And Ozias sits on another "non profit". Funny how the NGO and Non-Profit pays and pays and pays its "employees". And how convenient they attach the Commissioners to their boards to ensure ongoing funding.
I remember when sales tax was a little over 5%. Now nearly 11%. The State can't meet its obligations like it used to??? MUST have more money, MUST have more money, MUST have more money.
People of WA, if you can't see how we are being abused by our elected officials, well, welcome to the new Northern California extension of San Francisco.
Two things...rural drivers would not have an alternative to driving like city folks would with public transportation and the proximity of life's necessities like grocery stores and schools. Secondly, people like Ozais just don't get it that their pet projects that spend money on environmental wacko things that do nothing to improve our quality of life are not affordable. SPEND LESS MONEY! You're taxing us out of this state. People are leaving.Companys are leaving. The tax base is shrinking. Stop wasteful spending and giveaways to tribes like the whole Towne Road mess.
They know what they are's not's bankrupting the county they will borrow money from some 'world bank' to stay afloat and we will be wholly owned by private corporations.
The long-term plan by the deep-state for The Peninsula is to vacate humanity from most of it, concentrating us along the highway corridor and there will be a lottery system (which only the elite and high-social-credit-score people will be able to participate in) to access the Wilderness.
The maps have already been drawn up by the deep-state players who make the rules as they go.
IF Trump and Team are able to effectively do what they are trying to do it's still the tip of the iceberg of power, control and corruption we are dealing with... at a local and global level.
The 'gods of this world' are not going to go quietly in to that 'good night'.
Roll over or fight-fight-fight are the only options won't be pretty or easy but TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY and TOUGH LOVE is a good hill to die on!😊
I’m sure their reasoning is that people who live further out, would use the roads more, therefore more damage could cause by driving a lot on those roads. I’m just guessing, but if you live close by public transportation or stores and infrastructure, you are likely spending less time on those roads, which in turn less repairs or possible pollution you could cause 🤷♀️.
I don't believe its just about the money. Sure they believe it will yield more money and I'm sure it will. But eliminate the gas tax? Its the only equal tax in my opinion. Electric vehicles have a surcharge on licensing. Take away the federal incentives (rebates) and watch electric vehicle sales stumble. I believe its about data. Tracking everyone's movements is a powerful tool that could be monetized or used in nefarious ways. The carbon tax is hidden. No stickers at the pump. This reeks of "big brother".
Well, not to be outdone... Clallam Transit has "free" bus transportation, as long as the trickle-down from the DC laundry service continues; we won't need to own private vehicles in the eyes of Ozias and the One World Government gurus, nor anything else. "You will own nothing and be happy" is not a suggestion or an observation in-passing. As many have noted, NGOs, non-elected "experts" and non-profits have way too much influence over our once-local governments via lobbyists/political activists such as Ozias, while dictating the means to their preferred ends that taxpayers bankroll, without input.
Ozias wants to be a big shot, in his own mind. He doesn't care about the seniors or average working class in WA state. He's the perfect example of government corruption and waste. This man needs to be voted out ASAP! Soon the only people paying taxes will be property owners, small business owners and those who have to drive for work. And, what happens when the state looses federal funding for education, and federal funds due to being a sanctuary state? We the people need to speak up, refuse to pay property taxes until they quit using taxes to pay for their unconstitutional funding of people not contributing to the tax system.
The likes of Derek Kilmer, who is now Senior Vice Presidentof U.S. Program and Policy for the Rockefeller Foundation; the same peope who brought you "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Deveopment".
Continuing his work to make sure his home county comes in third after the tribes and the world economy. That job is a dead give away that he was down with that all along.
When will we reach critical mass is anyones guess!🤔
BTW...Bell-Hillians and the mansions in the foothills have a lot more sway than we do...unfortunately they also have the ability to absorb more tax increases because they gather their wealth from us...'the little people', so a tax revolt initiated by the well-to-do would be far more effective and I am Certain the less well to do will gladly participate but we don't have the resources to fight 'city hall' on our own!
