Dungeness Levee Trail Advocates (DLTA), the registered “charitable nonprofit” determined to convert a public, taxpayer-funded county road into a private driveway, has published another newsletter available on its website. Once again, DLTA calls on supporters to harass county employees and halt Towne Road’s completion. This time, it also targets the contractor chosen to surface Towne Road.
If you would like to convey appreciation and support to project leaders for restoring this historic, vital link between communities, call or write:
Bruce Emery: bruce.emery@clallamcountywa.gov
Joe Donisi: joe.donisi@clallamcountywa.gov
Cathy Lear: cathy.lear@clallamcountywa.gov
Mark Ozias: Mark.Ozias@clallamcountywa.gov
Randy Johnson: Randy.Johnson@clallamcountywa.gov
Mike French: Mike.French@clallamcountywa.gov
Who ARE these people??? What a bunch of "malarky". Just went to their site. If you are so proud of your crazy accusations to harm to the environment, etc., show yourselves. Hiding behind a nameless bunch of web pages. I can't take you any more seriously than any other crazy web site promoting nonsense. But hey, if you stop the road, there is a future event and we need to GET OUT and the roads are blocked, I probably won't be around to say I told you so. But I'll haunt your ass throughout eternity.
Did they cry foul play when the tribe (friend to DLTA) put in their bid to build the road after adamantly objecting to it? How hypocritical can they all be?