love to read those articles. That reminds me of JST saying about 1,000 people would be walking the Towne Road trail each day.

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Daily news 1/15/25,1/17/25 Recompete projects,EDC Grants.My interpretations are probably wrong. Good hunting.

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What don't you understand about endless grant money driving the economy. Not realistic or sustainable.

The country is bankrupt on paper...just hasn't been declared.

Where do you imagine all the grant money is coming from?

Sometimes sarcasm is the only way to describe what is happening.

So 'free' money is NEVER free...get real!😊

By the way the local newspapers are completely 'woke' (negative connotation)

and refuse to print anything going against the official narrative.

We are a captured society at this point. Time will tell all.🤪

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You may have missed the msg .

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