John, as always, I listen to you, but I am stumped about the Costco connection. I do know they want to build a distribution center near the airport in PA and have been held back by the FAA. Is it the drone thing? Or bigger?
Jeff, could you list the various organizations each commission er belongs to that influences public policy.Not sure this is relevant,but may be interesting.
Hi JJW suggest writing the County clerk, Lori, she should be able to provide a list of all the boards and organizations each commissioner is part of, it would probably be more accurate (who knows) and up to date.
When I talked to Todd Wednesday after the CC board meeting he said don’t quote me, that all of the boards the Commissioners sit on have a open chair reserved for them on their boards and this is common practice, like being a liaison, yeah I bet they do $$$$$. He kinda of likened it to an open door type thing where knowledge and expertise go hand in hand. Forget about the voting power with our tax dollars that comes along with the Commissioner. Still bull 💩, much bigger than just 💩!
After attending Clallam County Board of Commissioners meetings, for a little over a year, I am sure that they are not:
Putting the translated desires of our residents into action through effective communication.
Providing comprehensive and exemplary public service levels in a prompt responsive manner.
Maximizing and enhancing our environmental resources for sustainability and legacy
Celebrating the diversity and inclusiveness of our residents’ contributions to our quality of life.
Actually, quite the opposite, they seem only interested in spending other peoples money (OPM), tax payer's, for their own interests. When you take from those that work and give to those who would not, Democracy will cease to exist. (not an exact quote) A warning to commissioners supporting a 3% cap on property tax increases, there is a rule of diminishing returns. If you tax people out of their homes, you will loose the tax money you so eagerly spend and have to raise taxes even more. Be mindful of what you wish for. That goes for any of you out there backing the reckless spending programs, reference on this site many times, look at the return on your investment, has it been worth it Do we live in a better place than yesterday? Do we have more places to shop, eat, walk the streets or enjoy the beauty of nature, without fear of being accosted? Wake up and smell the roses, or in this case the rottenness. Sorry for the lengthiness of post. I am getting sick of our lack of forthrightness from our so called County leaders.
Broken record here, but charity is not the business of Government. The futile war on drugs, feeding homelessness by providing free or inexpensive homes and most recently in an effort to change our most expensive education system in the world with the worst results in the world we chose to make it yet more expensive. Publicly supporting drug abuse and homelessness is a magnet attracting more of the same. If the money and efforts invested in both have been successful in ending both "we do not need more money". Similarly, if those efforts have not been successful in ending drug abuse and homelessness "we do not need more money". Charity is addressed via charitable organizations and philanthropy. I neither need nor want my elected representatives making my charity choices for me. Stop wasting public money on charity and move that money to the business of Government; infrastructure and safety. Might I be directed to information on the why of The Jamestown dyke breaching and what adverse impacts that created.
I can see this digressing into a legal battle. It appears the tribe had a scheduled green light to breach the dyke. If not, the liability is theirs alone. Assuming they followed their contractual agreement, the liability passes to us tax payers via our incompetent management in place. Am I over simplifying ?
Midway down, it shows the bid the Tribe sent to contractors, which has the following instructions: "The existing levee cannot be removed until Clallam County completes the lower river setback levee structure."
It's highlighted in orange and will jump out at you. I have a FOIA records request in with the Army Corps of Engineers, but I haven't heard anything for about a year. They won't return calls either.
Thank you. While I am not a lawyer, I have been involved in a few legal battles. It is clear to me that any flooding potentially caused by a premature, ( illegal ), breach of the dyke is the exclusive responsibility of the Jamestown Tribal contractor. Possibly the tribe itself, as I do not know the legal structures involved. Much like harms typically caused by a corporation are not personal responsibilities of the corporation executives the tribe might be impugned by the structure of the tribal excavating company limited to the resources of that company. Regardless; until that company is either bankrupt or the flood victims are fairly compensated by that company for the flood damage the liability remains theirs / the tribal excavation company. If the flood victims do not pursue restitution, it is the excavation company and/or the tribes good fortune. I do not know who Hansi Hals might be but his charterizing the breach as "usual and acceptable" is both wrong and meaningless. There is no usual and acceptable procedure other than what is dictated by the agreement / contract. A good law smith would shred them. This should not be a tax payer liability.
