Dang! Those luxury apartments have more amenities than most of us middle-ish class, who work and still struggle to make ends meet. Air conditioning, dishwashers, dog wash stations, rooftop terrace…wow! And did I read correctly, solar panels and EV car charging stations?? Seems more likely an enabling environment to me…what an incentive to not work, lest you exceed the income guidelines, you lose out on luxury. My crystal ball tells me this won’t end well.

The 4PA housing seems more likely to be helpful to those who want to get back on their feet, seemingly without enablement and without taxing the hell out of city/county residents. We need to support this model in our community and reject PBH’s frivolous ‘Daddy Warbucks’ model.

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Dec 22Edited

You cover many topics, but what I don't want to lose sight of, when the discussions devolve into the topic written about, is that we have 3 Commissioners who are the root cause of the problems this county faces.

Using a few Lean manufacturing techniques, designed to fix things when they've failed, root cause would ask to identify why the problem has occurred (ultimate blame/responsibility). For every article you write, each time I blame our Commissioners.

I would then apply the same root cause question as to why they fail us in so many ways, and absent other information I come to the conclusion that they see their actions as a way to stay in office and meet their personal needs over the needs of the county's residents.

I don't blame those who know how to exploit our Commissioners, they're just doing what our elected officials let them get away with. Our Commissioners are patsies for the people who know how to manipulate them.

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Hear hear. However criminal behavior is not forgiven because the individuals impacted are selfish idiots.

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Thank you for the article, Jeff. You compared two different approaches to solving a problem. I support the 4PA approach. It's good news to highlight a concerned citizen who rolled up his sleeves and proved a crisis doesn't require full government intervention. The less government is involved, the more society will succeed. You and Doug have generously donated to 4PA, which has inspired me to donate too. Merry Christmas to all!! And goodwill toward men.

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You're welcome, Denise. Thank you for your generous support of our community. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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The root of the problem is in the second paragraph. I’ll see your $4 million and raise you $4 million. Spend spend spend is all these commissioners want to take credit for. Cut the enablers off! Spend OUR money on essential county services and safety. Instead of hanging the “Open-for-the- homeless” sign every time a new warm body in need shows up at your doorstep.

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I feel badly for anyone homeless. My question is Port Angeles the right place to house someone? Are there jobs? Is the area growing? Is there a path forward for a homeless person in Clallam County? If not... We build shelters for 50 homeless likely there will be another 50 homeless from other areas coming to get there shelter. I believe there has to be a path forward or these people should seek help where they can improve their lives. Our Commissioners do not appear to be improving the economy in Clallam County. Commissioners and a County Administrator who understand economics and are not bowing to special interests must be elected to serve the interests of the people of Clallam County not the interests of the Commissioners and Administrator. We are shooting ourselves in the foot electing these same people repeatedly because they are funded by special interests and you see their name on signs.

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I totally agree in regards to location! Most young people with functioning brains with HS diplomas say there is nothing here for them to earn a decent income and I have to agree they are right. Unless they can manage to snag a government, city, tribal or utility job which are staffed already there isn’t much in the way of what it takes to manage the living expenses required. The more services we provide the more people will show up. Like the bird feeder, once hung with seed all the birds move in and crap all over everything, they build their nests near the feeder, they quit foraging and gathering their food in the wild and become dependent on the bird feeder, the cycle continues! Same in life.

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Good analogy!

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Which is why we NEED to focus on programs to strengthen small business, encourage more business development, then not hammer them to death with fees/permits/applications/taxes. Meanwhile, creating housing for those struggling (with jobs, without drug problems) will move and help those who need it most -- those who are PART of our society. That will open up housing. Meanwhile, as a community -- we could ASK our churches (who all are on tax-free property, usually ample parking/spare land) to house 2 or 3 small homes, rvs or tents on their property. We have about 50 churches around here, why not get faith based communities to help the poor/suffering souls? Thus far few churches have stepped up with more than mouth-service.

Our Commissioners could do a lot of good -- but they are self-absorbed, flat-footed, and not really all that dedicated to anything other than easy answers.

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It takes commitment to see the need of the people you want to help… to me it’s obvious the commissioners interest is not the people it’s the $$$ connection and who they can play with after the office is gone… and never that actual tax payer!

