I can not in good faith ever again vote to give money to people who have already proven to be be poor stewards of money. So much corruption everywhere that giving anymore money to the corrupt and expecting a great outcome is literally the definition of insanity. Vote wisely.

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TJ, you are dead on!

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If you’ve seen recent test scores from Sequim Schools, we need to be investing money into fully understanding material and core competency. I can’t in good faith vote for this bond when the majority of our kids aren’t grasping the basics. The college has buildings from the 1960’s we are still using and maintaining. Sequim School district can manage the maintenance of their buildings better before I give them any money to waste.

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Nicholas, you are dead right on.

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This is simply wrong. I've voted for the measure, but agree with TJ that this move by the city council furthers my distrust of any politician. Poor fiscal management of repair or replacement funds is tantamount to fraud and this move to set aside their own rules furthers the lack of trust in our city management.

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We understand why people want to support our schools and teachers but most don't realize how corrupt all levels of government have become. The politicians, the teachers, the unions, the banks, the law enforcement...all of it. We are the 'endless' supply of cash for 'anything goes'! All debt based. Even the well off amongst us are debt slaves.

Slaves revolt...but sometimes too late!😎

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Robert, you are dead right on.

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Let me know when it's time for torches, pitchforks, and gallows, LOL!

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Don't forget Commissioner Mike French's advice: "My position is, property destruction is not only fine, it's usually the only way we've seen actual change happen" and that "throughout American history some amount of property destruction has been acceptable (and if not acceptable, understandable or forgivable) during periods of political unrest/protest." https://www.ccwatchdog.com/p/commissioner-condones-property-crime

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It will be obvious but we will be at a disadvantage as we are not narcissistic psychopaths.😁

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Are medical professionals not moving here because of school building aesthetics, or a severe lack of school choice? As long as all these bonds, levies, taxes, fees, etc. get passed, the more corrupt our small town governments will become, because the "yes" votes mean you acquiesce to the continued corruption. Take away their money, you take away their power. Thank you, Jeff, because now we know who the culprits are.

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You're welcome! I think every eye-opening article in the past 16 months has come down to "transparency." It's a theme.

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They were opaque for the MAT clinic, and opaque here. How many other similar incidents have occurred before you became our investigative reporter, Jeff? It seems like this is SOP for our state, county, AND now, local governments. And, because the media hides it from the public, everyone sails along thinking everything is hunky dory.

Thank you for the exposé, Jeff! You rock!

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Something's rotten in Denmark! Oh, wait...that's a politically incorrect saying!

Actually the same thing rotten in Denmark is the same thing here!

Welcome to Globalism 201.🥸

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Yeah and not to 'diss' on anyone in particular but when high-end performers and high pay people come into our little county they are usually in a better position to absorb the tax increases up to a point.🙃

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Feb 2Edited

It's unfortunate that the elected leaders have so little respect for transparency and process that they're willing to chance that their actions could negatively effect a vote for the kids they claim are their priority. They gambled wrong with this voter.

Breaking rules because in someone's unethical and power hungry mind it can be justified tells you a lot about them. This is all about controlling the message, that's what authoritarians do.

My ballot, as of yesterday was leaning towards yes, because of the kids. It now has a big fat no selected. See how justification works?

My guess is one of these law breaking fools will be Ozias' successor when he moves on to bigger ambitions.

I can't wait to read how the SG or PDN report the violation of law.

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There are 2 generations of Marxist trained ideologues in power now. They know best and are entitled to tell the people how things are going to be...it's in their very being by indoctrination and propaganda (propagate an agenda).

Washington has already been 'Californicated'. Best wishes for the people.🙃

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What report? What violation?

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When elected officials want to break rules it is because they are up no good.Sequim and P.A. seem to have a problem with certain elected officials because of no accountability.

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Integrity has become a lost virtue. The media lies with impunity-- no, for PROFIT. Politicians lie with impunity and power. Perjury is no longer being prosecuted at any level, especially in Congress. Thank GOD that President Trump may restore some accountability and integrity in government, but a LOT more needs to be done!

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It is a truly awesome undertaking to try and bring them down...there is a lot of courage and determination on the part of a lot of good people attempting what seems impossible...(you can't fight city hall). Well you can't do it alone... but when enough have had enough... stuff happens.😁

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Didn't some of us have concerns about the City of Sequim's understanding and implementation of "transparent communications" a few years ago? Think the Healing Center. Such disregard for established and known rules should be a warning to all residents just how little respect the city's or County government has for those that elected them. Their recent actions show with little doubt that there are serious problems with this specific issue and perhaps future ones. These issues are easy to communicate effectively if certain people want to get the word out; perhaps a policy of putting these things ON THE FRONT PAGE of a newspaper, highlighted to bring attention to important issues that the community needs to be made aware of at least 7-10 days before any hearing of any kind can be held. Then there are expectations that most of us have that people should "follow the rules" or there needs to be consequences.