I can tell by your comments you don’t have the whole picture so let me give a few more facts. First of all no one was flooded because of the breech. Second the dike breech cost the tax payers a lot of extra money because of the timing and the possibility of flooding with the coming rains….so the breech was considered an emergency and thus the extra cost to remove and construct “a levee” to protect residents was deemed necessary and immediate. Third the blame of the breech and the extra cost was blamed on the Corp of Engineers after a secret meeting between the Tribe and the County. Lastly an apology letter was written to JST absolving any breech wrong doing….Ozias led the charge and had his finger, wrist, arm and body in it all.
Important facts; thank you. King tides or levee breech, it was my assumption that flooded home owners were looking to the public for help. The Corp is Federal. Likely too much lawyering up costs necessary to justify chasing them. This is reminiscent of pharma getting liability immunity for vaccine harms. A local change in leadership seems in order.
Jeff, your comments at yesterday's meeting about WASAC and the impending tax increase was very informative. It enlightened us as to actually how much control these elected officials have over us citizens. Comm. Ozias tried to allay our concerns, but he failed because he neglected to cite his stance on the arbitrary 3% yearly tax increase. Trust no one. Question everything.
For once, I am in favor of a position Ozias has taken. Under item #10, when will Clallam County starting funding support for the Clallam County Watchdog?
Now back to reality. What an insane suggestion to make that a government official would suggest the impropriety to an additional conflict of interest? Might as well hand out Soma pills to the PDN and SG employees.
"What is a Conflict of Interest?
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace."
If the Charter Review Commission could only accomplish one act, it would be to use Kitsap County's ethics code as an example of where we need to get to in the rewrite we need. I'm sure the SGGL will be in opposition.
I found it interesting listening to yesterday's meeting how concerned the Commissioners are with the OPMA, yet they have held public meetings at locations not open to the public?
And lastly, the accountability and prudent use of taxpayer dollars continues to swirl down the proverbial toilet at a blinding pace. Next stop, the septic tank.
"Good governance thrives on honesty, integrity, openness, inclusiveness, and accountability, using facts, reason, and ethical behaviors to develop non-partisan solutions that serve and protect the residents of Sequim."
Crickets wrt the Sequim City Council supporting the School measures. Crickets wrt accountability if tax dollars. Crickets wrt ethical behaviors.
SGGL is also part of Indivisible Sequim (Facebook) there appears to be one in every town, you might want to educate yourself about that group too because members are popping up in all social groups in town.
Billy it IS malevolent...I have written many times in least Nozias and Frenchy are actual agents of the deep state....they are trained and conditioned by Marxist/Socialist ideologies...they may be stupid as well, as stupid means incapable of learning...that seems to be an apt description of these clowns.
Johnson is (I believe) not intentionally destructive (although I could be wrong)
but he is incompetent...I only voted for him because the other alternative (communist mayor of P.A.) is even worse...
We need to revolt would certainly do doesn't mean not paying taxes, it means withholding our taxes until we get satisfaction which means ousting these communist clowns, getting a strong ethics board (with teeth) in place and having real open honest debates (not just 'sponsored-selected''candidates')and insisting that at least 51% of eligible voters actually vote. It's not a democracy when there is no real participation.
Only about 7100 voters (65% of 11,000) determined what the rest of us (78,000+) have to pay for FOREVER. I don't know the percent of eligible voters out of the total but somewhere around 10-15% of the public is saddling the rest of us with uncontrolled debt.
This is actually part of the communist agenda btw. To divide and economically and politically destroy the middle class...leaving only bureaucrats and peasants (dependent on the bureaucrats).
It's now or never folks...we are edging ever nearer to anarchy (part of the plan)...Hegel's Problem-Reaction-Solution...look it up.
Hegelian Dialectic and Delphi Technique...research it.
Hillsdale College is offering a bunch of FREE online courses...check out the one on Marxism-Socialism-Communism! Must see. About 3.5 hours in segments/lessons...KNOW YOUR ENEMY!😊
C.county probably has the most wreckless incompetent commissioners in county's history,Johnson-ozias-french.A recall is the only solution to save the taxpayers from being taxed out of their homes.
