If the climate is changing, who is to say we have any power to stop it. Who are we to think we are the force that makes the world turn or not. It’s all a cash grab. See you guys at the meeting on the 10!
The climate is changing from high carbon emissions to high sulfur emissions.
All so we can build capacity for third world countries. Its a giveaway to Amazon and the tribes. When the 5 NGO's gather, conspire and fund, their whole purpose is to allow the global world economy and tribal economy thrive over the local economy. The Commissioners are cutting the economic throats of our County to spite their tribal and global face.
Oh? Then explain the wild changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 long before humans existed. Further the increase in atmospheric CO2 is the result of temperatures rising, from the ending of the previous ice age, which are brought on by solar output variations and Milankovitch Cycles. It's the temperature that is causal to the CO2 increase, not vice versa. Forests and kelp absorb CO2 and generate oxygen. CO2 also helps plants to grow. CO2 has only changed from 0.02% to .04%, and have been 30 times higher in the past, as has been temperature. We are currently far below the historical average temperature.
Yes actually the flora and fauna are starving… and yes it’s a ruse! We are ants in view of what we can do to alter anything… and as long as mainstream science like msm are paid to dance… the harder it’s going to be for everyone.
Here’s a fun read from one of many in science who are breaking through the WEF IPCC barrier…
The climate is definitely changing but it has gone through many massive changes with or without us...we are somewhere at the outer edges of the multiverse and we are not in control. What we are in control of is our perspective and our outlook and how we choose to react or respond to what is apparently happening and how we treat each other...I want to judge and condemn as much as anyone ever has but that does not further our evolution...I perceive that we do need to call our brothers and sisters out when they are deluded but in a calm, assertive manner which allows them space to change their minds...to repent is to literally change ones mind and we surely don't have all the answers but if we are basing our responses on a loving inclusive mind-set then we have at least the opportunity to help others see things in a holier light or view... they may not want to play but it's ok as we cannot force another to change...we can only change ourselves and be an example of a higher form of being. Bless us every one!
No one mentions the free bus rides at great expense to the taxpayer: we pay for the buses, wages for all the employees, maintenance, fuel and the clean up from the homeless. How can that be justified in a recession? How can it be justified ever?
Yes, it's hard to know one is mind controlled...as we all are at some level...the 'commissioners' are definitely mind-controlled but they think/believe they are acting in the highest and best for all but are really serving masters who do not love or even like humanity and believe they are wise enough to decide for all how things should be...not realizing they are carrying out the agenda(s) of dark entities...good time to have faith we are not our bodies and who we are is not limited by this 'world'. Truth, Justice, Liberty!🤓
Revising the landlord/tenant laws in this state is also needed to address the housing issue. Home owners need an easier way to evict bad tenants and squatters.
I know several jobs that remain unfilled because business owners are scared of getting a "bad apple". The rot that comes from some people is life altering. In an at will state you'd think it would be easier to fire people.
The art of raising taxes and fees using sophistry on the general public.
The Growth Management Act was passed with intent to pack density into cities, in order to run utopian socialized mass transportation systems along a "centralized" "retail sales and and sales tax corridor." Everything they needed was supposed to be right down the block in a "walkable community." To accomplish that, the NGO's in Pugetropolis oversubscribed on residential developments over manufacturing and agricultural spaces. Underneath the environmental bright lights they lit was nothing more than a transit agency creating promotion and 4 x housing development boom in "transit oriented communities.'
Pugetropolis and Olympia have been playing this policy tune since I came out of high school. They are so entrenched in the fill in of Pugetropolis, that they are never going to fund a meaningful affordable housing bill anywhere.... If there will be any, it will be on a main drag of a utopian socialized mass transportation systems along a "centralized" "retail sales and and sales tax corridor."
Pugetroplis has had Amazon in the fold for years now at their NGO , Puget Sound Regional Council. They have teamed up to build a utopian socialized mass transportation systems "retail sales and and sales tax corridor," that stretches from Tacoma to Everett. That corridor has been crammed with residential development and needs to be filled before Pugetropolis lets Olympia act on affordable housing in earnest here or anywhere else but Pugetropolis.
