Hurricane Ridge closed this entire weekend due to freezing sewer lines. The Hoh is closed due to road repairs, and so is the Elwha Ranger Station. Seeing a bus wrapped in a picture of a marmot might be the closest we get to seeing the National Parks we pay for.
Unreal, but not unexpected. Where else would we expect a free bus ride program to go but to be taken advantage of by drug using, mentally impaired people looking for a free roof over their heads.
Free mass transit??! I think people might be waking up to the fact that nothing is for free. If we want the peninsula to be economically successful, we need to stop making it a magnet for drug users and people looking for a free lunch.
I’m riding the bus right now. It’s all old people like me. It’s not at all like the author has stated. I question whether he’s “too good” to ride the bus. He might be an elitist. Just guessing.
A subscriber made an excellent observation on the Operating Budget Forecast located mid-article, and I've added a few sentences:
"According to the agency’s Transportation Development Plan, Clallam Transit had a budget of $17,309,115 last year. Notably, reserves are forecasted to decrease from $16 million to $1.4 million over the next four years. This is similar to Clallam County Commissioners’ uncontrolled spending, which has allowed reserves to dip so low that our County is on the brink of insolvency. The commissioners have cut jobs and public services while raising property taxes and increasing fees to correct this."
Just like the rest of the state and country for that matter. Its the hidden spending thats destroying all the bugets. They steal money from taxpayers . Stick it in a general fund and dip out at will for their socialist aggenda till its gone and then think up some excuse to stick it to us some other way. In the process, making their NGO buddies wealthy.
I have learned "free" or "at no cost to you" are flat out lies. "This opportunity is free; just pay shipping and handling". In anything public or Government these statements mean public officials have reallocated your tax dollars. The public transportation expenses have not changed. It is only how those costs are paid that have. Having always worked, I've never faced extreme poverty. Accordingly, I cannot speak from a been there perspective. I am fatigued with altruistic politicians using my taxes to play Robin Hood. Be reminded of all the "pandemic" and influenza "free" injections. Does anyone believe pharma donates those drugs ? Philanthropy is not and should not be be any part of Government services. When I choose to help another it is imperative that it be my choice; not forced upon me by elected or appointed representatives.
I'll tell you coming from someone who left this state yrars ago to travel the country and find a better place to live, I came back. No matter where I went everywhere had it's issues, and so it came down to needing a moderate climate and the everyday experience of living in the most beautiful place in America. What I'm saying is there's a fight everywhere. I choose it here.
We can't fight anything with corrupt uni-party judicial/legal system.
We will hang in a awhile as it's a huge upset to move at our age...starting over is hard work and, yes, there are problems everywhere but this whole state/county gov't is communist/fascist...Ferguson and 'Nozias' will completely destroy the goodness here if they aren't removed from office and replaced by 'any sane adult'. 😎
We have talked about leaving as well. Multiple generations of family in the area makes it hard to leave, along with moving kids away from friends and starting out new. I am up for a fight though if I know the best place to direct it, I am tired of seeing one of the most amazing places in the country slowly circle the drain. I'd like there to be opportunities for my kids in the future, and for them to be proud of where they are from.
We are considering leaving as well but not easy...very few choices as every desirable place seems to be run by leftist psychos and real estate is way too high everywhere.
We grew up on and spent most of our lives on the West End.
Jeff, you deftly interwove personal experiences with salient facts about CC's transit system. All these beaurocrats always think the same bad problems that happen everywhere else won't happen here because they are in charge. But it always does. Then these same bearucrats never take responsibility for their poor judgment and bad decisions. Also, how many board positions do these Commissioners hold? Isn't one enough?
There is never enough for a sociopathic narcissist...unfortunately that is exactly the kind of person that applies themselves totally to control and ladder-climbing.😵💫
The only thing free that I know of is the rain, snow and sunshine !
My parents always told me “there are no free lunches “ you have to work for what you want and need! And I’ll be darned, they were right!
Absolutely nothing is free, our leaders come up with all of these free feel good programs but as pointed out it costs us millions, billions of our taxpayers money. We of those who work for a living for what we want and need just cannot continue to support all of the give away programs our leaders choose to support!
Mark Ozias continues to do what he has always done best un-abated; Lie, cheat, and yes spend county taxpayers funds to engradize and enhance his own position without regard for the citizenss of Clallam County, but only for Mark Ozias, his personal benfactors, and his own positioning for future public employment.
Mike French engages only in personal engrandization, does not know how funding, government, or the world works and apparently does not care.
Randy Johnson works hard to appear a steward of Clallam County but does little or nothing to actually twart the destruction of Clallam County at the hands of his board buddies.
Clallam County is running down hill into finanial abyss as fast as they can give money away to whomever wants "mo-money" without acountability, ROI, Business Sence, Common Sence, or any sense at all.
Running the Towne Road project though greed engineered non-sensical stops and being beaten back to starts and finally to the inevitabe completion without a budget at the Board level, the DCD, the CFO, or the Treasurer, cost the county $10,000,000,00 as of yet accouhted hard earned taxpayer dollars, It has driven the county into upcoming insolvancy and the Board of Commissioners are running sideways to duck and cover but not look to the underlyng problem, them.
They have transitioned Clallam County Government from maintainance and growth of commerence to a grant sucking, begging, and hand-out government group. The trough they have been feeding from dried up about a week ago and it is going to get harder each day to squeeze more blood from us turnips.
It is going to get so much worse here before these three are gone and it gets better, but maybe insolvancy will help us all clear the corrupt deck.
