And it goes without saying, but I will say it: THANK YOU JEFF for yet another expose to the constant, undammed flow of manure from our government, all the while $Millions are being spent for brochures to tell us that it is chocolate sauce!

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You are welcome, NOI.

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Amazing data you dig up!. Very enlightening. The facts speak for themselves....Stop wasting money on programs such as the "Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship". That million bucks likely could have beeen spent more wisely. One of the most "oppressed" group in this area, already has lifted themselves....in one of the most American ways possible.... entrenpeneurship! Singling out groups like CIE is dividing this country and it needs to stop.

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It is such an irony using discrimination to solve discrimination. Your faux sign of "Woman owned-gay friendly" has three two many words. Friendly is where it's at. Ownership gender and sexual orientation do not matter to me and I assume most. Were I a lesbian owner with a desire to find a partner or help others like me in the same manner the sign works. I honor the right and the freedom to attract the clientele you desire. There are innumerable clubs and organizations consisting of members with common interests. When it comes to the public's resources, like taxes, I doubt the majority wants to fund free whatever for the minority. Charitable actions exist and are laudable, but playing Robinhood with others money is not. I am burnt out with this insanity of dividing us into "minorities". Minority status can never not be. It is ubiquitous. If public charity raises an identified minority out of that classification, a new minority is born. I propose that we establish a 5% mandatory participation in Clallam County public works projects for trans-sexual business enterprises along with County staffed certification and monitoring. Can I get a second ? Money well spent ? C/C trans-sexuals would then be societally welcomed and successful - - - right ?

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Well, why not! Our planet houses tons of diverse life and life styles, not to be inclusive is personal choice. To be inclusive is the ideal. Being exclusive is a private golf club. I would actually say the CIE is a “Clique”

So let’s be clear we are looking at clear manipulation of Tax dollars, grants, NGO’s, and private funding.

CLALLAM COUNTY is a Circus at this point….. and I greatly dislike Merry go rounds!

However this situation is bizarrely fun… let’s see just how far we can go with it…. I love traps and cliff hangers……….

Again Jeff you are the Czar of transparency!!!!

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You nailed it, Garry. If these were clubs or private organizations, they can cater to whomever they desire, but ZERO tax money should be routed to them! ZERO! And we need to pass laws to ensure that ZERO tax funds go to ANY organization with a non-100%-Public clientele with ANY exclusion. Maybe we need a citizens'-led initiative if the corrupt legislature won't write and advocate for such a bill. Public money is public money, for ALL, not just purple, gay, inchworms.

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Building 6 layers of government for the property owner to fight off. HFH is among the NGO layers...........eating a bagel and lochs while they aim for third place. Its all an iceberg of government that is mostly below the waterline...where the decisions are made..by the international governing body whose action plans we have been under for 14 years now....Build capacity for the world economy..get reparations for colonization...

Their brand is a housing for poor model. They cant show too many details it may look like a reset to the good Christians among them. Imagine a donor finding out about the climate migrant plan..a reparations and reset effort has to be a bad sell to someone looking to keep a community intact and support it, not change its entire make up.

I have figured out why they win the elections here. The area is full of triple digit non profit and government employees. They will eat their arm to pay for a gas tax or any other tax because its not their arm.

They know if a republican comes in the elite international layers are gone, then you will have to get a job to live here not just sell out to a United Nations controlled ball and chain.

I am pounding the text. DC... STOP... FEDERAL.... GRANT..... FLOW

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I honestly thought Habit For Humanity was a good thing. My brother years ago helped to build a house, and he felt rewarded, maybe it was back then, but finding out it is corrupted made me feel the same as when I was 5 years old and found out there was no Santa Claus. I was upset and felt stupid that I believed the lie. I ate Santa's cookies and drank his milk that year.

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The Easter Bunny deliberately breached a dike and paid the Tooth Fairy $500k to cover it up. I think you're all caught up now :)

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The tooth fairy has a $22,000 bond. Perry Masontite would put a claim on the tooth fairy's bond. He wouldn't be around much longer to help the Easter Bunny, because the Hartford would not insure his ass.

