It seems if it’s not related to the tribe Mark Ozias really doesn’t care. I really don’t understand how this guy keeps getting re-elected. Not just him over the last 15 plus years the whole culture of Sequim has changed . Obvious greed.

As a long time resident of 50 years I can say the culture of Sequim is becoming very disappointing. It’s not for the people but for the tribe and what money can be made to line the city’s pockets.

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It is interesting that the timeline you presented around the decline of Clallam County and the time of Mark O as Commissioner are about the same. I believe you may have hit on something here.

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Yes it was about the timeframe when he moved here and opened his failed small grocery store where the noodle house is at.

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I hope Clallam County doesn't suffer the same fate as the Red Rooster Grocery.

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Jeff, I am happy that you posted your email comparisons that you presented to the Commissioners during public comment at yesterday's meeting. There is no retort the Comms can now make in their defense. The solution to 3 Crabs flooding has been delayed and ignored for what real reasons? So, thank you, Jeff, for bringing this important concern to our attention. Awareness and transparency are musts for improvement in any community or society. I believe some call this "evolving", but I call it common sense.

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Buying and building on known flood prone property would seem to be a “Buyer beware” issue. Building on property that has not flooded in over 40 years would not seem to be a “warning” sign. Alteration of the environment, that causes flooding to occur, would seem to be the “governing body’s” responsibility, not the affected property owners. BEWARE OF THE GOVERNING BODY.

Sure would be nice to hear our “LEADERS” admit to a mistake, and take action to correct it, rather than pander to special interest groups or individuals.

Thanks for your efforts Jeff, in bring light to the abuses suffered on us by our “governing body”.

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You're welcome Mr. F.

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Three crabs location has been a wetland and has flooded for decades in my lifetime. These homes at sea level must be owners responsibility. Blaming this or that agency now is counterproductive.. We long time residents remember when the restaurant essentially built on fill on the sand there….constantly needing refill and more build-up. It’s defunct….It’s no secret the area has flooded many times in the past. The attempt to blame agencies for one’s own folly? And of course it’s nothing new. It’s not the first place to suffer the consequences of poor judgement. Those homes along the bluffs are suffering similar erosion and flooding fate. Voice of America park has lost a lot of bluff trails, too. Once it’s gone and slipped into the sea, there’s no repairing…no agency can be blamed for the gambling of people who want close-up a water view at sea level. Please stop blaming others than yourselves.

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You’re right. I am not educated on the long term flooding in the area. I am responding to the information presented in this thread. As I stated, if the flooding has been there for decades, the “buyer beware” definitely applies. If the flooding has been caused by government means, who is responsible? I certainly am not suggesting taxpayers are responsible for bailing out any individual who has not done their due diligence.

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Ah, the slimy palm is getting greased by the tribes and others. Jeff, thank you for casting a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air onto this quagmire of flooding and manure flow. You rock!

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Keep those hip waders handy, it's getting plenty deep around here.

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Rope a dope. Musical chairs. "...FEMA requested..."

But hey don't expect Ozias to see the status....

Let the years go by, maybe they'll go away...

"I feel your pain..." Right Ozias, you feel the pain...

You will feel the pain in whatever elected position you expect next! The 'people' do not respect you.

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They reduced sediment diversion to the irrigation ditches, opened up a new tributary. This was a plotted flooding working on the instructions from the United Nations through the ICLEI.

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John, where is that new tributary? Is it the new channel that leaves and rejoins the river next to Towne Road?

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Jeff, Mark had to go to the nurses office after this last Commissioners meeting..We are spreading it on thick..

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Looks like right after the creamery.

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The one we watched have riffles during their presentation. They opened a new tributary, then passed the Dungeness water rule.

Their Achilles heel is they all planed and adopted just the opposite on Jimmycomelately. That's why I am a crackpot....I just asked Randy Johnson of Jamestown to be consistent. I don't think he ever realized ..I was reading his own *&(^*%^% book.

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Who will benefit from the “RELOCATION “ of 3 Crabs residents? Will it become tribal land?

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There must be a version of “from the river to the sea” that is appropriate for the JST. Three Crabs is between the Tribe and the Sea. It is also between the Tribe and the spit, the tribe and the Tribe and the Oyster Beds, it is between the Tribe and the Fish Boxes, it is between the Tribe and the Gill Nets, and Three Crabs stands in the way.

Nothing stands between Mark Ozias and the Tribe. Old but true, “follow the money.”