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Everyone is afraid of liability! Churches and city. An ok from city makes them liable if theft or fire, crime etc. Need to have a good plan for liability aspect,

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Thank you, Jeff! And thank you for your donation. I fully applaud 4PA who requires that residents earn their keep. That luxury apartment complex is a joke and waste of taxpayer money. Consider that a tiny home can be purchased from Amazon for $7K https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Foldable-Expandable-Container-Bathroom/dp/B0CV5NRJT2/ref=sr_1_7?adgrpid=1238051154768444&hvadid=77378330582232&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=111406&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=p&hvtargid=kwd-77378520247352%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=21310_13436429&sr=8-7 and a two bedroom for less than $9K, https://www.amazon.com/Modular-Bedroom-Bathroom-Kitchen-Container/dp/B0DDXG24N6/ref=sr_1_34?adgrpid=1238051154768444&hvadid=77378330582232&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=111406&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=p&hvtargid=kwd-77378520247352%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=21310_13436429&sr=8-34

One has to wonder why the $8-12 million the county wants to spend for 36 units for homeless does not, instead, buy OVER 1000 tiny homes like 4PA. The plans are egregious and I suspect enable skimming and/or money laundering. Yes, do the math-- for $10Million, you can buy 1428 one bedroom (WITH BATHROOM) units, or 1100 TWO-BEDROOM units. Why is the county spending FORTY TIMES that much????? They should be sued for squandering taxpayer money!!!

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Wow! Really appreciate this research NOI. Thanks.

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Wow…. Gut in a knot…. This is just too much…. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Ok people the dish washers are a huge problem! It is going to turn into big money over time. We all know people abuse dishwashers, even unknowingly. Wrong soap, food clogged drains, etc. Ok, times that, by how many appartments there are. Overflow downstairs, carpets, floors. Mold control!! etc, etc, etc. 10s of thousands $ in the end. People just want a safe, warm place with a roof. Why are these costing this much? This is insanity. Never ending pay check for lots of people?

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I used to make my kids wash dishes (although we had a dishwasher) to learn the value of WASHING and drying, and putting away dishes. They hated it, but it was the daily event... of our lives. I cooked, they ate, then they cleaned up after themselves. This is a value that is severely overlooking -- the daily cycle of life, and looking after the household. Dishwashers are not a benefit for those learning to steady their lives.

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Yes amen on that. Not enough chores for kids when you live in appartments. I just wonder how much money us tax payers would save if they eliminated them? Not counting the years of repairs and replacing flooring.

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I once repaired a dishwasher in a drug-house rental.

The occupants put full-on filthy dishes including cigarette butts into the machine and ran it.

I can't even describe the surreal experience...garbage and butts worked their way into the pump because the check-valves were overwhelmed.

I would never work on or for any housing situation like that again.

No stake, no accountability, no consequence, no motivation to improve.

F' these psycho bureaucrats and their insane actions.

There are going to be a lot of good people leaving the area if this continues, further reducing the 'taxables'.

We are moving into end-times scenarios here.

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If you didn't pay for it, no skin in the game, why care??

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I've seen the 4PA sign but did not know until now what it is. I will definitely be supporting this as I can in the future. Thanks to Jeff, I've been aware of the PBH efforts but do not support their ideology. I am supposing that ideology is influenced by NGO's and federal funding, which, unfortunately, seems to be more ineffective "wokeness" than common sense. I am a parent with 2 adult daughters who have both struggled with alcohol addiction for years. After throwing time, money, and excruciating effort to help them both overcome addiction and reclaim life I've come to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing positive that can be done by another person unless the person you're trying to help actually wants to be helped. My eldest has made miraculous changes in her life- because she wanted to change and did not require any financial support. My youngest does not want to change and many retirement dollars and sleepless nights have been spent trying to convince her to change her mind. She recently ended up in hospital with liver failure and swore she was done, but even with family support she was drinking again within a month. None of us have heard a word from her and we all dread what we know is coming.

The point is, Mr. DeScala has the right perspective. If a person chooses to be a productive human with a normal life it pays to support that. If a person is so weak-willed that they cannot make that choice to live the life they were gifted, they will always use the resources of others in a very parasitic way.

Nancy Anderson

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You and your family are in our holiday thoughts. Thank you for being so candid.

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Thanks to you for all you're doing for the people of the Peninsula. I've been hyper focused on the doings of the Federal administration for the past few years and I think we've made great headway with the results of the 2024 election. Once the heads of that Medusa are brought into new reality I think we'll see changes in state and local politics as well. Your work is certainly being recognized and will serve well in the battles to come. There's much to be grateful for this holiday season and we all deserve to celebrate that. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

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Spiritual battles being played out in the material realms.

All players on a stage...and no clear script...it's off-the-cuff and hope for the best. Where are we, anyway?😃

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Geez Robert, I just had to reply to this nugget :}. So fun...

