Racist is not a word that should be applied to a person who disagrees with the actions of someone different than themselves. No one has made accusations of racism because of Mr. Tozzer's attitude against a certain politician. To me, that seems a bigger issue. I applaud Mr. Tozzer's brave stance in this entire issue. The questions he asks should be a legitimate concern to everyone in Clallam County. We all have experienced racism, from "dumb " Norwegian jokes to Black, Chicano, Irish, Asian stereotyping. We laugh at many of these, but that doesn't make us racist. Hateful actions against people who are different than us makes us that. Harming them physically, bullying them, destroying their property, that is racism, people. Let's not throw that term around.
Yes, I agree Donna, Jeff has built a very respectful site and it shows in the comments. It is growing because he has presented all things that are meaningful and important in the community with clear words and facts. It hasn't degraded, as other sites do, to ignorant comments. I hope this momentum continues.
Exactly. The “woke” leftists, in fact, have used the Racist label so inappropriately for the last decade, it has lost its true meaning in our society. Also the term “bigot.” (Which basically means a person who has no respect or tolerance for anyone different than them.)
Earlier in life my passion for Steelhead trout led me to become a resource advocate. Going through the various chair positions I became the President of the Steelhead Trout Club of Washington in the late 70s. I understand it to be the oldest conservation club in the State. The Boldt Decision, giving treaty tribes 50% of the harvestable fish, became a very divisive issue and spawned racism. I was then a disliked defender and advocate for the tribes in light of historical abuse. That script has flipped. The abused and their abusers no longer live. I now see Aboriginal peoples exercising ancestral rights intended to maintain their ancestral way of life using modern technology that they had no part in creating. I see gaming rights that non-treaty citizens do not have. I see treaty benefactors harvesting fish and wildlife when non-treaty citizens cannot. I see tax benefits, grants and other financial advantages that non-treaty citizens do not have. This is the very definition of discrimination. Whatever the price of a national guilty conscience might be is now paid. Prior to European colonization British Columbia tribal war parties would visit murder and rape on Washington tribes. There were no reparations then. Whatever legal certification that might exist to verify sufficient Aboriginal ancestry to enjoy rights beyond others is destined to become extinct. Discrimination cannot be cured with discrimination.
We are not equal under the law. We had no rights 50 years ago. Couldn’t get a loan, an apartment, kids still in residential schools. Did you know tribal folks are still managed by the government like livestock? Managed by BIA and BLM? We don’t even get to manage our own timber. Gov does everything and only gives just enough to keep folks in line. I say our tribal nations take zero government help, and make all non tribal folks get out of Indian land. If we want to be sovereign nations than let’s act like it, and enforce our treaty rights. Take the casinos and take the grants, and I’ll take my land back.
Very well stated Gary. A little more history that has been conveniently forgotten: In 1847 Chief Seattle led an attack, aided by Jamestown, on the Chimakum tribe. They slaughtered nearly all the men as well as some women and children, and taking the surviving women and children as slaves. For a long time the Chimakum ceased to exist as a people. In 1890 an anthropologist could find only three living Chimakum. There is a statue honoring Chief Seattle in Seattles Tilikum Place.
I’ve certainly felt the same experience. I never thought wanting a public road open to the public was racist. Until Nextdoor and the vitriol that followed…
I’ve been a lifelong democrat…voted for Obama, Hillary, Biden… but somehow I was labeled a far-right extremist and racist for wanting a road open and supporting Jeff on his quest for truth and transparency.
I learned a lot in this past year…mostly that hate and prejudice exists on both sides of the aisle. Towne road was a microcosm of what was happening in this country… if you’re not with us, you’re racist. And that mentality needs to change.
Fortunately or unfortunately calling someone a racist has lost it’s luster. I have an automatic reaction to take those that scream racism as unserious dullards that can not form an argument. Their only resource to shut down a point of view they do not like is to point to the past. Whether the past doings of our ancestors was unjust or not has never been the point of CCWD. Shining light on the corruption that is boiling all around us will always bring the ire of the enablers. At least it’s easy to see who they are because they have no answers for CCWD other than to use the tired old “your a racist” tactic. Keep it up Jeff! You are exposing the corrupt and their enablers. You only take flak when you’re over the target.
Hang in there. Facts are facts. It is clear that a large corporation in Clallam County has been buying influence through huge campaign contributions and more. Is that good? Does it matter who is bending public policy? Of course it does. Should questions not be raised because of the genetic makeup of the people being favored by politicians serving their largest campaign contributor? Of course not. It is racist to argue otherwise.
