Why does the BoCC care more about the people who purposely OD and subsist on a continual fix than the senior citizens who will lose their homes because they can't afford their property taxes? Someone mentioned at Tuesday's meeting that they no longer encourage friends and relatives to move here due to increased crime, high taxes, and incompetent leaders with no real intent to correct our downward spiral. In the last year I have also stopped touting CC and WA State as a great place to move to. In good conscience, I just can't . Thank you for the update, Jeff. No matter how dire our situation, we still need to know the truth.
You're welcome. I got a call from a couple who subscribe from Alabama. They are shopping for property here before their retirement. They love the climate and the people, but county leadership is giving them second thoughts about moving.
Could you please elaborate on both your comments please? How is it closely personal for Commissioners? Dr. Unthank was our doctor for about 5 years so we are well aware of her philosophy, medical care & treatment, I thought we were free of her but she was given more authority, looking for transparency for a friend…thanks.
This is nothing short of enabling! Not to mention that they hand out other drug using kits, and have needle exchange, where few if any needles ever get brought back. Instead they are left laying around with all the other trash they leave laying around. What really should happen, is anyone who o.d's on, or is caught with Fentanyl/ heroin/ meth should be jailed with a felony. After detoxing, they should get the choice to accept the Felony charges, or enter a treatment program, with the charges still hanging over their head if treatment is not completed. That would be a start in the right direction! If you don't believe how serious this problem is, ask a Fireman what their primary duties are. I can assure you it's not putting out fires.
I know of a person who was sent to treatment by the courts three times. This person goes to the treatment place and the next day walks out. The courts here in the county do nothing about it, there is no follow up as to put them in jail or anything, it’s such a joke in our legal system here
You have to wonder who got the kickbacks from this order and how much they got. Clean house, all the commissioners have got to go. We are told our lousy schools are the reason professionals don't want to live here, think again.
If you're talking about the ARV I doubt there's a kickback. It's a state requirement to use drug seizure funds for drug fighting uses. If I missed your point please clarify.
Move jail inmates to other jails or counties until more staffing is filled. Taxpayers should not have to pay for the county's gross mismanagement that has led to more crime, more drugs, and mental health issues. Stop following the wrong policies. Look what those policies did to California.
P.A. never had these mass open public homeless drug addicts wandering -camping wherever they wanted, resulting in mass crime and garbage encampments for others to clean up.This is a direct result of elected- appointed officials violating their oaths of office.Aiding-abetting addicts now has become a very expensive tax burden that should have been avoided with proper leadership.
Has our world gone mad? Trying to combat doing wrong by helping to do wrong? It's like telling a child, "don't do that, but if you're going to, here's a good way to do it." Drug use NEVER leads to good things for anyone, so why are we spending so much money to "help" it? And isn't it still illegal? Help!
They are already budgeting and shopping around for metal detectors and an x-ray machine to install at the 4th avenue entrance of the courthouse -- going to the commissioner board meetings will soon be like going to the airport.
It really is mind boggling how careless they are with our money. Stay away from The Dept of Health on New NeedlesTuesday. Stay away from Safeway for that matter.... Enablement, WA is where we live.
You have the right to remain silent. Any global contract can and will be used against you in a federal court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we show you any video. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during global contract questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any international questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer international questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop video at any time.
In Spokane they justified the tank by declaring there are "constitutionalists" out there.
Then I thought of Bert from Tremors. They have everybody else on the woke list of inclusion and equity. Poor Bert.
Lock 'em up! Make them go through withdrawal every time they are caught. Sooner or later they will decide this is not worth the high they get and may leave to seek towns where law enforcement is lax.
NOI, you are correct. The thought of withdrawal is terrifying to any addict. Withdrawal is like having the worst body aches pains, diarrhea, running nose, nightmares, and extreme flu like symptoms among other things. It's called "dope sickness". To watch anyone go through it is painful to see. But like childbirth, it is forgotten until it begins again. Unfortunately, the Methadone Treatment Center, the tribe opened up, has actually attrached addicts as a resource to not have to go through dope sickness. Or bused them in from outside communities as addicts in need of recovery only to release them in the community. I'm sure we have all noticed the increase of vagrant people since the clinic opened. The Tribe did not open the clinic out of the care of the community, it was opened up as a business for profit.
Complete psyop on them and a waste of resources. Ditto with the overtime and hyped up assault vehicle. It all comes down to spending OTHER peoples money. We need fiscally responsible, intelligent leaders. The county should spend more time on searching for illegal drugs smuggled into jails. The psyop is the offering then a safe way to "use" as a form of "harm reduction". Regarding the rectal route for drug taking....we use this sometimes in hospice patients who need pain control but are having diffuculty swallowing or nausea and vomiting. It's the same dose and similar pharmacokinetics as the oral route! The rectal mucosa is not excactly a way to get IV access, which these addicts are probably used to getting with needles. Why not give them straws and have them snort it then!