For our two "global" representatives to say otherwise or promote a model that they never intend to build is irresponsible. They will however, lock out manufacturing and farming. ("Tree Canopy" "Open Spaces.") That is what the Globalist Cabal wants and what they have been getting. Carlsborg is part of that play. The problem is they want to turn the freight corridor into the utopian socialized mass transportation , density, "retail sales and and sales tax corridor. "aka " Complete Streets," but that development belongs on Old Olympic Highway.
We are facing a huge dilemma , where the Jamestown Tribe, and Carlborg will put the "Complete Streets" corridor where it does not belong... On our freight corridor.
The fee would be based on a complete fraud. Just like the budget pie chart that does not show where the global and tribal expenses are hidden in the 5 NGO network our tax money goes to, the fee argument will be all sophist smoke and mirrors.
My uncle once said...humans and all lifeforms here are like the yeast that makes beer or wine.
Given enough 'fuel' (sugar in this case) they will reproduce without cease until they have run out of fuel and starve or contaminate their environment with waste byproducts until they die of toxicity...or maybe both. We aren't wise or smart enough to win the game...say la vie. But don't give up until the last breath! Good thing we are not our bodies.🥸
The only option government bureaucrats have left to protect their salaries and retirements is to increase taxes. That is 100% what this is. Cartel members protecting their salaries and retirement funds. We all have to realize that from here on out more money from tax payers fixes nothing. It only protects the bureaucrats. Count on more increases as they all want their 100K retirements for life after the age of 55.
The aging citizens who have had to put off retirement will be most affected by increased taxes and are just one illness away from losing their homes as it is. We don't need to add to the ranks of homelessness. Affordable ADU's would help tremendously.
Hysterical. Seems like most of the problems going on around here are self-inflicted so that an agenda can be pushed.
So we're going to choke ourselves because of concerns that likely cannot be changed by the emotional policies of our leaders?
Emotions have no intelligence, yet it drives the actions of those who like being in control with policies that are choking those who work hard and pay taxes.
I don't suppose any of these "leaders" discussed how to trim back their vote getting spending habits? Maybe another government grant can fix this, but we all know that'll be squandered.
WE?........ I don't know about you but there isn't a frog in my pocket..... no ... the reaction here is to make more citizens of Clallam County aware of our plight.
I see it as a we thing because they got voted in. Complacency got us (we) here. I've said it before, talk here is cheap. We're in an echo chamber that until it encompasses the entire county is mere hope that the next election, or recall, brings change.
"WE" need more attendance, in person, at commissioner meetings. When 30 to 40 people are in attendance, commissioners pay attention, when only a few attend the attention seems to disappear.
There are very real reasons people can't and don't attend. That is why we have this forum to go to. Today, everything is done online, and people expect they can contribute that way. I am very grateful for the people who do attend, speak up and keep us informed! THANK YOU guys
Here, the hand that feeds is a grant that feeds. If you want to live here you have to be employed by government or a non-profit. Some of the salaries in the 5 NGO network are as much as $150,000, and it goes down from there. Its just not listed on the budget pie chart so the public can see it. The voting is completely understandable now. Its just a bunch of bureaucrats and non-elected bureaucrats, voting blue all the time to save the bloated network of high paying livable wages, hiding in a broad budget pie chart.
Sadly there is more 'selection' than 'election'. Monied interests promote, advertise and push certain 'candidates' and sadly the general public (the small amount that vote) just goes along and 'votes' like they are told. There are no real debates between candidates and no accountability when they gain 'office'. The whole system is a corrupt scam and the will of the people is weak...so here we are.
These NWO, socialist sociopaths are there because they were 'placed' there for a specific agenda...force people out , control the rest...and 'save' nature.
Nature can and will take care of itself as it has many times in the past...it's unfortunate that we are such stupid ignorant animals still after all this time...not everyone of course, but in bulk we're pretty stupid. Probably a good thing we don't live longer at this point in evolution.🙃🙂
The affordable days are gone due to the popular vote that puts radical taxaholic democratic people in governing positions and C. county has a big problem with voters doing so.Radical home wreckers do not make good decisions for the moderate tax payers as we can see from the current 3 stooges.
When I drive around downtown Sequim and see several dozens of single-family residences the city council has allowed to be converted to businesses via conditional-use permits, well, there's part of the housing shortage.
