Once again - shining that light on these endless issues with "transparency" are so needed!


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Climate change... Driving... Hey Cheryl, am I contributing More to climate change being forced to drive FURTHER to get to the Dairy? I thinkj that;s a yes Cheryl. So pathetic when people on OUR payroll wallow in ignorance. They take a position and have no clue as to the REAL consequences of their positions. DCD... What a joke.

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Thank you for the diligence in watchdogging county government. As a retired municipal manager, I am well aware of serving the public ethically is lost on many in public agencies. Public records are a wonderful thing.

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You're welcome, John. And thank you for your public service.

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On Friday about 2:30PM I saw a bright blue tractor with a front loader approaching the Towne Road/Anderson gate from the south. The barriers were in place then (although earlier in the week one had been moved.) When I went by Saturday morning the barrier had been moved again. I don't know who the tractor belongs to but it didn't look like a County vehicle.

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Is it possible it was one of the contractors bidding on the project or Nordland scoping out the RFP? That would explain the moved barriers.

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Anything is possible, but it seems highly unlikely. It was a blue farm tractor, not like any construction equipment I've ever seen. I didn't see any flatbed to transport it nor did I see the tractor on the levee when I walked there Saturday. What I did see Saturday was a tractor at the Delta Farm that matched the one I saw near the North gate on Friday. Of course, there are likely other farms in the valley that have a similar large blue farm tractor with a bucket.

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BTW, I will also be happy to contribute toward some large ads in the local paper to let the public know what our clueless and special-interest serving public parasites are doing against the will of the people, if Jeff or anyone wants to lead the effort.

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We have options. I usually buy $40 worth of FB ads every Sunday for 7 days of advertising (more money would increase saturation). I think we can do a Valpak mailer for $250 (not sure how many zip codes that hits). I asked the PDN about a quarter-page ad, and it was about $1,200... I was ready to move forward, but when I sent them the copy, they said it was political, so it was $2,500. I was so ticked I didn't pursue it. Whatever path you choose, and however much you put in, I'll match it. I haven't inquired about USPS mailing those half sheets like the landscapers send out. Oh, and I'm not opposed to doing some nude sign-spinning on the corner of Washington and Sequim Ave.

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Haha sorry had to laugh the visual of sign twirling ! That would definitely make an impact! Usps gives good rates for what is called media mail (like the half page you mentioned) and the Val pal mailing along with FB ads sound very encouraging and probably the most cost effective. Although the usps mailer would guarantee that more people will actually see the information because it goes directly to their mailbox. Let me know, I don’t have much as I’m disabled but I’d contribute something

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Terrific insight, June. I stopped by USPS and will be getting a call from marketing. Thank you!

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Great keep us posted. I truly appreciate all you are putting into assisting us taxpayers we, most of us, would have had no clue to all the subterfuge that’s been going on.

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You're very welcome, June. Thanks for reading!

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May 27
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Excellent recommendation I hadn't thought of. I'll look into that today. Thank you!

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Cheryl Baumann is a clueless twit. Climate change my fanny! The hot air she spews surely contributes to global warming. Yeah, right.

Are you as sick of these parasitic perps that live off our taxes, yet do everything they can to oppose our will? Is it time to sue them for defying the will of the people? Will they hide behind their "public parasite, er SERVANT" positions and waste MORE of our tax money in litigation, or can we sue them personally or criminally to make it hurt? Or maybe we can rent heavy equipment and tear up the pavement in front of her Chase Street home and use it as cobblestones to complete Towne Road ourselves, LOL. She can have the dirt road she wishes for and we can have a semblance of pavement and access.

The road has been paid for by our taxes and we, the people, expect it to be completed in a timely manner! I, for one, am sick and tired of the government that we pay for, that is supposed to serve US, instead opposing us at every turn, and supporting, instead, special interests that buy their loyalty, and who pay not taxes themselves. There is something seriously wrong with this picture! Make sure we never forget who our enemies are at election time.

If anyone wants to sue them, I will be happy to contribute money toward the effort!

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Baumann, Hals and Ozias are liars. They say the Dungeness reservoir will not empty into the Dungeness, while they divert an emergency spillway directly to the Dungeness river..for..you guessed it..Emergencies... as in low flow during July and August. They basically lie to get away with avoiding to admit they have a bad methane/good methane and bad stagnant water/ good stagnant water argument. Something about paying liars 100 grand a year or continuing to give them decision making authority does not sit well with me.