Socialism 101. Seattle 101. County putting out bird seed feeders, they come & crap everywhere build their nests next to the feeders & quit foraging & living the way they are suppose to because of bird feeders. The bus is the bird feeder.
Having chickens to feed with no egg production, just another drain on finances…..just like taxpayers draining finances to support a society who produces nothing & as long as the bird feeders are out they will never go back to finding other ways to survive.
Still haven’t heard a “Nay”, have you, anyone heard it?
I consider our Commissioners enablers, a fancy hidden way to dress up the pig, but in reality they are enablers for many addicts, homeless and the down trodden. Addiction councilors, programs, PHD’s, and yes science all teach & preach about enablers. Our Commissioners go the step further
from providing assistance of help to GIVING and ENABLING risky & fostering negative damaging behaviors. Until we have politicians who can set boundaries , say no or nay, people will continue to decay because of their “so called” help.
At the October 23 CCC budget meeting a citizen (1:02:08) asked about the costs of the free transit program, as well as the resultant need for security. Mark Ozias responded that the security challenges at Gateway are not tied to the zero fare policy, that it (problems at Gateway) exists for other reasons.
Ipso facto (an inevitable result), or Occam's razor, (the simplest explanation is usually the truth absent another simple explanation) would suggest that at a minimum there's a strong possibility that the free ridership would account for some the problems at Gateway.
Why Ozias is dismissive of the logic and wouldn't at a minimum ponder it tells me that as the person who heads the Clallam County Transit board he's being protective. How many conflict of interest notches does this guy get?
I've used the bus a few times and can attest to the sad state of affairs it's in. The rules are flagrantly violated, the driver's likely worried for their safety don't say a word and I don't blame them.
I've walked by the Gateway and have witnessed violence between people in the middle of the day without a care for anyone else. It's as if these clowns own the place.
Clallam County Transit operates a summer program to shuttle people up to Hurricane Ridge. Guess where the the visitors who spend money here to improve our tax base leave from? Yep, Gateway. Can't wait to read the negative reviews on FB forums having to do with access to ONP, Google, etc. That should be good for tourism.
Everyone knows that where public transit goes, crime goes. Look at NY City where people get shoved in front of moving trains. It's a matter of time before more acts of violence occur here, but no problem, right, as long as we can give more free away.
Of the 12 photos/icons shown, all but one (the non-voting member) are the reason behind why Clallam Transit is what it has become. Each of them is a tool.
Clallam Transit's board should directly elected by Clallam County taxpayers, not defaulted to career politicians.
He/they is/are too busy sipping wine and eating brie with caviar with the deep pockets looking down at everyone to care. As long as they get the votes and can stay in power, they could care less who suffers as long as their personal emotional needs are met with tax payer dollars.
It's been amazing to see Randy Johnson's change. Last year, he was engaged and inquisitive while campaigning. After November last year, when he handily won a third term, he quit answering emails and questions. I have no reason to believe he will engage in the next four years, as he has already stated this will be his last term.
Here in Lake Oswego - we "won" our opposition to moving a school bus barn into our residential neighborhood - the district pushed it through AGAIN (and won) - the Superintendent did not know that the district leased the buses when the DRC questioned is shocking to witness such ignorance (or lack of curiosity!) -
I’m so sorry Jeff. I’ve been reading your articles for awhile now and it’s frustrating to see the fraudulent attitude toward issues of such importance to our community. “I’m” frustrated and at a loss for what to do. Thank you for your efforts! I guess we can’t stop….even through the frustration… squeaky wheels and all…
You don't have to explain it, Debi -- I get it. Don't forget we opened Towne Road and possibly leveled the playing for those bidding on Habitat for Humanity's new project. It looks like the future reservoir is coming under a fair amount of scrutiny too. All I'm saying is, our work is not in vain and thank you for hanging around with us miscreants for so long.
I've begged them to cover this. Even offered to write for them, no credit needed! They simply won't respond (I sent them this article too). Emma Maple, a dedicated young reporter, is diligently at the meetings typing away and she is a powerhouse at generating content for the paper -- MUCH faster than me. However, I think there are some editorial decisions she does not have control over.
The PDN is a communist/leftist rag which will publish NOTHING critical about 'business as usual' don't grasp the corruption that this state and county is consumed by...this forum is the only place where people can share freely...the vast majority of citizens may be dissatisfied with 'gov't' but have NO idea about how bad things are...this is a long term plan carried out through the universities (by Rothschilds', Rockefellers', Gates Foundation, etc.) to program leftist/marxist ideology and then groom the 'special' ones into (infiltrate) public positions of power...the long plan is to corrupt and destroy our cultures so they NWO, W.E.F., Council on Foreign Relations,, can "BUILD BACK BETTER". First destroy...then rebuild in their own image...this is what is playing it and weep. Do a search on Klaus Schwab bragging about infiltrating govt's around the world...the rabbit holes are seemingly infinite and it's very disturbing...but it IS what it IS! Best Wishes!
"Fetzer, who leads the public transportation agency that provides free rides, will receive a monthly vehicle reimbursement of $550."
How ironic he heads up transit and gets paid to use his personal vehicle. Part of his employment agreement should have been that he takes the bus to work and is reimbursed only when outside travel is involved. Why would he not want to put words into action and show everyone how great it is?