Any Trump-level leaders among the wealthiest of us?🙂
Common sense would dictate that charging stations, including in home, record the KW used to charge car batteries and then add 'TAX'. It's not rocket science. I guess Ozias found a jacket to wear in D.C., he does not show that kind of respect for us peons here in Clallam County. Just a thought.
Putting the translated desires of our residents into action through effective communication
“The bill introduced this year is SB5726 should you care to dig into the details.” Go look it up
Your response to your constituent demonstrates your arrogance and absolute disrespect for the citizens you are sworn to represent. Your continued dismissal of our desires shows a seemingly disdainful attitude toward constituents. You fail to honor your pledge of effective communication; you seem to effectively fight against it.
We dont know where the road taxes colected go. But they definately dont all go to the roads. They stick them in their general funds and dip in for what ever they please. I went to Idaho a few years back. One of the lower taxed states for gas. The roads between the pass and Spokane were like a washboard. As soon as I crossed into Idaho it was amazing. Smooth sailing. They do the same with all taxes. And they really dont think its any of our buisness to know where they are spent. Im sure all you have seen some of the recently uncovered USAID and social security expenditures lately. Tip of the iceburg. Its buisness as usual in a democrat run government whether local or federal. And the republicons just wring their hands and play along. Its up to us to vote out the trash.
Democrats just want more money to spend on their pet projects that contribute very little to society. We already have just about the highest state gas tax and they get additional funding for roads in the property tax...and as Lawrence points out, they get additional fees from electric vehicles.
Pay-per-mile tax is just as deceptive as all other taxes. Looks good, sounds good to the politicians, but all the real details lying beneath the facade are the daggers for the taxpayers. "It will be a fair tax" really means "We (gov't/deep state) see what you're doing." Another note: I checked on Rep. Randall's attendance at the President's Address to the Joint Session of Congress, and she walked out during the speech. Rep. Randall represents everyone in District 6. She represents me. I expect her to attend for its entirety, applaud and stand for the child who survives brain cancer, the survivors of murdered and raped family members, and the released hostage from Russia. If she can't abide to her duties of the office, she must resign. Thank you, Jeff. I enjoy all of your articles.
Who doesn't know that Tharinger likely won't run again, and the heir apparent is being groomed? As well, who is being groomed to replace Ozias.
Ozias shows us who he is by getting involved in matters that don't benefit the good citizens of Clallam County, but doesn't mind stepping on us to reach his personal objective. More conflict of interest about the poster child for the effort.
Much like in chess, the moves are being prepared far ahead of time.
The Democrats have likely identified someone in district 1 who can't run a small business, but is friendly to the policies that favor social ideology over building an economy that generates tax revenue to replace Ozias.
We as residents of Washington state have all of the power and "we" can choose NOT to comply with this madness~! If we all together refuse to comply with this new scheme of the criminals in government and we remove these criminals from our government, we can live FAR better lives~! I will be writing President Trump to make sure that the new administration is aware of what is going on with this "pay per mile tracking" insanity and hope that there are steps taken that stop it dead in its tracks. That said we here will NEVER comply with this or any other crooked government scheme that would or could be abused to do harm to Americans anywhere~! The government can't be trusted anymore now~!!! Sincerely, Mike
Yes, we can write directly to the Whitehouse...I have... on a wing and a feels right to make direct appeals...of course the staff are the go-betweens but we don't have to wade through endless bureaucracy to do it.🥸
Yes, absolutely, "we" (Americans) need to, as directly as possible, contact those in government at every level of responsibility from the top down. Not the bottom up, begging for "more soup" as if we are in a soup kitchen line for the poor~! In America ALL Americans are empowered to have their equal say regardless of economic or social status, race, religion, or any other difference "we" may have from others. Yes, it does in fact feel right and "empowering" to ""TAKE"" our rightful natural freedoms, which always include our honest complaints against the illegal and unlawful acts of those in government against our rightful freedoms ;-) Unfortunately, after many decades of studying the ways of "government" I can say beyond any doubt that those in government are NEVER happy unless they are destroying and stealing American rights & freedoms, and using that power for their own underhanded nefarious agendas. These people in government spend more time plotting to rob Americans of their Constitutional rights & freedoms then they do anything else. Until now ;-) I am VERY happy to say that, like him or not, President Trump has in fact been "draining the swamp" as he promised and ALL of that was to return the rightful power to "we the people" where it lawfully and rightfully belongs~! This process won't be quick or always "pretty" because of the many decades that previous individuals in government have conspired against America and Americans best interests, but yes, contacting President Trump and/or his folks in the new administration now will have FAR more of a positive impact than those people in government past who very intentionally ignored our pleas and demands~! This process will take time, but things are without doubt getting slowly better and we all need to come together to keep that positive forward momentum going now~! Have a great Sunday and enjoy the new week~! Sincerely, Mike
The great news is that Americans all over the country are starting to see & understand that REAL "audits" of the government are beyond any and all doubt proving to uncover the gross "evil empire" that the criminals of government at the federal, state, and local levels have been building in direct violation of The Constitution and all things good~! So, you hit it right on the head ;-) It may be difficult to see right now, but the heroic and Patriotic DOGE efforts are in fact revealing the corrupt government "octopus tentacles" that had long been constructed by VERY evil individuals in & outside of our governmental system at all levels. This does not mean that "we" should wait for the federal shakedown to improve our state and local governments, but it is actually a call for ALL good Americans to do their sacred duty to work to meet the efforts of the new federal administration~! We here in Washington state MUST keep the pressure on to eliminate the corporate governmental system everywhere, remove the criminals from our government everywhere, and to prove our ability to handle our freedoms and rights as a free people~! Americans were NOT born to be "governed" but to govern themselves~! Free America~! Sincerely, Mike
Why does Ozias continue to discriminate against his constituents and the Jamestown Tribe. The tribe is sovereign. We should not have to give them any more tax payer dollars. They are self sufficient. If they come off Trust Land then they should pay just as a resident. No exemptions. It’s discrimination.
Ozias should not be spending the counties (taxpayers) money traveling around and supporting complex taxation strategies that will be extremely difficult to implement in rural areas. Such strategies will disproportionately financially harm rural retirees and small businesses owners. Additionally, for such strategies to be effective, ones movements will needs to be tracked, which raises critical rights issues of the Government tracking people's location. Ozias should be focused on cutting waste, fraud and abuse in his home town and then take financial funding gaps to the voters-NOT the the larger, inefficient Government complex!
'Nozia' needs to be recalled NOW before he does so much more damage...all 3 'commissars' need to be replaced ASAP...just one won't do....DOGE, Please!🙏🏼
Ozias: "The bill introduced this year is SB5726 should you care to dig into the details." HOW ARROGANT. We hired you, Ozias, to represent us here in Washington State, and not respond to us with an arrogant answer, GO LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. In my opinion, you are a disgrace.
Out of this entire article that's the line that caught my attention too, and I came here to comment on it. How condescending can he possibly be? (that's rhetorical because I'm sure we all know the answer to that.)
The pay-per-mile tax is a massive invasion of our privacy but it’s also terribly unfair to we who live in rural areas. Ask people in Everett or Seattle or Olympia how far they have to drive to get to the supermarket — or doctor’s office — or their children’s sporting events. Compared to people in Pullman or Yakima or the Okanagan, we live in the suburbs and everything is relatively close by. And where do our transportation dollars go? They mostly go to Jay Inslee’s pet transit projects in the East Sound area.
I was under the distinct impression that Clallam County already has elected representation in the state legislature and in Congress. So there is no apparent need for you to be gallavanting around on my dime for what can only be self-serving visits to Olympia and Washingon, D.C.
Perhaps if you (and Mr. French) were actually representing the majority of Clallam County residents and placing our interests first rather than being the lapdog of unaccountable NGOs and the federally subsidized tribes, and perhaps if you were not involved with a foreign NGO that denigrates people as "colonists" and which you allow to meddle in local government, I'd maybe more generous in my assessment. You have been asked before to cease these activities.