It is clear that WA governor and legislature have followed the worst agenda related to building and housing. Climate change is a globalist hoax. Weather anomalies like super storms, flooding, and drought are all geoengineered. Electric cars are not going to fix an energy issue. County commissioners are powerless without the legislature's support on the housing crisis which they and Inslee created. Where is the plan for HUD restricted income development? That is only a minor fix. WA legislature needs a complete wakeup -- you can't fix this problem by raising taxes! Eliminate property taxes which are illegal anyway.
Do you want a fire truck to come to your house ? How about snow plows? Do you like sewer and water to work? Do you live off grid and in a barn in the woods? Just wondering...
Trump's plan is to return us to the original source of income through tariffs on imports. Reduce government spending on useless bureaucrat agencies and save many billions of dollars through "the government efficiency department". It is a lie that we would not have services if you don't pay property tax. Most taxes like the property tax and income tax are illegal. Money can come from other budgets. Most state counties misappropriate budget funds in the millions. It is time for change.
Well we know for sure that $35,000,000,000,000 in unrecoverable debt to the global banking families isn't going to work out too well for us.
We're cooked unless Team Trump is able to counter the entire industrialized global cabal system. I'm ready... but most won't be for the necessary radical changes required to un-corrupt THE WORLD!🌎
According to my research with alternative investigative journalism like Bearded PatriotsUSA and Freedom Force Battalion and dozens of other orgs, we the people of this Republic do NOT owe the trillion $ debt - but the U.S. Corporation (which is now bankrupt) owes that debt due to plain fraud against us. The entire financial banking system is changing because the central banks are a ponzi scheme and Trump has shuttered the federal reserve corporation. Tax money goes directly to the U.S. Treasury, not the federal reserve. The patriotic military known as the White Hats are restoring our Constitutional Republic so it's time to think outside the box.
We don't have the labor force to support those low paying MFG jobs that tariffs mean to bring back. Back east when I worked in MFG and industrial most of my coworkers were migrants or on work visa. Meaning average Americans will have no choice, but to eat that extra tax on imported goods every day, ballooning inflation. China heard about the tariff, and we just tried to keep critical semiconductors in the USA by imposing trade restrictions on China and they responded by completely shutting us out of critical minerals used for ntnl defense and infrastructure.
I mean by all means if people think it's right they voted, but I foresee another recession worse than the one he left us with last time.
Saving a few billion in govt waste seems great and by all means there is some there to address. But those cuts are tiny compared to the bloated defense budget and actual govt expenditures. Maybe instead of driving up the national debt by $7.8 trillion like last time he will manage -$5 Trillion
Trump and the new administrative team know exactly how to protect and grow our economy and drop inflation. What has ruined the world economy are the globalists NGOs and corrupt mega corporations like "State Street" and Black Rock that own everything. The media is controlled and owned by 5 families (Vanguard) and another corp whose name I can't recall. These mega corps are being dismantled by the Earth Alliance military which will free our planet from their sinister control. Earth has been enslaved for thousands of years by satanic corrupt elitists but that is changing right now. Envision the new world of freedom and abundance.
Everybody wants those and expects them, especially when taxes and fees are raised. However, not everybody wants to employ a 5 NGO global and tribal governing mechanism, that is funded to undercut all other government revenue sources except property and gas taxes. Our federal tax dollars are supposed to deal with global and tribal relations..We have multiple federal agencies whose job it is under authority of Congress...to regulate and manage global and tribal relations..The only reason to do that locally is to sabotage American economy so the tribal and global one through Amazon thrive. Let tribes and Amazon pay for their use of roads, instead of launching space rockets and lighting up Blyn like Reno.
Its the programmed response. Its similar to the "we cant just pour more concrete" and "Climate migrant" argument. They where the enviro t-shirt and shout retorts with a whoop whoop whoop by the mob of solidarity.
Politicians have been lying about climate issues for decades, and the only thing that resulted from all the “talk” is higher taxes/ fees every fricken time!
Also of course the building for the PBH housing looks so ugly. I believe our recent style of architecture TRULY must have an impact on our society’s mental health.