We’re all behind you Jeff. My Dad was a politician in a different county and he walked out of office because other commissioners wouldn’t listen to what the people wanted and needed. I was very proud of my Dad and he did such great work for his community and the State, the State even wrote a book on his life. My father was a fighter like you Jeff. Keep up the good work, there is so much corruption in politics and I personally have seen some of it
As someone who is relocating our family to Sequim sometime this year, I am taking an interest in what's going on in our future home. These articles always disturb me because apparently there is some significant corruption in the county government. Getting called a racist means that either you are a racist or you are striking a nerve and someone is resorting to name calling to deflect from the corruption.
Am I reading the tea leaves correctly here?
Please correct me if I am misunderstanding all this.
Thanks for taking the risk to point out any such corruption that exists and keep grinding on that nerve until something positive comes out of it.
Laslow, I moved here with my family in 1974. Graduated Sequim High School in 1980, then life took me elsewhere. But Sequim was always home. And I finally came back home to stay in 2018, even while still working for the next six years in Seattle.
Laslow, there's something almost magical about this area. Many here reading this know what I mean. ... I hope you'll find that.
Lazlow, you'll love Sequim. I first came here on vacation in a motorhome, with no intention of moving. After touring the area, we immediately went home and put our house on the market! Welcome!
Being called a racist doesn't mean anything anymore. To me the term is used when someone doesn't agree with you. You don't hate anyone, you just want what's fair and right for everyone. Keep doing what you're doing, many of us wouldn't know the truth of what's happening in our community without CCW. And, to the ignorant people calling you names, let them, they're just a bunch of unhappy people.
Jeff you’re making a VERY IMPORTANT positive impact so of course they’ll start to pull out all the labels they can to villainize you. Rarely is anyone even brave enough to speak up let alone eloquently write educated spot on commentary/digital evidence to share and make an impact for the greater good in your community. Kudos! Can’t thank you enough and continue with your beacon of truth! Thank you for sharing the family history so cool! A real Sequimite.
Jeff, this is a heartfelt read. I can hear your voice telling me the story of your life. Jesus Christ was a passive teacher, yet so many leaders and their followers were so full of envy and jealousy, that they resorted to name calling and disparaging accusations. Yet His following grew because people could see thru the lies and knew He was telling the truth. As a passive teacher, Jeff, you are telling us truth, encouraging questions, and giving us a safe place for discussion. Why would anyone want to argue with that? Blessings and grace to the Tozzer family (even Doubting Hubby).
My daughter asked why I cared so much. Why go and get upset and riled up at the public meetings, lose “friends”, be named called, even ostracized. I told her it was simple. I come from a family that has fought for this country for many generations and what is happening within our county government is wrong. It is simply wrong needs to be fixed.
I am fortunate enough not to be beholden to anybody so I do have the freedom to speak and not worry that I will lose a job or a contract or be canceled in our small community. I may be messy about it at times, but I will fight for what I believe to be true.
The only way to change something is to be present and to hold those in power accountable.
Jeff....It's getting to where I look forward to your articles more than Sunday morning itself! Having known your Mom, Judy, I can tell you she was one of the most kind, sincere and genuine women I've had the pleasure of knowing. She spent many an afternoon talking to Mary, Donna and I of you and your family. I knew of your Uncle Doug and your family lineage. She is sorely missed.
KNOW that you are making her proud! We are grateful to her for raising you the way that she did - knowing that to treat everyone equally is TRUE equality. Bravo 👏🏼 🙏🏻
This is ridiculous. Some recent business dealings associated with the Jamestown Tribe have resulted in an increase in property taxes for the rest of us. It's perfectly logical for these deals to be in public discussion and for many to disagree with. I discuss it with my friends who are LEK Tribal members and more often than not we agree totally against many of these things. There is no racism involved, it's just become the flag of choice for those with nothing to back up their side of the debate or agenda. Do they really think people will continue to run and hide out of fear of being called racist for discussing something that affects us all? I guess they didn't learn much from the last election. Unfortunately, recent times suggest the closer Tozzer gets to the truth, the worse the things they say about him will get, so I really can't do anything else but stand by him and take any negative thing said about him with a large dose of salt.
