We tax payers in Clallam County appreciate your work. Keep after them Jeff!

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Thanks, Walter. The Grants have been paying taxes here for over a century and helped make this paradise what it is today.

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Thank you Jeff for this incredible work ! Glad I found that flyer ! And to all that follow your the Best !

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Jeff: That's why I feel so strongly about this.

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The commissioners stated that the tribe is paying all of the taxes on private work. How are they paying vehicle licensing fees for heavy trucks and such on only a private job? Or do they mean only the taxes and not the rest of the costs that tribal business doesn’t pay.

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All their vehicles and heavy equipment are exempt from taxes...says so on the license plates.

They pay virtually no tax on monies generated on tribal land and they are exempting from property tax the 'trust' lands they are acquiring. Looks like an unfair 'tax' advantage doesn't it.

They have been well schooled and good students of 'soft' infiltration and conspiracy/collusion... dominating through the twin gods of money and power... guided by greed and vengeance...welcome to the dark side of humanity.

Hold them accountable...bring them down.

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Here we go again with no others being allowed to bid on the contract. Way to go County Commissioners on helping create jobs in our depressed market! Oh wait you didn't do that you just helped your biggest supporter Again! Good work Jeff! I think they should be recalled and replaced!

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You're always welcome, Charles.

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Jeff brought up significant and detailed points at Tuesday's Board meeting, and, as usual, to to the discomfort of the Board. When completion of Towne Road went to bid, Jamestown did not win the contract as another company was the lowest bid. If the process is fair and legal, like you stated, Jeff, more people succeed. Thank you!

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You're welcome, Denise!

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The citizens of Clallam County MUST become the major contributors to a new group of Commissioners not beholding to special interests. When the knock comes on your door to support a coordinated fund to oust these jackels, please contribute. If the citizens do not respond you will be taxed and pushed from your businesses and homes.

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Would all those beautiful Christmas lights be there in Blyn if not for the grant money and tax free status the "Tribe" enjoy? Maybe commissioner Ozias should relinquish his chair to Ron Allen, then Ron would be able to fight for grant money to ALL the citizens of Clallam county.

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Ron doesn't want or need the position. He takes less heat using Ozias as his puppet. Ron has a strategy that makes him the most powerful man in America. Just ask him.

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Eric, thank you for speaking up at the meeting!

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"Here we go again" is what I think every time I see CCWatchdog hit my inbox. Pleasantly surprised this morning to see some pushback on the no competing bid on the excavation. If things are truly equal off Tribal land as our Commissioners would have us believe then lets see what price a bidding process brings.

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And I’ll sarcastically interject, “but they’re doing everything legally”, so they say! These commissioners have an answer for everything, without showing proof, they tell us to go look it up, etc.. Zero transparency!

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Land trusts are a smart method to escape property taxes. The real issue is that property taxes are illegal and immoral. Counties need to generate income from other sources and work to significantly lower taxes. You are doing the opposite of this by continuing to raise property taxes which creates evictions, crime and homelessness. Downsize bloated agency budgets including the H&W agency, federally run education which is just indoctrination, lobbying budgets, and govt waste. Follow what DOGE is doing to trim agency fat and you can lower or eliminate taxes. You can't move forward by repeating the same methods that don't work and that have made Clallam county unaffordable.

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Looks like county prosecutor all of a sudden got wind of a bad smell regarding JKT awardment,like a very possible lawsuit against county for allowing a possible unlawful awardment to be fulfilled.The current commissioners are responsible for this and other blunderous costly issues that are raising property taxes at higher rates than some owners can endure.Voters need to recall these bad decision makers before C.County turns into a financial debacle.Radical leadership always raises taxes - fees to fix their poor management problems ''Recall ASAP''

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RECALL! We have the power and ability...we only need the numbers.😃

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This article is especially upsetting. I don't think the vast majority understand how corrupt the Tribe are. It goes way deep and way back. I am eternally grateful for all the work Jeff is putting in on this. Man deserves a Council position - and a medal. "Our" representatives obviously DGAF.