Go ahead and try to get an itemized build list from a contractor listing actual material costs, labor costs, and their markup/Income. Not a single one will give it to you. Back in 2019 with land in hand a local builder quoted me nearly $350,000 for a 1,200 sq ft build absolutely stripped down to the minimum finish quality. Hi-line was willing to not only ship all the materials hundreds of miles and ship in workers, but they were willing to do it for $200,000 less and beat comps build quality. Even if they missed the mark and went over bid by 33% they still would have beat out local by $150,000.
Do you know how local defended their price? That is 100% of what this house would sell for, and they could make that kind of money in King county. Meaning they wanted to build as few houses as possible for the highest margins possible.
Build standards are not that excessive in the 2021 IRC. Go ahead and price out materials.
I once had a foundation contractor come in with the highest (by 5X) bid, but broke the project down to every bolt, piece of steel, brick, and concrete cubic yard, and he was the one that got the job. The ones that were only 20% of the cost simply could not have done the work. I later saw one of their jobs and was glad I didn't cheap out.
I guess our local contractors are not hungry enough, because a good one will give you the breakdown of the quote. Maybe it IS better to import and house outside contractors to do the job.
The commissioners have lost it and their leaders of the state are whipping them harder.
Thanks for the tune. It is quite appropriate and took me back in time.
If the climate is changing, who is to say we have any power to stop it. Who are we to think we are the force that makes the world turn or not. It’s all a cash grab. See you guys at the meeting on the 10!
The climate is changing from high carbon emissions to high sulfur emissions.
All so we can build capacity for third world countries. Its a giveaway to Amazon and the tribes. When the 5 NGO's gather, conspire and fund, their whole purpose is to allow the global world economy and tribal economy thrive over the local economy. The Commissioners are cutting the economic throats of our County to spite their tribal and global face.
Who are these 5 NGO’s John? I know about the ICLEI….
NODC, SERN, EDC, NOPLE, Clallam County Marine Resources Committee.
Thank you John 🎄
Oh? Then explain the wild changes in climate and atmospheric CO2 long before humans existed. Further the increase in atmospheric CO2 is the result of temperatures rising, from the ending of the previous ice age, which are brought on by solar output variations and Milankovitch Cycles. It's the temperature that is causal to the CO2 increase, not vice versa. Forests and kelp absorb CO2 and generate oxygen. CO2 also helps plants to grow. CO2 has only changed from 0.02% to .04%, and have been 30 times higher in the past, as has been temperature. We are currently far below the historical average temperature.
Yes actually the flora and fauna are starving… and yes it’s a ruse! We are ants in view of what we can do to alter anything… and as long as mainstream science like msm are paid to dance… the harder it’s going to be for everyone.
Here’s a fun read from one of many in science who are breaking through the WEF IPCC barrier…
The climate is definitely changing but it has gone through many massive changes with or without us...we are somewhere at the outer edges of the multiverse and we are not in control. What we are in control of is our perspective and our outlook and how we choose to react or respond to what is apparently happening and how we treat each other...I want to judge and condemn as much as anyone ever has but that does not further our evolution...I perceive that we do need to call our brothers and sisters out when they are deluded but in a calm, assertive manner which allows them space to change their minds...to repent is to literally change ones mind and we surely don't have all the answers but if we are basing our responses on a loving inclusive mind-set then we have at least the opportunity to help others see things in a holier light or view... they may not want to play but it's ok as we cannot force another to change...we can only change ourselves and be an example of a higher form of being. Bless us every one!
I love climate change...it's about the only thing we can count on!🤪
No one mentions the free bus rides at great expense to the taxpayer: we pay for the buses, wages for all the employees, maintenance, fuel and the clean up from the homeless. How can that be justified in a recession? How can it be justified ever?
A quick look at the board and I see some familiar names that have been associated with irresponsible spending. https://www.clallamtransit.com/ourboard
Yes I am so impressed with the superior mental capacities of our commissioners, wail about affordability then increase the cost of housing...
Yes, it's hard to know one is mind controlled...as we all are at some level...the 'commissioners' are definitely mind-controlled but they think/believe they are acting in the highest and best for all but are really serving masters who do not love or even like humanity and believe they are wise enough to decide for all how things should be...not realizing they are carrying out the agenda(s) of dark entities...good time to have faith we are not our bodies and who we are is not limited by this 'world'. Truth, Justice, Liberty!🤓
Revising the landlord/tenant laws in this state is also needed to address the housing issue. Home owners need an easier way to evict bad tenants and squatters.
