The new levee was engineered, designed and paid for with taxpayer money. It was engineered for vehicle speeds and paid for with our tax dollars it was not designed to be a foot trail and a private driveway. The tribe should have done all their studies prior to construction when they destroyed the beautiful walking trail that existed seperate from Towne Road traffic. The road before the levee was taken out by the tribe was not suppose to be closed for ONE single DAY period end of story. Yet here we are the tribe causing more county taxpayer money to be incurred with additional man hours & politics! Our Commissioners need to stop bending over to their every whim. The time for the tribe to do studies was before the project, traffic, property access, infact most developers pay for all additional improvements of the surrounding real estate to mitigate costs of building. Giving the County unimproved property does nothing for us the taxpayer, we get no benefit what-so-ever. It is obvious the JST’s intentions before this all began was to get Towne Road closed for good! That is why nothing was studied or transparently planned & they had a Commissioner who get his largest campaign donations from, you guessed it, JST. I for one am sick of my tax dollars going to benefit the tribe when they don’t pay their small members stiffens (profit sharing). All this money the JST is making should be going to build all of them beautiful homes like Ron Allen’s & monthly payouts like other tribes do for their members. Not buying up properties to support their corporate pocketbook. We are the ones paying the taxes, we want our road, the road that is paid for with our tax dollars, end of story.

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Right on! I could not have said it any better!

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Pepai for Commissioner 2027!

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As amended, as approved, motion to…….yea nay & no justified expensive tax payer round-about at Towne Road & Sequim-Dungeness…..I’m good to go Jeff. Oh, forgot I’m not tribal material.

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I believe the conversation will reignite when property tax statements come out later this month.

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If the tribe wants the Towne road levee closed to vehicle use, then the road needs to dead end at the Eberle’s and NO one can use it as a thru road.

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EDITED 02102024:

Including the Eberles. Pretty much what state and maybe federal legal precedent will likely show. Open to all or closed to all.

If the county were to do "local access" only it still opens it up to everyone on Towne Road and anyone that knows it goes through.

I'd prefer my tax dollars go to opening the darned road to all as originally planned vs defending a lawsuit.

EDIT: after re-reading Morgan's post, it seems that keeping the road closed starting at Eberles driveway (in other words, if I understand correctly, current Towne Road would end at the Eberles), there would be no need for the county to invest in anything more than shutting off the already built levee road for good. They could re-purpose gates and take away keys.

Probably not challenging for the county nor as expensive as class action lawsuits that will still come.

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I prefer an open road as well. But I’m an all or nothing type person, either we can all use the road for thru vehicle traffic or no one can. The Eberle’s have pushed to allow some thru access to some folks and if they want to continue to push for a closed road, then block it off at their driveway access (no new access required), remove all gates, no need to pave, and ecology blocks at the Sequim-Dungeness section (remove that gate). No more gates, no more ‘vandalism’, and no one gets want they really want.

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Apologies as I see that is what was intended in your first post. That definitely would save the headache of having to provide alternative access for the Eberles. It would break up the "trail" but if the environment is the utmost important thing, break up the trail. I'm with you, Morgan, on an all or nothing solution with my first preference being open for all.

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Pepai, I am an enrolled Jamestown S'Klallam Elder and agree with everything you've said. Thank you for saying it.

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*sigh* It's troublesome that the commisioners and the tribe hold the false assumption that everyone that walks on the levee today supports keeping the road closed. I walk on the levee. I want the road open. I suspect many pedestrians would not mind having the road open WITH the trail next to it. ODT has way, way worse sections of trail along fast moving roads (and in some cases, even part of the road). Count as many pedestrians as you like. They will be able to walk on the trail next to the open road.

*double sigh* Enticing or bribery? It's just not overtly directed at any one official and yet it is masked under false pretenses.

Unfortunately we won't make it tonight either, Jeff. We will look forward to an encore performance.

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A. Johnson, you nailed it again. If I were promised these moments of clarity, the ones where you capture such succinct thoughts, I'd consider pushing my bloody mary consumption back to 10am. You will be missed tonight -- I also perform at birthdays, retirement parties, and bar mitzvahs.

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I hate to be the over-sharer here folks but we are looking at Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050 and beyond. Look it up. Do some research. The United Nations in cooperation with the globalist World Economic Forum, Davos group, Bilderberger group and other oligarchical organizations have infiltrated every level of Government and industry to carry forth their vision for a New World Order. It is not a vision friendly to humans. On the surface it is about protecting the Earth and the environment and I think we probably should re-order what we do and how we do things here on the planet we occupy. However, the powers that be are moving ahead with their plans without our input...they have no interest in what we think, believe or desire. I cannot prove it but I believe that there are monies and influences flowing through the 'tribe(s)' far beyond the casino 'earnings', which are substantial. If you dare to investigate the 'rabbit holes' of 'reality' which exist just beyond our ordinary perception (by design) you may soon come to realize the complexities of manipulation, propaganda, and mind control we have been subjected to for a very long time. Government = govern=control + ment=mind. Government as we have come to know it is literally mind control. Not to say there aren't infrastructure and functions governmental organizations do provide and carry out. That's what most of us thought it was for and nothing more. But that is a naive perspective. Governments around the word are clamping down on individual rights and freedoms most take for granted. How can there be a global coordinated effort to control humanity? It would seem impossible...and yet it is happening...including things like 'the tribe' preemptively removing the old levee on their own initiative before they project was ready and redefining the access and usage of the $20,000,000+ levee/road project. Many of the things being carried out have some benefit to our communities and also to nature...but there are other parallel agendas playing out right in front of us which we are mostly unaware of. I'm not a conspiracy theorist...I'm a realist...and conspiracies are real and being played out all the time. Conspiracies are not bad or evil in themselves. Conspiracies can be positive, useful and uplifting...it simply means (with breath)...to 'breathe together'...as in people brainstorming, meditating on an idea or plan to further it and perhaps give it life. I don't have the answers to our local or national dilemmas but I do know I would rather suffer the pain of enlightenment than the pain of ignorance. If I don't clearly see the scale and scope of the problem I don't know how to respond. What I do see is local corruption due to lack of accountability on common ethical values and a lot of ignorance and naivety in the general population...or apathy...I guess enough of us are still comfortable enough that we are not yet ready to show up in enough numbers to demand a change of governance. Maybe the dialogue we are starting here is the beginning of real positive change. I hope so. Time will tell. Thanks for all who are participating. Robert James.