We need a better approach when is comes to substance abuse. Substance abuse has been described as a “chronic relapsing disease”, with extremely high relapse rates that range from 56.8% to 81.8% (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2020;17:2610;
We all know that prevention is 1,000-fold better than treatment. Our current prevention focuses primarily on enhancing public awareness of the dangers of substance misuse and addiction. Since our "war on drugs" began in the, criminalization and prohibition have failed to reduce drug use and failed to deter drug-related crime. Our current treatment focuses in either harm reduction (needle exchanges, naloxone to prevent overdoses and safe use areas) or medication management via long-term opioid agonist therapy with methadone and buprenorphine. To me harm reduction is completely absurd, just as DEI policies are. All of these ignore the fact that we have a cultural problem. While this might not be the sole cause, it is a significant contributor. #1 we need to a better education system, one that promotes better values. #2 we need to promote the nuclear family unit as this is on the decline.
• In 2021, the percentage of people who needed substance use treatment in the past year was higher among American Indian or Alaska Native (28.7%) or Multiracial people (25.5%) compared with Black or African American (16.4%), White (15.9%), Hispanic or Latino (15.0%), or Asian people (7.7%)( Accessed Feb 19, 2025).
• Children from intact families used significantly less substances of abuse than children from single-parent families (n = 37,507 (Subst Use Misuse. 2009;44(14):2099–2113. doi: 10.3109/10826080902858375).
• Living with a single mother was associated with early adolescent substance use according to data from the U.S. (n = 6,236) and U.K. (n = 11,095) (Social Science & Med. 20233;315:115540
* U.S. adolescents who lived with a single mother during early childhood (ages 0–4), middle childhood (age 8), and early adolescence (age 14) had 44%–92% greater odds of smoking cigarettes at ages 14–15 compared to their peers living with two parents at those ages.
* Living with a single mother at ages 2, 4, 10, and 14 significantly predicted a greater likelihood of drinking (42%–59% greater odds) by age 14–15.
* Living with a single mother at ages 0–4 and 12–14 was associated with up to 120% greater odds of marijuana use by ages 14–15
* The more generous welfare policy in the U.K. than in the U.S. did not appear to have ameliorated the observed role of single parenting in adolescent substance use.
Well said. I would also like to add, if you have a choice of town A and Town B. In town A, if you get caught for vagrancy, you get arrested. Ditto for public intoxication (whatever drugs), and kept in jail to fully withdraw. Or, you can go to Town B, where you are provided with syringes, Narcan, free meals, housing, and even places to shoot up. Which town would you choose? We are enablers. It is not compassion to enable their drug use and irresponsible lifestyle. Yet, we roll out the red carpet for them, then wonder why we have a homeless/addict problem. One might think it's intentional. Why would that be? Get tax money for the "homeless" problem. Spend some on the above. Pocket the rest, either like DOGE is exposing, or elevate yourself to a management position and pay yourself handsomely.
Addicts that want to be cured can be sent to a medical facility to be helped. Those that want to continue their irresponsible lifestyles can be invited to leave town with a NO CAMPING WITHIN CITY LIMITS ordinance. If it's not easy for them to get high and do nothing, it will be added incentive for them to get clean.
In regards to the taxation...we challenged the valuation and the county had us down as having a paved road (which we do not) and having a stick-built home (which we do not).
We received a $23,000 reduction in valuation.
The assessor is a 'former' realtor which induces bias to maximize all valuations.
I guarantee there will be more and more valuation increases especially now that they can use Google Earth and drones to remote evaluate.
We have a LOT of problems and we need to get real that they are only going to get worse until we step up en masse!
With the first few weeks of the Trump admin, it's been elating. Since then with the ensuing weeks of CCWD's articles and watching the council meetings a persistent. yet not a panic feeling has been very overwhelming. I feel it with each of the comments made here.
With V. President Vances talk in Munich Germany and their regard for him, my thoughts have turned back to the commissioners involvement with the ICLEI and their cohorts. I know it may seem like I am running backward here I am not however. With the comments from the Munich crowd toward VP Vance I see the rise of another "Iron Curtain"..... which brings me to the relevance of this post.... we are behind "the Blue Curtain".... and like Vance was treated CCWDer's are also.
