Great work again from Jeff Tozzer~! My compliments to the Clallam County Watchdog for reporting upon the dirty little "secret" of every community that I have ever lived and/or worked in all of my life. In fact, I have been a real estate analyst for over 40 years, and it has been absolutely appalling to have been witness to the enormous number of times that I have seen local governments intentionally interfering with businesses to cause them financial trouble~! The dastardly and infamous government "Hidden Hand" has been in full operation throughout our American society for as long as those in government could profit by wielding their power in unconstitutional and more often than not criminal ways~! From the health department constantly harassing restaurants to keep them shut down under the guise of "public health", to the building departments dragging out their process of inspections and permitting, to the even more obviously aggressive intentional damage to businesses like creating never-ending construction projects that keep customers away and even fostering & encouraging physical damage & destruction to business locations and businesspeople themselves, it is perfectly clear that there exists an evil criminal element right in front of Americans faces that is hidden in plain sight~! The average resident of the American communities would never suspect this dastardly evil "Hidden Hand" that exists everywhere that governmental power exists and can be abused for profit and power. Even the businessperson could be in the dark as to why their dreams of operating a profitable business seem to be getting delayed, blocked, or constantly interfered with. Over the decades I have been a business consultant many times for folks who had dreams of opening a business and the FIRST thing that I tell them is about this "Hidden Hand" that exists in all communities that can and will more often than not blindside them and their best laid plans~! I advise them that if they don't do deep research into their business plans to determine just how the competition in the market could use the local government to destroy their dreams, that they will stand a serious risk of failure and likely never see it coming~! Sometimes the problems come from inside the community itself, where a business that is being put together will be attacked (more often than not without ever learning about it) by individual members of the community, religious organizations, or other groups that do not want the specific business to be opened for some reason. Oh yes, there is an extremely nefarious ugly evil side to "The American Dream" and the biggest problem always lies within. Sneaky, dirty, underhanded games that some play on the unsuspecting Americans who only want to make a living for themselves and their families by operating a legal and legitimate business that would be a benefit to the community are not rare, they are in fact commonplace in America today~! I always laugh at those who "preach" that most businesses fail within a short time because of lack of funds, because this "Hidden Hand" is so often intentionally used to destroy the dreams of so many who have the amazing & wonderful entrepreneurial Spirit that at one time made American communities rich, diverse, and much more enjoyable~! Thank you Jeff Tozzer and the Clallam County Watchdog for exposing a terrible truth about American communities that is LONG overdue bringing into the public light~! Anyone who stands in the way of the lawful legitimate businessperson in America should be civilly & criminally prosecuted and/or permanently removed from any position of power that they abuse~! All Americans now need to have a very serious discussion about the rampant abuses of power of government at all levels all the way down to the very roots of America itself, because with every abuse of power comes a ripple effect that tears away at the fabric of our country and civilization itself~! I dream of a time when ALL Americans can celebrate their fellow Americans rights, freedoms, liberties, and pursuit of prosperity & happiness without creating problems for each other~!

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I'm glad you liked the article.

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I/We more than simply 'liked" your article Jeff~! Being right on the front lines of these kinds of government abuses for decades I was thrilled to see that you had the Intelligence, strength, and honor to reveal such terrible problems in our community and America at large~! As you may remember, it is my duty to monitor such things as an American Constitutionalist and it was with great satisfaction that I read your work here. Opening up conversations about the subjects of concern is a valiant and patriotic thing to do and I am happy to say that you have done a respectable job doing so~! America has already entered a period of enormous change for the better and it will indeed filter down to all of the states in due time, so your work is greatly appreciated. I am sure that your good efforts will continue to play a positive role into the future~! Have a great new week~! Sincerely, Mike

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Michael, I hope when I use the term, Indian, you don’t feel like I’m being racist. We aren’t allowed to describe people by color or nationality. I don’t know how else to describe someone then. My daughter in law is S’Klallam but her family got dismissed from the tribe for some reason and cannot receive benefits thanks to Ron Allen. Is he even S’Klallam? Not sure but he is making millions! He paid $25,000 for some property off of chicken coop, then sold it to the tribe for $500,000.00. Now it’s off the tax roll. North Olympic land trust bought property for $3,000,000.00 that doesn’t pay property taxes on. Where did they get 3 million from? I looked on the Clallam assessors page and saw land valued at $1200.00 but when I opened the file, it was worth 1 million. Now most of the properties were handed over to the tribe. They are against private citizens owning property, which goes against our constitution and they should be kicked out of office. They are not representing the citizens best interests. Urban growth is not fixed by taking land away from the people. Thank you all for the opportunity to share this information and have hope that something will be done. I’m so glad I found this app! Have a great weekend and merry Christmas

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Hello, my good friend~!

