So again the question is what about that new development by John Wayne Marina?? If we are in a drought and people may lose their wells or their wells may dry up because of the usage from the city….then by god we don’t have extra water for that development!! This entire county is so messed Up it’s crazy!!

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Truer words were never spoken about Clallam County,

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Nobody jumps from one foot to the other faster than the tribal and global cabal in our 5 NGO circus. They tell us we need density in the city centers under the GMA, now we need a rural housing development to "attract doctors." One with a view for Dr. Thurston Howell of course.

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There has never been a more professional level of Gaslighting in the world than the Professional Gaslighting gushing from the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe.

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Anyone with a brain & eyeballs can see less water in main channel for fish when more channels are created=less water in all channels, duh! Dependency & control is the name of the game, wells dry=dependent on a water district for water. Control of the landscape & media=dependency upon a government agency=tribal rule.

It’s all an engineered con just like what has been happening the last 20 years by our government! Same no different except we need to say NO more loudly & collectively before more & more people lose more & more.

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to say the tribe is hypocritical is the biggest understatement-period!

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Let’s see we blew up a Dam and let all the water out? Now we want it BACK. Make up your MINDS! Stop netting all the fish and there will be more!

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Step back just a little and think what will happen to our quality of life and enjoyment of the Sequim prairie should the farmers be unable to make a go of it.

Without water to irrigate, farms close, developers start to drool of the money to be made from blatant development.

Your farmers are keeping this place special.

Climate refugees are already descending on the area. Support our local farmers!!

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Yes. Please keep Farmers alive in Clallam County by providing them water from the mountains as it flows to sheer disappearance into salt water at the end of the line by providing the water as it flows and has flowed since the natural flow of the irrigation ditches for the past 160 years. Stop monetizing the water for personal gain. It belongs to us all.

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you'll have to use the developers 'drool' to irrigate with.....better start conserving!

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Is this why cucumbers at Sunny Farms are imported from MEXICO?!

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Did anyone find it interesting that the Smith’s were paid over $100,000 in 2023 to not water their hay and cows for one month? Almost half the payout.

And that Ben Smith is the president of the Dungeness Water Users Association and was tapped by the Washington Water Trust to divvy up the monies?

Or that Highland irrigation district’s water right (ie the Smiths) would be used to fill/manage the Off-channel reservoir…

Maybe it’s just all a coincidence…

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He lies so much his face is permanently red.

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There is no such thing as a coincidence 😎

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How dare you imply...🤣

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Holy cow 🤮

More self-serving COIs

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He who controls the food production and water, controls the population.

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That made me break out in a cold sweat.

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Easier done once the majority of the population is attached to the government teet.

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6 layers. Commissioners and 5 non government organizations.

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Marge Pagelar said that in Seattle in 1995, shortly after the ICLEI Charter's were first signed in 1991.

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Who benefits from drought? Those who benefit from "Paper Salmon", that's who.

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I just returned from San Diego (my former residence), and I can attest to what man-made "droughts" do to an area. My old neighborhood now looks diseased and dying. But there is a high rise being constructed in downtown San Diego, a new dormitory is under construction at CSUSM, and North County is set to boom in its population and construction. WA state rides the coattails of CA. What is happens there, happens here. Fight, fight, fight, CC, to stop it!

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For me, the big question is what does a fight look like?

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Attend meetings and speak up; write emails to all Board members; keep asking questions of all Board members; stay alert to any circumstance that might not be above board; and keep reading and commenting on CC Watchdog to stay informed and share info with your friends and neighbors. We need to be strong, supportive community members, and grow our chorus.

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Finally getting to tell federal agencies and Congress what has been going on here with federal money, and seeing how jumping from one foot to the other works on a new administration.. Writing letters to give them a chance. Then taking our evidence trail to court as a taxpayer association or a homeowner litigant.

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I looks like what it has always looked like MK. A bully blasting you with harsh contrived statements, making fun of you, talking over you. You need to know the verbiage they use and not let it irritate you and keep asking for the answer to at least show they are weak and cant stand the questions. Or punch them in the throat

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I’m horrible don’t listen to me 🤦🏼‍♀️

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The entire water issue has been mind numbing from the get go. All seem to forget the basis which is: Sequim was desert until irrigation flumes and ditches. The same people who approved piping the ditches and encouraging new home builds ad infinitum are now trying to close the barn door after the horses escaped? None of it makes sense unless ignorance, power and greed are at the helm.

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Do you believe Sequim was. Desert at the base of a mountain range that gets over 140 inches of rain annually? Desert is define as “such land having a very warm climate and receiving less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of sporadic rainfall annually”

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That definition will no longer exist once they need to modify it to meet the next NGO (tribe) agenda.

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Sequim had/has native cactus. The ground does not retain water, it is glacial till. All that rain goes away as soon as is leaves the mountains. After a heavy rain I can watch the puddles dry up within an hour. Without irrigation it was a desert.