Wow. I had no idea. It seems like every issue you dig into shows inefficiency and financial hardship for a community that already can’t balance a budget. The fact that it is so pervasive suggests we need a complete strategy re-boot. We can’t tax our way to prosperity. And we must hold ourselves accountable. I am sure more more shell games and/or County and City austerity measures are ahead. Did anyone even look at the financial forecasts tables that shows it will run out of reserves around 2028/2029? What then? What are the top five tax funded programs that are too expensive, don’t make financial sense, or don’t deliver on their stated goal? Heck, I don’t even know what are the County’s biggest cost outlays but didn’t we just go through a need for a 7% cost reduction so we could find $4 million to balance our $57m budget? At $17m for transit-related services (labor, new buses, paint/wraps, security, and cleaning) alone seems like a perfect example of poor financial planning. Can someone at least give me some data that compares our $17m annual cost to other counties? I know airlines optimize for revenue or cost “per seat mile”. Are our costs out of whack for the volume and distance of rides given?
And when Ozias & Associates destroy Clallam County, turning into Tribal land, they will move on to Olympia to do the same with the state. Sad! Think how cool WA would be with proper management!
They plan succession. California is gathering signatures as we speak. Look how they have strengthened the world and tribal economy at the expense of our own. I would like them succeed after they paid bac 20 years of federal funding they used to help us come in third place.
How about if AI was employed to mesh all these figures together for a balanced budget? I'm sure red lights would be sounding and sirens would be blasting for us to run for the hills.
Thank you for yet another insightful exposé, Jeff. Not only do you have a way with words, but you are also our roving reporter, ever vigilant and exposing the corruption in Clallam County. THANK YOU!
Of course, there is no such thing as "free" in the man-made world because that concept is always proven to be utter nonsense in a world of lies, manipulations, and deceptions... Everything man-made costs something... While I personally like the concept of people with limited assets having the ability to live as normally, comfortably, and safely as possible, there is always a percentage of folks who have no self-respect or respect for others who take advantage of our society and the selfless acts of others when they don't have any skin in the game. Unfortunately, America has been lured into this sick "socialist nightmare" that not only discourages personal responsibility but actually funds and rewards the anti-social behavior of people who are grossly unmotivated to stand on their own two feet to work to help themselves and to better their own lives~! a couple of decades ago I infiltrated the "intentional welfare class", those who do NOT need public assistance but who have learned how to "game" our charitable system, and what I learned was horrifyingly astounding. I am proud that America makes the effort to help those who really need it, but a HUGE number of people take advantage of that very honorable effort to live on the taxpayer as much as possible, while at the same time working at all sorts of jobs and illegal schemes to stash cash off of the books and/or to live a very good life without any personal responsibilities. The HUGE number of "intentional welfare scam artists' are FAR more organized and sophisticated then the vast majority of Americans would/could possibly imagine! I and those that I am proud to have in my circle are very different however we ALL enjoy working, being productive, and the feeling of "personal accomplishment" that ONLY comes from doing our best to make out own way in life. This is not true of the "welfare criminals" who literally steal from those who need the help and those of us who ultimately pay for it and most importantly sadly rob themselves of that very feeling of pride in personal accomplishment that is normal for healthy Individuals~! As a dedicated American Constitutionalist, I can't support "forced labor" schemes by the government or anyone else, however I believe that the time has come to better police our welfare system and make serious changes to encourage folks to find their Individual sense of pride in themselves. As a young Individual I never had any problem finding lawns to mow, houses to clean or paint, and any number of odd jobs to make some money. I will never forget the first "official" paycheck that I made, delivering newspapers, and the feeling of pride in personal accomplishment that I felt that day. Americans are being ripped off at a great many levels and it all comes back to the governments abysmal and often criminal handling of our society~! We are constantly being sold a bill of hollow, worthless and socially destructive "feel good" crappola that "we" as Americans must now change. There are a lot of folks who need to be properly, fairly, and lovingly motivated to build their own self esteem because the government has created SO many disincentives & disadvantages for folks to work to make a living. Too many illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional laws, regulations, mandates, and guidelines have been choking the very life out of Americans, to the point where our younger generations today have no way to work productively the way that we once did... Let us all now take advantage of this golden opportunity in American history to make the necessary changes to restore the work ethic at all levels of society and especially those who we have allowed to rob themselves of any self-respect by tolerating a government that has obviously failed all of us~! We can do MUCH better~! Sincerely, Mike
You said a great deal here Mike. I must focus on the most despicable culprit of your comments, those who prey on those most in the need of help to enrich themselves for no other good than greed, Mark Ozias.
Just focusing on this one scam, and setting aside the numerous and non-stop Mark O scams over his yeas of graft, follow the history of this theft. Over the past two year this commissioner professing to serve the public good began with a temporary “test” free ridership which increased ridership (duh) which lead to permanent free ridership. That lead to the destruction on the transit system and surprisingly to the elevation of Mark O to the head of the NGO spending all that unaccountable money. What better opportunity for graft than an organization with no budget and no expectation for return on investment, no budget, and no transparency or oversight. There is no public record requirements, no public accounting no public visibility. Sounds just like the Mark O Mob.. .