I have read, heard, and been the target of this Leftwing labeling for years. Even attacked by my own siblings. It is done to deflect from any truth or facts that don’t fit their Narrative or social agenda. It’s infuriating to me, so much so that I’ve had to detach from all MSM news and social media at times. My mental and emotional constitution won’t bear it. This is ALL THE MORE reason why your blogs are important. Laying out the facts and calling a spade a spade helps the rest of us keep our sanity. “Yes Jan, the sky IS grey today, NOT a happy blue.”
I'm so sorry you've lost relationships over the vitriol. Dad is with me every Monday and Tuesday at the meetings and it has brought us closer together.
I feel your pain.... mine over a different issue.... but the jokes the eye roll the "Oh there she goes again'.... your education in certain subjects that are not clearly understood or that have been lied about misleading people, actually isolate you.... I find here, that I can speak freely, take my mind to another subject I can talk about and relieves the stress of the other subject. So Kudos to you!!!
What I like about CCWatchdog is that there is actual dialogue and it keeps getting better as it grows. I've found that Nextdoor people don't engage as much in a thoughtful or respectful conversation, it's much more about aggressive accusations. I don't think CCWD has to monitor or delete, it seems to be controlling itself.
Jennifer, you are so right. The more CCWatchdog becomes an open forum for open discussion, the better it is for all of Clallam County. The last article about Habitat for Humanity proves that. Everyone is welcome and everyone will find reasonable and thought provoking conversation.. it is true Watchdog is growing everyday with more people engaging in community engagement not allowed on ND.
Nextdoor requires teflon pan posting where nothing sticks. The just want people to talk about who is smoking crack, taking fentanyl, who got shot with narcan, and where the elk herd is.
Mr Tozzer is not racist at all. I appreciate his research and FACTUAL information about abuse and misuse of hardworking taxpayer money and favoring an organization/business over others in the community. He references emails, letters, policies and other public documentation. He is exposing blatant corruption. Those crying racist are either part of the corruption, ignorant of the facts or just plain stupid and responding emotionally vs factually. Moving here was my first exposure to tribal nuances. Honestly, it was a shock to see how much taxpayer money goes to subsidize these tribes, the benefits tribal members received over the average American. These reparations are huge considering the original injustice was to forefathers and not current members. My grandparents, parents and older cousins went through WWII in Poland. Were slaves to the Nazis and Soviets. Murdered. Lost personal belongings and lands. Like many other Europeans of the time. Some are still alive today. There were no reparations for them. They picked up their lives, worked hard, were innovative, raised their children, held their heads high. Lived under oppressive communism. I visited them often, sat at their feet listening to their stories. Never were they bitter or demanding something for their pain and suffering. Encouraged me to learn from the past, become the best I could be, work hard. They understood those were awful times with awful people, but one cannot linger on that. Injustices have been done to peoples all over the world through the course of history and continues today. Because there is evil. We hear other groups in our country demanding reparations for injustice done to forefathers. My concerns are the current injustices happening around the world to include our own country with human trafficking and pedophelia. We should be helping current victims, not continuing reparations long after the injustice.
Treaties are legal agreements made with the tribes long ago. We should honor our treaties. If we violate our treaties then we are becoming a lawless nation. I don't want to live in a lawless country. That would bring chaos.
Right. The Point No Point Treaty is a legal agreement. reparations for colonization breaks that treaty. Chaos is here, and its not non-tribal that brought it..
I indeed agree that a treaty is what it is. Post treaty laws and regulations have been passed for various reasons as well, but those are laws and regulations that can be changed.
It's an interesting read actually if you've never read any of these documents. The treaty obligates the tribes as well to certain things. The word depredation is one word that I would suggest a legal argument could be made that the treaty was breached, when the levy was breached by the tribe potentially causing dangerous flooding to the inhabitants who live downstream. So akin to decisions made in favor of the tribe that it adheres to the treaty, it cuts both ways yet no action was taken to address that because to my understanding our Commissioners cobbled together a letter absolving them of their actions.
Racist is not a word that should be applied to a person who disagrees with the actions of someone different than themselves. No one has made accusations of racism because of Mr. Tozzer's attitude against a certain politician. To me, that seems a bigger issue. I applaud Mr. Tozzer's brave stance in this entire issue. The questions he asks should be a legitimate concern to everyone in Clallam County. We all have experienced racism, from "dumb " Norwegian jokes to Black, Chicano, Irish, Asian stereotyping. We laugh at many of these, but that doesn't make us racist. Hateful actions against people who are different than us makes us that. Harming them physically, bullying them, destroying their property, that is racism, people. Let's not throw that term around.