Absolutely not, you are welcome and of course free to use the term "Indian" in any way that you wish, because that is completely "Constitutionally correct" and your Individual right~! Don't let these "politically correct" goons dictate anything because that has always been an evil & devious scam to get unsuspecting Americans to surrender their freedoms and rights. As A Constitutionalist I support folks right to communicate any way that they honestly wish, even if they are "prejudice" against others for their racial makeup, because through honest dialog (and humor :) "we" can ALL learn and successfully change the negative feelings of prejudice itself. Bullying people about what they can think and say is the quickest way to make matters worse, which is really what was intended with the "politically correct" attack on Americans to begin with... We are all in fact very much the same under the skin and the vast majority of folks all want the same things, so we have all of the real power if we come together to destroy those who profit by intentionally dividing us against each other ;-) You are safe, and your freedoms & rights are well defended with me my friend~!

I am SO sorry that your daughter was "dismissed" from the tribe, however I never heard of such a thing myself, and I am not even sure that can actually be lawfully done~! As an old student of the law, I well understand that "tribal law" can be very different, and it is unfortunately human nature for most who get "power" to ruthlessly abuse it. I actually have American Indian ancestry from both my father and mother's side linked to two different tribes. It is only a small % of my genetic makeup from what I understand. The interesting thing is that some years ago I attempted to contact my mother's Indian tribal community and to my surprise I found that the heads of that tribe ALL had last names that were the exact same as my American Indian family history~! Even so, they completely ignored my request to learn more about my ancestry even though I assured them that I was not looking for any of their money or to even become enrolled as a tribal member~! So, my own relatives ignored me, ran like cowards from their own family, and of course abused their power just like most who should never be allowed to have power because of their evil bad will~! Ha! Yes, for good and bad, "we" are all very much the same regardless of our racial makeup my friend! I am hoping for a new time in history where "we" can get over the outrages and abuses of the past, so that the younger generations will enjoy a FAR better America and hopefully world~! Ideally, the positive legal changes that are already in process for America (and hopefully the world) will also result in overdue changes in American Indian tribal behavior as well, but to be honest I really don't know. Obviously, any Individual human regardless of race can often times betray the power that they have, and "we" (society) has the ultimate duty to make sure that these criminally minded people do not get power in the first place or are removed from power immediately if/when they prove themselves incapable of handling it with honor. Keep the faith because I suspect that your daughter will in the future have the ability to contest her "dismissal" from the tribe and receive her rightful portion of any tribal funds rightfully due her~! Unfortunately, this world is not "fair" and never has been, but the good news is that "we" (the patriots and others) are working VERY hard at great personal risk to make things much more "equitable" and "reasonable" for everyone soon~!

I very much enjoy you sharing your words & thoughts with me my friend, but please never worry what others "think" because your true heart and Intentions are the only thing that really matters~! Unfortunately, most people are actually wrong about most things ALL of the time in this dysfunctional world, so ignore those who judge your Intentions and just enjoy every day of your life in your own way. Ignore those who pressure you against your honest free will~! You sure sound like a decent Intelligent Individual of goodwill to me~! Merry Christmas and may you enjoy a GREAT 2025~! It will be a difficult year, but well worth the effort to work on returning America to ALL Americans~! Cheers! Mike

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Great response, I’ve only been interested in the land grab by nonprofits since 2017. My property was greatly reduced by a local land trust that bought both pieces on either side. Once they took 30 feet by 270 feet from me they started harassing me for encroachment, dog at large and trespassing because of where I parked my car (in my own driveway) Nonstop certified letters, in person visits by 3 members, police calls and 2 unsuccessful attempts to sue me… I was able to dodge that bullying by sending the description of land to the attorneys they have on their payroll, all paid for by tax payers.

You can’t look up exactly how much residential land they have titles to because they invent a new nonprofit with a new name and act like they are all working together for the good of future generations?!? Who thinks residential land is better off owned by the government? What generation will be able to use the land? Or can they just see it from afar because of the no trespassing signs? But wait it gets even better..

Now the nonprofits are handing over land to the native Indians because they walked on it 10,000 years ago, (was that before Christ?) The treaty gave them land and they had 1 year to get all their members there and situated. They were allowed to walk and live on U.S. citizens land, with permission. They also were given rights to water and fishing but they didn’t own those lands either. No where does it say all land they traveled through is theirs.