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If everybody was smart, they would ditch the UN, and have the DOI reign in the tribe. The battle is over harvest zones. The UN wants to restrict our harvest zones so their harvest zones 6000 miles away get all the business. They want our harvest zone to be scaled down or belong to the tribe, without any serious American competition. Its part of the economic espionage that has been going on, to keep us coming in third place in the market place.

The tribes need to be kept from populating the harvest zones. (Even the Lower Elwha) Where they live another fixed meandering coil for salmon spawning should already be built. Each of our rivers should have no less that three fixed meandering spawning coils, with farming locations taking over the rest of their space.

You give them Bell Hill, the Meadowbrook development, John Wayne Marina, whatever it takes to get them out of Blyn and to expand and optimize the harvest zones. Ditto the Lower Elwha. Our status as a County would go through the roof. Id even come in second place in an economic engine like that.

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Yes. Once they have their "Ancestral" lands back they will go with the Jimmycomelately one deeper fixed meandering channel model and they will be able to live there.

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Unfortunately, I think the 3 Crabs residents are the collateral damage of the NGO money laundering shell game. What is being uncovered at USAID and the 55,000 ( yes fifty five thousand) NGO's that receive government funds is proving there has been a shell upon shell upon shell game taking place with our money. The OP Salmon Coalition is no different. It passes on the money that it receives from NGO's that receive money from NGO's that receive money from NGO's.

I truly hope that uncovering all this will bring some measure of accountability, justice, and remedy to the 3 Crabs residents.

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By Jove, you've got it! How taxpayers make everyone rich while they, themselves, go broke.

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When will we all realize this is happening everywhere and Clallam County is no different:

"I've been telling you guys forever that you've been living your whole lives in a carefully constructed USAID Truman Show, where none of the institutions you meet -- from the media, to public health, to universities, to NGOs, to terrorists -- are the institutions you think they are." - Mike Benz on X

I do not think the commissioners, the city councils, the tribe, or any of the local NGOs are what they claim to be. Fortunately, Jeff has been sounding the alarm.

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I listened to your presentation yesterday at the BOCCC meeting (I dialed in) noting the disparity in the responses Ozias gave to the residents of 3 Crabs vs. those related to Towne Road. The apparent bias was well delivered in the short time you were alloted.

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Thanks, I wonder if it will ever sink in.

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As soon as the Jimmycomelately flooded 101 and the Jamestown tribe in 2003, the 5 corners of government got together and devised a total package of watershed, floodplain, salmon and estuary restoration...faster than you could say Jack Robinson. They moved the entire Jimmycomelately to a channel it had never been, diverted Dean Creek and Chicken Coop Creek. That valley had 9 different historic river channels. The entire valley was mitigated and diverted from its historic channels.. The kicker is, they got federal funding to do historic restoration, so they had to construct the science in a way that made that mitigation seem like it was "natural and historic."

Part of that 2003 science was to declare the need to reduce river tributaries to "avoid riffles." Part of that science also included the specific designation of where the logs deteriorate...upstream to break down and mix with small rocks and silt in the slow meandering sections. They built and exaggerated fixed meandering channel and kept it clear of what the DRMT would refer to as salmon hotels. Their discussion included reasons for taking out tributaries and not using the salmon hotel theory. The Jamestown Tribe signed off on it. The county, Army Corps of Engineers, USFW, WDFW, AND drum roll...Clallam County Conservation District....Paid for an engineer to draw it up.

Then, they go to the Dungeness and ignore all of that. What changed was they wanted control of the water. The international government moved in. Local County governments joined. The tribes joined. Starting in 2009, they teamed up for what could only be described as economic espionage, In order to build and serve the ICLEI and the United Nations to build capacity for the world economy, using the tribes’ rights to divert from a policy they already signed off on so they could heal a broken relationship and create a compensation mechanism. This is just as much espionage that the man just charged by USDOJ committed.

“The Justice Department will continue to use all the tools at its disposal to disrupt economic espionage and protect our national security.” https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/former-senior-adviser-federal-reserve-indicted-charges-economic-espionage

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The restored Dungeness tributary, that Jamestown would not have restored according to the 2003 science, has to be the source leading water over to the 3 crabs flooded area...besides elevated sediment level from shutting down ditches those are the only changes that could explain why there was no flooding before. There needs to be federal intervention since the United Nations has become directly and indirectly involved. They planned this. Its time for the DOI and USDOJ to put a stop to the DRMT,NODC, and SERN.

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You're a fountain of information John. An interesting run-down that given where we are isn't surprising. This is a long game being played.

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Let your light shine bright !!

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I look forward to hearing your comments every Tuesday, John. Thank you for informing us of the intricacies of these topics. Where would we be without you?