• For clinical sedation and/or pain control, a 10 μg/kg rectal dose (PR) of fentanyl provides slightly higher and more prolonged concentrations than a 2 μg/kg IV dose (Pediatr Res. 1996;39(Suppl 4):76). The PR absorption of fentanyl appears to be rapid and reliable enough to be useful clinically (5-fold higher doses needed).
• The intranasal route may in some cases be an attractive alternative to oral or parenteral administration of opioid analgesics. Oxycodone is rapidly and rather effectively absorbed from the nasal mucosa but the interindividual differences can be large (Anesth Scand. 2008;First published: 30 December https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-6576.1997.tb04684.x).
Personally I'm fine with the ARV being funded with the seized proceeds of drug dealers. By law it has to be spent on drug fighting related activity. That problem lies with Olympia.
I think that's a fair question to ask. I wonder the same, however I don't know the exact details of how the law is written, or the rules around it governing how that money is to be spent.
It's sort of similar to how the counties spent the money on the condominium housing for the homeless. While I understand that the state legislature tied their hands with having to spend those tax dollars on the mentally ill, I don't think it necessarily was a good use of that money when it could have gone to preventative measures, or something other than an enabling hand out.
25 years ago, it was used in hospitals ONLY for end stage cancer because the patient had built up such a tolerance to pain medications. I was shocked when it became so readily available in a patch form for far less complaints of pain...mostly back pain that is hard to diagnose as it is more objective than subjective. I started noticing the rise in doctor induced addiction and abuse about 17 years ago with the wide use of this drug.
Smoke seen rising near the spit in Sequim again this morning. Maybe a type of "BOOFING" is in order for commissioners to clear their brains. Just a thought.
Why does the BoCC care more about the people who purposely OD and subsist on a continual fix than the senior citizens who will lose their homes because they can't afford their property taxes? Someone mentioned at Tuesday's meeting that they no longer encourage friends and relatives to move here due to increased crime, high taxes, and incompetent leaders with no real intent to correct our downward spiral. In the last year I have also stopped touting CC and WA State as a great place to move to. In good conscience, I just can't . Thank you for the update, Jeff. No matter how dire our situation, we still need to know the truth.
You're welcome. I got a call from a couple who subscribe from Alabama. They are shopping for property here before their retirement. They love the climate and the people, but county leadership is giving them second thoughts about moving.
I believe the issue is closely personal for a couple of the commissioners.
We also have a very radical thinking (in my opinion) health Doctor for both Clallam and Jefferson that dictates a lot of it.
Could you please elaborate on both your comments please? How is it closely personal for Commissioners? Dr. Unthank was our doctor for about 5 years so we are well aware of her philosophy, medical care & treatment, I thought we were free of her but she was given more authority, looking for transparency for a friend…thanks.
This is nothing short of enabling! Not to mention that they hand out other drug using kits, and have needle exchange, where few if any needles ever get brought back. Instead they are left laying around with all the other trash they leave laying around. What really should happen, is anyone who o.d's on, or is caught with Fentanyl/ heroin/ meth should be jailed with a felony. After detoxing, they should get the choice to accept the Felony charges, or enter a treatment program, with the charges still hanging over their head if treatment is not completed. That would be a start in the right direction! If you don't believe how serious this problem is, ask a Fireman what their primary duties are. I can assure you it's not putting out fires.
Second chances only happen once. With the ideology demonstrated by Clown County next step might be introducing kindergartners to this folly.
It's scary to think you might be right.
Love Clown County! I'm using it.
I know of a person who was sent to treatment by the courts three times. This person goes to the treatment place and the next day walks out. The courts here in the county do nothing about it, there is no follow up as to put them in jail or anything, it’s such a joke in our legal system here
So do I! The person I know was an opiate junkie, went to treatment instead of jail 3 times in 5 years and never followed through with any of it!
It never ends. Those who think this is a solution have their head in the same location as the syringe is to be placed.
You have to wonder who got the kickbacks from this order and how much they got. Clean house, all the commissioners have got to go. We are told our lousy schools are the reason professionals don't want to live here, think again.
If you're talking about the ARV I doubt there's a kickback. It's a state requirement to use drug seizure funds for drug fighting uses. If I missed your point please clarify.
Do you need anARV to combat drug use? If so please clarify.
Move jail inmates to other jails or counties until more staffing is filled. Taxpayers should not have to pay for the county's gross mismanagement that has led to more crime, more drugs, and mental health issues. Stop following the wrong policies. Look what those policies did to California.
P.A. never had these mass open public homeless drug addicts wandering -camping wherever they wanted, resulting in mass crime and garbage encampments for others to clean up.This is a direct result of elected- appointed officials violating their oaths of office.Aiding-abetting addicts now has become a very expensive tax burden that should have been avoided with proper leadership.
BINGO! Keep electing Democrats and it will keep getting worse.
Im appalled. What in the actual ****?
That was my first thought
Has our world gone mad? Trying to combat doing wrong by helping to do wrong? It's like telling a child, "don't do that, but if you're going to, here's a good way to do it." Drug use NEVER leads to good things for anyone, so why are we spending so much money to "help" it? And isn't it still illegal? Help!