True, lots of properties sitting vacant because landlords are scared of getting a "bad apple."
Where are they going to work?
I know several jobs that remain unfilled because business owners are scared of getting a "bad apple". The rot that comes from some people is life altering. In an at will state you'd think it would be easier to fire people.
Its just not a manageable income rent situation. You end up running animal house just to pay for everything.
Well stealing from those who have seems to be an ok way to make a living in the NWO!🤔
The art of raising taxes and fees using sophistry on the general public.
The Growth Management Act was passed with intent to pack density into cities, in order to run utopian socialized mass transportation systems along a "centralized" "retail sales and and sales tax corridor." Everything they needed was supposed to be right down the block in a "walkable community." To accomplish that, the NGO's in Pugetropolis oversubscribed on residential developments over manufacturing and agricultural spaces. Underneath the environmental bright lights they lit was nothing more than a transit agency creating promotion and 4 x housing development boom in "transit oriented communities.'
Pugetropolis and Olympia have been playing this policy tune since I came out of high school. They are so entrenched in the fill in of Pugetropolis, that they are never going to fund a meaningful affordable housing bill anywhere.... If there will be any, it will be on a main drag of a utopian socialized mass transportation systems along a "centralized" "retail sales and and sales tax corridor."
Pugetroplis has had Amazon in the fold for years now at their NGO , Puget Sound Regional Council. They have teamed up to build a utopian socialized mass transportation systems "retail sales and and sales tax corridor," that stretches from Tacoma to Everett. That corridor has been crammed with residential development and needs to be filled before Pugetropolis lets Olympia act on affordable housing in earnest here or anywhere else but Pugetropolis.
For our two "global" representatives to say otherwise or promote a model that they never intend to build is irresponsible. They will however, lock out manufacturing and farming. ("Tree Canopy" "Open Spaces.") That is what the Globalist Cabal wants and what they have been getting. Carlsborg is part of that play. The problem is they want to turn the freight corridor into the utopian socialized mass transportation , density, "retail sales and and sales tax corridor. "aka " Complete Streets," but that development belongs on Old Olympic Highway.
We are facing a huge dilemma , where the Jamestown Tribe, and Carlborg will put the "Complete Streets" corridor where it does not belong... On our freight corridor.
The fee would be based on a complete fraud. Just like the budget pie chart that does not show where the global and tribal expenses are hidden in the 5 NGO network our tax money goes to, the fee argument will be all sophist smoke and mirrors.
My uncle once said...humans and all lifeforms here are like the yeast that makes beer or wine.
Given enough 'fuel' (sugar in this case) they will reproduce without cease until they have run out of fuel and starve or contaminate their environment with waste byproducts until they die of toxicity...or maybe both. We aren't wise or smart enough to win the game...say la vie. But don't give up until the last breath! Good thing we are not our bodies.🥸
Love this
There a a few who understand.🤓
Just think of how many of our problems would be gone if there were no Democrats, LOL.
Especially the globalist ones. I was one of the dead Kennedy's.
The only option government bureaucrats have left to protect their salaries and retirements is to increase taxes. That is 100% what this is. Cartel members protecting their salaries and retirement funds. We all have to realize that from here on out more money from tax payers fixes nothing. It only protects the bureaucrats. Count on more increases as they all want their 100K retirements for life after the age of 55.
They don't want to cut the NGO sandbags strapped to their hot air balloon.
The aging citizens who have had to put off retirement will be most affected by increased taxes and are just one illness away from losing their homes as it is. We don't need to add to the ranks of homelessness. Affordable ADU's would help tremendously.
Hysterical. Seems like most of the problems going on around here are self-inflicted so that an agenda can be pushed.
So we're going to choke ourselves because of concerns that likely cannot be changed by the emotional policies of our leaders?
Emotions have no intelligence, yet it drives the actions of those who like being in control with policies that are choking those who work hard and pay taxes.
I don't suppose any of these "leaders" discussed how to trim back their vote getting spending habits? Maybe another government grant can fix this, but we all know that'll be squandered.