Everyone here is extremely well read and informed about the Commisioners and the Jamestown Tribe and all of the little NGO's they belong to. Achilles heels in full view. I was made aware that belonging to the ICLEI (joining, paying dues) especially the tribe, was a deal breaker with our Country. John Worthington's expose revealed that. Would it not be prudent to guard the support structure and expose their dealing would that not invite further examination of what they are doing and then feed right to Olympia.... just a thought... and the Mouse that Roared
Please everyone take a look at your tax bill and last years. Find out what percentage it went up. I guarantee it went up way more than 1%. The reason is because all the line DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY items at the top of the bill such as State Part 2, State, County, Road, School, Port, Fire, Library, Hospital District, Conservation Futures can all separately increase 1% each year too. So my total tax bill increased 6.85%. Ozias, our District 1 Commissioner is all for raising the tax percentage to 3% WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL! Everyone, except the tribe Ozias’s largest campaign donor, should be OUTRAGED! By not showing up it allows Ozias to keep working against everything he was elected to do! Every Clallam County taxpayer is being taxed out of their homes and property, no joke! Please come, speak up, write the Commissioners and fight for your tax dollars. Don’t be fooled by thinking your property tax can only increase 1%, that is phoney baloney, if Ozias has his way your tax bill will increase triple the amount it is now.
PASD passed a levy last year and just announced their superintendent is getting over a 30% raise. OMC hasn't released monthly financial statements since last fall.
Misled leadership, It’s obvious Mark is out for his best interest. Trying to bring Clallam County from the bottom of the worse , poorest county in the state may be his personal mission. But do the majority of residents really think that’s a concern. This county has been the most affordable place to live for a long time. Keeping up with other counties is not necessarily a direction that improves quality of daily life. And raising taxes to support and offset poor spending decisions by the Clallam County Commissioners is irresponsible and worthy of a recall action.
It's interesting how people leverage weaknesses in controls to effect their goals. There's a system to be played, and the taxpayers fund it. NGO's are notorious, just like federal funds supporting University research, for playing the system. How many more stupid studies can we fund to support someone too lame to enter the workforce and be a contributing member of society? If CC residents can't control the federal ease of NGO'S obtaining money to appease the emotional needs of our elected leaders then the next best thing we have is to control our elected leaders. Elections and the Charter Review Commission are our vehicles.
The Charter Review Board meets once every 5 years, and this is the year. The 15-member committee looks at Clallam County's "constitution" and drafts initiatives for voters to approve or reject. If you have a message for the charter review board about what you want out of your county government, send a message to the Clerk of the Board: Specify that your email is for the Charter Review, and it will be sent to the entire commission.
They just are not the leaders we need them to be right now.
I didn't even feel bad telling them so.
They are stubborn, spiteful and are scared to buck the party trend.
Great public comment, John. You know it's sinking in when they look down in their laps.
Back in the day the opposition would do puppet shows protesting authority...and get put in a dungeon.
I am thinking about a 3 minute puppet routine with Costco posters. :)
John, as always, I listen to you, but I am stumped about the Costco connection. I do know they want to build a distribution center near the airport in PA and have been held back by the FAA. Is it the drone thing? Or bigger?
Costco printing makes the big poster boards.
Jeff, could you list the various organizations each commission er belongs to that influences public policy.Not sure this is relevant,but may be interesting.
Here you go, this is available on and by clicking "more information" under each commissioner's name:
Mark Ozias:
Behavioral Health Advisory Board
Board of Health
Canvassing Board (Alternate)
Clallam County Finance Committee
Clallam County Marine Resources Committee
Clallam Transit System
Housing Solutions Committee (Alternate)
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (Alternate)
North Olympic Development Council
Olympic Area Agency on Aging (Alternate)
Olympic Consortium Board (Alternate)
Salish Behavioral Health Associated Services Organization
Sequim Chamber of Commerce Ex-Officio Member
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Tribal Liaison - Jamestown S'Klallam
Washington State Association of Counties - Legislative Steering Committee
Washington State Association of Counties - Board of Directors
Randy Johnson:
Board of Health
Clallam County Disability Board
Clallam County Finance Committee
Clallam Transit System (Alternate)
Conservation Futures Program Advisory Board
Economic Development Council Board
Heritage Advisory Board
Homelessness Task Force
Housing Solutions Committee
Law and Justice Council
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee
Noxious Weed Control Board
Olympic Area on Aging
Olympic Consortium Board
Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency (Alternate)
Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
Salish Behavioral Health Associated Services Organization (Alternate)
Veterans' Affairs Liaison
Washington Timber Counties Caucus
William Shore Memorial Pool District
Mike French:
Board of Health
Canvassing Board
Clallam Bay/Sekiu Chamber of Commerce Liaison
Clallam Bay/Sekiu Community Action Team
Clallam Bay/Sekiu Sewer Advisory Council
Clallam County Finance Committee
Clallam Transit System
Crescent Community Advisory Council
Developmental Disability Advisory Council Liaison
Forks Chamber of Commerce Liaison
Housing Solutions Committee (Alternate)
Law Library Board of Trustees
Neah Bay Chamber of Commerce Liaison
Olympic Area Agency on Aging (Alternate)
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council
Olympic Community Action Programs (OlyCap)
Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA)
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization
Trails Advisory Committee
Tribal Liaison - Lower Elwha Klallam, Quileute, Makah
Veterans' Affairs Liaison (Alternate)
William Shore Memorial Pool District
Hi JJW suggest writing the County clerk, Lori, she should be able to provide a list of all the boards and organizations each commissioner is part of, it would probably be more accurate (who knows) and up to date.