Yes, I agree Donna, Jeff has built a very respectful site and it shows in the comments. It is growing because he has presented all things that are meaningful and important in the community with clear words and facts. It hasn't degraded, as other sites do, to ignorant comments. I hope this momentum continues.
Exactly. The “woke” leftists, in fact, have used the Racist label so inappropriately for the last decade, it has lost its true meaning in our society. Also the term “bigot.” (Which basically means a person who has no respect or tolerance for anyone different than them.)
Very well said
Earlier in life my passion for Steelhead trout led me to become a resource advocate. Going through the various chair positions I became the President of the Steelhead Trout Club of Washington in the late 70s. I understand it to be the oldest conservation club in the State. The Boldt Decision, giving treaty tribes 50% of the harvestable fish, became a very divisive issue and spawned racism. I was then a disliked defender and advocate for the tribes in light of historical abuse. That script has flipped. The abused and their abusers no longer live. I now see Aboriginal peoples exercising ancestral rights intended to maintain their ancestral way of life using modern technology that they had no part in creating. I see gaming rights that non-treaty citizens do not have. I see treaty benefactors harvesting fish and wildlife when non-treaty citizens cannot. I see tax benefits, grants and other financial advantages that non-treaty citizens do not have. This is the very definition of discrimination. Whatever the price of a national guilty conscience might be is now paid. Prior to European colonization British Columbia tribal war parties would visit murder and rape on Washington tribes. There were no reparations then. Whatever legal certification that might exist to verify sufficient Aboriginal ancestry to enjoy rights beyond others is destined to become extinct. Discrimination cannot be cured with discrimination.
Thanks, Garry.
What ever happened to "equal under the law," re: casinos, tax benefits, etc.?
Its now an anti-trust issue.
We do need tribal businesses. They need to diversify so they can rely less on seafood.
However, proportionate to 1000 people vs. 20,000 people.
Its time to get them back to traditional tax free living and less commercial tax free living.
Our politicos need to address this issue.
We are not equal under the law. We had no rights 50 years ago. Couldn’t get a loan, an apartment, kids still in residential schools. Did you know tribal folks are still managed by the government like livestock? Managed by BIA and BLM? We don’t even get to manage our own timber. Gov does everything and only gives just enough to keep folks in line. I say our tribal nations take zero government help, and make all non tribal folks get out of Indian land. If we want to be sovereign nations than let’s act like it, and enforce our treaty rights. Take the casinos and take the grants, and I’ll take my land back.
Very well stated Gary. A little more history that has been conveniently forgotten: In 1847 Chief Seattle led an attack, aided by Jamestown, on the Chimakum tribe. They slaughtered nearly all the men as well as some women and children, and taking the surviving women and children as slaves. For a long time the Chimakum ceased to exist as a people. In 1890 an anthropologist could find only three living Chimakum. There is a statue honoring Chief Seattle in Seattles Tilikum Place.
Garry, as always your comments are thought provoking.
Well said.
Only sunshine can cure the issue..... great comment!
Well said.
I’ve certainly felt the same experience. I never thought wanting a public road open to the public was racist. Until Nextdoor and the vitriol that followed…
I’ve been a lifelong democrat…voted for Obama, Hillary, Biden… but somehow I was labeled a far-right extremist and racist for wanting a road open and supporting Jeff on his quest for truth and transparency.
I learned a lot in this past year…mostly that hate and prejudice exists on both sides of the aisle. Towne road was a microcosm of what was happening in this country… if you’re not with us, you’re racist. And that mentality needs to change.
One of them Towne Road wackadoodles....:)
We are all on double secret probation.
John, you make me smile
Fortunately or unfortunately calling someone a racist has lost it’s luster. I have an automatic reaction to take those that scream racism as unserious dullards that can not form an argument. Their only resource to shut down a point of view they do not like is to point to the past. Whether the past doings of our ancestors was unjust or not has never been the point of CCWD. Shining light on the corruption that is boiling all around us will always bring the ire of the enablers. At least it’s easy to see who they are because they have no answers for CCWD other than to use the tired old “your a racist” tactic. Keep it up Jeff! You are exposing the corrupt and their enablers. You only take flak when you’re over the target.
Appreciate it, TJ.
Hang in there. Facts are facts. It is clear that a large corporation in Clallam County has been buying influence through huge campaign contributions and more. Is that good? Does it matter who is bending public policy? Of course it does. Should questions not be raised because of the genetic makeup of the people being favored by politicians serving their largest campaign contributor? Of course not. It is racist to argue otherwise.