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Those miscreants aren't worth 100 cents/yr!

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To quote Mr. White and Mr. Johnson, respectively, Thank you for you diligence..., and thank you for uncovering all this. I do so appreciate all the time and effort you put into exposing the shenanigans of county employees and elected officials.

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You are welcome. This article was the 2nd hardest to work on, so I really appreciate that you read it and were able to form your own opinion.

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Its telling that Baumann and Hals, have no problem communicating with Derrick Eberle, while being silent in response to my claims both of them have 10 different policy positions on salmon, watershed and floodplain restoration. Apparently, they prefer consorting and responding to only those in their window dressing and greenwashing choir.

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I trust she walks to work and shopping?

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cor-rup-tion; lack of integrity or honesty (especially susceptibility to bribery); use of a position of trust for dishonest gain……moral perversion; impairment of virtue and moral principles….destroying someone’s (or some group’s) honesty or loyalty; undermining moral integrity….inducement (as of a public official) by improper means (as bribery) to violate duty (as by committing a felony). Very clear and very defined.

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Pepai, this would make a good public comment if you read the definition.

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We have the best government (other peoples) money can buy!🤓

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These people will probably end up trying to close the creamery because “climate change” and “raw milk is bad for you”

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Thank you for sharing

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This is a microcosm of the macrocosm of government (mind control) being hijacked at all levels.

My guess is many of these detractors don't even know they are being used as a tool for One World Government, i.e., United Nations-Agenda 21/30/50 and beyond. We should be taking better care of the physical world around us but this should come about as educational awareness and public discourse...not top-down-our-throats governance. We have already lost control of our government...the only question is do we have the desire and will to take it back and have true, messy public discourses based on higher values. A free-for-all-anything-goes isn't healthy but an elitist tyranny is worse. Brazen theft of public (or private) property is too much!

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Ms. Baumann belongs in government. I'm sure she couldn't be very useful in the private sector.

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May 27Edited
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Agreed. Since my commissioner doesn't seem to care about his constituents, I think it's time I write to his party to inform them why I'm not giving them more money for local government candidates until I see a change in their priorities wrt their constituents. (I'm constantly being hit for $$$ locally and nationally). Also it might be a good idea to shoot off a note to SGGL (Sequim Good Governance League) since they have endorsed him in the past. Indivisible too but I'm not sure Indivisible would pay any heed to feedback. Other orgs that endorsed oz that you know of?.

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Months ago, Sequim Good Governance League (SGGL) carried some of my articles on its Facebook page, but it quit doing that. I thought it was a perfect fit since they champion accountability and transparency. I wrote to the admins and asked why they wouldn't allow me to post articles on their page, and they said they were concerned folks would get "off-topic" regarding Towne Road.

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That's unfortunate. I never do Facebook so I wouldn't have seen you on there. Still if enough people write them large numbers may have an impact. I've got some family health issues going on that have kept me away from the commissioners meeting for the last few months, but occasionally am able to see the videos of the meetings. Seems like Huber said Nordland (bid winner) was a housing builder a couple of weeks ago. So validating that shows that even though they do build houses they do more than that.

Peninsula Daily News


Shows they were the chosen contractor to restore Center Road (in Quilcene)

Port Townsend Leader news


Nordland Construction NW has been awarded a $1.7 million contract to replace the fish barrier culverts on Thorndyke Road with a new bridge. Jefferson County commissioners approved the contract at

They are listed in Construction Journal


Their description reads this way:

Nordland Construction NW Inc. is a local family owned company based out of Nordland, WA. Our primary focus is public works projects ranging from bridges, culverts, bike trails, natural habitat restoration and many Commercial Buildings. Recent local projects that NCI is proud to have been a part of include the new pedestrian bridge at Sequim Bay State Park, the Sequim Railroad Bridge Park train trestle replacement and trail work, the Sound to Olympics pedestrian and bike trail and the Maintenance Facility at Fort Worden State Park.

If she is still going down that route at the meetings feel free to reference these works they have done. Construction companies can have a large number of divisions that address and expand the types of projects they bid on.

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