WE?........ I don't know about you but there isn't a frog in my pocket..... no ... the reaction here is to make more citizens of Clallam County aware of our plight.
I see it as a we thing because they got voted in. Complacency got us (we) here. I've said it before, talk here is cheap. We're in an echo chamber that until it encompasses the entire county is mere hope that the next election, or recall, brings change.
"WE" need more attendance, in person, at commissioner meetings. When 30 to 40 people are in attendance, commissioners pay attention, when only a few attend the attention seems to disappear.
You are so right…. That off and on applies to Me also…. See you next week!
WE need a couple hundred to attend and demand resignations and apologies...but I won't hold my breath.🧐
There are very real reasons people can't and don't attend. That is why we have this forum to go to. Today, everything is done online, and people expect they can contribute that way. I am very grateful for the people who do attend, speak up and keep us informed! THANK YOU guys
Only Ed Bowen showed up at 5. I thought they would not allow us another kick at the cat.
Here, the hand that feeds is a grant that feeds. If you want to live here you have to be employed by government or a non-profit. Some of the salaries in the 5 NGO network are as much as $150,000, and it goes down from there. Its just not listed on the budget pie chart so the public can see it. The voting is completely understandable now. Its just a bunch of bureaucrats and non-elected bureaucrats, voting blue all the time to save the bloated network of high paying livable wages, hiding in a broad budget pie chart.
Let them eat "pie".
Sadly there is more 'selection' than 'election'. Monied interests promote, advertise and push certain 'candidates' and sadly the general public (the small amount that vote) just goes along and 'votes' like they are told. There are no real debates between candidates and no accountability when they gain 'office'. The whole system is a corrupt scam and the will of the people is weak...so here we are.
These NWO, socialist sociopaths are there because they were 'placed' there for a specific agenda...force people out , control the rest...and 'save' nature.
Nature can and will take care of itself as it has many times in the past...it's unfortunate that we are such stupid ignorant animals still after all this time...not everyone of course, but in bulk we're pretty stupid. Probably a good thing we don't live longer at this point in evolution.🙃🙂
The affordable days are gone due to the popular vote that puts radical taxaholic democratic people in governing positions and C. county has a big problem with voters doing so.Radical home wreckers do not make good decisions for the moderate tax payers as we can see from the current 3 stooges.
When I drive around downtown Sequim and see several dozens of single-family residences the city council has allowed to be converted to businesses via conditional-use permits, well, there's part of the housing shortage.
City vs County
It is clear that WA governor and legislature have followed the worst agenda related to building and housing. Climate change is a globalist hoax. Weather anomalies like super storms, flooding, and drought are all geoengineered. Electric cars are not going to fix an energy issue. County commissioners are powerless without the legislature's support on the housing crisis which they and Inslee created. Where is the plan for HUD restricted income development? That is only a minor fix. WA legislature needs a complete wakeup -- you can't fix this problem by raising taxes! Eliminate property taxes which are illegal anyway.
Do you want a fire truck to come to your house ? How about snow plows? Do you like sewer and water to work? Do you live off grid and in a barn in the woods? Just wondering...
Trump's plan is to return us to the original source of income through tariffs on imports. Reduce government spending on useless bureaucrat agencies and save many billions of dollars through "the government efficiency department". It is a lie that we would not have services if you don't pay property tax. Most taxes like the property tax and income tax are illegal. Money can come from other budgets. Most state counties misappropriate budget funds in the millions. It is time for change.
Well we know for sure that $35,000,000,000,000 in unrecoverable debt to the global banking families isn't going to work out too well for us.
We're cooked unless Team Trump is able to counter the entire industrialized global cabal system. I'm ready... but most won't be for the necessary radical changes required to un-corrupt THE WORLD!🌎
According to my research with alternative investigative journalism like Bearded PatriotsUSA and Freedom Force Battalion and dozens of other orgs, we the people of this Republic do NOT owe the trillion $ debt - but the U.S. Corporation (which is now bankrupt) owes that debt due to plain fraud against us. The entire financial banking system is changing because the central banks are a ponzi scheme and Trump has shuttered the federal reserve corporation. Tax money goes directly to the U.S. Treasury, not the federal reserve. The patriotic military known as the White Hats are restoring our Constitutional Republic so it's time to think outside the box.
