An appreciation for your ombudsman services to our community. I hereby give you a 20% salary increase ;). Happy to not be a Cascadia customer. This country's entire relationship with treaty tribes must be re-evaluated. Jamestown and Elwha members are friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. They are not "Indians", as they have to ancestral history with India. Some have genetic markers connecting them to residents that lived here prior to European colonization. Those impacted by treaties and the treaty authors no longer live. If sovereignty for bloodlines connected to indigenous peoples must exist then passports and passport services should be required for non-tribal access to sovereign land and/or businesses just like any other sovereign nation. This charade of separate countries within a country is both impractical and discriminant. Let the B.I.A. do something useful and establish a fair and equitable path for treaty tribe members to become U.S.A. citizens with no more or no less rights or entitlements. We would then no longer need a B.I.A. to fund or need to endlessly debate the inequities of inequality.
President Calvin Coolidge signed legislation into law in the 1920's making tribe members US citizens. As I see it, at that point they ceased to be a sovereign nation and became sovereign people just like the rest of us; no more, no less. They should be living under the same laws as we are.
I was really hoping for better results from the Commissioners meeting yesterday. Hearing Ozias' answers to the aforementioned questions was deflating my Happy New Year balloon. As difficult as it is to sit there and listen to all the approvals for all of the spending and all of the tax and fee increases, I will continue to attend meetings and comment, comment, comment. Jeff, you showed your in-depth knowledge and fighting spirit yesterday. Your questions and comments put the Commissioners in the spotlight and made the public sit up and notice. Thank you!! And good luck Monday. I'll be there!
Excellent journalism! Digging deep, exposing waste and abuse! Tribe does not pay anything for Clallam County Sheriff services. $$$ comes from US taxpayers via Bureau of Indian Affairs while tribes make millions in profits from their businesses. Time for a change at next election of a Clallam County Commissioner. Thank you Clallam County Watchdog!!
Then don’t bitch. That’s a defeatist attitude. We have to at least try. Look around you, who do you know or do business with that might be interested or a good candidate? The current commissioner worked at the Sequim Food bank. Who can common sense people in this county get behind? You must know some people.
By all means, share your plan. I just think it has to be more powerful than the JST picking a useful idiot to carry their water, who benefits from their political and financial sway, and props him up in front of the voters.
Starting the 13th of January, the legislators are going to get an earful from me. This time I can kill the federal flow. Leveraging that has been used will now be opposite of the greenie trend.
My federal leveraging pursuits will start a couple of weeks later when the new agency heads take over. For instance, Trump isnt a rubber stamp for these federal highway funds being used on complete streets and everywhere.
They lied about the culverts. First they said all the water upstream ran too fast for spawning, then to make the culvert suit work that where they claim most of the spawning is done.
They can't just keep running from all their lies anymore.
They never put any of the stuff they are doing now in any federal grant work plan.
In 1991, they told us most spawning takes place in flat "meandering zones" because the water flow (CFS) was required to be slowed down and that meandering had to be created. See Jimmycomelately. Then they installed an upper meandering zone on the Elwha (See the old Altair trailhead and above) because tribal developments prevented meandering down below even though the area is prone to forced flow riffles and turbulence. The developments also prevented estuary restoration. In Dungeness they scattered salmon hotels on land by Towne Road they alleged was contaminated. The culvert decision is based on a lie the spawning areas are all up in the high flow upper levels...while they pile salmon hotels up in the lower part. I have saved all the 1991 and 2003 stuff. That's why they cant respond to all the different policy positions.
So, the logs,(salmon hotels) were typically found in the upper levels where the water ran strong enough to fell them naturally. Down below the water is not capable of that. If it were like "natural" forest policy, they just let the salmon hotels happen. Instead they play Ciscoe Morris and spend millions to create a man made spawning ground... But they leave out the salmon bed scour that the logs create when they are washed downstream. Nothing they have done is consistent with their previous policy positions, so it should be no surprise that their current polices don't actually work and have endangered fish populations. They think they are this salmon god that can jump from policy position to policy position on paper and not have to be held to a position. Thats why they work in NGO's..they can put the public on ignore and write snide emails to each other..
“We are working on setting up a work session conversation, another public conversation, with the Jamestown Tribe - Seems the commissioners can find resources to meet with Jamestown Tribe but not enough to meet with us non tribal community. I wonder if the commissioners will ask that toll booths be installed at the roundabout to help pay for the Christmas lighting.