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Where would we be with out Jeff and CCW. On Nextdoor we would know where the elk herd is..they would never allow this depth of discussion.

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My empathy for Three Crabs residents. I have spent a significant amount of my life floating, walking and wading PNW rivers. It is not speculation, but fact that rivers flood. There are 20, 50 and 100 year events of extreme flooding. The perfect storm, as it is sometimes called, is a good snow followed by a "Pineapple Express" which is a low pressure front with unseasonably warm temperatures and lots of rain. Again, these are events known to happen and expected to happen; albeit rarely. I too would enjoy a daily view of the ocean and the wildlife that a river estuary area enjoys and / or a home on the banks of a river, but I know better. If I choose to risk that gamble, I choose to risk that loss. There is no objective way I can imagine to value life in such a beautiful environment against the gamble that environment might take your home. I do fail to see the fairness in my paying for someone else's gamble. Particularly when I never benefited from that daily view.

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Because, collectively, that's what WE, THE PEOPLE, do. Our government represents EVERYONE, whether they're poor or elite, whether they have views or we live under power lines, Garry. They deserve the same protections and government as we do, no more, no less. They pay up the wazoo for their properties and their property taxes, accordingly, pay more than you-without-the-view get. That's how the fairness works.

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Agree to disagree. That's what insurance does. We the people do not rescue someone that put it all on red at the Seven Cedars Casino. What I am unsure of is whether that damage might in some way be attributable to County land sculpting work. King tides; definitely not.

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"We the people do not rescue someone that put it all on red at the Seven Cedars Casino."

Quite the contrary!!! Ever watch a "high altitude" Army helicopter rescue a climber from one of our more popular mountain peaks??? People who foolishly risk everything are bailed out by the Gov. all the time.

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If you know your closing ditches to introduce more sediment to build up the level of the river specifically to cause river meandering and re-channeling, there needs to be a public notice of that. Sure you see the piping and claims of water conservation...They could have build the one channel Jimmycomelately model to do that.., but there was no advance notice of intentions written behind the scenes and NODC and SERN. In this case they left too many documents behind to play the mother nature card here... There is no longer a mother nature element when you close 66 miles of ditch under the guise of conserving water, while hiding the intent to take over homes they did not want to pay fair market for...I am calling Efrem Zimbalist Jr. to flash his ID now...Bring on the economic espionage charges and illegal takings claims..

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Has anyone measured how much sediment used to go in the ditches and how much goes in after piping?

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I have not seen anything official or estimates. My guess is, they kept building irrigation until they had enough water for every farm that came along. . They work the same as a baffle, in that the stormwater can proceed in carrying large and fine sediment. The mineral value of river water sediment and its ability to replenish and restore farm soil. Those study's go back years. China has to do it now. They flood farmland intentionally to restore farmed out soil and then they divert it to another farming area, where its flooded for a rotation. The Dungeness should be on the same plan. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/11/4310

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The Dungeness is a dying stream as the forces that formed it (glacial events) used to flush HUGE quantities of rock/sand/gravel into the ocean...the coast was about 200 feet lower than current at the end of the ice age.

The rebounding crust has lifted and leveled (relative to its previous position) the landscape and as a result massive amounts of rock/sand/gravel have built up in the channel....a lot of material still comes down from the mountain but the river no longer has the power and energy to push the material out to the ocean.

The river bed is filling up with material much faster than it can be carried away...they used to mine a lot of gravel out of the channel which actually created more pools and 'hidey' spots for fish, more 'habitat'!

Tinkering with any of this stuff is all horseshit and haunted by the law of unintended consequences...the Dungeness is (geologically speaking) a dying stream as far as significant amounts of native fish are concerned.

Reducing the flow rates by spreading the water over a larger area increases the rate of channel filling!

I'm not saying that we shouldn't make modifications to stream channels but they should be well thought out and based on real science, not murky emotional reactions to a dying planet!

Many years ago the tribe now in Port Townsend had to move from the West side of the mouth of Dungeness River because the stream shifted and ruined the West side's access to the river.

So the S'Klallam came to be dominate because of a random act of nature.

Say la vie!🤪 I guess God should make reparations to the Port Townsend group for displacing them from Dungeness...Oh, I forgot...'the tribe' is God.😆

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I railed on riparian funds so now today they officially put riparian project funding on the chopping block and are asking for review of riparian projects. I hope they pass it on to JLARK.

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Were you testifying in Olympia? And they listened?

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It helps accelerate nature when it is aided by human intervention. Time here does not change ability to watch corruption and planned deception followed by human made intervention to get one’s way. Maybe it takes those with less time and other experiences to catch the grift.