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Yes Jeff, and extremely disappointed. With that, there is now more resolve to read your articles much more carefully and try to get much more involved! But the Sand Man still exists? : )

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Your brother may have still helped if he knew it was a push to change the racial make-up of a community and get people off of a well and onto public utilities....You know him better than I... They don't want anybody to really know, that is why they work in the NGO shadows.

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I think a lot of people are waking up to this grift. The NGOs facilitation the invasion comes to mind.

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When I was a child, I was taught that I might have to work harder and put forth more effort than someone born wealthy, good-looking, intelligent, or otherwise advantaged. To use my failings as an excuse was not part of the equation. If I wanted what they wanted, I had to work hard enough to achieve it, simple as that. While others coasted, I worked 2 jobs.

Nowadays, putting forth effort is no longer taught. Integrity is no longer valued. Everyone wants "equity" but fewer are willing to do what it takes to earn it. Sorry if I lack compassion-- the only thing these "disadvantaged" need is encouragement to work as hard as it takes to achieve what they want. Period. I owe them NOTHING.

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Well, there is the doubling of the population and a drastic reduction in the customary living wage opportunities that used to abound as well...I worked at real jobs since I was 14 and just watched as flat wages and inflation reduced my economic power...I also worked as independent handyman/contractor...never got ahead doing that either...there are forces at work to entrap and enslave...the same forces who want to dumb down and indebt people all around the world...I am grateful you were able to rise above and do well but things have changed a lot in the last 40-50 years...I don't think you are un-compassionate...things are just different. Hope we can change things but there is a lot of power and momentum behind what's going on. W.E.F. and other NGO's see us as useless eaters...say la vie. BTW, Ferguson is planning on disarming the state...see Washington Gun Law by William Kirk on Y.T.


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I agree. Older people know the value of a work ethic. It is lost on this generation. This generation expect instant gratification without putting in the effort. Instant gratification is getting that credit card and max it out, then wonder why they are in debt. The pendulum always swings. The easy life is over, let's hope it's swinging back to pride of accomplishments, being involved and less narrassism.

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Yes, just do it.

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When private donors, such as the Clinton Foundation, or me, or you, give to non-profit organizations we deduct it from our taxes under charitable contributions. The donation may be cash or cash equivalents. We have this pot of money, filled with tax dollars, where grant money is dispersed from. If donors give directly to their non-profits, they deduct it from their tax liability instead of adding to this pot. So, when a non-profit says it doesn’t take tax money, while it may be technically true, the donations reduce the amount of money in the pot. I don’t believe that our tax dollars should be used to support ANY organization claiming DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION as its priorities.

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Jan 12Edited

Thanks for clearing that up, for whatever odd reason I always thought it was Division, Exclusion, and Indoctrination.

It's interesting that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The way you bring people up, is by pushing others down is their M.O. The unintended consequences are that pushing others down just penalizes people who happen to be perceived as having more than others dissuading them from trying harder, and in doing so it never brings "up" anyone because they haven't gone anywhere in the process. Those perceived as being down trodden are given an emotional placebo and we're stuck in the same perceived mess as before. As such the emotional machine redoubles it's

efforts and calls for more equity which does nothing more than give them free money as an alternative to what they need which is private counselling. The only people who benefit are those who run these programs.

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I agree wholeheartedly with you. Anyone wanting to start a business only needs to look up examples of entrepreneurship on the internet and see how they did it. It takes a lot of work, as I'm sure you know, Time, Knowledge, Money, and Dedication.