We here just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of the great folks who are fighting the good fight against the rampant corruption that is going in our community~! You intelligent great American Patriots who are willing to take the time to monitor the slick shysters who are preying upon the people in our community do make a HUGE difference. It is because of you that "we" have been able to shine a spotlight on their hidden agendas and underhanded dealings that go on behind all of their close door meetings, and that certainly puts these criminals on notice that they are being closely watched, and their social engineering games will definitely be remembered and recorded~! Our local governments nasty habit of conducting closed door meetings and literally "plotting" in secret behind the backs of the residents of our community, is in fact criminal, strictly unconstitutional, often times treasonous, and always deeply offensive to those of us who demand total transparency in government. We are due open "book" accounting disclosures, so we know exactly where and how our money is being spent, and definitely full election audits to be sure that those in elected positions are legitimately in those positions~! This "mail in vote" only state of Washington has resulted in too many highly questionable incidents of election tampering over the years, and we must keep in mind that any fraudulently "elected" official then, in turn, appoints a great many other dubious Individuals that carry out these secret agendas without the ability of the local residents to have any say in things that affect them most~! Thank you Jeff Tozzer and ALL of those who are doing their most important duty as Americans~! Sincerely, Mike
I know that there are those who see my comments as somehow negative and/or unfair, but they are absolutely dead wrong~! It gives me no pleasure to make the unpleasant observations that I relate, but "we" are in an extremely unpleasant matrix where criminals are attracted to many government and private sector positions to specifically commit their nefarious crimes by taking advantage of our (Americas) society. As an old well experienced & dedicated American Constitutionalist I am always on guard and watching the backs of ALL Americans, so it is actually my sworn duty to be ahead of the curve. I was very young when I confirmed that there was no official "non-government" organization that was monitoring what the governmental throughout America was actually doing, so that is precisely where American Constitutionalists are needed first and foremost. I suspect that you appreciate exactly what I am saying Robert~! Have a great 2025 and stay safe, but enjoy the great & positive changes to come ;-) Sincerely, Mike
I wish the elwha would do whatever they are going to do with that lot downtown. I guess i understand a want to increase tourism. I feel like when towns depend on tourism they just create bunch of minimum wage jobs. I wish we could increase more industry. Like although I am not a big fan of Amazon, I want to reject modernity in a rebellious way, it would have brought some decent jobs. That being said, as long as they hire locally. That will not be happening though. Anyway, logging will probably not pick back up because of climate change or whatever. But also if we increase tourism we need more places to stay. My family comes to visit and the prices are ridiculous and there are not many options. Lots of hotels are sketchy. And air bnb prices are so high. I also prefer prioritizing citizens before tourists.
Its a tourism industry for a limited biker /hiker population. Its a joke. Ed Bowen is right. I wish he were wrong but he is not.
A legitimate freight corridor would change things for everybody. The entire Peninsula is a park they want to be served by a complete streets corridor .....its madness.
The lockdowns, which extended to two years, economically depressed the hotel industry. Never again allow lockdowns to be imposed by an imperialistic jester!
The lockdowns also depressed the restaurant industry. Eateries in Clallam County were forced to close while, just down the road in Blyn, a casino and restaurants were doing lots of business. Not because the virus didn't transmit in Blyn, but because it was in a different nation with different rules.
The deeper you dig into this issue, the more troubling questions arise. I was unaware that tribe-owned hotels are exempt from paying lodging taxes — yet another example of anticompetitive practices that disadvantage private businesses. Our largest employer, Olympic Medical Center (OMC), already faces significant financial pressures and struggles to retain doctors at least partially due to competition from Jamestown. This pattern likely extends to private gas stations, construction firms and excavation businesses that must compete on an uneven playing field with tribal enterprises. Now, I’ve learned that even in tourism — one of the few local industries showing growth — tribal hotels, both existing and future developments in Blyn and Port Angeles, will also avoid paying lodging taxes.
Adding to the frustration, federal taxpayer dollars are funding the demolition of a fully operational, non-tribal hotel, further tilting the scales. The cumulative effect of these policies is deeply troubling, and the more I examine it, the more Machiavellian it appears — a complex web where US taxpayers fuel tribal advantages, leaving local businesses at an ever-increasing disadvantage. All I ask for is better transparency on the US government’s benefits afforded to the tribe and a better understanding when these advantages reach a point where they may overly exploit. The FTC is supposed to fight monopolies in businesses, yet we don’t seem to care on a local level. We need to be more careful to not enable and allow government funded sovereign entities to dictate our futures and hurt private companies.