But you apparently are not listening very well. Perhaps the tribes figuratively stuff money in your ears? Or more likely your priority is first serving a far left-wing political agenda rather than serving the entire county with a moderate, middle-of-the-road approach?
You have no valid excuses, no plausible reasoning for your inability to stay home, for your incessant drive to keep raising taxes while advocating for new taxes, all while maintaining frivilous spending. (A poet laureate for the county. Really? How is that a priority, except to appease the arty-farty leftists?)
Each day, each week, the facade you and your two colleagues hide behind is being dismantled, bit by bit, with more and more people increasingly aware of the shell game you are playing and who you really represent in Clallam County. The local newspapers' ineptness, laziness and silent assent can't provide you cover for much longer.
Maybe more constituents emailing to commissioners. Let them kn ow what you think, they say they want "effective communication " call them on it, force them to reply.
Sue Coffman, wow! Great letter.
And Ozias sits on another "non profit". Funny how the NGO and Non-Profit pays and pays and pays its "employees". And how convenient they attach the Commissioners to their boards to ensure ongoing funding.
I remember when sales tax was a little over 5%. Now nearly 11%. The State can't meet its obligations like it used to??? MUST have more money, MUST have more money, MUST have more money.
People of WA, if you can't see how we are being abused by our elected officials, well, welcome to the new Northern California extension of San Francisco.
Two things...rural drivers would not have an alternative to driving like city folks would with public transportation and the proximity of life's necessities like grocery stores and schools. Secondly, people like Ozais just don't get it that their pet projects that spend money on environmental wacko things that do nothing to improve our quality of life are not affordable. SPEND LESS MONEY! You're taxing us out of this state. People are leaving.Companys are leaving. The tax base is shrinking. Stop wasteful spending and giveaways to tribes like the whole Towne Road mess.
They know what they are's not's bankrupting the county they will borrow money from some 'world bank' to stay afloat and we will be wholly owned by private corporations.
The long-term plan by the deep-state for The Peninsula is to vacate humanity from most of it, concentrating us along the highway corridor and there will be a lottery system (which only the elite and high-social-credit-score people will be able to participate in) to access the Wilderness.
The maps have already been drawn up by the deep-state players who make the rules as they go.
IF Trump and Team are able to effectively do what they are trying to do it's still the tip of the iceberg of power, control and corruption we are dealing with... at a local and global level.
The 'gods of this world' are not going to go quietly in to that 'good night'.
Roll over or fight-fight-fight are the only options won't be pretty or easy but TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY and TOUGH LOVE is a good hill to die on!😊
I’m sure their reasoning is that people who live further out, would use the roads more, therefore more damage could cause by driving a lot on those roads. I’m just guessing, but if you live close by public transportation or stores and infrastructure, you are likely spending less time on those roads, which in turn less repairs or possible pollution you could cause 🤷♀️.
It's a headacratcher for sure. If one never rides the ferry, but the taxes you pay support it, then is that right?
I don't believe its just about the money. Sure they believe it will yield more money and I'm sure it will. But eliminate the gas tax? Its the only equal tax in my opinion. Electric vehicles have a surcharge on licensing. Take away the federal incentives (rebates) and watch electric vehicle sales stumble. I believe its about data. Tracking everyone's movements is a powerful tool that could be monetized or used in nefarious ways. The carbon tax is hidden. No stickers at the pump. This reeks of "big brother".
Anyone else notice how many 'exempt' plates are in this county?
I have Seen dozens so there must be hundreds in our counties alone.
Where is the justice and 'equity' in that.
Jamestown has a LOT of heavy equipment on the roads which are exempt.
All tribal vehicles are exempt.