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Well there were/are native cacti in/around the Dungeness so some areas are desert-like...we are in the rain shadow that extends all the way to the Sunshine Coast of mainland B.C. including the islands (also some cacti around there) in what is now called Salish Sea and 16+- inches of avg. rainfall...we have mostly glacial till in the upper layers of earth which doesn't hold on to the water for very long...it requires constant replenishment. There were serious water rights issues way back and required the state to get involved to help work it out without violence. Limited resource, unlimited development. I know people who lost their well (last year) to changes in irrigation system. $30,000+ minimum for new well.

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That's sad that they had to drill a new well. Let me know if they want to contribute to an article.

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The 7.0 quake last week is just a reminder that fault lines matter. Maybe Mt Baker needs to blow to jolt planners to review the basics? Don't build on a major faultline.

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They could make it work using multiple underground bladders scattered all about. But that wont flood out properties so they can avoid fair market.

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They're having concerns for Adams and Glacier Peak as well.

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Americans everywhere should be asking why so much money is "suddenly" available and being shuffled around supposedly because the usual suspects constantly involved in highly questionable and suspicious fiscal activities within out government and in groups or agencies of extremely questionable intentions have "miraculously decreed" that there is a problem with "our state's low snowpack and forecasts of a dry and warm Spring and Summer"? Here we go again, with science being weaponized against us, and nature itself, and we are again being robbed and forced to pay for it~! Does anyone really believe that by surrendering our money, freedoms, and rights, to the government, they the government will even be capable of changing the natural weather? Let us address these extremely dubious claims that have now been made. First, my calendar indicates that we are just now into the 2nd week of December and anyone with eyesight can clearly see the absolutely normal and beautiful snowpack that has already been on our mountain range here for weeks~! Secondly, I really should not have to point out that these so-called "scientists" who regularly produce and dispense this kind of "fear porn" like hysterical incompetent childish fools who should be barred from ANY positions of responsibility are dead wrong SO often that if the local Indian casino offered folks the opportunity to bet against them those folks would be VERY wealthy in a short period of time~! Thirdly, the vast majority of folks who live here hope and pray for a "dryer & warm Spring" every year after the wet and cold Winters that we always get here EVERY year~! It would also be impossible to imagine anyone so insane as to actually believe that our Summers here are not always beautifully "dryer and warm", so I do hope that everyone reading that part of this "fake science determination" of the usual criminals in our community had a good laugh about that~! In the fourth place "we" have watched these very same fiscally incompetent criminals as they drain our public coffers for highly questionable purposes, then turn right around to force us to pay more & more tax revenues and fees because of their incompetence in handling our money every single year, so why is it that these suddenly available funds magically appear for such highly questionable issues based on constantly "flawed forecasts" when there are SO many locals who are struggling to pay their most basic living expenses?

As a REAL scientist who has on a great many occasions learned the truth about what REALLY goes on behind these nefarious closed-door meetings over numerous decades, it always amazes me how many of these criminals in government and their usual local coconspirator counterparts have the unmitigated gall to come up with these lies and deceptions actually believing that the general public is too stupid to see and understand exactly what they are doing~! They laugh at all of us who they attempt to bar from understanding their evil plans to trick and deceive the general population, and they treat all of us with contempt as their willing victims knowing that there is little that we can do about them being SO "Drunk on Power"~! These criminals know that they can't possibly honestly make the money that they get for selling us all out in any other job that they could possibly qualify for, so they often deceive even themselves into believing that they are actually worthy of that money and power that they have in fact taken for their constant efforts to harm our communities, nature itself, America, and the entire world as a whole~! These monsters put smiles on their faces as they twist their knives DEEP into the public's collective backs, and they know full well exactly what they are doing and how terribly wrong it is. "I was just doing my job" has NEVER been an acceptable excuse at any time in history, but I have to laugh because I can clearly see that these simple minded low-level con artists have absolutely no understanding of history and no clue what they will soon be facing for their evil treachery~! Over the next few years Americans MUST stand up together and unite against these criminals of humanity that are constantly attempting to do harm by controlling us against our free will and all commonsense reasoning, because we "Americans) may never again have such a great opportunity to purge these criminals from our beloved country and destroy their evil matrix of constant "fear porn" to achieve their blatantly unlawful goals & agendas~! Let us free our community and country from these outrages so that the future generations do not have to deal with these criminals because we failed to do our duty~! In freedom, Mike

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The perfect opportunity to partially dismantle the tangled unethical web of Ozias CCC and NGO leader would be an appropriate "dummy up" moment.

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Hi MK~!

Yes, you are right that "we" (American Patriots) do have to keep the pressure on these shady characters in our government and those who are lurking about in the shadows~! There will be a time ahead when we will have our chance to purge the criminals who have been abusing their limited power and taking advantage us from government and other positions that they have abused. I believe that time is close, but we must remain patient and now come together to organize & be ready for the right time to peacefully remove these criminals and prosecute them for any and all criminal activities that they have been involved in. Right now, the courts are too corrupt and rigged against us, but soon the common law system will come into play throughout America and THAT is the perfect time to act because the corrupt courts will be eliminated along with the corrupt lawyers and judges who administer their "corporate law" injustices~! Timing is everything~! ;-)

Have a great evening~!