Hey Barney guys. SERN got an estuary restoration grant to restore a traditional historic estuary. Instead they constructed a whole new estuary that never existed before in order to better develop tribal properties. That's all kind of grant fraud and misuse.
Now the Blyn diversion culvert under the guise of salmon spawning recovery.
The lies just keep coming.
I got a treaty ..I can "heal a broken relationship."
I had to edit the original post to reflect my research yesterday. The flood in 2004 was using the old Blyn road as a tributary that could have easily flooded the North Campus.
Lets do a mock trial on the fish culvert right after Blyn. I will refer to it as the Chicken Coop Road culvert.
Using the history of the "science" in that region I will start by saying the previous "spawning area" for Chicken Coop Road would actually be where the north campus of the Jamestown tribe is. Whatever water coming down that side of Chick Coop hill I will call it went there to what was an estuary. There are documents denying non tribal development in the 70s right where the Jamestown north campus is. That is where the previous 3 percent grade and lower flows where..
The Blyn culvert, does not give salmon access to the actual previous spawning ground, it merely diverts the creek away from the North Campus. Salmon are not going to fight up the Chicken Coop road grade and reach the traditional spawn grounds we were told were in 1970's. The "science says that hill is too steep and the flows are too strong..
The Blyn culvert and new channel are built to divert stormwater away from the North campus, not to provide access to a spawning ground.
The "culvert decision" was not made to channel water around developments in marshes and estuaries. It was made to provide access to spawning grounds.
You cant get state and federal grants and lie about what your using them for.
Its a lie. We have been driving by a lie.
There are many examples on the trail of culvert tears.
The low point was established during the 2003 flood through there. It would be next to impossible for any historic estuary and salt water marsh not to have started where the long house is. I see that spot as the lowest spot where the water pooled up in 2003. Chicken Coop road creek and Dean creek were permanently mitigated to protect tribal development where historic restoration was supposed to take place.
Dang...too bad facts don't matter AT ALL in political agendas.
This is why history is replete with destructive revolutions which always play right back into the hands of the 'problem, reaction, solution people...or should I say 'beings' as some may not be human.
'We gotta get outta this place, if it's the last thing we ever do!'
Surely the CCCs also discussed how to grow living wage businesses so that CC and it's inhabitants can prosper. I missed that part in your run down. It would make me feel better to know that there's a plan to keep the county solvent, and that our Commissioners are on top of this.
That might be another "inappropriate" discussion. It's so hard to keep track of what is appropriate and inappropriate.
Wielding Ozias' elected position to shut down a gravel pit near his house, having clandestine meetings to arrange for a campaign supporter to have $125K worth of electric gates paid for by the taxpayers, and shuffling decisions off to Ozias' NGO to make decisions outside the public view are all "appropriate."
Asking details about who pays the lodging tax, and if those who don't ever plan to, is "inappropriate."
Well, I was thinking that no one need ask because they surely have a plan they're will to share with the citizens they represent. Maybe I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue (Airplane throwback quote), but I'm hopeful they are doing more than shuffling money to a self-serving, non-PRA required entity.
An appreciation for your ombudsman services to our community. I hereby give you a 20% salary increase ;). Happy to not be a Cascadia customer. This country's entire relationship with treaty tribes must be re-evaluated. Jamestown and Elwha members are friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. They are not "Indians", as they have to ancestral history with India. Some have genetic markers connecting them to residents that lived here prior to European colonization. Those impacted by treaties and the treaty authors no longer live. If sovereignty for bloodlines connected to indigenous peoples must exist then passports and passport services should be required for non-tribal access to sovereign land and/or businesses just like any other sovereign nation. This charade of separate countries within a country is both impractical and discriminant. Let the B.I.A. do something useful and establish a fair and equitable path for treaty tribe members to become U.S.A. citizens with no more or no less rights or entitlements. We would then no longer need a B.I.A. to fund or need to endlessly debate the inequities of inequality.
I'm still doing the math, but I'm really excited about the raise!
Heck; we really want to keep you on, so let's make it 25%.
President Calvin Coolidge signed legislation into law in the 1920's making tribe members US citizens. As I see it, at that point they ceased to be a sovereign nation and became sovereign people just like the rest of us; no more, no less. They should be living under the same laws as we are.