I can see that "we" share very similar opinions of the evil local mafia/cabal that hides behind their thin veil of legitimacy~! The "evil empire" within America... I have been far more focused upon the ongoing national & world battle, however I am doing my best to catch up on the local yokels that darken our otherwise great community thanks to Jeff Tozzer and other good folks like you. I have lived and worked in many communities and the names just change, but the games are the same all across our country. I know quite a bit about the national battle, and it is with great satisfaction that I can say that things are going pretty well for freedom loving Americans at this time. The corruption of the federal government is being addressed behind the scenes and recently somewhat in front of folk's eyes. The positive changes, many I don't wish to discuss here, yet, will in fact be addressing the local criminal element in due time. The entire state of Washington's government is soon to be purged along with all of the other states, and this process will "trickle down" to these low-level criminals who are nothing but greedy soulless opportunistic leaches. Many of whom will be facing US Military Tribunals for their treason and crimes against humanity~! While I understand that this may sound too good to be true, and yes "we" (America) has gone far down into this socialistic Hell on earth, I can honestly state that things are much better than most currently appreciate because a great many positive things have had to happen behind the scenes without any fanfare. As a dedicated American Constitutionalist, I am not prone to being unrealistically optimistic, but in all honesty, I am a natural born "optimist" who believes in the American people and who knows that there is a FAR higher power~! We (the American Patriots) must refuse being divided by these evil criminals of humanity so that we can stand together to defeat these criminals among us as soon as possible, because they have long been plotting to destroy America and Americans, along with most others across the globe. There is a VERY dark and well-coordinated agenda playing out, but "we" (American men, women, and children Patriots) will soon be learning of things that these criminal monsters have been doing that will enrage and ignite a new Patriotic movement the likes of which has never been seen in American or world history~! Hang in there and know that I/we got your back and no one in our community is alone in this fight to free us from these wretched criminals~! Sincerely, Mike
Thank you Michael and do enjoy reading your comments. I'm with you in thinking there will be a trickle down effect to us in Clallam County from the new administration. The fish tank had to be rearranged!
It is good folks like you that I thank for doing your sacred duty as Americans~! So, thank you for your vigilance and care for our country and local community, because together "we" are the owners and power in America :) Oh yes, it really is quite amusing to see these very common low-level criminal thugs continuing to deploy their evil criminal tactics as if they are somehow above the law, because make no mistake the forces of true Justice are clearly headed their way~! I think it is always funny when the criminals suddenly realize that they are screwed and that they screwed themselves ;-} What could be better? You are very Intelligent to be able to see the connection between the federal government and how the corruption flows downhill into ALL aspects of government, and then of course affecting all of us... The government at all levels loves to paint the picture that they are the decision makers, however that has never really been the truth because our government has always been for sale to the highest bidders, and "we" (Americans) have been ruthlessly enslaved by the government in so many ways in boggles the mind. Yes, we are in an epic historic transition that will definitely destroy that old world brutal matrix. I find it fitting that these local Mafioso thugs obviously have no clue what is coming because if they did, they would be "suddenly resigning" for any number of "Trumped up" reasons (pun intended ;-) Every day for at least several years now, especially recently, hundreds and hundreds of other big and small high profile criminals in & out of government have been "opting out" very suddenly without any previous notice (most of them in the prime of their lying and thieving careers). I have been monitoring the HUGE impact of this in the real estate, high end auto, and yacht markets for years now, because as an analyst I know just where to look for the evidence of "change" ;-) Good for you, because while the majority of people will soon be receiving the shock of their lives, you have a FAR better chance of understanding what is really happening and it should not traumatize you AND you may just be able to come out ahead while most others are going to
remain stunned for months and even years~! Survival of the fittest~! ;-] Have a great week and stay safe~! Sincerely, Mike
The most honest politicians are the ones who first start out and have a true desire and belief in our system. Then they start climbing the political ladder but find in order to grab that next rung they have to give a piece of their soul. Soon enough, no matter how honest they start out, if they want that next rung, they will be soul-less somewhere along their climb.
Yes, you are missing...there is NO OVERSIGHT SUPERVISORY office to hold them accountable...they are the top of the gov't one above them...demi-gods if you will...they do what they want because there is No Way To Stop the time they get voted out...if they get voted out...the damage is done AND very few sane people want to do the job of running gov' where do we find the 'good' people to run a gov't by high moral/ethical standards and values. They are socialist infiltrators by design and requires some diligence and persistence to do your own research but the info is all there if you do the searching...I don't know what good it does as far more people don't know... and don't want to know...because what do you do once you do know! ('Nozias'- poli-sci degree) from Berkeley...marxist/communist training camp. When enough people get uncomfortable enough...change is possible...but we are very far down the road to Socialism and a lot of folks are still comfortable enough... and it will be a brutal process to turn things around. Best Wishes.
Hurricane Ridge closed this entire weekend due to freezing sewer lines. The Hoh is closed due to road repairs, and so is the Elwha Ranger Station. Seeing a bus wrapped in a picture of a marmot might be the closest we get to seeing the National Parks we pay for.
Unreal, but not unexpected. Where else would we expect a free bus ride program to go but to be taken advantage of by drug using, mentally impaired people looking for a free roof over their heads.
Free mass transit??! I think people might be waking up to the fact that nothing is for free. If we want the peninsula to be economically successful, we need to stop making it a magnet for drug users and people looking for a free lunch.
I’m riding the bus right now. It’s all old people like me. It’s not at all like the author has stated. I question whether he’s “too good” to ride the bus. He might be an elitist. Just guessing.
Maybe you’re on the early bird bus
A subscriber made an excellent observation on the Operating Budget Forecast located mid-article, and I've added a few sentences:
"According to the agency’s Transportation Development Plan, Clallam Transit had a budget of $17,309,115 last year. Notably, reserves are forecasted to decrease from $16 million to $1.4 million over the next four years. This is similar to Clallam County Commissioners’ uncontrolled spending, which has allowed reserves to dip so low that our County is on the brink of insolvency. The commissioners have cut jobs and public services while raising property taxes and increasing fees to correct this."
Just like the rest of the state and country for that matter. Its the hidden spending thats destroying all the bugets. They steal money from taxpayers . Stick it in a general fund and dip out at will for their socialist aggenda till its gone and then think up some excuse to stick it to us some other way. In the process, making their NGO buddies wealthy.