Maybe Commissioners think THEY need an armored vehicle for THEIR PROTECTION.
Eric, if they don't need it now, a few more CCWD articles on their misappropriations of funds and they will need it.
They are already budgeting and shopping around for metal detectors and an x-ray machine to install at the 4th avenue entrance of the courthouse -- going to the commissioner board meetings will soon be like going to the airport.
Clown County Commissioners are so stupid it hurts!
"You can always use more later"
I can't imagine why 84% of inmates struggle with addiction.
Perhaps they county is supply them drugs in prison so the the poor things don't feel neglected.
Jeff, I'm starting to think this is satire.
It really is mind boggling how careless they are with our money. Stay away from The Dept of Health on New NeedlesTuesday. Stay away from Safeway for that matter.... Enablement, WA is where we live.
Freeze turkey.
Hold it right there global scumbag.
You have the right to remain silent. Any global contract can and will be used against you in a federal court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we show you any video. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during global contract questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any international questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer international questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop video at any time.
In Spokane they justified the tank by declaring there are "constitutionalists" out there.
Then I thought of Bert from Tremors. They have everybody else on the woke list of inclusion and equity. Poor Bert.
I thought the same thing with this vehicle--it's to be used against us Constitutionalists (aka terrorists).
Who else are they going to use it on right. You, me and Bert. Ed Bowen..:)
Everybody else gets to destroy the cities and block the freeways..
"focusing on treatment and enforcement"
Why why why do these people facilitate drugs???
Got a bad drug habit, break into cars, rob people, destroy your brain...
The formula has been proven NOT to work. Stop the drugs. Stop the facilitating.
Lock 'em up! Make them go through withdrawal every time they are caught. Sooner or later they will decide this is not worth the high they get and may leave to seek towns where law enforcement is lax.
NOI, you are correct. The thought of withdrawal is terrifying to any addict. Withdrawal is like having the worst body aches pains, diarrhea, running nose, nightmares, and extreme flu like symptoms among other things. It's called "dope sickness". To watch anyone go through it is painful to see. But like childbirth, it is forgotten until it begins again. Unfortunately, the Methadone Treatment Center, the tribe opened up, has actually attrached addicts as a resource to not have to go through dope sickness. Or bused them in from outside communities as addicts in need of recovery only to release them in the community. I'm sure we have all noticed the increase of vagrant people since the clinic opened. The Tribe did not open the clinic out of the care of the community, it was opened up as a business for profit.
Complete psyop on them and a waste of resources. Ditto with the overtime and hyped up assault vehicle. It all comes down to spending OTHER peoples money. We need fiscally responsible, intelligent leaders. The county should spend more time on searching for illegal drugs smuggled into jails. The psyop is the offering then a safe way to "use" as a form of "harm reduction". Regarding the rectal route for drug taking....we use this sometimes in hospice patients who need pain control but are having diffuculty swallowing or nausea and vomiting. It's the same dose and similar pharmacokinetics as the oral route! The rectal mucosa is not excactly a way to get IV access, which these addicts are probably used to getting with needles. Why not give them straws and have them snort it then!
• For clinical sedation and/or pain control, a 10 μg/kg rectal dose (PR) of fentanyl provides slightly higher and more prolonged concentrations than a 2 μg/kg IV dose (Pediatr Res. 1996;39(Suppl 4):76). The PR absorption of fentanyl appears to be rapid and reliable enough to be useful clinically (5-fold higher doses needed).
• The intranasal route may in some cases be an attractive alternative to oral or parenteral administration of opioid analgesics. Oxycodone is rapidly and rather effectively absorbed from the nasal mucosa but the interindividual differences can be large (Anesth Scand. 2008;First published: 30 December https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1399-6576.1997.tb04684.x).
Personally I'm fine with the ARV being funded with the seized proceeds of drug dealers. By law it has to be spent on drug fighting related activity. That problem lies with Olympia.
How about funding the jails that house the drug dealers from whom funds were seized???
I think that's a fair question to ask. I wonder the same, however I don't know the exact details of how the law is written, or the rules around it governing how that money is to be spent.
It's sort of similar to how the counties spent the money on the condominium housing for the homeless. While I understand that the state legislature tied their hands with having to spend those tax dollars on the mentally ill, I don't think it necessarily was a good use of that money when it could have gone to preventative measures, or something other than an enabling hand out.
Fentanyl is an FDA approved drug. Just thought I'd raise awareness.
25 years ago, it was used in hospitals ONLY for end stage cancer because the patient had built up such a tolerance to pain medications. I was shocked when it became so readily available in a patch form for far less complaints of pain...mostly back pain that is hard to diagnose as it is more objective than subjective. I started noticing the rise in doctor induced addiction and abuse about 17 years ago with the wide use of this drug.
Smoke seen rising near the spit in Sequim again this morning. Maybe a type of "BOOFING" is in order for commissioners to clear their brains. Just a thought.