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I am sorry you had to navigate the land trust by yourself. I'm sure you have suffered not only financially but the emotional and physical aspects in your battle. Nobody will understand the hours and hours of research and sleepless nights you endured. Winning is fine, but the toll of winning has long lasting consequences. Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you for your gracious compliment! I am SO sorry for your terrible experience with the local criminal bullies my friend! As a real estate analyst, I have seen literally countless dirty underhanded tricks played by those with the power and/or the ability to steal and/or control what does not belong to them. Sadly, the local Indian Tribe management is one of the most evil, underhanded, and ruthless that I have ever witnessed~! While most of the local residents have been fast asleep and completely ignorant of what has been going on, these evil criminals have been "DWP" (Drunk With Power) and tearing the fabric of society apart by destroying many more lives than folks realize. Everything is just fine, until it happens to them~! Specifically, the local Indian tribe management acts as if they have more rights than anyone else, and they deploy a great many nasty attacks on numerous levels against the locals in the community on a regular basis. I am inclined to believe that much of what the corrupt Indian Tribal government does is NOT approved or appreciated by the Tribal members any more that "we" the local folks are guilty of what the criminals in the local, state, or country governments do~! There is a shared responsibility however and folks do have some responsibility to get rid of the corrupt government wherever it is and criminally prosecute the criminals ASAP~!

There is very good news headed "our" way however~! Regardless of what anyone "believes" the new government coming into play on the federal level is full of Constitutional folks who will be destroying the old evil unconstitutional "corporate US" that has had a stranglehold on America since 1871~! I realize that the vast majority of Americans have been intentionally kept in the dark about Americas true history, but the short story is that "we" have been tricked into what is called a "Maritime Law" ("Admiralty Law" or "Law of the Sea") system, which is the exact opposite of the "Common Law" system that America was "born" to have under the original American Constitution~! What this means is that you and all Americans who have been wronged will have the ability to have your cases heard in a Common Law court in the future~! The kinds of legalese and unlawful and often criminal bullying & trickery that you and millions of other Americans have suffered and been damaged by, will in time no longer be possible by these devious ruthless thugs of our society~! The signs of what I am saying are in fact EVERYWHERE right now, including in the SCOTUS where they just passed what is known as "The Chevron Decision" which neuter's the corporate US courts and removes the unlawful control of the bureaucrats who have bend destroying America and literally millions and millions of lives for the past 40+ years~! You may already be seeing some evidence of this already, but you will see much more as "we" go into the future I assure you~! Oh, and I am an American Constitutionalist, so I do NOT play stupid games that divide Americans, including along racial lines, but for the record I am actually part American Indian myself~! ;-) I am proud of my ancestry, which is "mixed", however it is nothing that I personally accomplished any more than anyone else, and it makes absolutely no difference when it comes to doing the right thing~! Hang in there and stay healthy & prepared, because much better times are coming to America as "we" reinhabit the American Republic~! Sincerely, Mike

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Thank you Michael Heath, your response actually does help the people that this has happened to. I think acknowledgement and "having their back" helps to heal open wounds. I know, I am one of them.

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Hello wonderful Jennifer~! Yes, I totally agree that good folks just need to know that they are NOT alone and suffering all by themselves! Rest assured, there are those of us who have been fighting for many decades against government abuse at all levels, so those who have been harmed have never been alone ;-) Real American Constitutionalists are ALWAYS on the job keeping watch because that is what we live to do~! It is our primary duty :) The criminals in government and bullies who use the government against others as a weapon always want their victims to feel alone, and worse, to feel as if they did something wrong somehow! This will no longer be accepted or tolerated any longer as it has in the past. Americans are getting much better at communicating, as you have just done, and entire communities are coming together during these times of adversity! I wish I could say that the past suffering of all of the victims of these brutal criminal thugs will all be rectified, but in truth I really don't know. God takes care of a lot of His business in many ways... The great news is that the rights and freedoms of ALL legal decent Americans has entered a new time in history and the evil unconstitutional criminals are going to soon suffer for their criminal acts and abuses of others~! In fact, that has already begun while most folks have been distracted by the three ringed circus of political insanity that has been going on... NEVER trust what the mainstream media says, because the truth is that an entirely different world is going on right behind the "swamp gas" of the criminals and their nasty underhanded gams are coming to an end~! Be of good cheer and do keep the faith because much better times are coming to America and the world~! Sincerely, Mike

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Speaking of health departments… JT, during my husband’s time with them of course never stepped foot on the premises. They govern that themselves… he presented photos of dripping water, mold, leaking packaged meats falling on open food products… never taken care of… needless to say we never ever eat there.