I have learned "free" or "at no cost to you" are flat out lies. "This opportunity is free; just pay shipping and handling". In anything public or Government these statements mean public officials have reallocated your tax dollars. The public transportation expenses have not changed. It is only how those costs are paid that have. Having always worked, I've never faced extreme poverty. Accordingly, I cannot speak from a been there perspective. I am fatigued with altruistic politicians using my taxes to play Robin Hood. Be reminded of all the "pandemic" and influenza "free" injections. Does anyone believe pharma donates those drugs ? Philanthropy is not and should not be be any part of Government services. When I choose to help another it is imperative that it be my choice; not forced upon me by elected or appointed representatives.
First, they offered free bus rides, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Then, they created the Gateway Center, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Then, they provided free Narcan, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Then, security was needed, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Then, they needed new buses, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
The buses needed fancy wraps, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Additionally, vans were needed, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Administrators needed high salaries, but that's OK, the taxpayers will pay for it.
Soon, taxpayers were leaving the county and state.
And then, there were no taxpayers left.
This taxpayer is making plans to leave the state.
I was having a good day until I read this, NOI. I don't want you to leave.
Not to worry, Jeff, I'll always be your supporter and friend.
This one is leaving as well.
Oh Kate, I'm so sorry but I understand.
It won't be soon! I hope things take a turn honestly.....
I'll tell you coming from someone who left this state yrars ago to travel the country and find a better place to live, I came back. No matter where I went everywhere had it's issues, and so it came down to needing a moderate climate and the everyday experience of living in the most beautiful place in America. What I'm saying is there's a fight everywhere. I choose it here.
We can't fight anything with corrupt uni-party judicial/legal system.
We will hang in a awhile as it's a huge upset to move at our age...starting over is hard work and, yes, there are problems everywhere but this whole state/county gov't is communist/fascist...Ferguson and 'Nozias' will completely destroy the goodness here if they aren't removed from office and replaced by 'any sane adult'. 😎
The only difference is there's no gas tax in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming....
We have talked about leaving as well. Multiple generations of family in the area makes it hard to leave, along with moving kids away from friends and starting out new. I am up for a fight though if I know the best place to direct it, I am tired of seeing one of the most amazing places in the country slowly circle the drain. I'd like there to be opportunities for my kids in the future, and for them to be proud of where they are from.
We are considering leaving as well but not easy...very few choices as every desirable place seems to be run by leftist psychos and real estate is way too high everywhere.
We grew up on and spent most of our lives on the West End.
Jeff, you deftly interwove personal experiences with salient facts about CC's transit system. All these beaurocrats always think the same bad problems that happen everywhere else won't happen here because they are in charge. But it always does. Then these same bearucrats never take responsibility for their poor judgment and bad decisions. Also, how many board positions do these Commissioners hold? Isn't one enough?
I've been threatening (in my mind) to sit down with a friend and map out all these board positions. I bet it's a lot more than any of us think.
My guess is it's a spidy web so large it'll be like walking into one in an abandoned barn. No matter where you turn, bam! In your face 😉
I would be willing to help with this. I have tried starting a couple times trying to unravel it all and figure out the connections
Unfortunately, you're probably right.
There is never enough for a sociopathic narcissist...unfortunately that is exactly the kind of person that applies themselves totally to control and ladder-climbing.😵💫
The only thing free that I know of is the rain, snow and sunshine !
My parents always told me “there are no free lunches “ you have to work for what you want and need! And I’ll be darned, they were right!
Absolutely nothing is free, our leaders come up with all of these free feel good programs but as pointed out it costs us millions, billions of our taxpayers money. We of those who work for a living for what we want and need just cannot continue to support all of the give away programs our leaders choose to support!
Careful Lynn, the Compassion Police will be along any minute to set you straight. Their emotions depend on it.
Yeah, we ARE a SHORT step away from THAT!😤
I don’t think the rain, sunshine and snow is free anymore. Isn’t there a tax to change the climate?
Mark Ozias continues to do what he has always done best un-abated; Lie, cheat, and yes spend county taxpayers funds to engradize and enhance his own position without regard for the citizenss of Clallam County, but only for Mark Ozias, his personal benfactors, and his own positioning for future public employment.
Mike French engages only in personal engrandization, does not know how funding, government, or the world works and apparently does not care.
Randy Johnson works hard to appear a steward of Clallam County but does little or nothing to actually twart the destruction of Clallam County at the hands of his board buddies.
Clallam County is running down hill into finanial abyss as fast as they can give money away to whomever wants "mo-money" without acountability, ROI, Business Sence, Common Sence, or any sense at all.
Running the Towne Road project though greed engineered non-sensical stops and being beaten back to starts and finally to the inevitabe completion without a budget at the Board level, the DCD, the CFO, or the Treasurer, cost the county $10,000,000,00 as of yet accouhted hard earned taxpayer dollars, It has driven the county into upcoming insolvancy and the Board of Commissioners are running sideways to duck and cover but not look to the underlyng problem, them.
They have transitioned Clallam County Government from maintainance and growth of commerence to a grant sucking, begging, and hand-out government group. The trough they have been feeding from dried up about a week ago and it is going to get harder each day to squeeze more blood from us turnips.
It is going to get so much worse here before these three are gone and it gets better, but maybe insolvancy will help us all clear the corrupt deck.
Well, then there might be clear basis for recall.
Motion for claim on bond...
Very well said!
Socialism 101. Seattle 101. County putting out bird seed feeders, they come & crap everywhere build their nests next to the feeders & quit foraging & living the way they are suppose to because of bird feeders. The bus is the bird feeder.
