If the tribe use city and county roadways, and if they collect retail sales tax on items sold in fully tribe owned stores, they must put that money back in to the county. Our tribes are special but exempt from taxes should not be the reason.

You play you pay. Not racist, realistic!

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And get this: their spending of that 75% is audited by a 3rd party (not the state) but the results of those audits are categorized as "personal information" so they are not available for public viewing.

How would you like your federal income tax to be "personal information" so the IRS couldn't audit you?

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You think this is the one step to far? 😡

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Wouldn’t that be perfect. Some little guy working in the back of a bookstore with a green visor. We will call him slippery Sam. He tells you your taxes are complete and perfectly legit, however he will be in Aruba with no cell coverage for “a while” and BTW you may want to move too! The older I get the more appealing that seems. I just hate the reality of how tax money is spent. Sometimes knowledge is just pathetic.

Remember when you didn’t care what the government did? God, those were good years😟

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If I could do one thing in my life right now it would be to recall Mark Ozias as commissioner. He is arrogant and compromised, with obvious conflicts of interest that do not deter him from voting on spending when he should be recusing himself. And the rest of the commissioners should be insisting that Ozias recuse himself whenever an issue concerning the Jamestown Tribe comes up or when his role in the Washington State Association of Counties Board presents as an obvious conflict. All three of these commissioners are complicit in the fraud that is taking place in this county! We need a Clallam County DOGE!

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I'll go one further. Even if he recuses himself at a vote it doesn't mean that he can't behind the scenes influence. The fix is definitely no involvement in any COI. It's cleaner IMO.

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Like him or not, this article Jeff wrote isn't what it appears to be. Here's my breakdown: https://open.substack.com/pub/ixodes/p/a-double-feature?r=5b9x9x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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What they are ignoring is the fact that they are/ have been doing revaluations of property. So when they raised ours 40% in one year, due to revaluation, we were shocked beyond belief! What makes it even worse, is after doing all these revaluations, they still claim to be broke and so are the schools. I say we are being ripped off, and that they are piss poor managers of our tax money!

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Revaluations don’t bring in more taxes for government. They just shift who is paying the taxes. If you’re paying more, someone else is paying less.

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Values are raised , than taxed on those raised values !

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How is it not a conflict of interest for Mark to be on the board of a non-profit that works against the wishes of his constituents? 40K of the taxpayers money going to a lobby group! They should call them what they by what they do bribery not lobby! And how has a recall not been started for all our county commissioners??

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Another reason the county charter must prohibit commissioners from serving on any other board, committee, quilting bee, etc.

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Every single WA county is a member of this association. It's chaired by three commissioners from three counties--they all managed to not find a conflict (even the two conservatives who serve with Mark.) https://open.substack.com/pub/ixodes/p/a-double-feature?r=5b9x9x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Because no one will step up. Many people have been asking this question for quite some time.


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Um, every single WA county is a member of this association. It's chaired by three commissioners from three counties--they all managed to not find a conflict (even the two conservatives who serve with Mark.) https://open.substack.com/pub/ixodes/p/a-double-feature?r=5b9x9x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I just read that statewide citizen comments have come out overwhelmingly against the mileage tax and raising the local government tax cap to 3%. Ozias and friends could free up funds by cutting budget lines for Cascadia Consulting, PBH, Serenity House and the drug use (“harm reduction”) promotion bus.

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Tell that to Randy Johnson, he wants to know where to cut.

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They would never admit it, but I’d bet cash the county commissioners look at Jeff’s work and the comments, too.

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I know they read CC Watchdog, actually refer to it in emails.

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Eric, that's a plus! It means CC Watchdog is getting their attention and Jeff is someone they are taking seriously. He has become a definite "influencer" enough for the need to read and watch. Way to go Mr Tozzer!

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I'll take "influencer" over "exposer." Thanks :)

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Everyone should come to the BoCC meetings just to watch Jeff deliver his public comments. It's a treat!

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I listened to recording this morning kicked back relaxing with my morning beverage. I stood up to give him a standing ovation. His closing comments speach was equally impressive.

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For me, I would rather the BOCCC come to the voters, make their case, and let the voters decide. When that process is dispensed with I can't help but think that our elected officials are allowing their personal agendas to override their obligation to their constituents. Your article clearly articulated the fly in the ointment, once again.

Clallam County has an ethics and conflict of interest problem, and it's bigger than I thought. These leaders obfuscate their actions under the guise of attending to regular business they are obligated to support with their additional personal interests that they don't have to participate in. There may be a county volunteer committee that they chair to assist in developing policies/planning, but that isn't the concern people are bringing to their attention.

The most succinct 3-minute speach I've ever heard on this problem was eloquently articulated by Mr. Tozzer during yesterday's BOCCC meeting in the initial open comments portion at time mark 0:06:20. Thank you for stating the facts so clearly.


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You're welcome. We had a good turnout yesterday. I'd love to know if anyone can decipher what Ozias says to Randy Johnson's question from 17:58 to 20:33 in the video. None of us in the gallery could follow it.

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I'm just catching up with this stuff. Jeff, is there a recording?

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Feb 27Edited

I linked it in my post just above Jeff's.

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Thanks a bunch!

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BRAVO JEFF! Excellent speech and indeed succinct. Thanks, MK, for sharing the link.

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From the heart. Thanks.

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You're killin em Smalls. Your rundown yesterday was everything I could not do, because I get too mad.

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John. Thank you for your words yesterday as well. I finally understood the big picture. This state, via their world order socialist agenda legislative body, have designed rules that local governments are left to enforce at taxpayer expense, and the only way to comply is via NGO's with non-US ties to effect the world order vision and control.

The BOCCC feigns ignorance, they have no choice but to comply, but don't disclose that they tol are involved in the conspiracy via their lower level agenda involvements to promulgate the overarching goals. They also won't stand up to Olympia and say enough is enough.

