Seems to me it is high time for the appropriate prosecuting agency to take a good hard look at how our county commissioners are voting to fund NGOs and the benefits those commissioners get, like trips to Washington, DC, to enhance their careers while shorting the citizens of the County.

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The prosecutor is a wholly owned subsidiary of George Soros (allegation/probability, not fact)...but he is totally ineffectual as are so many 'public servants'...we need a clean sweep of all major public 'officers' and a real open debate process to elect, not 'select' our public servants...they are supposed to follow, not lead...so let's stop calling them 'leaders'...they are following orders but not from 'us'!☺️

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I believe the time has come to learn the exact legal positions of tribal lands, the BIA and the relevant taxation involved. In particular; what is the legal requirement for one to be treaty entitled ? It is nit picking, but it is the insanity of discriminating on the basis of ancestry that requires proof of treaty entitlements. Contemplate how that determination is made and the absurdity of it becomes obvious. Neither those that were once treaty entitled nor those who crafted those treaties are living. So again; how do we determine who is entitled to rights and privileges above and beyond all other occupants of this land ? In order to maintain these entitlements in breeding is necessary. If not in breeding, then who is entitled ? With tribal owned land being sovereign it may become necessary that it be treated like all other sovereign nations. Passports and passport services should be required for both the non-tribal to access tribal land and for tribal to enter non-tribal land. Taken to it's logical end this process of allowing the treaty entitled to accumulate land and remove it from our tax rolls dictates there will ultimately be no County to manage. One should not be entitled to the infrastructure provided by the non treaty without paying their fair share. If it becomes necessary to embargo tribal owned business, it can be arranged.

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Well said. I have been saying this all along.

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Mar 11Edited

I will continue to say this:

We must stop asking for the tribe to pay the same taxes as we US citizens do. We must DEMAND that we pay the same taxes as they do. They are a group of people that have figured out how to throw off the chains of taxation and they are thriving because of it.

All of us must demand to be treated as equals with the tribe.

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I like that idea!

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Me too!

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I’m at the window yelling ‘I’M MAD AS HELL AND I’M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE’.

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Are there any conditions or requirements in order for land to qualify to be placed in trust? Is there a way to remove land from trust once it has been added?

I have sent numerous emails and comments to our commissioners protesting the amount of land that is being transferred into trust, but have received no response at all.

Who should I contact for actual action or follow up on this issue? It directly affects all of us who live and pay taxes here.

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You are doing exactly what you are supposed to do. If the commissioners aren't replying, they aren't doing their job. I would ask them your very last question: "Who should I contact for actual action or follow up on this issue?"

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This is a decent article on the history of the federal act.


In the most recent open BOCCC budget meeting where questions were fielded, Administrator Mielke related a story when he was a Spokane County Commissioner that objecting to the applications didn't seem to do any good.

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I remember that. Then he shared a story about how his efforts were successful in changing the direction of the Tribe's casino lights in the landing path of the airport or Air Force Base. Something along those lines. To me, it seemed like chances were slim that the BIA would listen, but not impossible.

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Bear in mind that the BIA is under the Dept. of the Interior umbrella. The former Interior Secretary, Deb Haaland, is a politician, the "first Native American to head a Cabinet department", a member of the Pueblo of Laguna and is now running for Governor of New Mexico. Deb has enjoyed nice ascent, being a facilitator for doing tribal and BIA business with the United States Government, who has allegedly wronged "Native Americans" as presented, and in proper context, non-Indian Citizens being born in America, several generations deep.

This is by no means, an isloated scenario, the product of somewhat recent (two decades) politics. We see similar connections here in Clallam County. This is not about race, or heritage; however, conflicts of interest are apparent in these situations, especially a Pueblo of Laguna Secretary of the Interior who administers the Bureau of Indian Affairs. These alliances affect American Citizen taxpayers via "Trust Lands", land swaps and lands within cities owned by tribes on which no taxes are paid. Schools also enter the mix with "Native American" children attending schools funded by taxpaying American Citizens, many of us being-of, but not claiming, North American Indian hertiage. "Native American" is a term dreamed up by politicians and is another exampe of out-of-context language used to accommodate agendas through which they benefit, personally. Indians that I have known all my life, still refer to themselves as Indians, not "Native Americans"; we have enjoyed amicable relationships, both sides not fully agreeing with the politics carried out by our "representatives".

Non-Indian and Indians alike (Americans, all), have become dangerous to themselves, through ignorance and complacency, having no idea of the nefarious dealings carried out behind closed doors, that they pay for and maintain. "Pay no attention to the man(people) behind the curtain". I find it intersting, as to the number of Congress members, et al. who will not be seeking re-election; coincidence? I think not. There's a new Sheriff in town, and their "boss" is no longer needed, wanted, nor living in our White House. The lights are back on, and they are afraid of being exposed for the greedy parasites they are. We have no shame in expecting our elected officials to carry out the Business of The People, or to resign so that we can elect someone who can, and will.

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Tribal members I know do not get any money personally. A family friend worked at Tribal Discovery Bay oyster beds noting young Chinese men as supervisors. The supervisor didn't know of work rules or seem to care. After enough complaints a new supervisor just like the last would show up. Who does the Tribe represent? Who do our politicians represent?

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They don't own tideland in Discovery Bay and thats not a job you can get h-1B visas for, especially not for seemingly infinite Chinese-boogey-man supervisors. So, you are doing the most right now.