We are on Planet Earth dear Robert. It belongs to each and every one of us as does the beautiful Universe that gives us life. Put out all the White Light you can cos these things belong to us and we are going to TAKE THEM BACK in the very near future!

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Bless you and yours Nancy...we do the best we can with what we have to give and you are so right...no one can help/save those who don't want/care to help themselves.

Learning to let go is perhaps the biggest gift we can give ourselves or another.

This place is a free-will zone and if we are fortunate we can organize our own free-will to benefit ourselves and others, but we cannot and should not override the free-will of another.

We should not be forced to try either, which seems to be the goal of 'social justice'...there has never been a more hopeless cause in humanities' history than trying to level the playing field for all players...pure insanity.😵‍💫

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Bless you too Robert. I am in total agreement with all you've said. It gives me great hope to know there are folks here who still rely on common sense. We just need to get our governments in line with that and perhaps we can leave a better world for our kids and grands. I have real hope for the first time in a long, long time. Merry Christmas and hope to someday put a face to your name :}

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Nancy, thank you for telling about the reality of life as opposed the the ideology.

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I don't know how to think of my life in terms of ideologies :}. I am very much grounded in reality and, to me, that means speaking the truth even when the truth might be hard. Thanks for responding Jennifer. I hope to meet you someday. Meanwhile, have a very Merry Christmas! Next year is going to be so much fun!


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Yes. I'm a realist also. Like the way you guys think.

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Building "homeless" apartments that allow using, is really just warehousing people. It isn't going to help the overall problem.

Our schools have a lot of unused property -- traditionally/historically in WA state schools have built housing for TEACHERS to live in. The "teacher cottage" movement makes more sense to help our community. It would allow teachers to have housing -- at a nominal cost -- which would free up other housing in the community. Teachers, able to afford housing on their wages, would spend more in our community -- hopefully frequenting local businesses. This will add more $$ to our community, and allow small businesses to thrive. Allowing teachers to live in on-campus housing would improve teacher retention and improve community (among teachers). The modest rent received from the teachers would generate income from the apartments, on previously vacant land.

This concept of making a plush apartment for a drugged out, non-working individual -- with INCOME restrictions (or else, move out!) is insanity. This isn't a bandage, it's a full body cast -- rendering the homeless UNABLE to rise out of the complex world of users/losers/lazy/insanity. It's like making a drunk the bartender and hoping that "things will resolve themselves". They don't.

The problem is milieu -- (milieu is the physical or social setting that influences how you think of yourself). Its why groups (i.e. AA) have more impact than one-on-one therapy for overcoming abuse issues. It is well known that structuring an environment to affect behavioral changes, improves the individual's psychological health and functioning. So, putting someone who is actually OVERCOMING an addiction, will regress when put in a group of drug users. Slide right off that wagon.

IF THE INTENT were to actually get people off the street -- it should be into a group home, with motivation to "work/earn your way" by adhering to rules: staying clean, getting job training/go to school (get decent grades)/apprentice for a skill.

This is going to become a slum in no time. It's just what the milieu does. Takes one slob to pee on the carpets, wipe feces on the walls while high, never take out the trash, and start hoarding -- to discourage the group. A milieu of slum mentality is a pervasive hopelessness, resignation, and limited opportunity leading to a mindset that just accepts these conditions as "good enough/why not/who cares" .. inevitable. It limits aspirations for improvement.

This apartment fiasco is exactly what Jeff says: furthering of the homeless industrial complex.

Just providing shelter -- is not the fix. What is the PATH out of homelessness?

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Liberals always throw money at the symptom, never addressing the causes.

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Warehousing people might not sound good to you but if you were cold and had a family living outside in a small camper, maybe sick with pneumonia. Just a hand up maybe is all 20%, 50% needs. To give health and hope to children and good people is amazing!! So many homeless are not addicted to anything! Not thieves! Dosnt anyone remember 2008???? Remember good people losing their jobs? Houses, cars? Heartbreaking. News reported it correctly back then. Homeless people, good people. Well it's the same now. Most have some type of income. Many retired have vet pentions and social security. But rent is to high. Unbelievable high rent!! Go from there. It's how you prercieve them. Good starting point. They are family down on their luck.