I could hear and feel your frustration, but you did remarkably well keeping it in check and delivered the facts.

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Yes, thank you again John Worthington "wackadoodle". You've been fighting our battles long before Jeff founded the forum to bring these things to light. I'm sure it was a lonely battle. You are truly an encyclopedia of Clallam County history, plus. like a stalled joke, sometimes it takes me a while to connect the dots, and sometimes I don't unless I do my research. If I had your address, I would have a T-Shirt made with wackadoodle printed on it to wear to council meetings.

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Crackpot wackadoodle. Sounds like a Garth Brooks lyric.

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The crackpot label is the best. Here I am pushing Jamestown's Randy Johnson's own conclusions from the Jimmycomelately project in his own webinar, and he emails Kathy Lear that I was a crackpot suggesting his own conclusions from years earlier. That one takes the cake.

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Thanks. The indication our combined attack on the NODC is working was Mike Doherty trying to do damage control for over the allotted 3 minutes. Doherty helped form the NODC.

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Cut from the same cloth John…. Remember Yosemite Sam # rather splamin plathem vermin splikem”!!!!

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Obviously they don't want Forks community shopping in pa. I guess Amazon here I come and forks outfitters. Fixed income people can't afford another tax.

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It feels like you might be the only person who got the original intent of the 1% cap on property tax increase. I wrote about this and more, here: https://open.substack.com/pub/ixodes/p/a-double-feature?r=5b9x9x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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It appears commissioner mark ozias really does not care about public concerns when it comes to being tax conservative,he acts like inslee where his solution to all problems is raise or initiate more taxes.This is how wreckless elected act when they spend tax $$$ without common sense and tax short falls appear.All 3 commissioners need to be recalled before clallam county residents are forced out of their homes due to taxaholic commissioners.Tripling property taxes and pay by mile are the most radical tax ideas we have ever seen.Taxpayers have new school levy taxes coming and taxaholic commissioners want to keep pilling more taxes on top ''recall before it's to late'.

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I would back a recall effort, as well as federal oversight of binding ethics.

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Consent decrees are an interesting tool the federal government uses when egregious fraud, waste, and abuse is uncovered similar to the one's Boeing endured in the early 2000's resulting in them standing up a massive ethics & compliance program. Similarly, the law enforcement agencies that the feds claimed were abusing the civil rights of citizens resulted in oversight consent decrees.

Interesting concept.

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If the average household were told that they were going to take a 50% cut to their income this year one would think the first thing would be to prioritize needs. Shouldn’t the County Commissioners be expected to do the same? Doesn’t appear that way. Commissioners are asking property taxpayers to triple their share and offer to cut nowhere. I would think that Public Safety should be higher on the priority list than Poet Laureate. Just a thought. It also appears Mark Ozias learned his word salad techniques along side Kamala Harris. Just another thought.

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Great follow up CCWD article to your two public comments yesterday, Jeff! You also submitted your verbal comments in written form to the county clerk. Document, document, document. When Ozias needs to hide his true intentions, he over compensates by being pedantic. Yes, more attended yesterday's meeting, and all who spoke were against all tax increases, 100%. But, the path of least resistance is to tax, tax, tax. It's too much work to find and implement real change. We are lucky that Jeff and all other CCWD readers are hard workers and know how to get things done!

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Sorry, pedantic should be verbose.

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Clallam counties 3 current commissioners have shown their true colors and have no true intention of making all conservative decisions,lying about $$$ spent on cascadia consulting co was a clear message for their future decisions.And paying $ 39,333.to washington association of counties board for what?some bogus hogwash.Lot's of red flags going up with these incompetent so called commissioners.They need to be exiled asap.

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I received the form letter...angered me. I then caught the latest Brandi Kruze podcast with the volunteer Washington Doge tipsters. I seriously wonder if our State can be brought back to center.

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I also wrote Mark about him and the other two commissioners lobbying for increased property tax rates and got that "form letter". My Property Taxes are beyond reasonably. On Feb. 13th I also emailed a person at "wsag" about the lobbying for increased rates on Property Taxes, among other things. Never got a reply from one. After the "form letter" I emailed Mark back and told him i didn't appreciate his lack of compassion for his constituency. When I say the Taxes are too high I'm not blowing wind up his skirt! I suggest we start charging our Native American neighbors Property Taxes. That would certainly move the needle, in either direction we might get them to pay attention.

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Thanks for writing to them, Pamela.

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Property taxes from the Tribe, the ones who spend so much $$ on community issues? That's just wrong on so many levels!

I agree to the 50/50 split in gas taxes and purchases in Tribe-owned stores. These are more of a community-based thing.

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One possible way would be to require the fuel distributor to add the tax on at their point of sale.More work for them , however one could at least audit.Mileage taxing poses many problems.Do I pay for miles driven out of state to visit relatives,vacation,business travel.Do other traveling into the state for the same reasons pay.How?The huge amount of commercial traffic bringing in items from out of state.How do they pay?These vehicles wear the roads the same as residents.Next.Only Washington state,counties should have an exempt license. I will stop here

before I start on the amount being spent on ‘fish pipes’ with no regard for any return on the billions spent and will be spent.

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And the county's largest private employer, with a fleet of vehicles, would be exempt.

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We're already paying! The fuel tax is supposed to cover the wear & tear of the roads!

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Those "fish pipes" are correcting the wrongs done by non-Indian people! They are part of a treaty that is being implemented! BTW, "If you build it, they will come!"

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Unfortunately the possibility of auditing at a fuel distribution level would only work with cooperation and more money dumped into the effort, but I do think it could be a way around an unaudited system. It's extremely hard to get around the tribal sovereign laws.

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