Jeff thank you.Resume builders.Courtesy only for the most part.I could write more,but will contain myself.Thank you again.
Anytime JJW!
When I talked to Todd Wednesday after the CC board meeting he said don’t quote me, that all of the boards the Commissioners sit on have a open chair reserved for them on their boards and this is common practice, like being a liaison, yeah I bet they do $$$$$. He kinda of likened it to an open door type thing where knowledge and expertise go hand in hand. Forget about the voting power with our tax dollars that comes along with the Commissioner. Still bull 💩, much bigger than just 💩!
Conflict of interest because...we have no board of ethics with the power to fire when corruption is proven and Proven it is.
Simply not following the oath of 'fair and impartial' is enough grounds for dismissal.
After attending Clallam County Board of Commissioners meetings, for a little over a year, I am sure that they are not:
Putting the translated desires of our residents into action through effective communication.
Providing comprehensive and exemplary public service levels in a prompt responsive manner.
Maximizing and enhancing our environmental resources for sustainability and legacy
Celebrating the diversity and inclusiveness of our residents’ contributions to our quality of life.
Actually, quite the opposite, they seem only interested in spending other peoples money (OPM), tax payer's, for their own interests. When you take from those that work and give to those who would not, Democracy will cease to exist. (not an exact quote) A warning to commissioners supporting a 3% cap on property tax increases, there is a rule of diminishing returns. If you tax people out of their homes, you will loose the tax money you so eagerly spend and have to raise taxes even more. Be mindful of what you wish for. That goes for any of you out there backing the reckless spending programs, reference on this site many times, look at the return on your investment, has it been worth it Do we live in a better place than yesterday? Do we have more places to shop, eat, walk the streets or enjoy the beauty of nature, without fear of being accosted? Wake up and smell the roses, or in this case the rottenness. Sorry for the lengthiness of post. I am getting sick of our lack of forthrightness from our so called County leaders.
This is a terrific post, I hope you send it to the Clerk of the Board.
Just sent to Loni. Is that the Board or did you mean he charter commission.
I agree with Jeff, you said it perfectly
Broken record here, but charity is not the business of Government. The futile war on drugs, feeding homelessness by providing free or inexpensive homes and most recently in an effort to change our most expensive education system in the world with the worst results in the world we chose to make it yet more expensive. Publicly supporting drug abuse and homelessness is a magnet attracting more of the same. If the money and efforts invested in both have been successful in ending both "we do not need more money". Similarly, if those efforts have not been successful in ending drug abuse and homelessness "we do not need more money". Charity is addressed via charitable organizations and philanthropy. I neither need nor want my elected representatives making my charity choices for me. Stop wasting public money on charity and move that money to the business of Government; infrastructure and safety. Might I be directed to information on the why of The Jamestown dyke breaching and what adverse impacts that created.
Hi Garry. Here is a good overview and if you see text that is underlined in the article, that means you can click on it to learn a little bit more.
I can see this digressing into a legal battle. It appears the tribe had a scheduled green light to breach the dyke. If not, the liability is theirs alone. Assuming they followed their contractual agreement, the liability passes to us tax payers via our incompetent management in place. Am I over simplifying ?
Take a look at this other article, Garry.
Midway down, it shows the bid the Tribe sent to contractors, which has the following instructions: "The existing levee cannot be removed until Clallam County completes the lower river setback levee structure."
It's highlighted in orange and will jump out at you. I have a FOIA records request in with the Army Corps of Engineers, but I haven't heard anything for about a year. They won't return calls either.