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Diversity and Equity are discrimination, and, thank God, many organizations are dropping their programs. I believe organizations like the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship (CIE) are created to make money for themselves. They aren't doing much for the community. We don't need them. All the information you need to start a business is available online for free. If a person isn't smart enough to get the information, then he or she isn't smart enough to start a business. What people need to start a business is money, and that money is being wasted on organizations that pretend to help. Washington is doing the opposite of helping new businesses, making it harder and harder to run a business here. Too many taxes and raising the minimum wage are hurting this state, especially small towns with small businesses. - From a woman entrepreneur who started a business many years ago.

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Jan 12Edited

Look, more copy and paste from just about every other NGO or politically aspirational person because it's the soup de jour for non thinking people. Sounds good? Where's the data behind each one of these statements that make them fact? Could we get an unemployed Facebook fact checker to weigh in here?

"We value justice, inclusiveness, diversity, equity and resilience. Everyone should be able to explore the possibility of business ownership, regardless of their circumstances. Diversity makes communities more resilient."

Privilege (aka disparities, disadvantaged...)? Another unending abused term in order to wield power. I think these people are like alcoholics or drug abusers, their fix is other people's money so that they can feel good. What's the return on investment (ROI) here?

And even worse.

"State program spends $1 million to get 37 ‘disadvantaged’ people drivers licenses"


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Let's see. $1M to get 37 "disadvantaged" people to get drivers licenses. What's wrong with this picture? They spent $27,000/person to get them licenses. Who's going to buy they cars? Who's going to pay for their insurance? Have people lost their minds? I mean seriously-- on what planet can this be justified? Rationalized? What is wrong with people that think this is OK, business du jour???? Is our entire government run by imbeciles, squandering taxpayer money NOT on an effective police force, fire fighting force, infrastructure, but stealing it from these allocations and instead paying $Millions for inchworm migration studies or providing fentanyl shooting shelters? Have we collectively gone nuts? What kind of idiot voter thinks this is OK and doesn't vote the idiots out? Is it time to impose intelligence requirements on voters???? When did Earth turn into Bizarro World??????

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"It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine!" R.E.M. - lyrics.

"These are the days when anything goes..." Sheryl Crow - lyrics

It's always been more bizarre than most of us knew... but now the boil is about to burst...and what a nasty mess it's going to be, eh?

We don't know whether to get out of this state now or stick it out and hope for the best?

The whole West Coast is under NWO protocols and has been for decades...it's just out in the open now...and the 'rollout' is everywhere...but not yet as bad as it's going to be with Ferguson!

We live 2 blocks from the HFH development on Mill Rd. It's going to be a noisy circus in our neighborhood...for a long while.

So we have a little n.i.m.b.y.-ness going on... but the real issue is the subversive nature of all these collusive/clandestine/top-down agendas totally overriding democratic processes...under the guise of democracy, of course.

Another term might be...EVIL.

The only known cure for evil is LIGHT!

So, "all you sinners turn your lights on...all you lovers turn your lights on...", etc.

Rob Thomas/Santana - lyrics


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Resilient… nope I feel like a trampoline 🤢

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Let me see:

JST pays Habitat for Humanity [HFH] $50,000.00. Clallam HFA has never built more than one unit at a time.

HFH awards a non-competitive bid to JST for a 40 unit build without recognizing the implications of prevailing wage requirements. No one else allowed to participate in an open bid.

HFH seeks public funds for construction of a massive (in comparison) unit project including $800,000.00 of Clallam Taxpayer money (we are insolvent remember), provisionally awarded by the Clallam County Commissioners.

HFH CEO Colleen Robinson and Board Vice President Danny Steiger announce a new position “Native American Housing Liaison” position.

A liaison for a $50,000.00 donation? That usually just takes a check. Could there be more to all oh this private, company, and public absconded money funding this multi-unit construction? Without transparency, it is speculative. It should be interesting to learn the following; will Clallam County let this Federal, State, and County government dollars fund a project so suspect on appearance and whom will be the recipient of the homes when complete?