I was really hoping for better results from the Commissioners meeting yesterday. Hearing Ozias' answers to the aforementioned questions was deflating my Happy New Year balloon. As difficult as it is to sit there and listen to all the approvals for all of the spending and all of the tax and fee increases, I will continue to attend meetings and comment, comment, comment. Jeff, you showed your in-depth knowledge and fighting spirit yesterday. Your questions and comments put the Commissioners in the spotlight and made the public sit up and notice. Thank you!! And good luck Monday. I'll be there!
We were firing on all cylinders yesterday!
Excellent journalism! Digging deep, exposing waste and abuse! Tribe does not pay anything for Clallam County Sheriff services. $$$ comes from US taxpayers via Bureau of Indian Affairs while tribes make millions in profits from their businesses. Time for a change at next election of a Clallam County Commissioner. Thank you Clallam County Watchdog!!
You're welcome, Dan!
Make that commissioner(s).
We need a RECALL of all 3, not wait for the catastrophe to unfold further.
Where there is a will, there is a way!
It's working for them... so there is proof it can work!
Tired of suffering their evils!
Ok, then start the recall process! I’ll sign your petition
Next one up is district one Mark O. Tell your friends tell your family continue the conversation out in the community. We have to get him out.
I was incorrect. Mike French is next up for re-election
Snowballs chance, when there are no other candidates to run against him.
Then don’t bitch. That’s a defeatist attitude. We have to at least try. Look around you, who do you know or do business with that might be interested or a good candidate? The current commissioner worked at the Sequim Food bank. Who can common sense people in this county get behind? You must know some people.
By all means, share your plan. I just think it has to be more powerful than the JST picking a useful idiot to carry their water, who benefits from their political and financial sway, and props him up in front of the voters.
Subscriber Robert wasn't able to post this interesting video from YouTube about Ayn Rand:
Thanks for sharing.
The fight is on. Freight corridor or bust.
Starting the 13th of January, the legislators are going to get an earful from me. This time I can kill the federal flow. Leveraging that has been used will now be opposite of the greenie trend.
My federal leveraging pursuits will start a couple of weeks later when the new agency heads take over. For instance, Trump isnt a rubber stamp for these federal highway funds being used on complete streets and everywhere.
They lied about the culverts. First they said all the water upstream ran too fast for spawning, then to make the culvert suit work that where they claim most of the spawning is done.
They can't just keep running from all their lies anymore.
They never put any of the stuff they are doing now in any federal grant work plan.
In 1991, they told us most spawning takes place in flat "meandering zones" because the water flow (CFS) was required to be slowed down and that meandering had to be created. See Jimmycomelately. Then they installed an upper meandering zone on the Elwha (See the old Altair trailhead and above) because tribal developments prevented meandering down below even though the area is prone to forced flow riffles and turbulence. The developments also prevented estuary restoration. In Dungeness they scattered salmon hotels on land by Towne Road they alleged was contaminated. The culvert decision is based on a lie the spawning areas are all up in the high flow upper levels...while they pile salmon hotels up in the lower part. I have saved all the 1991 and 2003 stuff. That's why they cant respond to all the different policy positions.
So, the logs,(salmon hotels) were typically found in the upper levels where the water ran strong enough to fell them naturally. Down below the water is not capable of that. If it were like "natural" forest policy, they just let the salmon hotels happen. Instead they play Ciscoe Morris and spend millions to create a man made spawning ground... But they leave out the salmon bed scour that the logs create when they are washed downstream. Nothing they have done is consistent with their previous policy positions, so it should be no surprise that their current polices don't actually work and have endangered fish populations. They think they are this salmon god that can jump from policy position to policy position on paper and not have to be held to a position. Thats why they work in NGO's..they can put the public on ignore and write snide emails to each other..
“We are working on setting up a work session conversation, another public conversation, with the Jamestown Tribe - Seems the commissioners can find resources to meet with Jamestown Tribe but not enough to meet with us non tribal community. I wonder if the commissioners will ask that toll booths be installed at the roundabout to help pay for the Christmas lighting.
Excellent point!
We should be able to extend hwy 3 and 101 to the coast for the same reason Eisenhower was able to create a freeways system, National Defense.
Do not be surprised if it happens🫣
Don't give the miscreants more ideas!🤣
They have been so determined to build this. Even though they say the sea level is going to rise..I am so sick of their lies. Bring on the new feds.