Thank you. While I am not a lawyer, I have been involved in a few legal battles. It is clear to me that any flooding potentially caused by a premature, ( illegal ), breach of the dyke is the exclusive responsibility of the Jamestown Tribal contractor. Possibly the tribe itself, as I do not know the legal structures involved. Much like harms typically caused by a corporation are not personal responsibilities of the corporation executives the tribe might be impugned by the structure of the tribal excavating company limited to the resources of that company. Regardless; until that company is either bankrupt or the flood victims are fairly compensated by that company for the flood damage the liability remains theirs / the tribal excavation company. If the flood victims do not pursue restitution, it is the excavation company and/or the tribes good fortune. I do not know who Hansi Hals might be but his charterizing the breach as "usual and acceptable" is both wrong and meaningless. There is no usual and acceptable procedure other than what is dictated by the agreement / contract. A good law smith would shred them. This should not be a tax payer liability.
I can tell by your comments you don’t have the whole picture so let me give a few more facts. First of all no one was flooded because of the breech. Second the dike breech cost the tax payers a lot of extra money because of the timing and the possibility of flooding with the coming rains….so the breech was considered an emergency and thus the extra cost to remove and construct “a levee” to protect residents was deemed necessary and immediate. Third the blame of the breech and the extra cost was blamed on the Corp of Engineers after a secret meeting between the Tribe and the County. Lastly an apology letter was written to JST absolving any breech wrong doing….Ozias led the charge and had his finger, wrist, arm and body in it all.
Important facts; thank you. King tides or levee breech, it was my assumption that flooded home owners were looking to the public for help. The Corp is Federal. Likely too much lawyering up costs necessary to justify chasing them. This is reminiscent of pharma getting liability immunity for vaccine harms. A local change in leadership seems in order.
Excellent! Well said.
Jeff, your comments at yesterday's meeting about WASAC and the impending tax increase was very informative. It enlightened us as to actually how much control these elected officials have over us citizens. Comm. Ozias tried to allay our concerns, but he failed because he neglected to cite his stance on the arbitrary 3% yearly tax increase. Trust no one. Question everything.
His explanation to "provide clarity" left all of our heads spinning. We all skipped lunch after such a large helping of word salad.
They created these problems and we are they’re scape goats ! Why do they hate us !
For once, I am in favor of a position Ozias has taken. Under item #10, when will Clallam County starting funding support for the Clallam County Watchdog?
Now back to reality. What an insane suggestion to make that a government official would suggest the impropriety to an additional conflict of interest? Might as well hand out Soma pills to the PDN and SG employees.
"What is a Conflict of Interest?
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s personal interests – family, friendships, financial, or social factors – could compromise his or her judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace."
If the Charter Review Commission could only accomplish one act, it would be to use Kitsap County's ethics code as an example of where we need to get to in the rewrite we need. I'm sure the SGGL will be in opposition.
I found it interesting listening to yesterday's meeting how concerned the Commissioners are with the OPMA, yet they have held public meetings at locations not open to the public?
And lastly, the accountability and prudent use of taxpayer dollars continues to swirl down the proverbial toilet at a blinding pace. Next stop, the septic tank.
Haaa, it won't be the Watchdog!
SSGL? I will look at the Kitsap County ethics code.
Sequim Good Governance League... It's a PAC.
From their website:
"Good governance thrives on honesty, integrity, openness, inclusiveness, and accountability, using facts, reason, and ethical behaviors to develop non-partisan solutions that serve and protect the residents of Sequim."
Crickets wrt the Sequim City Council supporting the School measures. Crickets wrt accountability if tax dollars. Crickets wrt ethical behaviors.
SGGL is also part of Indivisible Sequim (Facebook) there appears to be one in every town, you might want to educate yourself about that group too because members are popping up in all social groups in town.
Just spend in all directions, nobody's watch dogging it...
VOTE these idiots out of office!!!
MISfeasance on all levels. We'll just call it stupid, not malevolent.
Billy it IS malevolent...I have written many times in least Nozias and Frenchy are actual agents of the deep state....they are trained and conditioned by Marxist/Socialist ideologies...they may be stupid as well, as stupid means incapable of learning...that seems to be an apt description of these clowns.
Johnson is (I believe) not intentionally destructive (although I could be wrong)
but he is incompetent...I only voted for him because the other alternative (communist mayor of P.A.) is even worse...
We need to revolt would certainly do doesn't mean not paying taxes, it means withholding our taxes until we get satisfaction which means ousting these communist clowns, getting a strong ethics board (with teeth) in place and having real open honest debates (not just 'sponsored-selected''candidates')and insisting that at least 51% of eligible voters actually vote. It's not a democracy when there is no real participation.
