Great job, as always, Jeff! You are a terrific journalist--a rare breed these days. Our local Canadian owned newspapers (PDN & Gazette) could use your kind of investigative journalism.

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Have you noticed more and more articles are being written by either special interests or by organizations outside of the Peninsula? I wish our two papers would change direction and, as a result, sell more subscriptions.

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Way out of control! Is there an environmental impact study. Is their ACoE involvement at time. Are we seeing a study that the salmon are running well in the other improved areas besides where the dam was taken out. Have salmon stopped using the river as it stands now. Is it the Wa. Dept. of ecology or tribal environmentalist doing the studies’.... is NOAA involved?

The tribe is devious in many ways ... the guise of doing good... kind of the shiny chicken affect... ‘O look over here’ while they slide other things ... I’m ranting

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Take a look at the Tribe's allowance to net fish at the mouths of the rivers, even when fish are arriving in small numbers. Even then the rivers are NOT shut down to sports fishing. Alaska has amazing fishing limits based on fish counts. Not so Washington state. Not too many years back only three steelhead made it to the fish hatchery on the Dungeness and yet the river remained open to fishing. And biologist wonder why we have no fish. Culverts are installed to channel/protect fish where fish don't swim, and nets are stretched across the mouths of the rivers with no limits to the Tribe. The rivers are OVER-FISHED with no rules in place to protect them. Like it or not, if we want the fish back, the rivers need to be shut down to everyone. Period. Until they recover. The whole floodplain issue is not about the fish, it's a land grab.

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After reading my breakfast won’t go down. Fish MAT CLINIC INSLEE TRIBE... will the votes were mailing in even count.... Gayle my husband worked for the tribe for years. Part of a department required by law. Hated it everyday. First hand seeing the corruption, reporting it and seeing it over looked. Vile and filthy. The salmon situation hauled him tono avail... the tribe and state in every aspect are in bed together and could care less about us... to them “hey we get enough, let them eat cake”.

I honestly think if this group can stay focused on the one thing there could be success. The fish thing is lost... if this were the ‘70’s it would still be closed....

I gotta go digest❣️

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I love this group! You all make me laugh and think. Are you by any chance related to John?

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Keep it up...love and agree with your ranting!

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Great find! Corruption at work. The Tribe greases the politician's palm, and they get what they want, while the taxpayers get screwed. Folks, remember this when you vote. Remember the MAT clinic that no one but the tribe and the politicians wanted. It was a done deal before the taxpayers ever learned of it. Taxpayers paid for it, but the Tribe makes money from it, and greases the politicians hands yet again. That's how the system works around here because people keep electing the same crooked politicians over and over, yet expect different results. WAKE UP.

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Where is the leadership? The transparency? The trust? I don't see a path forward until we address these fundamentals and get back on track.

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Actually, I was and am in favor of the MAT clinic. I've heard from people who are generally on the other side of the political divide from me being relieved that members of their family were restored to a normal life by the efforts of the MAT clinic.

Clallam County at the time was known for having the highest opioid problems in the state.

This is why I posted before that the focus should be on re-opening Towne Road instead of being an opportunity for individuals to open their "savings book" to rail on their list of favorite things to be angry about. Please refrain from speaking for everyone.

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Those two papers get grants from the state to stay in business. Sort of like how the government is paying people to not work and our counties have a new program costing us hundreds of thousands to figure out why 18-40 year olds aren’t in the job market. Duh!

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Another thing I'm shocked I didn't know.

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Is "don't bite the hand that feeds you" applicable here?

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Gosh, Jeff...appreciate your hard work, but it is making my blood boil! Ozias cannot remain in office...he is dangerous and fighting against the taxpayers while in bed with the tribe.

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You're welcome, and I can't even take credit. This article was a result of Watchdoggers sending information to me.

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Unfortunately, the corruption goes way back even to before OZ on this project. I seem to recall a previous Commissioner who received more than double the appraised value for his property in a county buy-out for this project.

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Yep...our State Representative, Steve Tharinger. Clallam County has been very good to Steve.

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Feb 25, 2024Edited
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The evidence seems to be damming :)

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exactly! How convenient.

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Touche, A. Johnson...nailed it in my book!

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