Did anyone bring popcorn to the show? Sorry I missed the edge-of-your-seat dialogue and the disingenuous facial expressions. Was there a cliff-hanger for next week's meeting? Can't for the forum on the 11th! Glad to hear Com. French will be attending along with Com. Johnson. Don't forget to bring the Good 'n Plenty.

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It was great, Denise: we did the wave, the halftime show was incredible today, and there was even a streaker during the final play. It's fascinating when Ozias is a referee because his stopwatch breaks sometimes when Towne Road opponents are at the podium and he doesn't intervene when DLTA breaks the rules of conduct.

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😂 I'll bring my red flags next week to throw on the field when I challenge the ruling on the play.

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One more, because I love acronyms: If the Disingenuous Leaderless Two-faced Anonymous (DLTA) protagonists weren't "anonymous" in their leadership and source of funding, they would probably get invited to the People's Forum. Maybe their feelings are just hurt.

(Whew. That's a long title. No wonder they use an acronym. )

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Jeff, I absolutely love the title of this editorial, it couldn’t be more perfect in this case having been there and seeing how the last stand absolutely changed history forever?

I think I may have figured out the bigger picture, what do you y’all think?

Dungeness River = create more tributaries= less water flow in main channel of river=harder for salmon to swim upstream to spawn in less water=desperate need for a water reservoir

Off Channel Reservoir=Dam (the ability to contain water & control water flow downstream)

Dams (many) being removed to return rivers to their natural tribal habitats for fish migration=Elwah & Klamath rivers.

Why is Dungeness River following the same proven expensive disastrous failure=all per design?

The Dungeness Off Channel Reservoir project will disrupt not only natural tribal habitats it will disrupt the miles of delta irrigation created years ago to support the many farming communities and wells that have depended upon the water above and below ground. Another common sense disaster? Can we have it both ways when certain entities want to control the natural water flow?

Meeting today Trails Advisory Committee Meeting Apr 3, 2024 - 01:30 PM no agenda (by design?) posted however March agenda included Towne Road and letters to Commissioners dated 3/27/24 to pause road.

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Where can one attend the Trails Advisory Committee Meeting?

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Upcoming events. there is an online zoom link to attend.

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It was typical small town theater. Only the person behind it all is not Ben Gazzara boasting he gets to pull the strings because he brought in the photo mat and the 7'11. Its the tribe influencing a Commissioner to sabotage a tax payer project, with the NGO bunch...to turn a farming community into an open space park, while the tribe gets its river back.

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Snarky comment (not that I need to label it for this crowd): Apparently everyone's farm in the community except for Nash-the-pig-farmer and the part-time "4th generation" (but apparently skipped his parents' generation making him a 3rd generation or 4th generation once removed?) part time local farmer. What do they have in common? They run their farming business over wetlands. The part time local couple also run it over a stream that runs through the property (check county GIS map and you can see that lovely stream clear as day-glo blue).

If I really believed in conspiracy theories and wanted to peddle one (thanks for the idea, Bri!), I'd suspect they're trying to eliminate competition and live off the benefit of government funding and power. But that's based on nothing except listening to them hypocritically greenwash blabber on and refuse to step up as the puppeted leaders of DLTA that they are. Of course the tribe can't put their leadership out there, so instead they find some malleable, part time locals to do the deed. Easy peasy. No critical thinking skills = you're signed up!

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John I read your short interview response to the Gazette as a candidate. Loved it ...

My husband said he would love to vote for you... alas we are only wanabees in the county.

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I am not enough of a teflon pan. Hard to envision them picking me.

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Teflon don!... thats ok.... you addressed those hard issues.... the ones many do not know of and will start asking questions. Or they do know and may just decide to act now! Things are moving....

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The sitting City council picks the replacement this Monday at 5pm. I will use the opportunity as best as I can.

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Let us know John.

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The fella resigned because he did not like the direction the council was going. They are going to pick a globalist go along. Its odd they are picking the seat for two years, instead of having an election. If the Commissioners did not ban my screen pictures I probably would not have thrown my hat in the ring. At least I will finally get more than two minutes. My poster boards are ready.

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Keeping your attention and highly desirable intentions active in your heart and mind more often than not bring success. There are more for you than against you. They are becoming a house divided… you have the advantage … ☀️💫✨

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I have not seen it.

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Unbelievable, what people who boast their education and smarts believe about how the world runs! How could anyone have attended that meeting and not rolled on the floor laughing?

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Com French showed them, eh? How does one speak at a public forum while trying to remain anonymous and where everyone knows who you are? Q-Anon indeed.

More like some more grade school games: My fan club is bigger than your fan club and I can prove it. I brought 50....er.....40.....er....a lot of people with me.

I wish that so many of these otherwise intelligent and mostly nice people would start thinking for themselves and doing a little bit of research (but that's hard, it takes work, it takes mental energy).

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Have you ever watched sheep? Don’t forget the big bad wolves they pop in to keep the sheep scared, clustered up together and herded where they want them all to go so they can pick them off one by one. Not too many leaders within sheep, only followers, they may try but they usually get killed, oh my! Can’t wait to finally see a Q-Anon.

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Comment after comment by the public project saboteurs that could have been refuted with a few pictures. Does UW know the real dynamics? A tax payer funded project initiated and stopped in its tracks without an injunction. Or are they just dizzy from all the Open space elixir the mob was drinking.

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Did anyone watch the “Shit Show” today by the Trail advisory committee? They are recommending the Commissioners delay the bid process because they are recommending directions for the Commissioners to have further input from the community, specifically the DLTA group, who have 800 signatures, have not been adaquately heard and a design of a trail/road that is safe. They stated they aren’t road experts but they are experienced enough to know this design is unsafe. Please go an listen to the meeting, it’s all about the tribe, of course Ozias was the only Commissioner in attendance. Our tax dollars at work for everyone to see on exhibit!

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Frightening children? QAnon? Gimme a break! These Communist freeloaders will say anything to obstruct rationality. Towne Road was paid for by our tax money, people can use the road like any other, emergency services can access coastal properties, and the freeloaders can have their hiking trail along side the road. In a rational world, this would be a win-win for all.

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