P.S.F.Y.I. Look up the Rothschilds' 25 Point Plan for World Domination penned in 1773...See if you recognize any of their 'bullet points' playing out in our world today. Long term planners, those guys. We can choose to not go along but there is a price for resisting 'The Narrative'. No way to know when or how many will choose for Liberty, Truth and Justice and be willing to go the distance.🤓

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They say nobody is implementing it. But the NGO's like NODC do implement it.

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Well that would explain why there was no Towne Rd. update last week.!!! You really need to look into the ROW thing.

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Okay, Leo -- I'll take a look at it... thanks for the reminder.

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Its interesting that Wendy Clark-Getzin works for JST as their Transportation Program Manager, and is also on the board of North Olympic Land Trust as Vice President. Having a hard time connecting the dots definitively as to why they want this road to remain closed so badly

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If the past 5 months have taught me anything, Angel, it is to trust my gut. I think your discovery is worth investigating. I'll ask around.

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The Tribe is losing and finally coming out from under their rock to fight instead of counting on the Eberlys to do their dirty work for them.

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Sounds like you've seen this tactic before.

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One last comment. I want a road, I want an update. As a taxpayer I expect better. Let’s just see how fast the tribe gets their planned group hug effort put into motion. We’ve been waiting for over a year +. I think the County Commissioners should wait that long to respond to JST, don’t you? If things go as planned according to the Commissioners the road will be paved and traffic & walkers flowing by then 🤗

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I see the beginnings of a public comment here...

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Wish I could remember when Lloyd Beebe went ahead and built a dike/levee, whatever, to protect the game farm from the Dungeness River flooding. My dad, back in MI, was working with a guy from another state who helped groups work on their rivers but do it ecologyly (sp) correct. I was the go between dad and Beebe with letters, maps, etc. It was before the day of computers. Mr. Beebe, I think, had to take his dike out but I think he worked it out with the powers that be, to keep the Game Farm from flooding. That's my two cents worth.

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Now that's going back a ways, Sue. I hope the history you know is all written down somewhere.

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The court process is strict. If you don't file an appeal of the project within 30 days you normally are foreclosed. Furthermore, you had to make comments on your opposition to have what they call participational standing. That is under the Administrative Procedures Act. APA. Try stopping a project any other way under the APA. Its not going to happen. The other way is an injunction under declaratory and injunctive relief. You get an injunction to stop the project before it starts. Maybe if a project uncovers artifacts you can make a case mid project. Usually after the project is funded and construction begins there is little you can do. Here, nobody had to file an injunction, the word came from the Commissioners office. This is cause for re-call petition. The letter is a bribe. The tribe has been using its financial resources to avoid doing what most people have to do. The Commissioners enabled the tribe.

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How in the world do you keep all of this information at your fingertips?!?

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What a crock of shit! WTF does the road have to do with their pedestrians???? Didn't the plan allow for both? They're just practicing what the Democrats are doing to Trump-- endless hassles, delays, and lawfare. Why? And, sadly, you know the adage, "What the Tribe wants, the Tribe gets", as they grease the politicians' palms. They don't pay taxes-- the REST OF US do! We paid for the road, we want the road, and that should be the end of the story.

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I got the sense from the letter that Dr. Guillozet hasn't ever been to the Towne Road levee.

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SGGL usually does their dirty work, so yes.

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Sorry to miss the grand event - and not quite sure what to make of the Jamestown Tribe's influence here.......sigh.....STAY PESKY!!!!

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I'll arrange for a repeat performance when you turn 50 Bonnie.

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Further follies are ahead. The tribes have gotten control over the river using the tire PPD 6 issue. This is going to have to be litigated. How do we pay for stormwater projects and payroll and still leak anything into the river.?? Then the rubber sealant they put on boats emits the same ppd6. So does the half a million tires Washington State dumped into the Sound and straight for fish habitat. They need to be legally challenged. The ICLEI just wants control over the water supply and they are using the tribes to get it. The tribes get money from the Climate Commitment act funding for reparations for colonization. The transit systems get a payout. That is who sits on the NODC an NGO that puts forward all these International policies by leveraging them with funding.

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Of all the issues I'm keeping an eye on, they all have one thing in common: Water.

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PPD6 is how the tribe will get control over the water for the NODC/ Globalists. You will hear more soon. The tires..We need to blah blah blah..the tires. PPD6..

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I've heard PPD6 twice. Once from the Tribe, and second from the "Bonneville Environmental Foundation" (that NGO that sent a letter to the County).

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