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Jeff, thanks again for a great article. I would like to mention a few key points in the history of 3 Crabs flooding. Some of the current residents of 3 Crabs Road may remember that in the year 2000 Meadowbrook Creek was separated from the Dungeness River due to shoreline erosion, most likely caused by heavy rip rap shoreline protection done by residents of 3 Crabs Road and the restaurant.That separation from the river caused the mouth of Meadowbrook Creek to close from time to time causing massive back up and flooding to the residents that were there in 2000. There were several studies done to figure out the best way to keep the mouth of Meadowbrook Creek open at the request of the residents of 3 Crabs area. The results of those studies showed that the tiny bridge near the restaurant was not allowing enough flow to keep the mouth open from drift cell effects, hence the road realignment and larger opening bridge. You may notice Meadowbrook has not completely closed since that restoration project. There have been numerous flooding events since the early 90's and even well before then. This is no way the first attempt to change mother nature. In fact that restoration project put Meadowbrook Creek back into its historic channel and allow more flow out. Going back even further in time Captain McAlmond repeatedly tried to keep the river and the shoreline at bay for farming purposes. You can see the attempted sea walls at River's End. It is not always the government that likes to touch mother nature.

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Interesting history, thanks!

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Matt, Perfect analysis. Factual and historically correct. Thank you!

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There must be a less vitriol version of “from the river to the sea” that is appropriate for the desire of the JST.

Three Crabs is between the Tribe and the Sea. It is also between the Tribe and the Spit, it is between the Tribe and the Oyster Beds, it is between the Tribe and the Fish Boxes, it is between the Tribe and the Gill Nets.

Three Crabs stands in the way.

Nothing stands between Mark Ozias and the Tribe.

Old but true, “follow the money.”

From the off-channel reservoir to the strait.

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Excellent dot-connecting Tom!😊

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Anyone with any common sense could tell that all that reworking of 3-Crabs Road would have knock-on effects. Either the engineering was faulty OR the design was intentionally made to exacerbate the situation.

I have limited compassion for those who own or build 'at sea level'.

There is a proverb that warns against building your house on sand...builder beware.

FEMA is another completely corrupt and largely ineffective gov't boondoggle.

A close relative to CC Board of Commissioners.

I will not/cannot support Hundreds of Millions of 'our' money being plowed into 'holding back the sea' for a few dozen private properties built on sand at sea-level...so whining about some repairs associated with periodic surges of seawater and high run-off conditions doesn't elicit much sympathy here!

People are being displaced and properties condemned all along the bluff...it having been known scientifically that the bluff on average loses 300 feet every 100 years more or less...that's 30 feet every 10 years.

I personally have seen no evidence of global sea-level rise...not saying it isn't possible..I noticed 'Nozias' didn't mention sea-level rise in the above exchange, so that was interesting.

I too have hope that the lancing of the 'boil' that USAID and many other corrupt agencies are will de-fund about 50,000 of the 55,000 mentioned by TJ.

Hopefully negatively impacting 'Nozias' and ("encouraging violence") 'Frenchy' and their insane heinous plans fed to them by NWO beast system.

NOTHING that's happening locally or globally is by accident...everything is BY DESIGN.

People are waking up...too slowly for me...and I hope enough do, to turn the tide on the egregious corruption that is 'plague-ing' the world.


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How many readers Jeff?

Maybe we would collectively work on a subscriber campaign.

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Up to 2,210 today.

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OUTSTANDING! Congratulations, Jeff!

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Sorry to those affected at Three Crabs. As far as number of homeowners and properties the area is tiny in the scheme of things for FEMA involvement. Going back and rereading all the times “FEMA” hadn’t followed through, the reality is painfully obvious. Sea level is rising, weather events (extreme) are more frequent, an area once protected by wetlands, may not exist. Construction of a higher road is a fools game. You can continue to reinsulate every year or cut your losses. I would be surprised if any have flood insurance, as we can get it at Diamond Point. The dread of an annual occurrence with the lip service from Ozias must be more than is reasonable to bare. Get rid of Mark. No permitting for construction should ever be allowed there! Due diligence does not only mean past activity, but a civil engineer needs to take soil samples, evaluate property, neighbor impact how deep is bed rock

Etc. wetlands and future planning. Don’t see this problem going a way . Good luck. Sell to souther Californias!

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Off-topic but salient point...WA State is on Trump's radar for the education dept's unconstitutional / illegal interference between children and parents! (anti-parents rights)

Good news! One corruption at a time going down but hopefully many in quick succession.

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