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So much appreciate a feel good article and the perspective research Jeff, you’re the bomb! A perfect example of waste and misuse is PBH justifying a rodent infested house OF NO USE yet the new owners feel it is worth buying to be used in another location?? The comparison of two types of housing is remarkable and shows if there is a will there is a way. Unlike the free flowing amount of cash to justify job security and unchecked spending for expensive pet projects. PBH does provide much needed services for mentally challenged and the homeless population, however providing expensive housing to serve 36 when those dollars could have provided housing for 5 times that many people. Wreckless spending with County Commissioner blessings with our hard earned tax dollars is nothing but incompetency with titles and probably a few PHD’s and Masters degrees. Looking forward to seeing the future tiny home community for people hoping to be able to get their lives going in a more positive direction, very hopeful very positive.

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That's nice to hear, Pepai. Thanks for leaving a comment.

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I think what got me, was that fact that pets are not only allowed, but encouraged. Pets are expensive, require vet bills and can quickly destroy any home. I can only imagine the smells that will pervade, arguments about barking dogs, or loud parrots, the dog poo left around the area, the fleas and general chaos of animal hoarding and ultimately what will happen when the unwanted litters of puppies and kittens arrive? With limited rules or regulations how are these people to be evicted even if they break any of the rules or regulations? 4PA has goals to encourage self esteem and self reliance. I don't think a dog wash encourages anything other than to have a pet, when you can't even afford to house or feed yourself.

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I’m sure there is a label for dog unfriendly people, can’t be that way, can’t think that way or risk being labeled. I agree totally! I see people everyday begging for money and food with strollers full of dogs. I posed that question to Ms. Sisk, PBH administrator who makes $250K per year, she said it helps their self esteem by having something to love and care for. All the literature I read says we must first care for ourselves before we can care for others. It’s always the same scenario, depends on what you read, who you talk to, even doctors are opposed to each other…..Regarding barking and noise Ms. Sisk said the $350K apartments cost more because each unit is doubled insulated so tenants aren’t bothered by noisy neighbors. It takes a special group of people to spend other people’s money and say it’s all good.

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Without reading the comments… with the first reveal of the Harbor View here by Jeff my curiosity was picked as to how and if the new tenants would afford the cleaning items it takes to care for their humble new abodes. Would they be provided? Even the cheap stuff costs even at cost wholesale.

I know first hand how drug and alcohol dependent folks take care of things. Let alone dogs. Let alone the plumbing in an animal care facility. All money down the drain.

Will they have housekeepers or people checking on the care of these expensive properties….

I’m baffled as how alone can see this is good. They’ve guaranteed nothing as far as I can see … did I miss re educating the prospects curfew visitors spending the night ….. this really needs revisiting…

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Those are great questions, Paula. I don't know the answers.

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You know the answers, Jeff...you just don't want to voice them like the rest of us don't want to...tough love...compassion farms...mental hospitals with a spiritual aspect and lovingly let people go when they are done here.

Also ejecting corrupt agents from government and private institutions.

We all know it's not going to happen anytime soon... if ever.

This realm is insane and it isn't going to magically get sane.

Or maybe it will.🤪 Like 4PA.

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Well Robert …. We don’t want to make anyone feel bad or have hurt feelings right…besides we got rid of THOSE kind of hospital places… it’s better so they can be on the street eliciting guilty feelings so we can take real care of them… right 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

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They will use cheap powder. Clogs the drains

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I don't believe this dish washers, dog washing station is written in cement. To much water use is a ridiculous answer.

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I got myself into that downward spiral , got arrested by officer love than a nudge from the Judge , made to go to a program, learned about myself and the (I just want to feel good all the time disease ), owe that program my life ! Give a person a fish and they just have a good meal, Give a person a fishing rod and they can feed themselves ! 23 years ,still vigil and my family and I are well fed ! lost a sister and a bunch of friends to that disease ! I feel you Nacy !

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These stories warm me. Thank you, Randy.

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Well, give them a rod and $450,000,000 worth of new fish passages and MAYBE they can feed themselves?


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Working housing and vocational housing should be the model. Disability housing has been great for me and I feel blessed to have it. It takes a doctor's review to qualify.. It should still require workforce training, which is how I am treating it. Mental housing is needed but many people could work despite the mental status. The guy in the RV 50 ft from me can play a guitar, ride a skateboard, rip a door off his rv, but he cant work...I would ask 3 hours of work from him and meet him halfway.

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Hi Jeff, my name is Hinaa Noor. I am a reporter with the Lifestyle magazine. I would like to talk to you in regards to the Hurricane Ridge Day Lodge. What’s the best way to contact you? Thank you.

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Got it, thanks.

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Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing.....

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Wow and Wow! Thank you for sharing this, Jeff.

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You're always welcome, Gayle.

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