We will all be there for “the end of the story”

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Organized crime...old story...how to make it better?🤔

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Yes, this is a perfect example;

“Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County went through our Opportunity Fund Board who critically analyzed their application and recommended that funding. My assumption at this point (which may change if we get guidance from our Civil Attorney) is that for them to access that award they will have to cancel existing contracts and put the work out for a competitive public bid. That's what that language that we emphasized in our motion meant.”

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Thank you for your timely and updated article, Jeff. This kaleidoscope of questionable activity by our County officials would be perpetual if not for you and all those who participate as they can. I am looking forward to the Charter's first meeting tomorrow. Good luck!

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And thanks to YOU Denise! Your public comments are eloquent, respectful, and easy to relate to.

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I’m not able to participate in these meetings at the moment ,how can I support your work in any other way ?

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Email the Commissioners with your comments supporting or not supporting their actions. Just last Tuesday, Comm. French read email comments relating to an agenda item (no names stated for the record) and explained his position on the item. Also, keep supporting CCWD.

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Thank you for reporting this. It's easy to get stuck in what we don't like, but what French did there was the way I'd like any elected official to act.

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Yes, we in the peanut gallery we're surprised and thanked them for participating in their own meeting.

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He said I will be in Forks, ride out and meet him..

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That's right! He was going to be out at a business meeting in forks that allowed for public comments so if we wanted to ask questions and get answers we could drive out to forks. Is that pretty much what he said?

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Its a way of life in Washington State policies. Has been for years. But they have been working from the closet until the bibbin bunch took over and made it legal.

I know... sound like a whiner. Thats what they want you to think. They have media on their side.

DEI bites them every day. But because they are so ingrained in the system, they can hide it till something like the California fires happens. Thank God for non mainstream reporting and fact checking like CCW to get the truths out.

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We have infinite diversity already...EVERYONE is unique, different, diverse in a totally random way.

Are there inequities in our social structure? Absolutely! Is it worthwhile to examine what and how we do things demographically? Yep!

It's even in the commissioners' oath of office..."fairly and impartially"...

I notice there are no grounded plans to create 'living wage' jobs...just subsidies and grants to cover over the dysfunction of government and non-government agencies...welfare state.

Also the people administering these 'programs' are being paid well over 'living wage' for their wise stewardship...with NO data showing how EFFECTIVE their ministrations are.

They are hypocrites and thieves... stealing from public sources and running little fiefdoms at our expense...it needs to stop!

Wolves in sheep's clothing. Inevitable...'pride goeth before the fall.'🙂

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When I was in college at Sf state, for the two months or less was able to stand it, my teacher passed out a flyer. “Hood to Woods” nature restoration project. Community engaged research project. Requirements????? Must be a person of color to go…..first of all HOOD to woods????? That’s a very interesting choice to call an event for people of color. My professor so casually passed the flyer out to the class as she said you must be a person of color to participate. I dropped out of college maybe days after it was full of things like that.

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The NPS ONP used to call us hoods in the woods..in the 1970-80's Conservation aide classes.

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Good job Jeff. Sad.

Some of you voted in favor of this discrimination. Can't defend it in comments?

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I always appreciate you reading and engaging.

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Let me see:

JST pays Habitat for Humanity [HFH] $50,000.00. Clallam HFH has never built more than one unit at a time.

HFH awards a non-competitive bid to JST for a 40 (my belief) unit build without recognizing the implications of prevailing wage requirements. No one else allowed to participate in an open bid.

HFH seeks public funds for construction of a massive (in comparison) unit project including $800,000.00 of Clallam Taxpayer money (we are insolvent remember), provisionally awarded by the Clallam County Commissioners.

HFH CEO Colleen Robinson and Board Vice President Danny Steiger announce a new “Native American Housing Liaison” position.

A liaison for a $50,000.00 donation? That usually just takes a check. Could there be more to all of this private, company, and public absconded money funding this multi-unit construction? Without transparency, it is speculative. It should be interesting to learn the following; will Clallam County let this Federal, State, and County government dollars fund a project so suspect on appearance and whom will be the recipient of the homes when complete?

We will all be there for “the end of the story”

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