Having chickens to feed with no egg production, just another drain on finances…..just like taxpayers draining finances to support a society who produces nothing & as long as the bird feeders are out they will never go back to finding other ways to survive.
Still haven’t heard a “Nay”, have you, anyone heard it?
I consider our Commissioners enablers, a fancy hidden way to dress up the pig, but in reality they are enablers for many addicts, homeless and the down trodden. Addiction councilors, programs, PHD’s, and yes science all teach & preach about enablers. Our Commissioners go the step further
from providing assistance of help to GIVING and ENABLING risky & fostering negative damaging behaviors. Until we have politicians who can set boundaries , say no or nay, people will continue to decay because of their “so called” help.
Part of 'the plan'.😱
At the October 23 CCC budget meeting a citizen (1:02:08) asked about the costs of the free transit program, as well as the resultant need for security. Mark Ozias responded that the security challenges at Gateway are not tied to the zero fare policy, that it (problems at Gateway) exists for other reasons.
Ipso facto (an inevitable result), or Occam's razor, (the simplest explanation is usually the truth absent another simple explanation) would suggest that at a minimum there's a strong possibility that the free ridership would account for some the problems at Gateway.
Why Ozias is dismissive of the logic and wouldn't at a minimum ponder it tells me that as the person who heads the Clallam County Transit board he's being protective. How many conflict of interest notches does this guy get?
I've used the bus a few times and can attest to the sad state of affairs it's in. The rules are flagrantly violated, the driver's likely worried for their safety don't say a word and I don't blame them.
I've walked by the Gateway and have witnessed violence between people in the middle of the day without a care for anyone else. It's as if these clowns own the place.
Clallam County Transit operates a summer program to shuttle people up to Hurricane Ridge. Guess where the the visitors who spend money here to improve our tax base leave from? Yep, Gateway. Can't wait to read the negative reviews on FB forums having to do with access to ONP, Google, etc. That should be good for tourism.
Everyone knows that where public transit goes, crime goes. Look at NY City where people get shoved in front of moving trains. It's a matter of time before more acts of violence occur here, but no problem, right, as long as we can give more free away.
Did you remember that or take notes? Either way, kudos for recalling something from months ago. Nicely done.
Remembered the discussion, just had to pull the recording up to make sure I heard it right.
I'm just a house mouse, I just sat in the back and listened.
Of the 12 photos/icons shown, all but one (the non-voting member) are the reason behind why Clallam Transit is what it has become. Each of them is a tool.
Clallam Transit's board should directly elected by Clallam County taxpayers, not defaulted to career politicians.
Overwhelmingly comprised of back slappers.
The same water buffalo lodge..same secret handshake.
Maybe our illustrious commissioners need to take several trips on transit to get an accurate picture
It's funny. When French was talking at Tuesday's meeting, he didn't know the route numbers.
That’s a good example of how disconnected he/they is/are. Perhaps coming down to where us “little” people are might just be an eye opener.
He/they is/are too busy sipping wine and eating brie with caviar with the deep pockets looking down at everyone to care. As long as they get the votes and can stay in power, they could care less who suffers as long as their personal emotional needs are met with tax payer dollars.
It's been amazing to see Randy Johnson's change. Last year, he was engaged and inquisitive while campaigning. After November last year, when he handily won a third term, he quit answering emails and questions. I have no reason to believe he will engage in the next four years, as he has already stated this will be his last term.
Here in Lake Oswego - we "won" our opposition to moving a school bus barn into our residential neighborhood - the district pushed it through AGAIN (and won) - the Superintendent did not know that the district leased the buses when the DRC questioned is shocking to witness such ignorance (or lack of curiosity!) -
The ignorance is everywhere, because no one holds these people accountable.
I’m so sorry Jeff. I’ve been reading your articles for awhile now and it’s frustrating to see the fraudulent attitude toward issues of such importance to our community. “I’m” frustrated and at a loss for what to do. Thank you for your efforts! I guess we can’t stop….even through the frustration… squeaky wheels and all…
You don't have to explain it, Debi -- I get it. Don't forget we opened Towne Road and possibly leveled the playing for those bidding on Habitat for Humanity's new project. It looks like the future reservoir is coming under a fair amount of scrutiny too. All I'm saying is, our work is not in vain and thank you for hanging around with us miscreants for so long.
Maybe an article in the PDN might be a start to get residents knowledgeable of the situation and the lack of commissioner involvement?
I've begged them to cover this. Even offered to write for them, no credit needed! They simply won't respond (I sent them this article too). Emma Maple, a dedicated young reporter, is diligently at the meetings typing away and she is a powerhouse at generating content for the paper -- MUCH faster than me. However, I think there are some editorial decisions she does not have control over.
0 control.🫠
The PDN is a communist/leftist rag which will publish NOTHING critical about 'business as usual' don't grasp the corruption that this state and county is consumed by...this forum is the only place where people can share freely...the vast majority of citizens may be dissatisfied with 'gov't' but have NO idea about how bad things are...this is a long term plan carried out through the universities (by Rothschilds', Rockefellers', Gates Foundation, etc.) to program leftist/marxist ideology and then groom the 'special' ones into (infiltrate) public positions of power...the long plan is to corrupt and destroy our cultures so they NWO, W.E.F., Council on Foreign Relations,, can "BUILD BACK BETTER". First destroy...then rebuild in their own image...this is what is playing it and weep. Do a search on Klaus Schwab bragging about infiltrating govt's around the world...the rabbit holes are seemingly infinite and it's very disturbing...but it IS what it IS! Best Wishes!
In other words the corruption and blind eyes extend to the paper
You assume they care...They DON'T!