We here just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of the great folks who are fighting the good fight against the rampant corruption that is going in our community~! You intelligent great American Patriots who are willing to take the time to monitor the slick shysters who are preying upon the people in our community do make a HUGE difference. It is because of you that "we" have been able to shine a spotlight on their hidden agendas and underhanded dealings that go on behind all of their close door meetings, and that certainly puts these criminals on notice that they are being closely watched, and their social engineering games will definitely be remembered and recorded~! Our local governments nasty habit of conducting closed door meetings and literally "plotting" in secret behind the backs of the residents of our community, is in fact criminal, strictly unconstitutional, often times treasonous, and always deeply offensive to those of us who demand total transparency in government. We are due open "book" accounting disclosures, so we know exactly where and how our money is being spent, and definitely full election audits to be sure that those in elected positions are legitimately in those positions~! This "mail in vote" only state of Washington has resulted in too many highly questionable incidents of election tampering over the years, and we must keep in mind that any fraudulently "elected" official then, in turn, appoints a great many other dubious Individuals that carry out these secret agendas without the ability of the local residents to have any say in things that affect them most~! Thank you Jeff Tozzer and ALL of those who are doing their most important duty as Americans~! Sincerely, Mike
You are to thank as well, Michael. It's officially an "us" thing now.
And it is my honor to be in such good company~! ;-)
In a nutshell Michael.🥸
Thank you for your gracious comment, Robert~!
I know that there are those who see my comments as somehow negative and/or unfair, but they are absolutely dead wrong~! It gives me no pleasure to make the unpleasant observations that I relate, but "we" are in an extremely unpleasant matrix where criminals are attracted to many government and private sector positions to specifically commit their nefarious crimes by taking advantage of our (Americas) society. As an old well experienced & dedicated American Constitutionalist I am always on guard and watching the backs of ALL Americans, so it is actually my sworn duty to be ahead of the curve. I was very young when I confirmed that there was no official "non-government" organization that was monitoring what the governmental throughout America was actually doing, so that is precisely where American Constitutionalists are needed first and foremost. I suspect that you appreciate exactly what I am saying Robert~! Have a great 2025 and stay safe, but enjoy the great & positive changes to come ;-) Sincerely, Mike
I wish the elwha would do whatever they are going to do with that lot downtown. I guess i understand a want to increase tourism. I feel like when towns depend on tourism they just create bunch of minimum wage jobs. I wish we could increase more industry. Like although I am not a big fan of Amazon, I want to reject modernity in a rebellious way, it would have brought some decent jobs. That being said, as long as they hire locally. That will not be happening though. Anyway, logging will probably not pick back up because of climate change or whatever. But also if we increase tourism we need more places to stay. My family comes to visit and the prices are ridiculous and there are not many options. Lots of hotels are sketchy. And air bnb prices are so high. I also prefer prioritizing citizens before tourists.
I met Hal, and it was the highlight of my day yesterday. Thanks for saying something Hal!
Yes so good to meet you too Jeff!!!!
Tourism and GRANTS...the direct road to communism and hell.
Its a tourism industry for a limited biker /hiker population. Its a joke. Ed Bowen is right. I wish he were wrong but he is not.
A legitimate freight corridor would change things for everybody. The entire Peninsula is a park they want to be served by a complete streets corridor .....its madness.
Good point
COVID shut down the hotel industry. Many turned to immigrant shelters.
Its a bad investment. Plus isn't there sea level rise??
The lockdowns, which extended to two years, economically depressed the hotel industry. Never again allow lockdowns to be imposed by an imperialistic jester!
The lockdowns also depressed the restaurant industry. Eateries in Clallam County were forced to close while, just down the road in Blyn, a casino and restaurants were doing lots of business. Not because the virus didn't transmit in Blyn, but because it was in a different nation with different rules.
The deeper you dig into this issue, the more troubling questions arise. I was unaware that tribe-owned hotels are exempt from paying lodging taxes — yet another example of anticompetitive practices that disadvantage private businesses. Our largest employer, Olympic Medical Center (OMC), already faces significant financial pressures and struggles to retain doctors at least partially due to competition from Jamestown. This pattern likely extends to private gas stations, construction firms and excavation businesses that must compete on an uneven playing field with tribal enterprises. Now, I’ve learned that even in tourism — one of the few local industries showing growth — tribal hotels, both existing and future developments in Blyn and Port Angeles, will also avoid paying lodging taxes.