If people stand by and merely accept this; when will things change? - Never! No action will only allow this unacceptable behavior to grow and grow and grow until most of us will be unable to recognize the City and County we once knew. There is a pattern developing or has developed of dishonestly, of withholding information from the public - lack of transparency ; of assuming control when they do not have such powers.

Who other than Jeff is willing to call it out and work to end it? When the legal arm of a City or County voices concerns, as it appears was done here. that should be a rather bone chilling warning to the residents. Is it time for this to be reviewed by others at perhaps the State level. If we cannot depend on local officials to heed their legal team's warning, perhaps it is time to take it to the next level...Attorney General Nick Brown and staff have been installed; they are on the job; time for some to make a phone call?

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Feb 2Edited

Please report back if they accept the complaint. I'd be happy to call them as well to get it in front of them. In reading the RCW it says they should.


(2) The attorney general may investigate or cause to be investigated the activities of any person who there is reason to believe is or has been acting in violation of this chapter, and may require any such person or any other person reasonably believed to have information concerning the activities of such person to appear at a time and place designated in the county in which such person resides or is found, to give such information under oath and to produce all accounts, bills, receipts, books, paper and documents which may be relevant or material to any investigation authorized under this chapter.

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'Installed' is the perfect word...Nick Brown is Ferguson 2.0...groomed and selected...not elected.

There will be no front page exposure as the media are private and privately controlled by NWO agendas.

If you don't believe it you don't have to... but there are plenty of alt-news sources that lay it out. Research NWO, CFR, WEF, UN Agenda 21+++, etc. but not using MainStreamMedia. You have to get outside the box to clearly see what's in the box.

Many of us have commented at Commissioner Meetings...they roll their eyes, shrug us off, cut us off, etc. Due process as we have believed in it is dead or mortally wounded.

Mass action is not an easy thing to accomplish as it usually costs those who can least afford it, the most.

If/When the federal level does some house cleaning we might get some help at the legal level but it's going to be difficult and time consuming.

Just sayin'.🙂

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You get what you vote for.

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They over corrected the Q-anon path.

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Yeah, but how do you actually know who you are voting for...there is no transparency and no real debate and like my Dad used to say...."figures don't lie....but liars 'figure'!

We are like the mushrooms...kept in the dark and fed shit...there is no apparent legal way out of this but there is probably a lawful way out...we just need a critical mass to displace these people...mid term! Waiting for terms to expire is expiring our budgets and our patience and literally allowing corruption to run free and wild.

It's up to us...☺️

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Feb 2Edited

Oh, the time is now to send the message by voting no. When the bond & levy fail I intend to squarely blame the Sequim city council for its demise to anyone who'll listen. It'll set the stage for the next election.

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Nice you still believe 'due process' is alive and well. Best of luck with that.😊

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I can only work within the framework in front of me.

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I understand...however the framework is badly corroded, rotten really...I voted too but have 0 faith in it making any real difference...too many years of witnessing the same old song and dance, I guess.

Maybe if NO ONE voted it MIGHT get their attention.

If NO ONE paid their property taxes until a real solution came through due process...Yes, I still know how to daydream! Peace!🤓

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Feb 2Edited

The challenge, IMO, is to get enough numbers of those who voted for these people to vote opposite next time to vote them out. Convincing the majority of the voters to change is a matter of rhetoric and persuasion, and that's my focus.

People don't change their ways because they're told they're wrong, they change because they're shown they're wrong. It's a subtle difference.

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They changed the rules unilaterally, let's do the same regarding our property taxes, LOL--- that'll get their attention. Imagine-- a county-wide tax revolt! If only....

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Why have any rules? If Sequim City Council can vote to ignore & break the rules why have any at all? What’s next? It’s okay to have opinions or positions but to sidestep & ignore the rules in place is unacceptable, always has been always will be.

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Feb 2Edited

I'm calling the State Attorney General's office tomorrow, and the PDC.


(2) The attorney general may investigate or cause to be investigated the activities of any person who there is reason to believe is or has been acting in violation of this chapter, and may require any such person or any other person reasonably believed to have information concerning the activities of such person to appear at a time and place designated in the county in which such person resides or is found, to give such information under oath and to produce all accounts, bills, receipts, books, paper and documents which may be relevant or material to any investigation authorized under this chapter.