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Hear hear

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Thank you for your wonderful support, Patriot Tom Ash~!

I simply fumble to articulate the words and truths that most Americans feel are important these days ;-) I am older now, hopefully a little less "imperfect" than I was a year ago, but I am still here doing my duty~! Merry Christmas and regardless of your beliefs do stay safe and enjoy every day~! Sincerely, Mike

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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WHAT HE SAID!😀 It turned my stomach to listen to the 'commie-issioners' (at the tax increase session) pontificating and shoveling (someone else's)(ours) money around. It is/was complete gobble-de-gook meaningless (except to them) bureaucratic bullshit and they are so smug and arrogant and probably believe in what they are doing as a good thing. Rome will fall once again, we know how, but just not when. 🧐

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Hi Robert~!

Yes, I understand exactly how you feel because that "turned stomach" is no stranger to me and a great many millions of good Americans who are made to feel like slaves in the country that they by law & rights own~! Yes, these psychopaths are always "smug and arrogant" because they are really deeply mentally ill and only want the power that they crave at any cost so that they can personally profit and have more freedoms & rights than the general public has. They get off by deceiving people and getting their way. It really is difficult to know what they truly believe however, because the worst of them are completely ignorant about history, The American Constitution, and they have lived their entire lives lying and deceiving everyone to get their own way~! They are "expert" liars~! Discovering a liars true Intentions is not an easy thing to do.

There are some good things happening however~! It is painfully slow are torturous to experience, but SLOWLY more and more Americans are starting to realize that our election process, especially here in Washington state with the extremely easily corrupted "mail in voting" only system, has been a complete farce & scam for many decades~! In fact, the state government here long ago created the "mail in voting" only system specifically so the criminals in government would have the power to easily override the will of the people any time they could not corrupt the election in other ways~! Of course, it was "sold" to the lazy weak-minded people as a "benefit" to them "to make their lives easier" but these days only an idiot would actually believe that the government of the state of Washington was remotely interested in the well-being of its folks or making their lives easier~! That was absolutely proven over the past several years of this COVID "mandate" crime spree of the government...

I am NOT saying that the people in Washington state will learn the truth about our completely corrupt government on their own any time soon, because that seems to be too much to hope for, but there is a new electronic "global communications system" that is already in place. From what I have been analyzing the new global Starlink - Quantum computer communications system will probably be EXTREMELY secure and VERY fast & dependable, and I expect that "we" shall have a FAR more accurate honestly representative voting system in the near future~! We will still always need to be vigilant about the Individuals who are "installed" (without voting) by the criminals to conduct their nasty underhanded business, however if you look into the recent SCOTUS "Chevron decision" you will find that the crooked bureaucrats who have been abusing The Constitution have been dealt a death blow, and they no longer have the lawful right to make laws or determine the application of laws that are Constitutionally created~! Remember, NO "laws" are valid if they violate the original American Constitution~! So, don't despair because after countless decades of being oppressed by this rogue underhanded "corporate law" system, the rightful and proper common law system is already slowly methodically eliminating these criminals of humanity and their most evil and corrupt oppressive system~! Have a Merry Christmas or if you have other beliefs just be "Merry" and enjoy every day~! These criminals hate it when "we" refuse to comply with their dictatorial BS and they know that we intend to legally prosecute them, but they REALLY can't stand it when we put our differences aside to come together to be happy~! Sincerely, Mike

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Well, it looks to me like the Jamestown Tribe, Clallam County Council, and City of Sequim government, the WSDE, WDUE, DWUA, MRC, PSP, SERN, DOE, WWT, and BEF all on one side, with any dissenting private citizen/property owner on the other. The powers that be are running the show and by holding the Purse (that tax payers are required to fill) you don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to change the course of the Reservoir project.

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BUT… you have done an EXCELLENT job, Jeff, in revealing the players and their funding sources, and laying out what is really going on. I think our voices DO matter, but they need to be louder and more numerous. IMO, only a widespread, grassroots tax revolt would be the definitive answer to all this bureaucratic manipulation.

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Thanks. If there's no chance of changing things, I wish someone would let me know how much money I need to save to pay for all the giveaways.

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Infinite expanding funds, Jeff! We don't know a lot of truth about human history on Planet Earth but what is certain is that every single (advanced) human society has failed. We need miracles as well as persistent efforts. We have soooo many well to do's that can absorb a lot of costs that the rest of us cannot...40% + cost of building increase and yet look at them go...around 1200 new constructions planned for Sequim alone and instead of costs going down (with more participants paying in) taxes go up and up and up...and regulations get more and more restrictive. It's true there is lots of space on Earth but 2/3's of the land is semi-arid and desert. Finite resources, infinite demands. That's the basic math. Bless us everyone! Truth, Justice, Liberty🥸

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They make me laugh. They claim this natural policy high ground and then mitigate the shit out of natural.

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