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Question asked; Why do you hate Indians? We don’t hate Indians, we hate the political machine that has created a divide in our country, the United States of America, by recognizing separate, “sovereign”, nations within our “one nation”. Why can’t I own my land outright and not have to rent it from the government through the payment of property tax. We have county commissioners who grant our money to “non-profits” claiming to endorse Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness, and then create non level playing field for us. Where is the “equity”?

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At a special meeting with the tribe and Sequim council, Ron Allen said their objective was to "be a value added to Sequim." He then went on to say "we care", "you'll like what we do" and "we do Christmas right." That's the problem, too many people only see the Christmas lights and not what's behind the display.

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The infamous Christmas decorations--the Tribe dangles bright shining objects to distract us from the truth.

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It is clear that the Jamestown tribe is a US government funded monopoly that hurts other local businesses. In this geopolitically tense period of de-globalization and nationalism, are we not supposed to be endorsing "Buy American"? If the tribe is a sovereign nation and does not have to compete fairly, then shouldn't it also be treated like foreign entity? Instead of subsidizing a foreign entity - especially given their already massive profitability - I think a LOCAL anti-monopoly laws should require local TARIFFS if you use a foreign businesses? At a minimum, perhaps tribes should have a cap on the per capita profits allowed? Now that would seem fair. Right?

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User and impact fees should be paid by all and by the nautical and air mile so its fair to everyone.

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Deb Haaland is the first Native American to serve as Secretary of the Interior (2021-present) Her dept also oversees the Bureau of Indian Affairs and manages public land and natural resources. Her dept controls half a billion acres of land, including the Natl Parks, cattle ranges and oil and gas fields.

Haaland has brought tribes to the table on public land decisions...she increased tribal co-management agreements tenfold. In 2023, the Interior Dept grew the number of public land co-stewardship agreements with Tribes across the country from 20 to 200, the largest-ever increase in history.

THERE IS HOPE: Kristi Noem is the governor of South Dakota, (possibly Trump's pick to replace Haaland) She has cracked open just one area of the closed Native door (of profits) by arguing that tribal leaders were profiting off of drug cartels. Noem has since doubled down on saying Mexican drug cartels are rampant on Native American reservations in South Dakota. In retaliation, all nine South Dakota tribes banned Noem from entering any tribal lands (almost 20% of South Dakota!)

President Tony Reider of the Flandreau Sioux Tribe, informed the governor that the ban will remain until the Governor refrains from making future blanket statements that offend the tribes and an official apology to be made.

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Brilliant idea. How would we go about implementing this?

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Tax on all Bunker fuel.

If its an environmental related tax and not a tariff, it would be a more defensible position.

You hit them at the pump here and at the United Nations. The World Economy is going to have to cough up impact and user fees.

The enviro centric crowd running the NGO chains will be exposed. Finally the people would see the world economy and tribe gets to pollute for free while they put the Jesse James to poor people and rich colonizers.

Polluting for free.. The tribes...polluting..er Reparation's.. Now we get the commercial with the tear in the eye running down the cheek.

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I spent my entire career in commercial construction as an electrical contractor. Though based in Seattle where the bulk of my projects were, I was the electrical subcontractor for the Port Angeles City Hall. I found Government interference in public works contracting to be an abject failure. The only success with the "MWBE", ( minority and women owned business enterprises ), was yet another Governmental agency spawned to create, certify and monitor MWBE participation. Government is ignorant of the construction industry. By getting involved in public infrastructure construction it has increased taxpayer infrastructure cost significantly. A public works project typically now requires a 10% minority owned participation and a 10% woman owned participation. The general contractor is the only contractor of record. Assuming that contractor is not MWBE certified, the 20% MWBE participation must be acquired through subcontractors. The mechanical participation is typically around 10% of a project and similarly electrical participation is also around 10%. So where would you imagine a general contractor would look to get their mandated 20% MWBE participation ? Ironically MWBE subcontractors implode from the boon of Government mandated work. This happens because of cash flow. The influx or work causes huge sums of cash outlay before compensation is received. The more work they get, the more money they need to finance costs not yet repaid and the implode. All this at the expense of contractors unable to obtain MWBE certification.

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“Now, everyone is going to have to pay their fair share.” Still works in the wokest state in the USA... As we (the LEFT part of WA) go backwards and dive into a San Francisco model, the majority of the rest of the nation moves forward.