"Fetzer, who leads the public transportation agency that provides free rides, will receive a monthly vehicle reimbursement of $550."
How ironic he heads up transit and gets paid to use his personal vehicle. Part of his employment agreement should have been that he takes the bus to work and is reimbursed only when outside travel is involved. Why would he not want to put words into action and show everyone how great it is?
That's a great idea. More often than not, administrators in their guided cages have no idea what their foolish actions cause..or care.
Not how 'the system' works.🥸
Wow. I had no idea. It seems like every issue you dig into shows inefficiency and financial hardship for a community that already can’t balance a budget. The fact that it is so pervasive suggests we need a complete strategy re-boot. We can’t tax our way to prosperity. And we must hold ourselves accountable. I am sure more more shell games and/or County and City austerity measures are ahead. Did anyone even look at the financial forecasts tables that shows it will run out of reserves around 2028/2029? What then? What are the top five tax funded programs that are too expensive, don’t make financial sense, or don’t deliver on their stated goal? Heck, I don’t even know what are the County’s biggest cost outlays but didn’t we just go through a need for a 7% cost reduction so we could find $4 million to balance our $57m budget? At $17m for transit-related services (labor, new buses, paint/wraps, security, and cleaning) alone seems like a perfect example of poor financial planning. Can someone at least give me some data that compares our $17m annual cost to other counties? I know airlines optimize for revenue or cost “per seat mile”. Are our costs out of whack for the volume and distance of rides given?
And when Ozias & Associates destroy Clallam County, turning into Tribal land, they will move on to Olympia to do the same with the state. Sad! Think how cool WA would be with proper management!
They plan succession. California is gathering signatures as we speak. Look how they have strengthened the world and tribal economy at the expense of our own. I would like them succeed after they paid bac 20 years of federal funding they used to help us come in third place.
After bankruptcy, the banks will then own/control everything.
Rothschild said; 'give me control of the money and I don't care who runs the gov't!'
How about if AI was employed to mesh all these figures together for a balanced budget? I'm sure red lights would be sounding and sirens would be blasting for us to run for the hills.
Thank you for yet another insightful exposé, Jeff. Not only do you have a way with words, but you are also our roving reporter, ever vigilant and exposing the corruption in Clallam County. THANK YOU!
You're welcome, NOI. I'm happy to rove, but I'll be roving in my truck from now on :)
The American Way! Burn gas/diesel. That's what it's for. No guilt. No shame.😝
NOI, don't you dare move! We need you!
Of course, there is no such thing as "free" in the man-made world because that concept is always proven to be utter nonsense in a world of lies, manipulations, and deceptions... Everything man-made costs something... While I personally like the concept of people with limited assets having the ability to live as normally, comfortably, and safely as possible, there is always a percentage of folks who have no self-respect or respect for others who take advantage of our society and the selfless acts of others when they don't have any skin in the game. Unfortunately, America has been lured into this sick "socialist nightmare" that not only discourages personal responsibility but actually funds and rewards the anti-social behavior of people who are grossly unmotivated to stand on their own two feet to work to help themselves and to better their own lives~! a couple of decades ago I infiltrated the "intentional welfare class", those who do NOT need public assistance but who have learned how to "game" our charitable system, and what I learned was horrifyingly astounding. I am proud that America makes the effort to help those who really need it, but a HUGE number of people take advantage of that very honorable effort to live on the taxpayer as much as possible, while at the same time working at all sorts of jobs and illegal schemes to stash cash off of the books and/or to live a very good life without any personal responsibilities. The HUGE number of "intentional welfare scam artists' are FAR more organized and sophisticated then the vast majority of Americans would/could possibly imagine! I and those that I am proud to have in my circle are very different however we ALL enjoy working, being productive, and the feeling of "personal accomplishment" that ONLY comes from doing our best to make out own way in life. This is not true of the "welfare criminals" who literally steal from those who need the help and those of us who ultimately pay for it and most importantly sadly rob themselves of that very feeling of pride in personal accomplishment that is normal for healthy Individuals~! As a dedicated American Constitutionalist, I can't support "forced labor" schemes by the government or anyone else, however I believe that the time has come to better police our welfare system and make serious changes to encourage folks to find their Individual sense of pride in themselves. As a young Individual I never had any problem finding lawns to mow, houses to clean or paint, and any number of odd jobs to make some money. I will never forget the first "official" paycheck that I made, delivering newspapers, and the feeling of pride in personal accomplishment that I felt that day. Americans are being ripped off at a great many levels and it all comes back to the governments abysmal and often criminal handling of our society~! We are constantly being sold a bill of hollow, worthless and socially destructive "feel good" crappola that "we" as Americans must now change. There are a lot of folks who need to be properly, fairly, and lovingly motivated to build their own self esteem because the government has created SO many disincentives & disadvantages for folks to work to make a living. Too many illegal, unlawful, unconstitutional laws, regulations, mandates, and guidelines have been choking the very life out of Americans, to the point where our younger generations today have no way to work productively the way that we once did... Let us all now take advantage of this golden opportunity in American history to make the necessary changes to restore the work ethic at all levels of society and especially those who we have allowed to rob themselves of any self-respect by tolerating a government that has obviously failed all of us~! We can do MUCH better~! Sincerely, Mike
You said a great deal here Mike. I must focus on the most despicable culprit of your comments, those who prey on those most in the need of help to enrich themselves for no other good than greed, Mark Ozias.