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Thanks, MK. Please let us know the results of your inquiries.🙂

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Feb 4Edited

The PDC said that they investigate violations of RCW 42.17a.555, and advised that any violations of the Open Meeting Meetings Act (OPMA) (42.30) go to the State AG's office.

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Thank you Pepai. You are right on point!

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I wonder how $145,900,000.00 ($290,000,000.00 over 20yrs) would fund charter schools in Sequim. Maybe overall scores would increase, and basic skills would improve, and we could graduate people able to join the workforce. We have a real shortage of LEADERS, as noted by those who would rather break their own rules, hide the truth, and MISLEAD us in order to further their own agenda. Tea party anyone?

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Thank you Eric. You are so right.

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Deputy Mayor Rachael Anderson nailed it. What are the rules for ? If the rules have become archaic, rendered ineffective by outside dynamics or perhaps no longer serving their intended purpose, CHANGE THE RULES. Fortunately we do not scrap our Constitution when conflicts with it arise. Way off subject, but I want to see the martial law powers that our Board of Health possess revoked. During our "pandemic" the BoH proved themselves completely incompetent at law enforcement. If the Board believes we should all inject experimental toxins, wear face masks and not be allowed in public domains for not injecting toxins, let them make their case with the Sherriff, a professional in law enforcement. The BoH must stay in their lane. They address the medical aspect and the Sherriff addresses the emergency aspect. If the law does not serve, CHANGE THE LAW.

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Sheriff is too quiet about infringements on our Constitutional Rights. We knew more or less what Bill Bennett's stance was. Sheriff King may or may not be supportive of our lawful rights. Time to speak up Sheriff King! Some of the 'official' people you are serving/protecting are criminals.🙂

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Unfortunately, that’s not his job. If you want to fight City Hall, you have to sue in court. You have to use whatever funds you have; they get to use the deep pockets of the taxpayers.

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I didn't mean for him to be prosecutorial...only speaking up for our Constitution and our civil rights...in the face of the commie-issioners. Sheriff HAS to provide protection for them at each session...therefore he is protecting unlawful agents of NWO...and destroyers of our society as we have known it. Maybe it is the will of some higher power that these infiltrators take over by dishonest and clandestine means...but many of us will not go quietly into NWO agenda(s).🤓

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She is a good representative for low income folks.

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People love to point to our school buildings and say they’re the reason doctors don’t want to move to the PA-Sequim area. I worked in community journalism for about 25 years and one thing I learned was that people with wealth don’t care what the school buildings look like. They care about what kind of kids their children will be with — in short, student scores and college placements. The North Olympic Peninsula districts are not stellar in that respect and newer school buildings won’t fix it.

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Mark, that is the most salient point that is not heard or listened to in this community. Thank you for making it.

If Sequim School District was number 1 School district in the country, instead of number 8677, people would come here just to see it.

If 100% of students in Sequim School District performed at or above grade level in all subjects, professionals looking for an idillic location to work and raise their families would come here and build wings in their name on the school. If we threw in Honesty, Transparency, Accountability, we would have the perfect place on earth.

Imagine if everyone here was an American and treated equitably and fairly regardless of whether they were a U.S. Citizen or a member of a Sovereign Nation. A place where elected officials served the entire population. A place where prosperity was a good thing, common good was common. [Sorry, I got carried away].

A place where problems are solved from the bottom up, not the top down would be a start.

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The Sequim City Council's action is in all likelihood misfeasance and thus grounds for a recall election. There's no way any county Superior Court judge with a backbone would deny it.

So much for the self-annointed "Sequim Good Governance League."

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I think the Sequim Good Governance League is a Communist organization, strongly influenced by Timothy Wheeler. I got this impression from their past comments on Facebook a few years ago.

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If Wheeler is involved it IS communist...he doesn't hide it.

Funny how communism/marxism seems to work ok for the 'ruling class'...not so much for the rest of us.😊

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I hope you are right about finding a judge with a backbone but getting the matter in front of them is another matter.🤪

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Rules for thee, but not for me.

And the #1 rule (most) elected officials follow is the "best" rule ... as in, we know best.

So close your mouth. Open your wallet.

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When I broke a rule, my third day in school after moving here from a large city I was suspended for three days. They didn’t make an exception. Not pleased at all with the city council at this moment.

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Something is wrong when the institution tasked with teaching our children asks another institution to break their rules and do them a favor.

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It is time to clean the Sequim Swamp! Maybe the feds need to come audit the city-county & state budget and priorities

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Boy AN, do I like that. The corruption is palpable.

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Oh let the Feds, come marching in, Oh let the Feds come marching in!

I hope and pray there are enough good guys left to handle the draining and cleanup.😁

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