This place is going to!🥳
Well, not to be outdone... Clallam Transit has "free" bus transportation, as long as the trickle-down from the DC laundry service continues; we won't need to own private vehicles in the eyes of Ozias and the One World Government gurus, nor anything else. "You will own nothing and be happy" is not a suggestion or an observation in-passing. As many have noted, NGOs, non-elected "experts" and non-profits have way too much influence over our once-local governments via lobbyists/political activists such as Ozias, while dictating the means to their preferred ends that taxpayers bankroll, without input.
Ozias wants to be a big shot, in his own mind. He doesn't care about the seniors or average working class in WA state. He's the perfect example of government corruption and waste. This man needs to be voted out ASAP! Soon the only people paying taxes will be property owners, small business owners and those who have to drive for work. And, what happens when the state looses federal funding for education, and federal funds due to being a sanctuary state? We the people need to speak up, refuse to pay property taxes until they quit using taxes to pay for their unconstitutional funding of people not contributing to the tax system.
He is being internationally groomed to take over in Olympia.
The likes of Derek Kilmer, who is now Senior Vice Presidentof U.S. Program and Policy for the Rockefeller Foundation; the same peope who brought you "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Deveopment".
Continuing his work to make sure his home county comes in third after the tribes and the world economy. That job is a dead give away that he was down with that all along.
Oh geez I just threw up in my mouth a little at the thought...
When will we reach critical mass is anyones guess!🤔
BTW...Bell-Hillians and the mansions in the foothills have a lot more sway than we do...unfortunately they also have the ability to absorb more tax increases because they gather their wealth from us...'the little people', so a tax revolt initiated by the well-to-do would be far more effective and I am Certain the less well to do will gladly participate but we don't have the resources to fight 'city hall' on our own!
Any Trump-level leaders among the wealthiest of us?🙂
Not in Clallam or Jefferson County.
Gas tax going away, when pigs fly.
Common sense would dictate that charging stations, including in home, record the KW used to charge car batteries and then add 'TAX'. It's not rocket science. I guess Ozias found a jacket to wear in D.C., he does not show that kind of respect for us peons here in Clallam County. Just a thought.
"Respect for us", haaa, we are just his piggybank. Shut up and pay your taxes peons.
Just sent to Commissioner Ozias
Commissioner Ozias
Putting the translated desires of our residents into action through effective communication
“The bill introduced this year is SB5726 should you care to dig into the details.” Go look it up
Your response to your constituent demonstrates your arrogance and absolute disrespect for the citizens you are sworn to represent. Your continued dismissal of our desires shows a seemingly disdainful attitude toward constituents. You fail to honor your pledge of effective communication; you seem to effectively fight against it.
Or maybe this is exactly your intent.
Eric Fehrmann
Clearly intent!😱
Thank you, Eric! It is upon ALL of us to take and maintain a Stand!
We dont know where the road taxes colected go. But they definately dont all go to the roads. They stick them in their general funds and dip in for what ever they please. I went to Idaho a few years back. One of the lower taxed states for gas. The roads between the pass and Spokane were like a washboard. As soon as I crossed into Idaho it was amazing. Smooth sailing. They do the same with all taxes. And they really dont think its any of our buisness to know where they are spent. Im sure all you have seen some of the recently uncovered USAID and social security expenditures lately. Tip of the iceburg. Its buisness as usual in a democrat run government whether local or federal. And the republicons just wring their hands and play along. Its up to us to vote out the trash.
Democrats just want more money to spend on their pet projects that contribute very little to society. We already have just about the highest state gas tax and they get additional funding for roads in the property tax...and as Lawrence points out, they get additional fees from electric vehicles.
But but but, they tell us it's all in the name of equity... Fairness...
Who cares if our children fail in school, pay your taxes!!
Taking away your liberties one dollar at a time ! Socialism works great till you run out of the hard workers money !
Pay-per-mile tax is just as deceptive as all other taxes. Looks good, sounds good to the politicians, but all the real details lying beneath the facade are the daggers for the taxpayers. "It will be a fair tax" really means "We (gov't/deep state) see what you're doing." Another note: I checked on Rep. Randall's attendance at the President's Address to the Joint Session of Congress, and she walked out during the speech. Rep. Randall represents everyone in District 6. She represents me. I expect her to attend for its entirety, applaud and stand for the child who survives brain cancer, the survivors of murdered and raped family members, and the released hostage from Russia. If she can't abide to her duties of the office, she must resign. Thank you, Jeff. I enjoy all of your articles.