Only about 7100 voters (65% of 11,000) determined what the rest of us (78,000+) have to pay for FOREVER. I don't know the percent of eligible voters out of the total but somewhere around 10-15% of the public is saddling the rest of us with uncontrolled debt.
This is actually part of the communist agenda btw. To divide and economically and politically destroy the middle class...leaving only bureaucrats and peasants (dependent on the bureaucrats).
It's now or never folks...we are edging ever nearer to anarchy (part of the plan)...Hegel's Problem-Reaction-Solution...look it up.
Hegelian Dialectic and Delphi Technique...research it.
Hillsdale College is offering a bunch of FREE online courses...check out the one on Marxism-Socialism-Communism! Must see. About 3.5 hours in segments/lessons...KNOW YOUR ENEMY!😊
C.county probably has the most wreckless incompetent commissioners in county's history,Johnson-ozias-french.A recall is the only solution to save the taxpayers from being taxed out of their homes.
Would CCWD be interested in an info booth at the Fair, if the Commissioners don't can it?
What a great idea! Yes!
I bet many of us would gather signatures to recall that dope Ozias.
Well, recall is as close as we have in this state
We need a better approach when is comes to substance abuse. Substance abuse has been described as a “chronic relapsing disease”, with extremely high relapse rates that range from 56.8% to 81.8% (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2020;17:2610;
We all know that prevention is 1,000-fold better than treatment. Our current prevention focuses primarily on enhancing public awareness of the dangers of substance misuse and addiction. Since our "war on drugs" began in the, criminalization and prohibition have failed to reduce drug use and failed to deter drug-related crime. Our current treatment focuses in either harm reduction (needle exchanges, naloxone to prevent overdoses and safe use areas) or medication management via long-term opioid agonist therapy with methadone and buprenorphine. To me harm reduction is completely absurd, just as DEI policies are. All of these ignore the fact that we have a cultural problem. While this might not be the sole cause, it is a significant contributor. #1 we need to a better education system, one that promotes better values. #2 we need to promote the nuclear family unit as this is on the decline.
• The likelihood of a child living in a single-parent family varies by race and ethnicity. Black and American Indian or Alaska Native children are most likely to live in single-parent families. In 2023, 47% of Black mothers were single mothers Vs 31% of "other races" Vs 25% of Hispanic mothers Vs 14% of White mothers Vs 8% of Asian mothers being single mothers (,percent%20and%208%20percent%2C%20respectively Accessed Feb 19, 2025).
• In 2021, the percentage of people who needed substance use treatment in the past year was higher among American Indian or Alaska Native (28.7%) or Multiracial people (25.5%) compared with Black or African American (16.4%), White (15.9%), Hispanic or Latino (15.0%), or Asian people (7.7%)( Accessed Feb 19, 2025).
• Children from intact families used significantly less substances of abuse than children from single-parent families (n = 37,507 (Subst Use Misuse. 2009;44(14):2099–2113. doi: 10.3109/10826080902858375).
• Living with a single mother was associated with early adolescent substance use according to data from the U.S. (n = 6,236) and U.K. (n = 11,095) (Social Science & Med. 20233;315:115540
* U.S. adolescents who lived with a single mother during early childhood (ages 0–4), middle childhood (age 8), and early adolescence (age 14) had 44%–92% greater odds of smoking cigarettes at ages 14–15 compared to their peers living with two parents at those ages.
* Living with a single mother at ages 2, 4, 10, and 14 significantly predicted a greater likelihood of drinking (42%–59% greater odds) by age 14–15.
* Living with a single mother at ages 0–4 and 12–14 was associated with up to 120% greater odds of marijuana use by ages 14–15
* The more generous welfare policy in the U.K. than in the U.S. did not appear to have ameliorated the observed role of single parenting in adolescent substance use.
Well said. I would also like to add, if you have a choice of town A and Town B. In town A, if you get caught for vagrancy, you get arrested. Ditto for public intoxication (whatever drugs), and kept in jail to fully withdraw. Or, you can go to Town B, where you are provided with syringes, Narcan, free meals, housing, and even places to shoot up. Which town would you choose? We are enablers. It is not compassion to enable their drug use and irresponsible lifestyle. Yet, we roll out the red carpet for them, then wonder why we have a homeless/addict problem. One might think it's intentional. Why would that be? Get tax money for the "homeless" problem. Spend some on the above. Pocket the rest, either like DOGE is exposing, or elevate yourself to a management position and pay yourself handsomely.
