They're not going to rest until they've sold their greenwashing story to get tax-funded private gates OR, God willing, we ALL get to drive over New Towne Road any time we want. If the road stays closed, the county would have to strictly limit what these people do with their land. Imagine Eberle trying to restart a retail business of any type. His clients would be using his private, gated access to OUR road. The county would be funding a private business. How does that fly? Another lawsuit waiting to happen.

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There are certainly several lawsuits in the wings, best I understand.

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Missed this till this morning. Noticed they posted a DLTA sign at the gate by the creamery. I suspect they are being gaslighted. Might be worth posting a "facts" post at the same gate (not that someone won't tear it down, highlighting the letter on safety implications and insurance costs. Maybe then the community minded amongst them will reconsider their position. Also post it in neighborhoods north of the levy. I know people in my neighborhood who are neutral, but knowing the increase in insurance may nudge them. Also intend to send a thank you to the 2 commissioners who voted to reopen the road letting them know I appreciate it and that knowing that has reduced my anxiety about my health and safety and large added expense.

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Thanking them is a great idea, Mary. I'm not surprised you would go out of your way to do that.

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This is terrible news from a small group. We walk that area almost daily and hardly see anyone out there. Most of the time during the week there are only one or two people. A small path would be just fine. I'd like to have some pavement there to take some our disabled friends either by car or their wheelchairs.

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Great points, Sherb. I think that is most folks' experience... just a few people per hour and it used to accommodate 180,000 car trips per year.

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Oh man...just finished listening to today's public comments at the County Commissioners meeting...big turnout against paving from outsider groups and now on the radar of UW environmental activists.

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How did you like that "nearly 700 signatures" from the UW? As someone pointed out to me, probably not hard to get that many signatures on a college campus when you say, "Did you hear in Sequim they are turning a trail into a road?"

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I think that was the Eberle/Change.org petition. I think she pointed out that she and her group were only part of the number. Of the 16 signers the petition will let you see, 10 were from outside CC, 6 were from inside CC, and 2 of those were from the same person. The devil is in the details or is that the flood plain.

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Unbelievable what people do. Why is it so hard to accept graciously it is a win/win. The people who want the trail get their trail and the drivers get their road. We will never know how many lives and homes will be saved in the future with regained access and an open Towne Road. I wish the DLTA group would quit wasting your time...want you free to pursue another juicy investigation and write your next book!

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This is why I no longer lean liberal. I find so many dishonest people spouting their drivel. If some people cannot get things honestly well honesty and transparency be damned. If I lived out there I would look to sue, for the rightful use of the quickest EMS available via Town Road. There is more here, no doubt. Several people have alluded to what else is going on, in these threads. It should be obvious to everyone by now.

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From the bit I heard they were ill informed and apparently did not know the history of a sitting Commissioners back door dealings that left out most of his constituents in the process. If I had spent my time as they did only to find out I had not heard the whole story I would be quite upset.

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Thanks, Jeff. I notice Thomas posted this on Nextdoor as well. Going to be interesting today and looking forward to your recap...go get 'em! We will accept no less than a paved Towne Road...amen!

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Jeff gave great testimony.

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Thanks, John. You could probably tell by my shaking voice and hands that I was winging it. I had planned something else but will save that for later. I can't remember if next week is the swimsuit or talent portion -- I'll be ready to present for either.

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Alrighty then. I will figure out a way to leave the house for that!

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I had an abscess tooth and got flustered with the screen share functions. I will do better next time.

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I still think an abscessed tooth is less painful than sitting through a commissioners' meeting.

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Listening to the open spaces trails and classroom bit handed down by the ICLEI, is a form of torture. They brought in the heavy hitters this time. I hope they file an injunction. I am wringing my hands. They usually like to do their leveraged NGO work off in the shadows. It will be some bike or trail association that files an injunction...if they lose.

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Ain't that the truth!!!!

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Feel better soon.

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They still have this thought flawed process that allows them to think they can stop a funded process without an injunction. As if they can overwhelm the Commissioners with a deluge of ICLEI farming space to open space, trails for education as if they are some powerful holy environmental nuggets. Then they go home and call Amazon for something the costs them $8.95 but took two cargo ships traveling 45 days to and from cheap labor. It just kills me when people say they are "correcting mistakes" and looking out for the kids. They killed Dungeness farming by diverting alluvium to get salmon recovery with meandering the tribes themselves restrict to upper levels of the river so they can have a casino near the water so it looks better on the post card. Now the shipping bar graph goes straight up and the pollution bar graph right with it.

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When you put it like that………. hahaha… wow


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