I’m so proud of our community pulling together to “out” the corruption in Clallam County: Not just the Towne Road debacle, but the probable illegality of piping the historical ditches, the irresponsible reallocation of timber sales, the purchase and use of hackable voting machines and, most especially, the special interests who have bought our county leaders.

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It's like drinking from a firehose, Gayle. We got here just in time... good thing we're thirsty ;)

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Excellent research and reporting, Jeff. This not only keeps us informed, but also wanting to be involved. Thank you for your time, dedication, and moral example you have given to our little community.

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What kind words Denise... I'm just trying to keep up with the example you are setting!

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I have a copy of the agreemennt between Clallam County and the US Army Corps of Engineers that would have made the need for a new dike meaningless.

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Will you share that document?

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