We don't have the labor force to support those low paying MFG jobs that tariffs mean to bring back. Back east when I worked in MFG and industrial most of my coworkers were migrants or on work visa. Meaning average Americans will have no choice, but to eat that extra tax on imported goods every day, ballooning inflation. China heard about the tariff, and we just tried to keep critical semiconductors in the USA by imposing trade restrictions on China and they responded by completely shutting us out of critical minerals used for ntnl defense and infrastructure.
I mean by all means if people think it's right they voted, but I foresee another recession worse than the one he left us with last time.
Saving a few billion in govt waste seems great and by all means there is some there to address. But those cuts are tiny compared to the bloated defense budget and actual govt expenditures. Maybe instead of driving up the national debt by $7.8 trillion like last time he will manage -$5 Trillion
Trump and the new administrative team know exactly how to protect and grow our economy and drop inflation. What has ruined the world economy are the globalists NGOs and corrupt mega corporations like "State Street" and Black Rock that own everything. The media is controlled and owned by 5 families (Vanguard) and another corp whose name I can't recall. These mega corps are being dismantled by the Earth Alliance military which will free our planet from their sinister control. Earth has been enslaved for thousands of years by satanic corrupt elitists but that is changing right now. Envision the new world of freedom and abundance.
Worth envisioning L. It all starts in the mind. We have hope but not proof of Earth Alliance, etc.
Hoping it's not hopium!
The U.S. will get rare minerals from new sources (Greenland is one example).
Tariffs are not the answer. Lane mile, nautical mile and air mile taxes are.
America will be great under an environmental one instead of an alleged racial or political one.
Everybody wants those and expects them, especially when taxes and fees are raised. However, not everybody wants to employ a 5 NGO global and tribal governing mechanism, that is funded to undercut all other government revenue sources except property and gas taxes. Our federal tax dollars are supposed to deal with global and tribal relations..We have multiple federal agencies whose job it is under authority of Congress...to regulate and manage global and tribal relations..The only reason to do that locally is to sabotage American economy so the tribal and global one through Amazon thrive. Let tribes and Amazon pay for their use of roads, instead of launching space rockets and lighting up Blyn like Reno.
Hmmm, County citizens just passed a levy lid on the hospital and yes, the fire districts are well funded so I think your argument here is, what?
Its the programmed response. Its similar to the "we cant just pour more concrete" and "Climate migrant" argument. They where the enviro t-shirt and shout retorts with a whoop whoop whoop by the mob of solidarity.
You are someone who can absorb a Lot more expense than most of us...good for you.🤓
Over reliance on gov't is the privilege of those who can afford it and the bane of those who can't.
They want to feel good ! They want to look good ! Yet they do no Good !
Politicians have been lying about climate issues for decades, and the only thing that resulted from all the “talk” is higher taxes/ fees every fricken time!
Don't forget the usurpation of Constitutional rights in the name of "climate emergency".
Also of course the building for the PBH housing looks so ugly. I believe our recent style of architecture TRULY must have an impact on our society’s mental health.
Go ahead and try to get an itemized build list from a contractor listing actual material costs, labor costs, and their markup/Income. Not a single one will give it to you. Back in 2019 with land in hand a local builder quoted me nearly $350,000 for a 1,200 sq ft build absolutely stripped down to the minimum finish quality. Hi-line was willing to not only ship all the materials hundreds of miles and ship in workers, but they were willing to do it for $200,000 less and beat comps build quality. Even if they missed the mark and went over bid by 33% they still would have beat out local by $150,000.
Do you know how local defended their price? That is 100% of what this house would sell for, and they could make that kind of money in King county. Meaning they wanted to build as few houses as possible for the highest margins possible.
Build standards are not that excessive in the 2021 IRC. Go ahead and price out materials.
I once had a foundation contractor come in with the highest (by 5X) bid, but broke the project down to every bolt, piece of steel, brick, and concrete cubic yard, and he was the one that got the job. The ones that were only 20% of the cost simply could not have done the work. I later saw one of their jobs and was glad I didn't cheap out.
I guess our local contractors are not hungry enough, because a good one will give you the breakdown of the quote. Maybe it IS better to import and house outside contractors to do the job.
Yep, that's how it all works!