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Giving $$$’s to other nations, Iran, Ukraine & Israel isn’t looking so bad now….at least the USA can stop the bleed at any time, unlike the tribal treaties. Those nations mentioned aren’t undermining our Country, State, Counties and communities by taking our jobs, ruining our local businesses, using our schools, medical & transportation systems with no monetary contribution. How does the USA manage to become a government nation like the Jamestown tribe has become? The thought of sitting back & paying no taxes, getting government money for every & any business enterprise, ability to control another nation for money & power…….WOW what a gig that would be! Can you imagine? Does this happen anywhere else in the world, cause I want to apply for citizenship and go live there.

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If the ICLEI gets there tentacles into the tribe they will feel the pain!

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Congrads on your appointment to the panel!

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Thanks Walt!

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This will be a cliff hanger for many!

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Washington state did far worse than Arkansas?! And Mississippi?! So much for the elitists espousing their brilliance to us peons. Thank you, Jeff, for your eye-opening article. It was very sad to read because I didn't realize how badly Washington was doing. We can become the better - we just have to rid our local and state governments of the toxic influence of these elitists. They really know how to ruin everything. Congratulations, Jeff! I know you will do a professional job on the Charter Review Board,and bring the common sense so desperately needed!

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Our local politicians can drive us into economic despair, and then pat themselves on the back when the federal government sends grant money our way (thinking specifically of Commissioner French and the Recompete grant). Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you what you want out of your county government.

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This is the key point. Our elected officials need to be held accountable to the KPIs that matter most to the entire community. "Winning" a grant is just the beginning of their job. In fact, I don't want to celebrate until I see Clallam County stop underperforming the state growth rates in wages, jobs, educational outcomes, real GDP, etc. It shocks me we throw more and more money at problems yet never find a solution - and in many cases, we make it worse! I think from a first principals perspective if we improve economic growth, more people can afford a better life, a nice home, our hospital can become profitable as more patients have private insurance, enrollment at our schools would then likely increase too... The list goes on. I am a finance guy, and I ask each of you to look up Art Laffer and the Laffer Curve. Higher fees/taxes/regulations discourage work and investment JUST AS MUCH AS higher government subsidies create more dependency and less economic growth. The bottom line is that BOTH high taxes/fees and/or excessive government handouts shrink the tax base and hurt the economy. I feel like we are doing both right now. Unfortunately, I bet it gets worse before it gets better.

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The tribe’s unfair advantage in the health care world is also outrageous. I suspect an expose on that would be very enlightening and surprising. I’ve already heard rumors of a new “delivery tax” being talked about in Olympia. All businesses on the Peninsula have their goods, materials, and products delivered. If we have to pay a delivery tax on top of sales tax and personal property tax it could be a killer. Just another way for the state to reach into businesses pockets, except of course tribal businesses.

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Thank you for keeping the public informed.

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You're welcome, Linda! Thanks for reading from the very, very beginning :)

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You really brought them out of the woodwork!

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It appears one way to solve community problems with elected officials that go astray is to replace them in upcoming elections like we just witnessed with our latest elections,watchdog groups can be very helpful educating the voters who the bad players have been in the past.There are unfair buisness practice laws on the books that can be enforced.

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Nov 10Edited

For anyone who attended the County's budget meeting it's clear that the Commissioners are focused on Federal money to operate. Not a mention what they are doing to promote business for needed revenue. They use taxpayer dollars to fund the Economic Development Council so I suppose that's how they would argue they are supporting local business, but under what guidelines does the EDC operate? I have to wonder if they too are a NGO with an agenda?

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The new business model-- don't do anything but suck tax money from the federal government. I am told illegals are getting $3000/mo. I hear that young people are opting to sponge off the government instead of developing careers. It's called Universal Basic Income, so maybe that's what the corrupt county is modeling their actions after.

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Just have to throw this in. Talking to a builder not long ago. He told me a builder a few years ago, one of the best, shuttered his entire crew and business for the same reason. Tribe was building homes. No fees no licenses. No taxes. They could not compete. Very high quality business and jobs gone. Corruption is not just in Washington DC. This stinks to high heaven. Aren't there any ethics or pride of honesty anymore. Just money? This is unsustainable.

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I hope the Charter Review Committee makes it mandatory for any discussions between the County and the tribe be held on our USA property because otherwise it’s not transparent!

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Nov 11Edited

Any idea whether this WA State law has been violated? Is there an attorney out there who can opine? Do we need to pony up some money to get this looked at?



or whether these penalties apply?


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Looks like no one on here weighed in. I couldn't figure it out by looking at things.

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