We’re all behind you Jeff. My Dad was a politician in a different county and he walked out of office because other commissioners wouldn’t listen to what the people wanted and needed. I was very proud of my Dad and he did such great work for his community and the State, the State even wrote a book on his life. My father was a fighter like you Jeff. Keep up the good work, there is so much corruption in politics and I personally have seen some of it
What a legacy! You come from good stock. Thank you for the kind words... we will keep at it.
As someone who is relocating our family to Sequim sometime this year, I am taking an interest in what's going on in our future home. These articles always disturb me because apparently there is some significant corruption in the county government. Getting called a racist means that either you are a racist or you are striking a nerve and someone is resorting to name calling to deflect from the corruption.
Am I reading the tea leaves correctly here?
Please correct me if I am misunderstanding all this.
Thanks for taking the risk to point out any such corruption that exists and keep grinding on that nerve until something positive comes out of it.
You're welcome and "welcome" to the area. There's a reason we never left after arriving in the 1870s, this is the best place on earth.
You are correct here:
“…you are striking a nerve and someone is resorting to name calling to deflect from the corruption.”
The locnar of power has a strange effect. Some people are not meant to have possession of authority...
Laslow, I moved here with my family in 1974. Graduated Sequim High School in 1980, then life took me elsewhere. But Sequim was always home. And I finally came back home to stay in 2018, even while still working for the next six years in Seattle.
Laslow, there's something almost magical about this area. Many here reading this know what I mean. ... I hope you'll find that.
Lazlow, you'll love Sequim. I first came here on vacation in a motorhome, with no intention of moving. After touring the area, we immediately went home and put our house on the market! Welcome!
Welcome to the are (ahead of time) and come join the fun!!!!
Being called a racist doesn't mean anything anymore. To me the term is used when someone doesn't agree with you. You don't hate anyone, you just want what's fair and right for everyone. Keep doing what you're doing, many of us wouldn't know the truth of what's happening in our community without CCW. And, to the ignorant people calling you names, let them, they're just a bunch of unhappy people.
You see right through the noise and chaos, Diane. Thanks.
Jeff you’re making a VERY IMPORTANT positive impact so of course they’ll start to pull out all the labels they can to villainize you. Rarely is anyone even brave enough to speak up let alone eloquently write educated spot on commentary/digital evidence to share and make an impact for the greater good in your community. Kudos! Can’t thank you enough and continue with your beacon of truth! Thank you for sharing the family history so cool! A real Sequimite.
I'm only here because you are. Thank you for reading and engaging Melissa.
You’re welcome Jeff! Also passing it on (:
Jeff, this is a heartfelt read. I can hear your voice telling me the story of your life. Jesus Christ was a passive teacher, yet so many leaders and their followers were so full of envy and jealousy, that they resorted to name calling and disparaging accusations. Yet His following grew because people could see thru the lies and knew He was telling the truth. As a passive teacher, Jeff, you are telling us truth, encouraging questions, and giving us a safe place for discussion. Why would anyone want to argue with that? Blessings and grace to the Tozzer family (even Doubting Hubby).
Denise, you have a knack for writing things that would have taken me a month to write so eloquently. Thank you.
Glad you’ve addressed the elephant in the room.
My daughter asked why I cared so much. Why go and get upset and riled up at the public meetings, lose “friends”, be named called, even ostracized. I told her it was simple. I come from a family that has fought for this country for many generations and what is happening within our county government is wrong. It is simply wrong needs to be fixed.
I am fortunate enough not to be beholden to anybody so I do have the freedom to speak and not worry that I will lose a job or a contract or be canceled in our small community. I may be messy about it at times, but I will fight for what I believe to be true.
The only way to change something is to be present and to hold those in power accountable.
Jeff....It's getting to where I look forward to your articles more than Sunday morning itself! Having known your Mom, Judy, I can tell you she was one of the most kind, sincere and genuine women I've had the pleasure of knowing. She spent many an afternoon talking to Mary, Donna and I of you and your family. I knew of your Uncle Doug and your family lineage. She is sorely missed.
KNOW that you are making her proud! We are grateful to her for raising you the way that she did - knowing that to treat everyone equally is TRUE equality. Bravo 👏🏼 🙏🏻
You don't know how much I appreciate reading this. Thank you.