You're welcome. I always look forward to the comments from you and others.
Randall also a many these days. Bring them down.😱
Who doesn't know that Tharinger likely won't run again, and the heir apparent is being groomed? As well, who is being groomed to replace Ozias.
Ozias shows us who he is by getting involved in matters that don't benefit the good citizens of Clallam County, but doesn't mind stepping on us to reach his personal objective. More conflict of interest about the poster child for the effort.
Much like in chess, the moves are being prepared far ahead of time.
The Democrats have likely identified someone in district 1 who can't run a small business, but is friendly to the policies that favor social ideology over building an economy that generates tax revenue to replace Ozias.
Check ..... mate?
Ozias replacing Tharinger. Yep. I figured years ago that's what's coming.
I won't vote for him!! We'll have to remind our Tribe to make sure he doesn't get voted in.
We as residents of Washington state have all of the power and "we" can choose NOT to comply with this madness~! If we all together refuse to comply with this new scheme of the criminals in government and we remove these criminals from our government, we can live FAR better lives~! I will be writing President Trump to make sure that the new administration is aware of what is going on with this "pay per mile tracking" insanity and hope that there are steps taken that stop it dead in its tracks. That said we here will NEVER comply with this or any other crooked government scheme that would or could be abused to do harm to Americans anywhere~! The government can't be trusted anymore now~!!! Sincerely, Mike
Yes, we can write directly to the Whitehouse...I have... on a wing and a feels right to make direct appeals...of course the staff are the go-betweens but we don't have to wade through endless bureaucracy to do it.🥸
Excellent comment Robert~!
Yes, absolutely, "we" (Americans) need to, as directly as possible, contact those in government at every level of responsibility from the top down. Not the bottom up, begging for "more soup" as if we are in a soup kitchen line for the poor~! In America ALL Americans are empowered to have their equal say regardless of economic or social status, race, religion, or any other difference "we" may have from others. Yes, it does in fact feel right and "empowering" to ""TAKE"" our rightful natural freedoms, which always include our honest complaints against the illegal and unlawful acts of those in government against our rightful freedoms ;-) Unfortunately, after many decades of studying the ways of "government" I can say beyond any doubt that those in government are NEVER happy unless they are destroying and stealing American rights & freedoms, and using that power for their own underhanded nefarious agendas. These people in government spend more time plotting to rob Americans of their Constitutional rights & freedoms then they do anything else. Until now ;-) I am VERY happy to say that, like him or not, President Trump has in fact been "draining the swamp" as he promised and ALL of that was to return the rightful power to "we the people" where it lawfully and rightfully belongs~! This process won't be quick or always "pretty" because of the many decades that previous individuals in government have conspired against America and Americans best interests, but yes, contacting President Trump and/or his folks in the new administration now will have FAR more of a positive impact than those people in government past who very intentionally ignored our pleas and demands~! This process will take time, but things are without doubt getting slowly better and we all need to come together to keep that positive forward momentum going now~! Have a great Sunday and enjoy the new week~! Sincerely, Mike
We should invite his staff (DOGE) to visit Olympia?
Hello TLL~!
That is an absolutely AWESOME idea~!