Addicts that want to be cured can be sent to a medical facility to be helped. Those that want to continue their irresponsible lifestyles can be invited to leave town with a NO CAMPING WITHIN CITY LIMITS ordinance. If it's not easy for them to get high and do nothing, it will be added incentive for them to get clean.
In regards to the taxation...we challenged the valuation and the county had us down as having a paved road (which we do not) and having a stick-built home (which we do not).
We received a $23,000 reduction in valuation.
The assessor is a 'former' realtor which induces bias to maximize all valuations.
I guarantee there will be more and more valuation increases especially now that they can use Google Earth and drones to remote evaluate.
We have a LOT of problems and we need to get real that they are only going to get worse until we step up en masse!
With the first few weeks of the Trump admin, it's been elating. Since then with the ensuing weeks of CCWD's articles and watching the council meetings a persistent. yet not a panic feeling has been very overwhelming. I feel it with each of the comments made here.
With V. President Vances talk in Munich Germany and their regard for him, my thoughts have turned back to the commissioners involvement with the ICLEI and their cohorts. I know it may seem like I am running backward here I am not however. With the comments from the Munich crowd toward VP Vance I see the rise of another "Iron Curtain"..... which brings me to the relevance of this post.... we are behind "the Blue Curtain".... and like Vance was treated CCWDer's are also.
Everyone here is extremely well read and informed about the Commisioners and the Jamestown Tribe and all of the little NGO's they belong to. Achilles heels in full view. I was made aware that belonging to the ICLEI (joining, paying dues) especially the tribe, was a deal breaker with our Country. John Worthington's expose revealed that. Would it not be prudent to guard the support structure and expose their dealing would that not invite further examination of what they are doing and then feed right to Olympia.... just a thought... and the Mouse that Roared
my best to you all
Too bad Elon Musk and his team don’t work at the county level.
Please everyone take a look at your tax bill and last years. Find out what percentage it went up. I guarantee it went up way more than 1%. The reason is because all the line DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY items at the top of the bill such as State Part 2, State, County, Road, School, Port, Fire, Library, Hospital District, Conservation Futures can all separately increase 1% each year too. So my total tax bill increased 6.85%. Ozias, our District 1 Commissioner is all for raising the tax percentage to 3% WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL! Everyone, except the tribe Ozias’s largest campaign donor, should be OUTRAGED! By not showing up it allows Ozias to keep working against everything he was elected to do! Every Clallam County taxpayer is being taxed out of their homes and property, no joke! Please come, speak up, write the Commissioners and fight for your tax dollars. Don’t be fooled by thinking your property tax can only increase 1%, that is phoney baloney, if Ozias has his way your tax bill will increase triple the amount it is now.
"Why should residents trust officials with more money when they can’t explain how the last funds were spent?"
This holds true with both PASD, and OMC as well. Yet the voters of blind to it.
PASD passed a levy last year and just announced their superintendent is getting over a 30% raise. OMC hasn't released monthly financial statements since last fall.
Misled leadership, It’s obvious Mark is out for his best interest. Trying to bring Clallam County from the bottom of the worse , poorest county in the state may be his personal mission. But do the majority of residents really think that’s a concern. This county has been the most affordable place to live for a long time. Keeping up with other counties is not necessarily a direction that improves quality of daily life. And raising taxes to support and offset poor spending decisions by the Clallam County Commissioners is irresponsible and worthy of a recall action.
It's interesting how people leverage weaknesses in controls to effect their goals. There's a system to be played, and the taxpayers fund it. NGO's are notorious, just like federal funds supporting University research, for playing the system. How many more stupid studies can we fund to support someone too lame to enter the workforce and be a contributing member of society? If CC residents can't control the federal ease of NGO'S obtaining money to appease the emotional needs of our elected leaders then the next best thing we have is to control our elected leaders. Elections and the Charter Review Commission are our vehicles.
Stay involved.
The Charter Review Board meets once every 5 years, and this is the year. The 15-member committee looks at Clallam County's "constitution" and drafts initiatives for voters to approve or reject. If you have a message for the charter review board about what you want out of your county government, send a message to the Clerk of the Board: Specify that your email is for the Charter Review, and it will be sent to the entire commission.