This is ridiculous. Some recent business dealings associated with the Jamestown Tribe have resulted in an increase in property taxes for the rest of us. It's perfectly logical for these deals to be in public discussion and for many to disagree with. I discuss it with my friends who are LEK Tribal members and more often than not we agree totally against many of these things. There is no racism involved, it's just become the flag of choice for those with nothing to back up their side of the debate or agenda. Do they really think people will continue to run and hide out of fear of being called racist for discussing something that affects us all? I guess they didn't learn much from the last election. Unfortunately, recent times suggest the closer Tozzer gets to the truth, the worse the things they say about him will get, so I really can't do anything else but stand by him and take any negative thing said about him with a large dose of salt.
I have read, heard, and been the target of this Leftwing labeling for years. Even attacked by my own siblings. It is done to deflect from any truth or facts that don’t fit their Narrative or social agenda. It’s infuriating to me, so much so that I’ve had to detach from all MSM news and social media at times. My mental and emotional constitution won’t bear it. This is ALL THE MORE reason why your blogs are important. Laying out the facts and calling a spade a spade helps the rest of us keep our sanity. “Yes Jan, the sky IS grey today, NOT a happy blue.”
I'm so sorry you've lost relationships over the vitriol. Dad is with me every Monday and Tuesday at the meetings and it has brought us closer together.
I feel your pain.... mine over a different issue.... but the jokes the eye roll the "Oh there she goes again'.... your education in certain subjects that are not clearly understood or that have been lied about misleading people, actually isolate you.... I find here, that I can speak freely, take my mind to another subject I can talk about and relieves the stress of the other subject. So Kudos to you!!!
What I like about CCWatchdog is that there is actual dialogue and it keeps getting better as it grows. I've found that Nextdoor people don't engage as much in a thoughtful or respectful conversation, it's much more about aggressive accusations. I don't think CCWD has to monitor or delete, it seems to be controlling itself.
Good point, Jennifer.
Jennifer, you are so right. The more CCWatchdog becomes an open forum for open discussion, the better it is for all of Clallam County. The last article about Habitat for Humanity proves that. Everyone is welcome and everyone will find reasonable and thought provoking conversation.. it is true Watchdog is growing everyday with more people engaging in community engagement not allowed on ND.
Nextdoor requires teflon pan posting where nothing sticks. The just want people to talk about who is smoking crack, taking fentanyl, who got shot with narcan, and where the elk herd is.
The new phone book is here!
Mr Tozzer is not racist at all. I appreciate his research and FACTUAL information about abuse and misuse of hardworking taxpayer money and favoring an organization/business over others in the community. He references emails, letters, policies and other public documentation. He is exposing blatant corruption. Those crying racist are either part of the corruption, ignorant of the facts or just plain stupid and responding emotionally vs factually. Moving here was my first exposure to tribal nuances. Honestly, it was a shock to see how much taxpayer money goes to subsidize these tribes, the benefits tribal members received over the average American. These reparations are huge considering the original injustice was to forefathers and not current members. My grandparents, parents and older cousins went through WWII in Poland. Were slaves to the Nazis and Soviets. Murdered. Lost personal belongings and lands. Like many other Europeans of the time. Some are still alive today. There were no reparations for them. They picked up their lives, worked hard, were innovative, raised their children, held their heads high. Lived under oppressive communism. I visited them often, sat at their feet listening to their stories. Never were they bitter or demanding something for their pain and suffering. Encouraged me to learn from the past, become the best I could be, work hard. They understood those were awful times with awful people, but one cannot linger on that. Injustices have been done to peoples all over the world through the course of history and continues today. Because there is evil. We hear other groups in our country demanding reparations for injustice done to forefathers. My concerns are the current injustices happening around the world to include our own country with human trafficking and pedophelia. We should be helping current victims, not continuing reparations long after the injustice.
Treaties are legal agreements made with the tribes long ago. We should honor our treaties. If we violate our treaties then we are becoming a lawless nation. I don't want to live in a lawless country. That would bring chaos.
Right. The Point No Point Treaty is a legal agreement. reparations for colonization breaks that treaty. Chaos is here, and its not non-tribal that brought it..
I indeed agree that a treaty is what it is. Post treaty laws and regulations have been passed for various reasons as well, but those are laws and regulations that can be changed.
It's an interesting read actually if you've never read any of these documents. The treaty obligates the tribes as well to certain things. The word depredation is one word that I would suggest a legal argument could be made that the treaty was breached, when the levy was breached by the tribe potentially causing dangerous flooding to the inhabitants who live downstream. So akin to decisions made in favor of the tribe that it adheres to the treaty, it cuts both ways yet no action was taken to address that because to my understanding our Commissioners cobbled together a letter absolving them of their actions.