Just focusing on this one scam, and setting aside the numerous and non-stop Mark O scams over his yeas of graft, follow the history of this theft. Over the past two year this commissioner professing to serve the public good began with a temporary “test” free ridership which increased ridership (duh) which lead to permanent free ridership. That lead to the destruction on the transit system and surprisingly to the elevation of Mark O to the head of the NGO spending all that unaccountable money. What better opportunity for graft than an organization with no budget and no expectation for return on investment, no budget, and no transparency or oversight. There is no public record requirements, no public accounting no public visibility. Sounds just like the Mark O Mob.. .
Excellent words my fellow American Patriot~!
I can see that "we" share very similar opinions of the evil local mafia/cabal that hides behind their thin veil of legitimacy~! The "evil empire" within America... I have been far more focused upon the ongoing national & world battle, however I am doing my best to catch up on the local yokels that darken our otherwise great community thanks to Jeff Tozzer and other good folks like you. I have lived and worked in many communities and the names just change, but the games are the same all across our country. I know quite a bit about the national battle, and it is with great satisfaction that I can say that things are going pretty well for freedom loving Americans at this time. The corruption of the federal government is being addressed behind the scenes and recently somewhat in front of folk's eyes. The positive changes, many I don't wish to discuss here, yet, will in fact be addressing the local criminal element in due time. The entire state of Washington's government is soon to be purged along with all of the other states, and this process will "trickle down" to these low-level criminals who are nothing but greedy soulless opportunistic leaches. Many of whom will be facing US Military Tribunals for their treason and crimes against humanity~! While I understand that this may sound too good to be true, and yes "we" (America) has gone far down into this socialistic Hell on earth, I can honestly state that things are much better than most currently appreciate because a great many positive things have had to happen behind the scenes without any fanfare. As a dedicated American Constitutionalist, I am not prone to being unrealistically optimistic, but in all honesty, I am a natural born "optimist" who believes in the American people and who knows that there is a FAR higher power~! We (the American Patriots) must refuse being divided by these evil criminals of humanity so that we can stand together to defeat these criminals among us as soon as possible, because they have long been plotting to destroy America and Americans, along with most others across the globe. There is a VERY dark and well-coordinated agenda playing out, but "we" (American men, women, and children Patriots) will soon be learning of things that these criminal monsters have been doing that will enrage and ignite a new Patriotic movement the likes of which has never been seen in American or world history~! Hang in there and know that I/we got your back and no one in our community is alone in this fight to free us from these wretched criminals~! Sincerely, Mike
Thank you Michael and do enjoy reading your comments. I'm with you in thinking there will be a trickle down effect to us in Clallam County from the new administration. The fish tank had to be rearranged!
It is good folks like you that I thank for doing your sacred duty as Americans~! So, thank you for your vigilance and care for our country and local community, because together "we" are the owners and power in America :) Oh yes, it really is quite amusing to see these very common low-level criminal thugs continuing to deploy their evil criminal tactics as if they are somehow above the law, because make no mistake the forces of true Justice are clearly headed their way~! I think it is always funny when the criminals suddenly realize that they are screwed and that they screwed themselves ;-} What could be better? You are very Intelligent to be able to see the connection between the federal government and how the corruption flows downhill into ALL aspects of government, and then of course affecting all of us... The government at all levels loves to paint the picture that they are the decision makers, however that has never really been the truth because our government has always been for sale to the highest bidders, and "we" (Americans) have been ruthlessly enslaved by the government in so many ways in boggles the mind. Yes, we are in an epic historic transition that will definitely destroy that old world brutal matrix. I find it fitting that these local Mafioso thugs obviously have no clue what is coming because if they did, they would be "suddenly resigning" for any number of "Trumped up" reasons (pun intended ;-) Every day for at least several years now, especially recently, hundreds and hundreds of other big and small high profile criminals in & out of government have been "opting out" very suddenly without any previous notice (most of them in the prime of their lying and thieving careers). I have been monitoring the HUGE impact of this in the real estate, high end auto, and yacht markets for years now, because as an analyst I know just where to look for the evidence of "change" ;-) Good for you, because while the majority of people will soon be receiving the shock of their lives, you have a FAR better chance of understanding what is really happening and it should not traumatize you AND you may just be able to come out ahead while most others are going to
remain stunned for months and even years~! Survival of the fittest~! ;-] Have a great week and stay safe~! Sincerely, Mike
The most honest politicians are the ones who first start out and have a true desire and belief in our system. Then they start climbing the political ladder but find in order to grab that next rung they have to give a piece of their soul. Soon enough, no matter how honest they start out, if they want that next rung, they will be soul-less somewhere along their climb.
Their bylaws state that they have to comply with the public records act. Am I missing something?
Yes, you are missing...there is NO OVERSIGHT SUPERVISORY office to hold them accountable...they are the top of the gov't one above them...demi-gods if you will...they do what they want because there is No Way To Stop the time they get voted out...if they get voted out...the damage is done AND very few sane people want to do the job of running gov' where do we find the 'good' people to run a gov't by high moral/ethical standards and values. They are socialist infiltrators by design and requires some diligence and persistence to do your own research but the info is all there if you do the searching...I don't know what good it does as far more people don't know... and don't want to know...because what do you do once you do know! ('Nozias'- poli-sci degree) from Berkeley...marxist/communist training camp. When enough people get uncomfortable enough...change is possible...but we are very far down the road to Socialism and a lot of folks are still comfortable enough... and it will be a brutal process to turn things around. Best Wishes.
Now I get it. Thanks.
Who’s by-laws? The NGO’s? Maybe I am missing something.
I thought you were talking about the Transit group/authority. Nevermind 😬
The Land Of The Fee !
Oh say can you see any more fees you can charge me ? If you do please pick a few and I’ll pay more % fees too!
Taxation with out representation !