Adding to the frustration, federal taxpayer dollars are funding the demolition of a fully operational, non-tribal hotel, further tilting the scales. The cumulative effect of these policies is deeply troubling, and the more I examine it, the more Machiavellian it appears — a complex web where US taxpayers fuel tribal advantages, leaving local businesses at an ever-increasing disadvantage. All I ask for is better transparency on the US government’s benefits afforded to the tribe and a better understanding when these advantages reach a point where they may overly exploit. The FTC is supposed to fight monopolies in businesses, yet we don’t seem to care on a local level. We need to be more careful to not enable and allow government funded sovereign entities to dictate our futures and hurt private companies.
Hey Barney guys. SERN got an estuary restoration grant to restore a traditional historic estuary. Instead they constructed a whole new estuary that never existed before in order to better develop tribal properties. That's all kind of grant fraud and misuse.
Now the Blyn diversion culvert under the guise of salmon spawning recovery.
The lies just keep coming.
I got a treaty ..I can "heal a broken relationship."
And SERN is fiscally managed by the Jamestown Tribe.
I had to edit the original post to reflect my research yesterday. The flood in 2004 was using the old Blyn road as a tributary that could have easily flooded the North Campus.
Lets do a mock trial on the fish culvert right after Blyn. I will refer to it as the Chicken Coop Road culvert.
Using the history of the "science" in that region I will start by saying the previous "spawning area" for Chicken Coop Road would actually be where the north campus of the Jamestown tribe is. Whatever water coming down that side of Chick Coop hill I will call it went there to what was an estuary. There are documents denying non tribal development in the 70s right where the Jamestown north campus is. That is where the previous 3 percent grade and lower flows where..
The Blyn culvert, does not give salmon access to the actual previous spawning ground, it merely diverts the creek away from the North Campus. Salmon are not going to fight up the Chicken Coop road grade and reach the traditional spawn grounds we were told were in 1970's. The "science says that hill is too steep and the flows are too strong..
The Blyn culvert and new channel are built to divert stormwater away from the North campus, not to provide access to a spawning ground.
The "culvert decision" was not made to channel water around developments in marshes and estuaries. It was made to provide access to spawning grounds.
You cant get state and federal grants and lie about what your using them for.
Its a lie. We have been driving by a lie.
There are many examples on the trail of culvert tears.
Count 1
Estuary restoration grant fraud.
They built in an estuary they were supposed to restore..
Count 2
Culvert grant fraud
They built a stormwater diversion culvert for the north Jamestown campus under the guise of restoring salmon habitat they developed over..
This could be proven by looking at old maps and aerial photos, right?
The low point was established during the 2003 flood through there. It would be next to impossible for any historic estuary and salt water marsh not to have started where the long house is. I see that spot as the lowest spot where the water pooled up in 2003. Chicken Coop road creek and Dean creek were permanently mitigated to protect tribal development where historic restoration was supposed to take place.
Dang...too bad facts don't matter AT ALL in political agendas.
This is why history is replete with destructive revolutions which always play right back into the hands of the 'problem, reaction, solution people...or should I say 'beings' as some may not be human.
'We gotta get outta this place, if it's the last thing we ever do!'
'We gotta find a better life for me and you!'😀
Surely the CCCs also discussed how to grow living wage businesses so that CC and it's inhabitants can prosper. I missed that part in your run down. It would make me feel better to know that there's a plan to keep the county solvent, and that our Commissioners are on top of this.
That might be another "inappropriate" discussion. It's so hard to keep track of what is appropriate and inappropriate.
Wielding Ozias' elected position to shut down a gravel pit near his house, having clandestine meetings to arrange for a campaign supporter to have $125K worth of electric gates paid for by the taxpayers, and shuffling decisions off to Ozias' NGO to make decisions outside the public view are all "appropriate."
Asking details about who pays the lodging tax, and if those who don't ever plan to, is "inappropriate."
Well, I was thinking that no one need ask because they surely have a plan they're will to share with the citizens they represent. Maybe I picked a bad day to quit sniffing glue (Airplane throwback quote), but I'm hopeful they are doing more than shuffling money to a self-serving, non-PRA required entity.
The manure doest floweth around my boots...
Thank you for the Charter Review meeting link!
You're welcome!
Everyone should read it. It contains valuable information about the Sunshine law and Public Records Act (PRA). Educate yourself.