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I'm only doing this until my hair modeling career takes off :)

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For our sake....I pray it doesn't 🤣

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We have, honor and protect equal opportunity or we do not. Preferential treatment for the infinite possibilities of what of Government has decreed disadvantaged is the antithesis of equal opportunity. Today special entitlements are afforded to the female gender, most any "race" other than Caucasian and isolated ancestry. Via the non-statute DEI mentality, preferential treatment is also afforded to non-Caucasians, obesity and sexual deviancy, ( sexual preference that deviate from the norm ). We incorrectly label aboriginal peoples as native Americans when the majority of all our citizenship is native American. The problem with what we consider aboriginal peoples is that they no longer exist. Their ancestors may have met the definition of aboriginal, but no person living today can. When special rights are granted to some isolated ancestry the obvious equal opportunity question is what about those that do not have that ancestry. The same question applies to gender, race and body type. My opportunity to harvest fish and wildlife is termed sport. A tribal opportunity to harvest fish and wildlife is termed subsistence. Prior to the European colonization of North American indigenous people warred with each other. No special rights were afforded to the losing tribe then. Why now ? This insanity of discriminating to end discrimination must stop. If the "minority" identified to be charitably supported thrives, then a new minority is born. The entirety of MWBE / DEI is a perpetual revolving door. Public works or not, the non-compete contract given to Jamestown Excavating is good ole fashioned corruption, AKA pay to play.

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Once again Garry, you hit the root cause of this particular tribe.

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DEI is done not to create equality (which is impossible) but to create rancor and division, which it does. Divide and conquer! (Problem-reaction-solution)

Equal opportunity is possible only with robust morals and ethics but equality is a fantasy...if we were all created equal then that would be at the spiritual/etheric level not the human level.

We will never have blind/deaf/dumb flying jets and no real woman will ever win the heavyweight lifting championship.

We already have all the diversity we could possibly ask for in this world and playing favorites isn't going to fix anything.

But ousting crooked agents 🦨 is very doable!

Let's getter done!

BTW, Ozias/French/Johnson are the tip of the iceberg...there are quite a few more that need to go from county positions...but we know where to start!

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Lions on the hunt for food have often been seen roaring and braying into the ground from where they’re hiding. That sound travels in all directions confusing the prey. Ignoring the danger as the dally and nibble at their meal they peruse the landscape. Never realizing it is their last.

Good hunting Jeff! ❣️

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But I'm vegan! Can we change this metaphor to harvesting kale? Thanks, Paula :)

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The Tribes are sovereign territory. Can we slap a tarrif on them?

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Good work! It will be very interesting to see where it leads.

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I think we (the taxpayers) should have let the commissioners “break the law” then there would be a legal ground to stand on, instead of rescuing them when they (CC Commissioners) care nothing about us (the taxpayers) and it is now so clearly obvious more than ever! Like I said, “Who has heard the word “Nay” spoken in the County Commissioners Board Room?

Not only would they be breaking the law, they would be co-conspirators with Habitat for Humanity who is breaking their own “Sole source contract” rules and breaking federal law of 501 (3) (C) laws! Why do these law breakers think the laws do not apply to them? Habitat for Humanity should be stripped of their 501(3)(C) status and be fined for taxes. HFH is well aware of the laws and ignorance or conspiracy is no excuse and no passes accepted!

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They are breaking the law and their oaths.

What we need is a prosecutor with some chutzpah to take their own position seriously.

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After nearly 50 years as a legal analyst, I am never "impressed" when I see criminals engaged in organized crime succeeding in "business" because they are everywhere the opportunity presents itself and where the population does nothing to tight against them~! I am however impressed when the same criminals are arrested for their crimes and imprisoned ;-) Happy New Year and may "we" see the end of these criminals everywhere soon~!!! M

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