The great news is that Americans all over the country are starting to see & understand that REAL "audits" of the government are beyond any and all doubt proving to uncover the gross "evil empire" that the criminals of government at the federal, state, and local levels have been building in direct violation of The Constitution and all things good~! So, you hit it right on the head ;-) It may be difficult to see right now, but the heroic and Patriotic DOGE efforts are in fact revealing the corrupt government "octopus tentacles" that had long been constructed by VERY evil individuals in & outside of our governmental system at all levels. This does not mean that "we" should wait for the federal shakedown to improve our state and local governments, but it is actually a call for ALL good Americans to do their sacred duty to work to meet the efforts of the new federal administration~! We here in Washington state MUST keep the pressure on to eliminate the corporate governmental system everywhere, remove the criminals from our government everywhere, and to prove our ability to handle our freedoms and rights as a free people~! Americans were NOT born to be "governed" but to govern themselves~! Free America~! Sincerely, Mike
Why does Ozias continue to discriminate against his constituents and the Jamestown Tribe. The tribe is sovereign. We should not have to give them any more tax payer dollars. They are self sufficient. If they come off Trust Land then they should pay just as a resident. No exemptions. It’s discrimination.'s tyranny!😱
Ozias should not be spending the counties (taxpayers) money traveling around and supporting complex taxation strategies that will be extremely difficult to implement in rural areas. Such strategies will disproportionately financially harm rural retirees and small businesses owners. Additionally, for such strategies to be effective, ones movements will needs to be tracked, which raises critical rights issues of the Government tracking people's location. Ozias should be focused on cutting waste, fraud and abuse in his home town and then take financial funding gaps to the voters-NOT the the larger, inefficient Government complex!
'Nozia' needs to be recalled NOW before he does so much more damage...all 3 'commissars' need to be replaced ASAP...just one won't do....DOGE, Please!🙏🏼
Port Angeles is not Ozias' hometown.
Ozias: "The bill introduced this year is SB5726 should you care to dig into the details." HOW ARROGANT. We hired you, Ozias, to represent us here in Washington State, and not respond to us with an arrogant answer, GO LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. In my opinion, you are a disgrace.
Out of this entire article that's the line that caught my attention too, and I came here to comment on it. How condescending can he possibly be? (that's rhetorical because I'm sure we all know the answer to that.)
He is a disgrace... but a hero in his own mind...that'a how sociopaths roll!😱
The pay-per-mile tax is a massive invasion of our privacy but it’s also terribly unfair to we who live in rural areas. Ask people in Everett or Seattle or Olympia how far they have to drive to get to the supermarket — or doctor’s office — or their children’s sporting events. Compared to people in Pullman or Yakima or the Okanagan, we live in the suburbs and everything is relatively close by. And where do our transportation dollars go? They mostly go to Jay Inslee’s pet transit projects in the East Sound area.
My letter to Ozias. I did use paragraphs!
Mr. Ozias,
I was under the distinct impression that Clallam County already has elected representation in the state legislature and in Congress. So there is no apparent need for you to be gallavanting around on my dime for what can only be self-serving visits to Olympia and Washingon, D.C.
Perhaps if you (and Mr. French) were actually representing the majority of Clallam County residents and placing our interests first rather than being the lapdog of unaccountable NGOs and the federally subsidized tribes, and perhaps if you were not involved with a foreign NGO that denigrates people as "colonists" and which you allow to meddle in local government, I'd maybe more generous in my assessment. You have been asked before to cease these activities.
But you apparently are not listening very well. Perhaps the tribes figuratively stuff money in your ears? Or more likely your priority is first serving a far left-wing political agenda rather than serving the entire county with a moderate, middle-of-the-road approach?
You have no valid excuses, no plausible reasoning for your inability to stay home, for your incessant drive to keep raising taxes while advocating for new taxes, all while maintaining frivilous spending. (A poet laureate for the county. Really? How is that a priority, except to appease the arty-farty leftists?)
Each day, each week, the facade you and your two colleagues hide behind is being dismantled, bit by bit, with more and more people increasingly aware of the shell game you are playing and who you really represent in Clallam County. The local newspapers' ineptness, laziness and silent assent can't provide you cover for much longer.
Paul Schmidt
Sequim WA
Thanks for writing to our elected leader.
Maybe more constituents emailing to commissioners. Let them kn ow what you think, they say they want "effective communication " call them on it, force them to reply.
thank you Paul!! I love that our county is digging out and making noise in the right direction! Thank you Jeff Tozzer for uncovering it all!
Thank YOU Sue! You're a real Super Trooper :)