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Well, the 'natives have more Chinese blood than Anglo blood so it shouldn't be surprising...blood is thicker than water, eh?😊

When we find out how much control the Chinese Communist System already has it's going to be brutal for many!😜

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Jeff, why do you not call this genre of commentary out? What is the point not too? And, if you can't tell what in that comment I'm refering to then utilize the number one tool that permeates your reporting: ChatGPT. Cuz it raises serious concerns.

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Thank you, Jeff!

Clallam County Commissioners REGULAR Meeting Tues., March 11th at 10am


Zoom https://zoom.us/j/8755617844 ID: 875 561 7844 passcode: 12345

Live stream: https://clallamcountywa.gov/meetings

Public comment Clerk of the Board Loni.Gores@clallamcountywa.gov 360-417-2256

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Thank you for sharing that information.

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Thanks Diana...please keep posting the link regularly as new people are seeing this all the time!😊

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As regards politicians, never confuse charisma for competence, nor ambition for ability.

Maybe I just coined a saying.

One does not require "experience," the drum Steve Tharinger likes to pound on during campaigns, to turn in the mediocre performances we see at all levels from elected and appointed officials. Anyone with a high school education can do the same. These people aren't super-geniuses.

It's our own fault, really, that they are where they are. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Democracy does not belong to the majority; it belongs to the majority that participates."

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I think it is time to take the tribe's tax exempt status to the federal level. Tribal members are also US citizens, correct? This is blatant racism at the federal level as well as another blatant form of reparation for past infringements. Yes, there were atrocious acts on both sides and the clashing of disparate groups against native peoples during the settlement period of this area. However, it does not follow that those of us living now are somehow directly responsible for past encroachments and injustices. It's the same as "those who have never owned slaves must bear the burden of reparation to those who have never been slaves." It is so time we are all treated equally under the law as, first and foremost, US citizens.

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Powerful quote, thanks for sharing.

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It should be very clear by now that R.allen of jamestown tribe could care or less about contributing to clallam counties tax roll for community support but would rather withdrawal $$$ from tax roll so taxpayers can make up the difference.This way R.allen can ad more $$$ to tribes multimillion $$$ surplus accounts.Local people may not want to support tribal buisnesses when they see that the tribes do not want to support the community tax roll by applying for tax exemption status for as many properties as it can getaway with.

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While the Jamestown tribe is working overtime to take from Clallam County, the Lower Elwha tribe has been sitting on a big, blank block off of prime waterfront land in downtown Port Angeles where they were supposed to build a hotel. It’s been FIVE YEARS since they tore down the Cornerhouse Restaurant and other businesses and still nothing. What are they waiting for?

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I remember in a statement LEK tribe said when they bought the cornerhouse property they had the necessary funding for their development plans which has looked doubtful for years.

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Times have changed and now it's time for the tribes of Washington State to pay their fair share in taxes . Both income and property taxes !

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Video Replay Commissioner's Board Meeting-March 11th

with Transcript


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The public is becoming more engaged!

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A sure sign of engagement is if public shows up with pitchforks and buckets of hot tar and bags of feathers....

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I would be interested in the prosecutors office having a PIU - public integrity unit prosecutor. The District Attorney's office I came from in another state (it was a very large department over 550 employees), we had a PIU. We had investigators/sworn who worked with the PIU unit. We prosecuted county employees, mayors, and even arrested a board member at a county board meeting. We had a "we tip" number that citizens or employees could call and report fraud etc. as well. The FTE's for the prosecutors in Clallam county office, approx 22 ( not including the victim advocates etc) from what I can find for the criminal side, and looking at the case loads from what is published, perhaps this could be pushed??? As only 4 jury trials, and a couple hundred cases for each felony and misdemeanors during the last year. Just brainstorming here, but has that ever been brought up in this county, a Public Integrity Unit?

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That's an interesting concept, and I've never heard of that. Perhaps it's something the Charter Review Commission could take up this year (they only meet once every five years, and are meeting this year). If you'd like to submit this idea to the Charter Review Commission, all 15 members can be reached by emailing the Clerk of the Board at loni.gores@clallamcountywa.gov

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Travesty! The Charter Review Commission should meet every year...my God...it's based on 1939 level activity in our county...HOW MUCH SH%T HAPPENS IN 5 YEARS?!

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Thanks for putting this information out. Hopefully enough people will become aware and vote in people who can be more fiscally responsible with our tax paying $

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You're welcome!

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Rise up en masse and damn the consequences...easier said than done... but if we are engaged here, then we have more chutzpah than most...not interested in martyrdom but willing participant in a straight up uprising...it just takes numbers and enough of us uncomfortable enough, to align and ally and physically show up demanding a constitutional (high moral) government. It's long odds now, but time will tell...we are already in an undeclared state of collapse at the national level, morally and financially so just a matter of time before our choices are crystal clear.

I fully support what is being attempted by Team Trump but that too is at long odds and no guarantee of success...cycles of (un)civilization repeat...until they don't.😎

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If we wait for election cycles...we are doomed!🤨

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Ok…? What shall we do? And who are we!

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Gay, somehow my response is posted above! 🙂

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Any ideas or information on what the Tribe spends their income on to support their people, infrastructure, roads, health systems, or salaries? I have read there is huge income available from the enterprises at casinos, rehab centers, construction projects, harvesting food, fish. I also heard that college is free, homes are free, utilities are free, health care birth-to-death is free. Plus members get free money. For being sovereign, sounds more like "dependent" to me.

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Great questions, Jean. I wish I had the answers.

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